《The Summoned - Complete》Book Two - The Summoned: Rise of the Demon Lord Announcement.


Hi All,

First of all, I wanted to say a huge thank you for the support, constructive criticism, ideas and most, for being such an awesome reader base.

Just a small update that I am planning to start releasing The Summoned: Rise of the Demon Lord early to mid-2018.

If you would like to keep up to date, be able to start reading two weeks before anyone else or just show your support, please have a look at my Patreon page.

My goal before the kick off is to finish off my other works (BOM: bk1, TFH and OH) so I can get back to quicker releases and really focus on the story. This does mean that there will be quite large gaps between books as I round robin them, but when that looks like it will become an issue, I will update Patreon accordingly.

Thanks for reading and the awesome support.

Thanks for your support!

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