《Mythical Conquest》Individual Death Matches 1st Round


Robin forced Leon to released his grip on his face, when they entered a remote rural area.

He took a leap back to create space between the two of them.

“It's really rude to grab someone's face, you know.”

Said Robin.

“It's ruder to try and hit on someone's wife right in front of them.”

Robin shrugged and gave off a mischievous aura.

“I was just joking back there. I meant no harm.”

“Men have died for less. You of all people should know that.”

Leon watched Robin with a vigilant eye.

“Human Blade, Robin. A rank A criminal wanted for approximately 73 murders, and the former #1 hitman of the underworld. You disappeared three years ago after killing a high class noble, and now you reappeared following a 8 year old girl?”

“Ain't life funny?”

Robin said, while laughing.

“But you know Leon Saevio, that 8 year old girl will shake the world's core one day.”

Robin expression suddenly soften.

“Lulu may be young, but she's far smarter than am I. And she's by far, the kindest person I've ever met.”

Robin remember the day he was death’s door, after returning from a dangerous job. His body was heavily injured, as it laid in the streets of Robber’s Den.

When everyone else passed him while his blood was being washed away by the rain, a little girl no more than five was the one who saved his life. She shed tears for a total stranger, and told him to live. That was something that no one, not even his parents, ever told him.

He who killed too much, was cursed everywhere he went, so it was naturally for him be scorned. But surprisingly, even after learning about his sins that little girl still didn't wish to see his death.

She told him, who was fed up with life, that if he needed a reason to live then become her strength. If he can't change his way of life, then kill only for her sake; that way she'll be able to share his sins with him.

How could he not be moved?

“Lulu is like a sister to me, and as her brother I want to make her wishes come true. Naturally, that means that I'll remove any obstacle in her way.”

Leon watched as Robin’s skin harden and change to a black luster color. This was [Armored Skin]; but Robin’s version was a bit different.

His skin didn't just harden; it also had a sharp look, like a naked blade.

“So you're saying that my son must die, for your little sister’s sake?”

“That's right.”

“Don't fuck around.”

Leon glared at Robin and took out a pair of fingerless gloves from his pocket. He put them on and fasten them to his hands.

“In my eyes, you guys are a nuisance to my family. Hence the one who should die are you.”

He cracked his fingers, and crimson aura surrounded his body.

“I originally planned to turned you in and collect the reward, but I've changed my mind.”

He pointed at the ground and spoke with a cold tone-

“I'll make this spot your grave.”

Robin narrowed his eyes and smirked.

“Big words coming from an unwanted noble!”

The two moved at the same time.

Leon summoned earth in his palm, and made it take the form of a giant hammer.

He jumped in the air and swung it down. Robin intercept with a fist.


The impact from the hammer hitting Robin’s fist, made the ground underneath him burst open; but Robin himself didn't budge.


Leon leaped back, and rush at him with the hammer again.

He swung it and Robin swung his leg.


Leon swung started swinging the hammer like a madman. Robin kept intercepting it his punches and kicks.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

With every clash, the earth was further destroyed.


Leon quickly got fed up of swinging a hammer and threw it away.

He turned his arms and legs into steel, and instantly coated them with lightning.

He sprinted forward without caring about Robin’s sharp skin.

He threw a punch. Robin block it with his arm, and countered with a kick.

Leon stooped under it and headbutt him under the chin. Robin stumbled back, and Leon chased after him, and threw another lightning clad fist.

But he was kneed in the face before it landed.

Robin then swung his hand across Leon’s chest, and caused a large cut to appear on his skin.


Leon groaned as blood sprayed from his wound.

Robin didn’t let up. He slammed his fist in Leon's stomach and bore through his skin.

He then slammed both palms in his chest. Numerous cuts appeared on Leon's chest while he was blown away.

“Damn it!”

Leon forcibly twisted his body to decreased his body momentum, and firmly landed on his feet.

“You must be pretty stupid to try and fight me barehanded. I'm literally a human blade you know.”

Robin stood in place and stared at Leon with ridicule.

“I was just trying something. I guess it didn't work.”

Leon ripped off his sliced up shirt and revealed his cut up skin. He then put one arm forward, and pulled the other back.

“Royal Corps Battle Arts..!”

Robin watch in surprised as Leon's muscles became noticeably bigger and firmer.

Leon took a stepped forward and disappeared, before instantly appearing beside Robin.

Before Robin could react, Leon kicked him in the side.



He was blown away coughing up blood.

He slammed into a tree and broke through it. It didn't stop at one. He broke through at least a dozen trees before he was able to stop.

“….That hurt like hell. What kind of strength is that?”

Robin stood up, and was about to take a step when-

“Heads up!”

Leon popped up in front of him, and hit him with a broken tree.


He was sent flying again and bounced off the ground a few times, until Leon used the tree like a pole and ram it on top of him like he was trying to replant it.



The ground cracked and Robin was forced into the earth.

Leon jumped up into the air, and created a spear out of lightning, and threw down on Robin.

“[Thunder Spear]!”


The lightning caused the tree and the ground to explode.

Leon landed back on the ground and stared in Robin's direction, that was covered with smoke for a while.


It was that moment that Robin stepped out the smoke with dent up body and tattered clothes.

“I'm seriously pissed off right now!”

His blade like skin returned to normal, and his body was instead covered with a yellow light.

“Cutting you up isn't enough anymore; I won't be satisfied unless every part of you turns into dust!”

The yellow light coming from his body got several times more intense.

And then-


The entire area where the two were fighting was destroyed in an instant.


*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

On a river bank, an incredible high speed battle was taking place.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Sora rushed forward, while desperately dodging numerous blades of wind that were summoned by Aya.

“[Twin Twister!]”

At this point, two giant tornadoes fell on Sora and tried to tear him apart.

“[Sonic Cannon!]”

A burst of compressed sound ripped apart one of the tornadoes, and allowed Sora to escaped.

“[Serpent Twister!]”

However, he was immediately attacked by a giant snake made of wind. The giant snake twisters moved to devour Sora.

“[4th Tempo].”

But his body disappeared before he did.

The twister instead collided into a large boulder and reduced it to dust.

Sora popped up in front of Aya and thrust both hands forward.


“[Air Wall]!”


Two invisible forces clashed and blew the two backwards.

They both quickly regained their footing, and charge at each other again.

“[Sonic Lance]!”


Sora created a lance out of sound and clashed with a destructive storm.


He was blown away with several of his organs receiving serious damage.

Even though he was able to exchange blows with her, Aya was still a [Class] above him. So he had the disadvantage.

“Cough. Cough….Is it too late to apologize for teasing you earlier?”



Sora was blown into the river.

He floated in the water with his body aching all over.

“A simple ‘Yes’ could’ve suffice….”

He was in a very bad situation.

Aya was a wind magic specialist, and wind magic specialists are sensitive to movements in the air around them; which meant that she'll be able to tell when Sora was close to her. In other words, he can't capitalize on the main advantage of sound magic, which is the ability to sneak attack. So he can only have a head to head fight with someone who was stronger than him.

“[Serpent Twister!]”

While Sora was thinking that, a snake shaped twister tried to devour him.


Water splashed everywhere as he escaped on the land.

He rushed towards Aya and snapped his fingers.


Numerous loud sounds swept across the area, and caused rocks shatter, trees to explode, and rough waves to form in the river.

Aya suddenly found herself being blown away, while spitting blood.


A strong gust appeared behind her, and stopped her in the air. Aya started floating while looking down on Sora.

“….You're pretty strong for a kid.”

“You're too kind. I'm barely holding my ground.”

“Even so, you're extremely talented. You'll sure to reach [A Class] or higher when you're my age.”

“That's if I get to live that long, right?”

Even when his body was beaten up, Sora was still able to smile mischievously.

“That's right. If you live pass today.”

Aya clapped her hands together, and huge twister was formed around her body. Seeing the twister, gave Sora an ominous feeling.

The twister suddenly split up into numerous disks, that were like mini-hurricanes.

“[Hurricane Disks]!”

Aya thrust her hand forward, and all of the disks immediately charged towards Sora.

“Shit! [7th Tempo]!”

A disk slammed into the spot Sora standing before he disappeared.


A large crater was formed as the ground was ripped apart by the violent winds.

Sora who reappeared a few dozen meters away from, turned pale when he saw how much destructive power the disks had.

But he couldn't relax for second, because the remaining disks were chasing him down.

He moved away as fast as he could.

He popped up in front of a tree, a disk immediately destroyed all the of trees in a hundred meter radius.

He popped up over the river, a maelstrom was formed the moment a disk hit it.

He aimed for Aya, but was immediately surround by several disks, that collided into each other.


A huge explosion of winds blew away everything in the area, leaving Aya alone to looking down on the destruction she caused.

“….I don't understand. You're so talented, so why are you so intent on dying for that boy?”

She looked down at Sora whose body was bloody beyond recognition. He was breathing heavily and looked like he could collapse at any moment.

“No normal [C Class] would be able to block that attack, much less a kid like you. It would really be a huge loss to the kingdom, if you to die here.”

“Then could you kindly let me go?”

Sora still had a mischievous smile on his face despite his current state.

“No can do.”

“I thought so.”

The reason why Sora had survived Aya’s attack was because he used [Sound Barrier], which was a shield made out of compressed sound and was harder than steel. If it wasn't for that, he would've undoubtedly been ripped to shreds.

“Let me ask you a question, Aya.”

“What is it?”

“Why are you guys following Luka?”

“Because Luka is the girl who will change this corrupt kingdom.”

“Change the kingdom? Then she also wants to take the throne?”

“Also? That boy is also after the throne?”

Sora nodded.

“Then that makes him even more threatening to Luka.”

The wind started focusing around Aya again.

“Luka alone must take the throne, no one else.”

“Is that so? In my eyes Gamiko would make a more interesting King.”

Sora forced his body to walk forward.

“Well, it's not up to us commoners to decide who will become king or queen. But I do know that I can't let you leave here and join up with Luka.”

“That's not your choice.”

“Really? I think it is.”

It was then Aya notice a change in the atmosphere surrounding Sora.

“You see Gamiko is the only one of us who can actually cook. If he dies we'll be stuck eating fast food again.”

As he finished saying those words, tears stared flowing from his eyes.

Aya was shocked when she saw that.

But it wasn't the tears that shocked her.What shock Aya was the color of the tears.

They were black.

Streams of black liquid flowed down Sora's cheeks.

“Say, Aya. Do you know the story of Orpheus?”

Aya didn't answer, she just dumbfoundedly stared at Sora, who looked like he was dimming.

“He was the son of the Olympian Sun God, Apollo, who was also the God of music and poetry. His mother was Calliope, the muse of epic poetry. Oh, the muses were nine goddess that resided over songs, science, and liberal arts by the way.”

His skin paled and turn ash white.

“As one would expect, Orpheus was born with a heavenly talent for music and storytelling; and could move the hearts of man, beasts, spirits, and even gods.”

His bright blue eyes dulled, as if it was sky that suddenly became overcast.

“He was loved and praised by all, and lived a happy life filled adventure. He even married a beautiful wife.”

His hair lost its vibrant blonde color, and almost looked gray.

“However, his life was soon filled with sorrow. You see his wife was bitten by a snake and died, when fleeing from an admirer. Orpheus joyful songs that moved the hearts of all living things, soon became so depressing that even the heavens wept for his lose.”

His body started oozing a dark gloomy aura , which made anyone who look at him feel unimaginable sorrow.

“The gods, unable to bear seeing him like that gave him a chance to regain his beloved wife. Orpheus went down to the underworld where he sung songs of sorrow that made the gloomy underworld even gloomier. His tune caused everyone to weep; he even Hades himself, he couldn't bear it anymore gave him back his wife. However, Hades gave her back with the condition that Orpheus mustn't look back at her on their journey back to world of the living. Unfortunately, on their way back, Orpheus became impatient and forgot the deal with Hades, and turned back to check if his wife was still following him.”

The black tears flowed twice as hard from his eyes until a puddle formed under his feet.

“When his eyes met with his beloved, she instantly vanished like smoke and died a second time. He tried to reclaim her again but failed. The heartbroken Orpheus, then lived an unhappy life singing sorrowful tones that made all who heard them weep.”

The blood all over his body also turned black and increased his dreadful appearance.

“In the end, he was rip to pieces by a group of drunken women who failed in their attempt to receive his love.”

Sora slowly walked towards Aya and said-

“Sad isn't it?”

The current Sora didn't resemble the living at all; he looked like a mourning soul that desperately escaped from Hades’ grasp.

He looked up at Aya and showed a handsome yet sorrowful smile, with his arm spread wide.

“This is my ultimate technique inspired by the life of that pitiful musician.”

The howling of the dead resounded through the area.

“I call it…”

Fear filled Aya's heart, as she looked at the personification of sorrow in front of her.

“[Requiem De Orpheus].”

About a few dozen miles away.

Ace and Ana were having a battle of magic inside a forest.


“W-What the hell is up with this guy?!”

Ana was jumping from tree to tree while firing lightning arrows from a silver bow in her hand.

She was desperately trying to outrun a pack of stone wolves chasing after her.

“Hey, hey. What's with the running? You're a [Class] above me, aren't you?”

Said Ace, who was sitting on top a giant stone wolf with a throne on its back.

He was in his [Magician Character], so he had a staff in his hand.

“Shut up! You're using some kind of strange magic! This whole forest is under your control!”

At the beginning of their fight, Ace enter his [Magician Character] and poured most of his magic into control his surroundings. From the moment he did that, it's been an uphill battle for Ana.

No matter how much enemies she destroyed, the forest was always spurting out more.

She couldn't even stay on the ground too long, because hands made of dirt might come and grab her feet. The trees also attack her whenever she let her guard down. That's why she was trying to escape the forest.

“Tsk! I've have enough of this!”

Ana suddenly came to a stop and point her bow up into the air. Some ancient looking symbols appeared on it and started glowing.

“[Lightning Arrow: Grand Formation]!”

A bolt of lightning shot from bow and lit up the sky.

When Ace looked up, the entire sky was covered with lightning arrows, that were falling down towards him.


He tapped the stone wolf’s back, and made him and the throne sink into the wolf like quicksand.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

In an instant, the entire forest was leveled destroying everything that was in it.


Ana silently pull the bow string again and released it.

A strong gust of wind then swept over the forest and extinguish the flames.


At this moment, Ace burst out the ash covered ground. His magician robe was burnt and his staff was practically destroyed.

“I-I thought I was going to die! That bow is no joke!”

He said while breathing and sweating heavily.

He looked at Ana, who was still hiding her facial features under the hood.

“[Magician] against an elf was probably a bad idea. You guys have the best control over elemental magic, after all.”


Ace words greatly shocked Ana and made her speechless

“When you shot the lightning bolt into the sky, I was able to glimpse into your hood. As a big game fan, there's no way I'll mistake those pointy ears. Not to mention your small physique and your use of magic runes on your weapon. Those are all trademarks of the elf race.”

Ana’s body trembled with anger as she removed her hood. And it was just as Ace expected. A beautiful face with blond hair and pointy ears. She was an elf.

“Since you know what I am, I'll really have to kill you!”

Ana’s voice was filled with killing intent as she glared at Ace.

“Is that so?”

However, Ace stayed nonchalant.

“But this is just perfect. An elf is the best opponent for me to test out the full extent of my [Characters].”

Saying so, a green light covered Ace’s body and change his appearance.

“[Character Change: Archer]!”

When the light disappeared, Ace appeared wearing a close fitted sleeveless top, baggy pants, and sandals. It was as if his entire outfit screamed “lightness”.

Ace sudden transformation caused Ana to be confused. As an elf she was born with the ability to see magic particles, and naturally knew how to read them. But the magic particles surrounding Ace were too strange; and didn't seem to belong to any category of magic she's familiar with.

“Now that I think about, isn't challenging an elf to a bow and arrow fight a bad idea?....Hm, what the heck. Let's see how it turns out.”

Ace was nonchalant as ever.

However, Ana was still puzzled about the type of magic he was using. She was especially curious as to why all of Ace’s magic was concentrated at his head, instead of his entire body like everyone else.

Ace stretched his hand to the side and a bow made of green light appeared.

Ace quickly leaped back, pulled the bow, and fired an arrow made of green light at Ana.

Ana snapped out of her daze, quickly pulled her bow, and returned fire.

*Boom!* *Boom!*

The two arrows collided a caused a huge explosion.

Ace recklessly rushed through the explosion and released three arrows at once.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Ana leaped back into the air and fired an arrow made of ice. The arrow then changed shaped and turned into a giant wolf.

“[Ice Arrow: Wolf Formation]!”

Ace fired dozens of arrows at the approaching ice wolf, but none seem to stopped its advance. He then shouted.

“[Weapon Boost]!”

The bow immediately doubled in size. Ace pulled it back and fired a 6ft long arrow. The arrow rip the wolf in two and headed towards Ana, while ripping the ground it flew over apart.

The ancient runes on the bow glow vigorously, and a small cyclone formed in front of the bow.

“[Cyclone Arrow]!”

She released the bow and a powerful blast of wind like a tornado collided with the 6ft arrow.


The force from the collision blew the two, several hundred meters away, and created a huge crater between them.

Even when being blown away the two didn't stopping firing arrows.

Several of them clashed against each other; while the others hit their targets.



A fire arrow hit Ace in the stomach, and blew him away further. He was then assaulted by a lightning arrow, an ice arrow, an earth arrow, etc.. Various type of arrow exploded on his body and made his blood dance in the air.

But Ana wasn't any better. Arrows assaulted her everywhere and destroyed several parts of her clothes; and stained her skin with blood.

She gritted her teeth and directed the bow in Ace’s direction.

“[Flame Arrow: Phoenix Formation]!”


She fired an arrow that turned into a giant flaming bird that sets everything it passes was set ablaze.

Ace who just stood up from being hit with an earth arrow, didn't have enough time react properly.

So he was forced to try and jump out of the way.


He was engulfed by the flames and was being burnt to a fatal degree.

He clenched his teeth and roared as he pulled the bow.

“[Finisher: Dragon Shot!]”


A green dragon flew from bow and burst through the flames.


The dragon roared and sank his fangs into the bird and ripped it to shreds. With a mournful screech, the bird disappeared.

The dragon then turned its sights on Ana and rushed towards her.

Seeing the dragon approaching, Ana gripped the bow and the runes on it moved as if it was alive.

“Change modes!”

Listening to Ana's commanded, the bow turned into a huge glaive.

Ana roared and swung down the glaive, and a blinding light slashed down and split the dragon right down the middle.

Even after dividing the dragon, the slash continued to cut its way through the ground and headed towards Ace.

He was forced to jump to the side.

But the moment he did, Ana was right in front of him swinging the glaive.

“[Defense Boost]!”

His body was instantly covered by a thick green glow. The glaive slammed directly on it.


A sound like glass breaking reached his ears as his body was sent flying.


A huge amount of blood spurt from his mouth, and his body bounced off the ground.

He then used the momentum to roll to his feet, and fired 5 arrows on rapid succession.

However, Ana swung the glaive and easily destroyed them. She then began to chase him.

Ace fired more arrows while continuously leaping backwards.

It wasn't long before he found himself with his back against a cliff.


Ana swung down the glaive, that had all its runes glowing, and a giant arc of lightning rushed towards the cornered Ace.

“[Leg Boost]!”

Ace’s legs glowed green, and he jumped around 50ft up into the air. He then drew the bow as hard as he could.

“[Special Move: A Thousand Falling Arrows!]”

He released the bow and countless arrows rained down on Ana.

“[Cyclone Formation]!”

The runes glowed vigorously as Ana lift the glaive over head and spun it.

A cyclone shot towards the arrows and intercept them.


A large explosion separate the both of them even further.

Ace flipped and landed on his feet.

“….This is really bad. [Archer] isn't enough.”

He looked at Ana who was spinning her glaive while glaring at him, and made the decision to use the strongest character he can currently use.

“[Character Change: Swordsman]!”

A silver light devoured Ace and changed his appearance.

He appeared wearing a red robe, a black pants, a pair black gauntlets, and short sword on his waist.

“He changed again?”

“I'm not done yet. [Level Up]!”

Ana watched in shock as Ace’s body started drawing the surrounding magic inside it.


Ana could feel Ace’s magic power growing at a rapid pace.

It was quickly approaching [B Class] level.


Ace held his hand out and a crimson sword appeared in his hand.

“Nothing is impossible for a gamer equip with cheats.”

The moment he held the sword, Ace’s [Class] jumped to [Lower B Class].

The same [Class] as Ana.

Ace smiled mischievously, and pointed his sword at Ana.

“Come. Let's see if you're a Boss, or just a mob character.”

Meanwhile, on the other side of the cliff, a few miles away.

The surrounding area was filled with broken trees and boulders. All of which looked like they were smashed by a giant bear claw.

In such a place, a middle aged man looked down a preteen girl with an indifferent expression.

“….I told you that you all should've come at once.”

He spoke to the girl who leaned on a broken stump. He pulled out the knives that were sticking in his chest.

“Well, you did good for a little girl.”

He spoke to Hina, who had a large claw slash across her chest.

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