《Mythical Conquest》The Battle Begins: Fate Vs Gamiko's Group!


“It's like that. So Luka and I are at war for a little bit.”

Miko sat in the entertainment room, and told everyone what happened between him and Luka the day before, with a nonchalant tone.

“...You don't seem like someone who's at war.”

Said Sora.

“I don't? Well, maybe I'm just good at hiding my insecurities.”

Miko answered with a smile.

“I think you need to take this seriously, Mikky. According to your father, Luka is a very dangerous person. Is it okay to just leave her to attack you whenever she's ready?”

“I know how dangerous Luka can be. There's no need to worry, Hina. If push comes to shove, I can just use the technique I spent over a year creating. This is the perfect chance to give it a field test, after all.”

“…I don't really like that technique of yours, Mikky.”

“I agree with Hina. That technique is amazing, but you're too dangerous when you use it.”

Said Sora.

“Really? I think it's awesome! He turns into this dominant force, like a raging storm. I wish I could learn it.”

Said Ace.

“The issue isn't the power, it's the personality changes that comes with it. He's too cruel and inhuman when using it. There's also the chance that he'll kill us too whenever he uses it.”

“The cruelty is apart of the reason why it's so frightening. I think it's necessary.”

“Now, now. There's no need to argue.”

Miko intervened the two's argument.

“How about this? I’ll only use it, if I have no other choice. A last resort. That should be alright with everyone.”

“…I guess so.”

The trio unanimously agreed to Miko's suggestion. In the end, Miko was the one who decides when to use his abilities; they couldn't tell him what to do anyway.

Miko stood up from his seat and move towards the exit.

“Mikky, where are you going?”

“I'm going to inform my family of my future altercations with Luka, and make sure they're on alert.”

“Then we'll come with you.”


Meanwhile, in Robber’s Den.

Luka who was dressed in a suit, was on the second floor of her headquarters, looking down on her comrades that numbered nearly a hundred.

“As most of you should already know, I've recently encountered a fellow Proxy who goes by the name Gamiko Dragna. You should also know that he's the grandson of the [Tyrant] Nero, and nephew of another [Tyrant], Nova. However, yesterday I found out that, he was also the Proxy of this kingdom’s Guardian Goddess, Tiamat.”

Luka's words caused an uproar among her comrades.

“Someone like that is too dangerous!”

Someone shouted.

“I agree. And that's why I'm declaring him a target for elimination.”

“But what about the Dragna Clan?”

A woman asked.

“We’ve confirmed that Gamiko isn't officially apart of the Dragna, and also doesn't have their support. So we don't have to worry about them.”

The one who answered was Robin, who stood beside Luka also in a suit.

He wasn't the only standing beside her, there were four others who were also all dressed in black suits.

A girl in her late teens, that was wearing striped muffler around her neck.

A middle age man with lion designed eyepatch.

A silver haired boy with an unfocused look in his pale green eyes.

A slim built girl, who had hood on, that was attached to her suit.

“We also believe that the Dragna Clan doesn't know that he's Tiamat’s Proxy. Otherwise, they wouldn't have allowed him to roam free and get constantly get into dangerous situations, like the one with Darius.”


Said the girl wearing the hood.

The anxious members finally started to calm down after hearing those words.

“However, that doesn't mean that it will be an easy mission. Because of that, only us six will come in direct contact with Gamiko and his group, since we're the main combatants in Fate.”

Said Luka.

“Wait, Luka. Do you and that boy really have to try to kill each other?”

The one who said that was the girl named Milia.

“Yes. Even though I know that he did it to provoke me, he still threaten to kill you all. I can't forgive him for that. He wants a fight, so I'll give him a fight.”

“…I see. Then be careful. Even I know that he's your biggest threat from the information I heard from everyone.”

“Thanks for your concern, Milia.”

Luka said with a smile. She then scanned her comrades faces with her eyes again. She put on a stern expression, and spoke.

“The target is Gamiko Dragna the Third, he must be killed. Failure is unacceptable!”

“You and Luka are at war?!”

The one who shouted was Leon.

Just like he said, Miko went to alert his family of his current situation.

“Miko, I told you to be careful around her; and you went and started a war with her.”

“What did you expect? I'm in my rebellious phase, so telling me not to do something will make me want to do it even more.”

Miko's words gave Leon a headache.

Rebellious Phase? As far as Leon's concerned, Miko has always been in a rebellious phase. In fact his entire existence was like a rebellion.

“…Maybe I didn't make clear enough last time. Fate isn't like a group of kids who wants to play gangsters. They're more like a private army or a covert organization. They shouldn't be underestimated.”

“I'm not underestimating Luka and her friends. In fact, I think highly of them. That's why I picked a fight with them.”

Miko said with an innocent smile.

“The name Gamiko really fits you perfectly. You say the same things as my father and brother.”

Said Sasha, who was leaning back in her chair.

“By the way, whose Proxy is Luka?”

“The dragon that eats its own tail, and symbolizes infinity, Ouroboros.”

Sasha's face twitch when she heard that.

“How more alike can you three be?”

“What do you mean?”

“The Proxy that my father and brother killed, that belong to the beast faction in order to become [Tyrants], were Ouroboros’. They both killed Ouroboros’ Proxies on two different occasions. And now you're going to fight a proxy of Ouroboros as well? I'm starting think Tiamat and Ouroboros hate each other.”

“Actually, Tiamat says they're good friends.”

“Your friend’s descendants keeps killing your proxies…..Ouroboros must have a big heart to still be friends with her even after all that.”

It was at this moment, that Miko noticed something odd about Sasha’s behavior.

“I'm surprised that you're not telling me not to fight Luka.”

Normally, one would expect Sasha to be the first one to object to Miko picking a fight with Luka, but she was unexpectedly calm.

“Hm? Ah, I knew that you were you going to pick a fight with her eventually. You're a Proxy after all; and its in your nature to want to fight other proxies. However, that doesn't mean that I approve of it; but I still won't pester you. It would be meaningless after all. Besides, if I believe it's too dangerous, I'll just intervene like a mother should.”


“…I see. That's quite mature of you.”

“Stop that. Being called mature by my son feels embarrassing.”

It was at this time, that a chilling gaze swept over everyone in the room.


Everyone who felt it quickly got to there feet. The gaze was filled with so much hostility that it was stifling.

Leon and Sasha grabbed the twins, and escaped from the house along with Miko and the others.

The moment they left the yard, they saw the house being frozen before finally crumbling down.

“Our house!”

Seeing their house suddenly being destroyed, Leon and Sasha were stunned.

“…That was a warning shot from Luka. She alerted us with her presence and gave us time to escape the line of fire. She most likely did it, to prevent the twins from getting hurt.”

Miko explained calmly.

“Warning shot?! Destroying my home is a warning shot?!”

Sasha was different from Miko. She was fuming. Her eyes even changed color from anger.

She pointed to east and shouted.

“Come out, you little brat! And answer for my house!”

Everyone looked at where she pointed at, and saw six persons emerging from a large shadow.

It was Luka and five others.

Luka stepped forward with a smile.

“I'm sorry for the house, but as I'm currently at war with your son I think you'll understand.”

“Like hell I would!”

Sasha was so angry that she wanted to attack Luka. The only reason she didn't, was because of the five people behind her.

The people behind Luka were all [B Classes]

“….This is bad. Really bad.”

Said Hina.

“What an extravagant group you have there, Luka. It can't be that they're all here to kill little old me?”

Miko stepped towards Luka and spoke with a smile.

“Of course not. I'm going to kill you myself. They're here to prevent anyone from interfering.”

“So that's how it is.”

Miko looked at the five people behind Luka with a smile.

(Your current form won't be able to take them all on your own. So unless you're going to change forms, I advice you to find a way out this.)

“I know.”

Miko stretched his hand out to Luka.

“How about a proposition?”

“…What is it?”

“I know the reason you chose to attack now, was because I'm out of the city. You're probably afraid to draw Dario's attention, right?”

Luka didn't say anything.

“Then how about this? You have six people and I have six people. We'll divided up and scatter to have individual fights in unpopulated areas. This should prevent Dario from noticing our actions.”

Miko's suggestion was reasonable. If they all fought at one place, it would sure to draw more unwanted attention then they needed. However, Luka knew what Miko was doing.

If they go through with the one on one fights, the chances of Miko's group survival will rise.

Miko's group weren't prepared for a group battle, and preparations were crucial in group fights. Even if both groups strength were equal, the level of preparation each group had, could be what decides the winner.

Miko's group not only lack preparation, but they also lacked the strength to directly clash with Luka's group.

However, if it was individual battles that allowed a lot more freedom, there's a chance that they could turn the tables with a single moment. It was a slim chance, but it was still better than getting slaughtered by Fate’s practiced teamwork.

“Fine. If you want individual fights, then so be it.”

Miko smiled and turned towards the others.

“Sorry for getting you guys involved, but could you guys help me out a bit?”

“Sigh. They're all a [Class] higher than us you know? First Darius, then this. Fine, but you're cooking all our favorite meals when this over.”

Sora answered, while put on his headphones.

“If they plan on hurt Mikky, then they're my enemy. And I won't show my enemies any mercy.”

Hina's eyes had a dangerous glint.

“I had some new moves I wanted to test anyway.”

Ace, whose [Boost Player] made him fearlessly in the face of death, was excited.

“That's the Human Blade, Robin; as well as Black Claw, Saika. They're both Class A criminals like Luka. If I catch them, I'll get a huge bonus!”

Leon's eyes narrowed as he stared at Robin and the middle aged man, Saika.

“They destroyed my house! I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't release my anger on them!”

Sasha was ready to go from the beginning.

“Then there you have it.”

Luka nodded and spoke.

“Then you can pick who you all want to fight. Not that it makes a difference.”

“Then Robin, let's go! You're bounty is the highest. After I'm done with you then I'll collect Saika’s bounty as well.”

Leon was first to choose his opponent. He was clearly thinking about money.

“Eh~. I prefer to hang out with your hot wife though-”

“Shut up, and let's go.”

Leon suddenly appeared before Robin and grabbed his face with one hand.

He kicked off the ground and dragged Robin away with a speed no one could react to.

The scene of Leon gripping Robin’s face while disappearing in the distance, made cold sweat run down the back of Luka. If he wanted to, he could've killed her right there, instead of going after Robin.

This made her put up her guard again.

“Since Leon took that one then I'll take my pick.”

Sasha stepped out and pointed at the silver haired boy.

“You. You're the most dangerous one of the remaining four, so I'll take you on.”


The boy said nothing and only stared at Sasha. Luka then spoke to him.

“Remi, could you fight her for me?”

The boy’s eyes, then focused for the first as he nodded.

“…If that's Luka wants.”

“Thanks as always, Remi.”

Remi stepped out and approach Sasha.

“Wait! I need to do some about my kids first.”

Saying so, Sasha looked around a little as if searching for something. And then-

“Hey! Come out already! Do I really need to call you out for you to protect my children?! Do what would happen to you if they had somehow gotten hurt because of your neglect?!”

Everyone were confused about Sasha's sudden shouts. That's when three figures dressed in black and wearing blank masks, literally appeared out of nowhere.

“Forgive our insolences, Princess.”

The three bowed and spoke in unison.

“Don't call me that.”

Sasha spoke to them coldly, and stooped down in front the twins.

“Tessa. Tristan. I want you two to go with these three men. Don't worry, they won't hurt you. Mommy will come pick you up, with daddy and your brother later, okay?”

The twins nodded slowly, and reluctantly went beside the men.

Sasha then glared at the men, and spoke with a very cold voice.

“They are to be brought into the city, where you will stay with them until I call for you again. If you dare bring back to the Clan, I'll have my mother erase you and your families. Got it?”

“As you wish.”

The men bowed again before disappearing in a blink of an eye.

The entire occurrence made everyone froze in shock.

They were actually people from the Dragna Clan watching everything from a far. Not even Miko and Luka, who had superhuman senses, could sense them. They couldn't even feel their presence when they were in front them.

It was like they were there, but at the same time not there. Almost like ghosts.

“Nightwalker, let's go.”

Remi then followed Sasha silently without a change in expression. It wasn't too long before the two were out of sight.


Miko repeated Sasha's words then realized who the boy she left with was.

“Then my turn.”

Hina pointed at the middle age man.

“Saika, was it? You give off a dangerous vibe, so I'm picking you.”

Miko noticed that Hina's eyes were currently gold. She was trying to observe every single detail about the man.

“I don't really care. As long as I get to fight then all of you can come at once.”

“I said I'm picking you. I'm more than enough, so stop complaining old man and let's go.”

Saika shrugged at Hina's threatening tone and quietly left with her.

“Two girls, huh. Then I'll have the one in hood. She looks cool.”

Said Ace.

“Cool? You're choosing her because of something like that?”

Asked Sora

“What? She doesn't look cool?”

“No, the hood on the suit does look awesome; but I think the one with the muffler looks cuter.”

“Cuter? You fail to see the appeal of the hood. Doesn't her mysterious aura attract you? I mean don't you want to know the reason she's wearing a hood?”

“I don't.”

“Where's your love for romance?!”

“The one in the muffler is hotter, case close.”

“Will you two shut up! You're going to fight them, not date them!”

Luka shouted.

“Look! You're even embarrassing Ana and Aya!”

Anyone could see that the girls were feeling a bit uncomfortable from being a subject of debate between the boys.

“See, you can't even see her bashful expression because of the hood! That's such a waste!

However, Ace and Sora didn't seem to care, as they spoke without restraint.

“Can't you appreciate the appeal of a woman hiding a part of her body? It's all about imagination!”

“Ha! At least I won't have to imagine how cute a girl looks, hiding her blushing face behind her muffler! And as you can see its hella cute!”

“Alright, alright. They'll explode if you tease them anymore than that.”

Gamiko then suddenly intervene.

“I guess you're right.”

“Teasing them too much would be bad, right?”

The two looked at the girls with mischievous smiles.

They immediately realized that they're were being made fun of, and got extremely angry.

“A girl’s angry expression is pretty cute by itself, isn’t it?”

Gamiko said, and the two nodded.

Ace then left with the girl with the hood, Ana; and Sora left with the girl with the muffler, Aya. Thus leaving Miko alone with Luka.

“In the end we still got played around by you.”

Luka said with obvious scorn.

“Hey, don't say it like that. You make it sound like I'm the bad guy.”

“Because you are.”

“Yeah, I guess you're right.”

Miko started laughing.

Luka clicked her tongue out of annoyance.

“Let's change locations. I know the best place for us to go all out.”

A pair of wings made out of purple aura appeared on Miko's back. He flopped them to lift himself off the ground.

“Be sure to follow closely.”

He used his wings to fly across the sky.

Luka stood on the ground and watched him closely.

“Those wings looks convenient.”

A black aura suddenly covered her body, and then condense around her back in the form of wings.

She used those wings to follow Miko.

Seeing this, Miko-

“Did she just learn how to do that without any practice? And just from seeing it once?....No, that's impossible. She must've done it before. I'm sure that's it.”

He was shocked to be copied by Luka.

It took Miko months to master how to fly using his [Dragon Rage] aura. So he refused to believe that someone could learn it after seeing it once, that would be too ridiculous. That's what he told himself.

It wasn't long before the two of them were near the mountains. Miko brought them to a field near a forest. There wasn't any sign of lodging anywhere near there.

Which means they won't have to worry about any bystanders.

“Then shall we begin?”

Miko removed his jacket and threw one side.


Luka also took off her jacket, was left with an undershirt on.

The two took a fighting stance and glared at each other.



They rushed towards each other, and began their fight.

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