《Mythical Conquest》The Two Dragons


Hina and the others watched as Miko and Luka passionately stared at each other.

However, those passionate stares didn't last over ten seconds. A look of confusion and alert was displayed soon after.

“Who are you?”

Miko asked.

“That's my question.”

Luka answered. They were both on their guards.

‘Tiamat, what just happened to me? Why did I feel so attracted to this girl?’

(That's your dragon natures interacting with each other. Think of it as a sign of acknowledgement.)

‘Dragon natures? Then she's?’

Miko noticed a change on Luka’s face. She looked shocked and more alert than before.

(A dragon Proxy. Just like you.)

Tiamat's words were like a land mine for Miko. He knew that he'll eventually run into other Proxies, but he never to expect one to appear in front of him so soon. And it was a Dragon Proxy too.

‘Which dragon is she a Proxy for? Fafnir? Gong Gong? Azi Dahaka? Vritra? There are countless dragons in mythology.’

(Why don't you ask the girl in front of you. I'm sure her Proxy is telling her to do the samething.)

Miko and Luka stared each other for awhile. A tense atmosphere formed between them.

Hina and the boys noticed this atmosphere and became alert.

It was then Miko took a step forward. Luka furrowed her eyebrows when she saw that, and also took a step forward.

It wasn’t long before the two stood with only less than a meter between them.



They stared at each other for a while, before lifting their hands at the same time.

“My name’s Gamiko. Yours?”


“Nice to meet you, Luka.”

“Back at you.”

The two casually shook each other hands, and introduced themselves.

But that was it. They didn't say anymore, and just stared into the other eyes while still grasping their hands.

This lasted for a while.

And then-


A blast of raw magic power burst from their bodies and clashed against each other.


Hina and the others had to distance themselves, when a wave of magic swept across the tavern and destroy the wooden floors.

The clash of magic caused a twister to form around Miko and Luka.

Fire clashed with ice. Lightning was devoured by darkness.

This was the scene that they clearly saw developing around the two.

The twister gradually grew and spread throughout the whole tavern.

Some parts became frozen.

Some parts were set ablaze.

Some parts were engulf with darkness.

Some parts were bursting with electricity.

With two children standing in the middle of this scene, everything gave the feeling of an abstract painting.

This scene lasted for nearly a minute before the two released the other’s hand.

When they did, their untamed magic disappeared instantly; leaving the tavern completely destroyed.

Everyone stared at Miko and Luka with widen eyes. They couldn't believe two kids who weren't even 10 yet, could display such power.

They could only see them as monsters.

As for the two-

“....I see. I'm stronger.”

Luka said with an interested face.

“Seems that way.”

Miko answered with a bit of bitterness and excitement.

“Will you tell me, whose Proxy are you?”

Luka asked.

Miko shook his head.

“If I reveal my [Parent’s] identity, it might give you an idea of my abilities. That's a risk I can't take.”

Miko smiled and said-

“That's the same for you too right?”

“…Yes. My [Parent’s] identity is a bit special even among the Higher Beings, so revealing their identity would cause me too much trouble.”


“What a coincidence. My [Parent] is a special existence too.”

At this time, the both of them became even more alert.

When Proxies confronts each other, it would be ideal to know their [Parent God’s] identity beforehand. That way you can make preparations in order to counter their [Divine Abilities].

As various Higher Beings possessed unusual and frightening abilities, it was natural for their Proxies to also possess them.

That's why facing an unknown proxy was extremely dangerous. Compared to a normal opponent, their hidden abilities could prove to be even more dangerous. Worst case scenario, they unleashed their power in the most unpredictable way or timing, and completely catch you off guard; you'll be at their mercy unless your power can counteract theirs.

This was reason why Luka mention that her Proxy was a special existence. She wanted to frighten Miko and gauge his reaction.

If he panicked, his [Parent God] wasn't a big deal, however if he remained calm his [Parent God] could be a threat.

Miko realized what Luka was doing and remained calm. He didn't let a hint of anxiety show on his face. He calmly declare his [Parent’s Identity] as a special one as well. Because of that, she couldn't tell if he was bluffing or telling the truth.

It was a simply mind game between the two. Along with the clash of raw magic, they did earlier, the two now had an idea of each other’s mental and magical abilities.

And their impression was the same.

This person is dangerous!

Their caution of each other increased with every minute; because of that, they won't stupidly pick a fight with the other just like that.

“I see. Then I'll take my leave.”

Luka’s body suddenly began sinking in her shadow, like she was standing in quicksand. It was the same for several of Slick’s prized possessions that were blown about.

“Until we meet again.”

With that she completely disappeared in the shadow. The shadow then disappeared as well.

Miko was left staring blankly at the spot Luka just stood. He's never seen someone leave like that. The one who came the closest was Marco, who also seemed to use a similar type of magic.


Hina and the others ran up to Miko when they saw that Luka left.

“Are you alright? What's was that all about?”

Hina asked.

“I'm fine.”

“Gamiko, who was that girl?”

Ace asked.

Miko looked around and saw that the scene was getting more crowded.

“Let's move from here. I'll tell you everything I know then.”

Around a hour later, Miko and others returned home and gathered in the entertainment room.

“That girl, Luka, do you know her?”

Hina asked Miko with a complex expression.

“No, I met for the first time today.”

“Really? You two looked really intimate at one point.”

“Yeah, I thought that she was a friend or family member.”

“No. We're total strangers.”

Miko answered Ace and Sora's questions. And then paused. He looked like he was pondering something before finally continuing.

“The reason why we looked intimate was because our dragon natures were calling out to each other.”

“Dragon nature? What do you mean?”

Hina asked.

“She's a Proxy like me.”


The trio was shocked to hear Miko's words.

“A Proxy?! There's another Proxy in the kingdom?!”

Hina shouted.

“Whose Proxy is she?”

Sora asked.

“I don't know. Tiamat said she was a dragon Proxy, but nothing else about her [Parent God].”

Miko answered with a frown.


“So what are you going to do now?”

“I'm going home for a bit.”


Hina and others were confused by what Miko said.

“By home, do you mean your parents home?”

Ace asked.

“That's right. My mother and siblings should be worried right now. Plus I need to warn them about something.”

Miko stood up from his seat and walked towards the door. He then stopped and look back.

“You guys wanna come?”


Hina and others also left their seats, and like that they all went to Miko's home in the country.

At the same time, Robber’s Den.

Luka stood in front of an old apartment building, with a complex look on her face.

“Father, can't you tell me the identity of that Gamiko kid’s [Parent]?”

(I told it's not that simple, Lulu.)

A gentle male voice resounded in Luka’s mind. It was the voice of her [Parent God].

“Are their identities really so special?”

(That's right. In a sense more special then my own.)

“Is that even possible? How can there exist another dragon that can compare to you?”

(….Are you afraid?)

“…No. It's just that, that boy makes me nervous. I don't know why, but I feel like it's dangerous to get closer to him.”


“Why did you suddenly go silent, Father?”

(Lulu, I agree with your judgement, but for a different reason than you think.)

“What do you mean?”

(Nothing. Forget it.)

Luka was confused by her “Father’s” strange words.

At that moment, she saw the girl called Milia came out of the apartment.

“Luka, you're back!”

Milia ran up and hugged Luka, with a relieved expression.

“I was worried! I thought that you might've gotten injured!”

“Hehehe. You worry too much, Milia. I'm not that weak. Besides, I promised you that I would get your money back. So even if I was injured, or even lost an arm I wouldn't mind.”

Milia looked up at Luka when she said that.

“I told you, you don't need to go so far someone like me, Luka! I'm not worth risking your life for.”

Luka laughed at Milia’s frighten expression.

“What are you talking about? You're my friend and I love you, so it's only natural that I risk my life for you.”

Luka faced suddenly turned serious, and she light chopped Milia on the top of her head.

“And what do you mean ‘someone like me’ and ‘not worthy’? I've told you over and over again, you need to value yourself more.”

“B-But, I'm a nobody…ow!”

She looked up at Luka with teary eyes, after she chopped her again. Luka was angry.

“What do you mean you're a nobody?! You're Milia, my friend! To me that alone proves that you're somebody special!”

Luka grabbed Milia’s shoulders and stared in her eyes.

“Listen, when I take Dario's head, destroy the nobles, and become this country's queen, you won't be able to say that you're nobody special; that's because I'll make you somebody special!”

Luka clenched her teeth as unpleasant memories resurface in her mind.

“I swore this on my name as Luka Flameheart!”

Milia looked at Luka with tears falling from her eyes. She was moved by Luka’s compassion and loyalty towards her.

She truly felt unworthy.

Luka released her grip on Milia’s shoulders and waved her right.

A large sack then shot out her shadow like a bullet.

She caught it and gave it to Milia.

“Here. This is money I received after selling all of Slick’s belongings.”

Milia took the bag, and was surprised when she saw the contents inside.

“H-How many coins are in here?”

She asked with a trembling voice.

“78 gold, 85 silver, and 10 copper.”

Just to note: 100 Copper = 1 Silver, 100 Silver = 1 Gold, 1000 Gold = 1 Note.

This was the currency worldwide.

The average middle class family earns 50 gold a year. So for Milia who is from a poor family, 78 Gold could feed them for at least 3 years if they're conservative.

“S-S-Slick, only stole five pieces of silver from me.”

“True. But he stole from and taunted a friend. The price for that is immeasurable.”

Luka spoke with a hint of anger.

“Did you kill him?”


Luka answered with indifference.

“I-I see.”

Luka could see a hint of regret in Milia’s eyes. She frowned and said-

“Slick was a scumbag. Even if I didn't kill him, someone would've eventually. So there's no need to feel bad.”

“…I guess you're right.”

“Of course, I am. Hurry, and go back inside now. I need to meet with the others.”

Milia nodded and quickly turned around to leave.

“Thank you again, Luka. I love you!”

Luka laughed as she watched Milia enter her home.

“Say hi to your mom for me!”

Milia smile at her and closed the door.


Luka stared at the door seriously for a few seconds, before walking away.

(Are you still angry at Slick?)

“Yeah. I know that he's dead, but I still can't forgive him for stealing from Milia.”

Luka gritted her teeth.

“What if she had struggled and he had hurt her?”

(Thank goodness he didn't, because who knows what you would've done.)

“You make it sound like I'm a maniac, who can't control her emotions.”

(Well, you can be a bit unreasonable when your loved ones are involved.)

“That's because hurting them is equivalent to hurting me, and I won't allow those who hurt me to get away.”

(…Are you talking about Dario Dragna and the Flameheart Clan?)

“Of course.”

Luka’s red eyes shone a dangerous light.

“I'll never forgive them for what they did to me. I'll definitely slaughter them all, even if I have to slaughter innocents to do it.”

(Sigh. My daughter, your hatred is justified; however, if you continue down this path you'll lose the little humanity you possess.)

“Well, I am my father’s daughter.”

Luka said proudly.

(Sigh. I understand. I won't try and persuade you any longer.)


It wasn't long before Luka arrived in front of an old abandon warehouse.

She walked and entered through the front door.


“Welcome back, leader!”

“Welcome back!”

Upon entering the warehouse, Luka was greeted by numerous energetic voices.

She looked in front of her, and saw a couple dozen faces. Their ages range from preteen to people in their latter years.

They all look at Luka with reverence and affection.

Luka looked around the room and saw several weapons ranging from swords to Anti-Proxy Rifles. There were also a lot of computers and monitors.

Luka smiled and look at all of her friend’s faces.

“I'm back, everyone.”

Luka Flameheart, a Proxy who bears a grudge against Dario and the Flameheart Clan. She is also the leader of the secret organization, known in the underworld for their accuracy in completing dirty jobs, Fate.

This dangerous girl seeks the throne just like Miko.

“I need you guys to find every information on anyone with the name Gamiko.”

Luka smiled.

“Every bit of information possible.”

Two Proxies. One throne.

Who will take the throne?

No, can they even take it?

The two will soon know the answers to these questions.

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