《Mythical Conquest》Inner Struggle
Pure jet black darkness. That was all Miko could see around him.
He stood motionlessly in this dark world, where he couldn't tell the ground from the sky. His eyes were clouded and lacked focus. It was like he was a doll without a soul.
It was at that moment, that a crimson light was born in the dark world.
The light grew brighter and gradual chased away the darkness.
The light then suddenly condense, and took the form of a giant crimson beast. The beast opened its mouth, and showed its large fangs, and spoke.
“Hehehe, arrogant mortal. This is the result of using a power that is beyond you. You're soul is now mines for the taking.”
The crimson beast raised his terrifying claws over Miko.
“Curse your ancestors for their insolence towards this King.”
The swung his claws down to rip Miko into pieces.
“Lowly Demon! Whose child do you think you're bearing your claws at?! Know your place!”
Before the claws could reach Miko, a new voice echoed in the dark world. The beast’s claws were repelled by a barrier of blue light, which suddenly formed around Miko.
“Who is it?! Who is it that dares to call this King of hell, a lowly demon?!”
The demon roared angrily.
“Know who you raise your vulgar voice at, Lowly Demon.”
The blue barrier disappeared, and Miko’s body started emitting a golden light. The light separated itself from Miko, and took the form of a majestic Azure and Gold dragon.
“....Tiamat, huh. You were the one who disturbed this King?”
“What King? You're nothing but a low wisp of a long dead Demon King. You're no longer worthy of such a title.”
Tiamat spoke to the beast with scorn in her voice.
“Wisp? Hahahaha! Even if I'm just a residue, I am still a King. Show respect, Dragon Goddess.”
“Ha! I show respect only to beings on the same level as me.”
The dragon and the beast stared each other down.
It was at this moment that light returned to Miko’s eyes. He opened and closed his eyes a few times, and looked at the scene in front him.
“…..A giant lizard and a giant cat are having a stare off? I'm pretty sure I've read a story book with something similar, when I was a kid.”
“Why is that the first thing that comes out your mouth, after seeing this scene?”
Said Tiamat.
“Hey, Tiamat. What's going on here? Where am I? And what is that ugly cat?”
“Ugly cat?! You bastard! You dare refer to this King as a ugly cat?! You deserve punishment!”
Following the beast’s roar, thick black chains burst out of the darkness, and wrapped itself around Miko’s limbs and neck.
“What the hell is this?!”
Miko struggled to free himself, but the more he struggled the tighter the chains wrapped around him.
“Hahaha! Tiamat, you called me a wisp, and that may be true! But in this domain, I who has devoured half of this soul, is almost omnipotent! And you who is nothing but a parasite, is inferior to me in every way!”
The beast continued to laugh as Miko became more tangled in chains.
“I see! So this place is my soul, and that is the legendary demon that the Saevio Clan slain!”
“That's right. He's currently attempting to take your body, and reincarnate in the world once more. However, your body, soul, and existence only belongs to me! No way I'll let a lowly wisp take what is mines!”
Tiamat suddenly charge at the beast and sunk her fangs in its neck.
“Guaaaaah! Tiamat, you damn woman! You dare harm this King?!”
The beast dug it's claws into Tiamat's flesh and pushed her away.
His body then started releasing an ominous red glow. Immediately after, a giant ball of crimson energy was formed in the air.
The ball flew towards Tiamat. She spread her wings and flew up to dodge it.
A large explosion spread through the darkness, and the entire world started to crack.
The dark world then shattered like glass, and a new scene replaced it.
It was a place with no land, just an endless sea and a sky filled with millions of crimson stars. There were also several moons and planets hovering over the sea. They looked so close, that it made one believe that they could build a tower and reach them.
It was a mysterious sight.
Seeing it made Miko remember something he heard about before.
“In our souls exist a vast universe, that stretches for eternity. This universe is our subconsciousness, it signifies that there's no end to how much we can learn. Inside this universe are countless stars and planets, and each one represents a part of our identity.”
Miko didn't remember where he heard it, but he think it has something to do with Buddhism or Taoism.
“Then what is this sea?”
He said, while looking at the sea he was standing on.
An explosive sound interrupted Miko’s thoughts.
He looked, and saw Tiamat and the beast battling in the vast universe. No matter how far they went or where they flew, he could still them clearly. It was as if he could see every inch of the universe, without even trying.
Tiamat released a golden flame from her mouth. The beast dodged it, and ran along the air as if there was a road. He slash his claws at Tiamat's face.
“Ugh! Bastard!”
Tiamat’s blood flew in the air, and turned into monsters; they flew at the beast.
“This is nothing!”
Two crimson balls appeared on the beast back. A destructive crimson light was then fired towards the monsters.
The monsters were instantly annihilated.
Seeing that, Tiamat growled and her body started emitting a violent azure and gold aura.
“Is that [Dragon Rage]?!”
Miko’s shouted out in shock.
The world trembled because of Tiamat's mighty roar. Several crimson planets and stars exploded. What replaced them were golden stars and planets.
Tiamat's presence suddenly became more terrifying.
She rushed towards the beast and blew him away with a headbutt.
She suddenly disappeared and reappeared beside the beast. She swung her claws and slice open the beast's chest.
“Guaah! Damn you, Tiamat!”
The beast roared and swung its claws. But Tiamat caught it's arm with her fangs, and bit off.
Tiamat wasn't done. She wrapped her tail around the beast, and flung him into a red planet. She then rushed forward, and rammed him through the planet.
Blood flew from the beast's mouth. But Tiamat continued her brutal assault and continuously bit, slashed, and pound him until he was covered in his own blood.
“What the hell? Why did she suddenly become stronger?”
Said Miko.
He knew that Tiamat should be weaker than the beast, that's because this place was his soul, and the beast already taken over half of it.
It was then that he noticed something. The number of crimson planets and stars were decreasing, and were being replaced by gold ones.
“Wait, if the planets and stars are what makes up my identity, then does that mean that crimson ones were the parts of my identity that the beast devoured?”
He looked again at the golden planets.
“Then does that mean that the gold ones are the parts of my identity that are associate withTiamat? If that's the case then, the one who possesses majority of the planets will be the stronger one?"
Miko looked back up and saw Tiamat blew the beast away with a kick.
“Argh! Damn you, Tiamat! Don't you dare look down on one of the four great kings of hell!”
Following the beast's roar, a violent vortex of crimson energy started swirling around him.
He then doubled in size, regrew his lost arm, grew bat-like wings, and was covered in a black and crimson armor.
A black ball formed in his mouth; and a second later, a giant pillar of light flew towards Tiamat.
She dodged, but countless golden planets were instantly vaporized.
Tiamat clicked her tongue, and made a giant blackhole appear behind her.
From there a giant monster with a bull’s head and a man’s body appeared. Following behind him was a horde of monsters. From dragons to scorpion men to sea monsters.
Every monster that had tormented the minds of man for millenniums, charge out of the blackhole, and towards the beast.
“Get out of my sight, insects!”
A gold and crimson gate suddenly appeared in front of the beast.
“Crush them my 85 legions!”
The gate swung opened, and thousands of demons rushed out and clashed with monsters.
*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*
Countless planets were destroyed and changed colors. They continuously switch between crimson and gold; and before they knew it the universe was equally divided.
One half gold, the other half crimson.
Miko who was chained in place, watch this believable spectacle with his mouth wide open.
“This…This is what a fight between higher beings looks like. I can see why the world was destroyed so many times…”
It was then a thought occurred him.
“Wait, those planets are parts of my identity, right? But now that I think about it, there isn't a single star or planet that isn't gold or crimson…”
The universe which represents Miko's soul was equally divided by Tiamat's and the beast's colors. There were no others.
“Then doesn't that mean that my identity has been completely devoured by them?!”
Miko started struggle to break himself free once again.
“Screw that! If this goes on, my identity will disappear, and I'll become one those bastards puppet!”
He put all of his strength in his limbs, but he couldn't break free of the chains.
“Break damn it! Like hell I’m becoming someone's puppet again! To hell with that! My days as a product are over!”
At that moment, Miko suddenly felt like he was sinking.
When he looked down, his feet that was standing on the sea, was sinking underwater.
“Wha?! What the hell is this?!”
He struggled even harder than before, but it was no use. Miko was sinking with a fast pace.
“Shit! Shit! Shit! Like hell I can accept this! Are you telling me that I can only become a puppet not matter how many times I'm reborn?! Fuck that!”
It wasn't long before he was neck deep underwater.
“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!”
While raging, Miko was fully submerged underwater.
He immediately lost the ability to move and speak. He just silently sunk deeper in the sea.
After awhile, he could see nothing but darkness around him.
It was then he heard a voice.
“Leon, look this is our baby boy.”
He looked to the side and saw something like a projection.
It showed a purple haired girl, who was sweating and breathing heavily. It was Sasha Dragna, Miko's current mother.
“Here, Leon. Hold him.”
The face of a Crimson haired youth was shown. It was Miko's father Leon.
Miko remember this. It was the day he was reborn in this world.
“He's beautiful. As expected of our son.”
Leon then showed a troubled expression.
“But is it me, or is he glaring at us?”
“No way. It's probably because he was just born.”
The projection faded and a new one appeared.
“Look Miko. These are your little brother and sister. Go on, say hello.”
He saw Sasha holding two newborn babies. They were his siblings Kristen and Tessa.
Miko also remembered this day. It was the day his siblings were born.
Miko immediately realized that this sea was showing him his memories; which meant that this sea represents his past experiences.
Projections continued to play in front of Miko's eyes. They all showed his memories.
The first day he learned magic. The first time he was able to speak. The first time he left his home. The time robbers broke into his home. His fight with Leon. Him leaving his home behind. His first meeting with Hina. His first meeting with Ace and Sora. Even the recent memory of his battle with Darius.
The sea showed him countless memories from his time in this world. And then-
“Logan, if you want to be accepted as a member of this family, then you must at least know this much.”
Miko turned his head and saw a scene from his previous life. It was the time his father started to reject him.
“You can't even solve such a simple equation?! And dare call yourself a Cross?!”
He saw the memory of when his mother hit him for the first time.
“What, you're crying again, Logan?”
“It's because he's always disappointing mother and father.”
“I'm disappointed too. You're already five, but you still can't even solve a simple quadratic equation? How embarrassing.”
“He can't name all the bones in the body either. Hahaha, what a disgrace!”
It showed him when his elder siblings mocked and abused him.
“Argh! I've had it! I've lost all hope in you! I'm sending you to the branch families! You are no longer a son of mine!”
It showed him when his father disown him.
“Father! Mother! Please, I'll try harder! Please don't send me away!”
“Silence! Our God hates incompetent disciples! As such you're a failure, and don't deserve to call yourself a servant of God! You're a failed disciple, Logan!”
It showed him the day he was banished from his home.
“Hi there, I'm Andre. From now on I'll be your new father. And these are your new siblings. Everyone say ‘Welcome, Logan!’l
“Welcome, Logan!”
It showed him the day he received a family for the first time in his life.
“Logan, let's play!”
“Logan, I heard that you're from the main family! How was it there?! Did you meet God?!”
It showed him the times he played with his new siblings.
“Listen, children. Even though we aren’t apart of the main family now, we're still important to the project. So no matter what anyone says, you're all children of God. Got it it?”
“Yes, André!”
It showed him the days when he came to know what a true parent should be like.
“We've discovered an error in the holy project! No, this is a contamination! There are people who have broken the holy code, and defied God’s work!”
It showed him the day his life turn into hell.
“This heretic confessed to it all! Because of that we're going to purge the source of it all! Men seize heretics!”
It showed him the day he was exposed to true madness.
“Grandfather! Please tell them to let me go!”
“Purge the contamination no matter who they are!”
“N-No way! Mother! Father! Help me! Sister! Brother!”
“This is God’s will.”
“This God’s will.”
“This God’s will!”
It showed him the day he was laughed at by “God”.
“H-Help! I don't wanna!”
“Oh, God! Save your humble servant!”
“My lord!”
“Why have you abandon us, My Lord?!”
“I Hate!”
“I-I hate God!”
“I hate him!”
“I hate!”
“I hate!”
It showed him the first time felt true hatred and truly lost his mind.
“It's the police! Stop this madness!”
“Don't get in the way of God’s will!”
“How many survivors are there?!”
“Just one!”
“Damn it! If only we were faster, so many people wouldn't have died!”
It showed him the day he was “rescued”.
“How is he?”
“He's finally started talking again, but he eyes sometimes lack focus. Not only that, he tried to commit suicide three times this week, and when we ask him what happened that day, he insists that he doesn't remember. I think it's time we increase his psychiatric sessions.”
“I see. We'll assign assign him a personal guard, and a tutor as well. We need to see if he was getting a proper education.”
“I-I can't believe it! This kid is a genius! I never seen anyone like him before! He's only 8, but can already solve college level physics problems! His future is definitely bright!”
It showed him the day he “awakened”.
“Hello, mother.”
“You were suppose to be my mother! You were suppose to protect me from harm! But instead you tried to kill me! Unforgivable! Kill you! I'll kill everyone of you! And your God too!”
“What are you doing?! Stop! Stop, Logan! Do you plan on turning your back on God?!”
“Say hello to your God for me! Hahahahahaha!”
It showed him…
It showed him….
It showed him….
It showed him….
It showed him….
It showed him….
It showed-
Among the countless planets and stars, Tiamat and the beast were having an intense battle for Miko's soul.
It was at that moment, the universe underwent a sudden change.
The stars vanished. The planets decayed and began to crumble. The sea turned pitch black, and the whole universe started to darken.
“Wha?! Is this your doing Tiamat?!”
The beast was frozen in place because of the sudden change, and asked Tiamat frantically.
However, Tiamat shook her head.
“This isn't my doing. But…”
Tiamat looked at the sea, and saw a whirlpool being formed.
“This is bad. Even I'm feeling chills from this eeriness.”
Tiamat muttered to herself.
At that moment, chains burst out of the ocean and wrapped itself around Tiamat and the beast.
“Ugh?! What the hell?!”
“Who dares tries to chain down this King?!”
“Silence, lowly insect.”
A dread and madding voice resonated in the universe.
Something resembling an arm then flew out of the sea and grabbed the beast.
“Argh?! What the hell is this?!”
Another hand burst out and grabbed Tiamat.
“This is…?!”
It was then, a body so huge that it made the planets look like baseballs, emerge from the sea.
It was jet black, and surrounded by red haze. It had a human shape, but lacked any human features.
Just looking at it could drive even a god insane.
“This is my domain, my universe. So how dare two bugs buzz around so loudly in my land?”
“You're domain? Then you're that mortal?!”
The beast asked.
“No. This is most likely the personification of Logan's insanity . I never thought it would dwell even in his soul.”
Tiamat muttered to herself.
“This is truly his domain. That means he can take any form he wishes. But still….What the hell is that thing?”
“Noisy bugs, are not welcome here. Begone.”
The thing released its hands and more black chains wrapped around Tiamat and the beast.
Seeing that Tiamat-
“He's going to seal his blood traits?! It's dangerous to stay here any longer!”
She turned into golden mist and disappeared.
The beast was left alone wrapped in chains.
A black moon then appeared behind the beast. It fired spears that flew into the beast's body. The spears then retract and dragged the beast to the moon. His body sunk inside, and only the head was left outside.
The beast tried to speak, but black mist covered it's mouth.
The moon then disappeared with the beast, into a blackhole.
The universe then regained its former beauty, and the thing disappeared.
When Miko opened his eyes, he was staring at a familiar ceiling.
He turned his head to the side, and saw a girl sitting in a chair by his bedside. She was wrapped in bandages and had her head down.
It was Hina who seemed to have fell asleep at his bed side.
This scene would normally move a person's heart, but not Miko's. Currently was brewing in his heart was simply madness. However, he didn't allow it to devour him. He steadied his breathing, and slowly regained his composure.
He opened his mouth.
“Tiamat. How long can I resist having my soul taken over?”
(A few years at most, but you'll feel tremendous pressure from the demon in a few months time. So you might lose your soul even before a year. It all depends on your willpower. Oh, you also won't be able to use [War Face])
Tiamat answered Miko in his head.
“A few years, huh. I'll have to figure something out soon.”
Miko lifted his body and sat up.
His entire body was in pain. He looked at his body and saw that he was wrapped in bandages from head to toe.
He also noticed that his right arm was gone.
(It's a good thing that you can use both arms equally.)
“….Tiamat. You were trying to take my soul weren't you?”
(You're mistaking. You're soul already belonged to me. You're my Proxy, our souls are linked. That's why I was able to invade your subconscious. I was just taking back what was mine.)
Miko didn't say anything for a while. He then looked up at the ceiling and said-
“One day I'll take back my soul, and become my own being.”
(I'll gladly await that day.)
Tiamat said while chuckling.
At that time, a sleepy voice entered Miko's ears. He looked to his left and saw that Hina was waking up.
She opened her eyes and drowsily looked at Miko. After a few moments, her eyes focused and her face showed an expression of pleasant surprise.
“Mikky, you're awake!”
Hina jumped on him and hugged him with tears in her eyes.
Miko felt immense pain from the hug, but he bore with it; and gently rubbed Hina's back.
“Sorry for making you worry. I must've been unconscious for awhile.”
“Yes, you were out for 4 days! Half of your body turned black, and you looked like you were in pain. I tried everything I could, but nothing seemed to ease your pain. Just when I thought that you were going to die, your body started glowing gold, and then your skin and hair turned back to normal. You didn't look like you were pain anymore, but you still wasn't waking up. That was two days ago.”
Hina explained everything in a teary voice.
She moved away a little from him, and looked at his body.
“Mikky, how's your body?! Are you still in pain?! What about your arm, will it really grow back?! And what about the demon, did you fight it off?!”
Miko pinched her jaw.
“Ow! What's that for?!”
“Calm down, I'm fine.”
He looked around the room again.
“More importantly, are Sora and Ace okay? They were pretty banged up.”
Hina nodded happily.
“Those two are fine. Even though Sora can't walk for a while, and Ace can't move his arms, they're okay.”
“I see. I'll go visit them later.”
“Okay. I'll go tell them that you're awake. I'll be right back.”
Saying so, Hina left the room in a hurry.
Miko laid back in the bed and spoke.
“The fight with Darius was too close. One misstep could've led to all of our deaths.”
(But don't you love challenges where the odds are stack against you?)
Tiamat responded.
“Well, that's true. However, I don't like the feeling of being at the mercy of your enemy.”
(I understand that feeling, but he was a [Class] above all of you. The fact that you won, was because of your scheme.)
“That's what I'm talking about. After fighting Darius and Leon I've realized something. I love the feeling of a good battle. It's excites me more than anything before. I don't know if it's my dragon blood, or my instincts as a man, but it's a fact.”
(I see. So you want to be able to fight stronger opponents on equal terms?)
“That's right. I thought that if I utilized the martial arts I learned in my past life, I'll be able to put up a good fight. But I was wrong. I lacked the physical strength to do so.”
(Then what are you going to do to make up for that?)
“I'm going to create a technique that will boost my physical abilities to the max.”
(Oh? Do you think you can?)
“It doesn't matter whether I think I can. I need to create one. And one that only I can use.”
(Hahaha! You say some interesting things sometimes. Okay! I'll help you! Let's see what kind of technique you'll be able to create, and how effective it will be!)
Miko smiled provocatively.
“Fine. Just watch and see, Goddess. I'll show you what humans can do when their backs are against the wall.”
Hinami Arc End!
Luka Arc Start!
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MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry
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