《Mythical Conquest》The Man Who Was Called The Mad Nobleman
Twenty seven years ago, a baby was born to one of the most powerful families in the kingdom, the Flameheart Clan. This baby was born with an expression fitting of a king, as such he was named “Darius”.
Young Darius grew up having everything he every wanted thrown at him. Money, power, women; Darius had it all. He didn't have to work for anything. It was a life that made anybody envious.
Darius grew up thinking that it was only natural.
“I'm of the highest class, so it's only natural that the world bows down to me.”
That's what he thought.
But one fateful encounter change Darius's life forever.
“What? Is that it after all that boasting? Heh. Well, aren't you weak.”
The brown haired goddess looked down on Darius as she said that.
Darius had no choice but to look up at her, as he laid battered and bruised on the ground.
This was how Darius encountered the woman called Nami.
It happened one day, when a 15 year old Darius decided to venture down to the Low Class District in search of entertainment. It's something he started to do recently, because he found the Royal and High Class Districts boring.
While on his stroll through the slums, he was hit by a ball some kids were kicking around. The ball that was covered in dirt messed up his white suit.
“A-ah! I'm so sorry! They didn't mean it!”
A woman who looked like the kids mother, came up and apologized to him.
Darius looked at the woman, and stretched his hand out.
“5 gold coins.”
“That's how much the suit costs.”
Darius was asking for compensation, with a bored look on his face.
“I-I'm sorry but I can't afford that…”
“Is that so?”
Darius took a notepad from his breast pocket.
“Your name?”
“I need your name, so that I can have someone come and collect the money you owe at a later date. Oh, your address would be appreciated as well.”
The woman looked at Darius with a frighten look. Anyone could tell from the clothes she was wearing, that she couldn't afford to pay for Darius's clothes.
She searched for help with her eyes, but no one came to her rescue.
No, there was someone.
“Hey, kid. Could you leave it at? Clearly the lady's sorry. Look, even the kids are crying.”
A woman voice came from behind Darius. When he looked behind him, he saw a beautiful pair of pink eyes glaring at him. Darius ignored Nami's glare and spoke.
“And why should I? Isn't it only natural that a parent must pay for their child's sin?”
“The kids were just playing, there's no need to make a big deal out of it.”
“Big deal?”
Darius showed a confused expression after hearing Nami's words.
“This isn't making a big deal. This is.”
Darius created a fireball in his hand and threw at the woman.
“Eh? Uwaaaa!”
The woman screamed and stooped down in fear. She had expected her death but it never came.
When she opened her eyes. A hand was in front of her. Nami had extinguished the flames in her hand, before it reached the woman.
She glared at Darius.
“Why did you do that?!”
“To prove my point.”
Darius spoke without a single change in his expression.
“If I wanted, I could easily kill everyone here. But instead I'm just asking for a measly 5 pieces of gold.”
Nami stared at in amazement.
“You….You would really go so far?”
She asked with a trembling voice. Darius who mistook her trembling voice as fear, spoke indifferently.
“Of course. I mean it's my right as a nobleman to get rid of anyone who embarrasses me.”
“I see. This is way I hate dealing with nobles.”
Nami pointed her finger at Darius and said-
“I'll have to show that not everything in this world belongs to you!”
The next day, Darius knelt down in front of his father and leader of the Flameheart Clan, Darwin Flameheart.
“So you're telling me that you got your ass handed to you by a woman, after you threaten to kill everyone?”
Darius replied with a nod.
Darwin sighed and rested his head on his hand. They were inside Darwin’s business quarters. Darwin was sitting in his chair behind his desk looking at Darius, who was kneeling at the doorway.
“Listen, Darius. It's true that you're stronger than your older siblings when they were your age, but that doesn't mean that you're so special that the world will naturally bow down to you. Especially, not that woman.”
“Father, do you know her?”
Darwin sighed again before continuing.
“Her name is Nami. She and I was acquainted a few years back. She was even invited to the kingdom by the king to be a general. A real one.”
“A general?!.....I see, that explains her strength.”
“But unfortunately, she decline upon arriving here. She's been coming and going ever since.”
“Then, she isn't a general?”
“No. But that doesn't mean we can easily touch her. Even though she isn't nearly as powerful as she was before. I prefer not provoke her too much. Because things could get ugly. Besides, I'm already busy with your little sister’s case. So you'll have to handle her yourself.”
The next time Darius and Nami met, was a week later. They met in the Commercial District. Upon seeing her, Darius launched an attack at her.
The result was instant defeat.
“Really, attacking a lady as soon as you see her. Are you a wild animal or something?”
With those words, Nami walked away from the battered and bruised Darius, with an annoyed expression.
This happened several times for over the span of a month.
Every time Darius saw Nami, he would lose all self control and try to attack her. The result would always be the same, instant defeat.
It became so bad that people started to look forward to it everyday.
“Oh, that young couple is at it again.”
“That young man sure doesn’t know when to give up.”
“Yeah, I understand wanting to interact with such a beauty, but isn't his approach a bit weird.”
“He's probably just shy.”
The surrounding people would say stuff like this, as they watch Darius persistently attack Nami.
“Look! Now people are spreading weird rumors about us!”
Said Nami, as she looked down on the exhausted Darius.
“So, what? It's good that people are talking about you. It means that you're doing something right.”
Nami got angry and kicked him away.
“Then let them talk about you alone!”
She walked away fuming, while Darius was left groan in agony.
“I love you, please be my woman!”
It was when they were entering their second month of their daily routine. Instead of attacking her like always, Darius got on his knees and presented Nami a bouquet of pink roses.
“…..Are you a masochist or something?”
Nami coldly said to the kneeling Darius.
“No, you've moved my heart this last month!”
“I've only been kicking you around. Are you saying I moved your heart with kicks?”
Nami silently walked away from Darius and didn't look back.
“Please wait!”
Darius run and stood in front of her again.
“I'm sorry but I'm not into tying people up, and whipping them while wearing a leather suit.”
Nami once again walked passed him.
“Wait! It's not only your kicks that I love! I've been secretly watching you, and natural came to love you!”
“So not only are you a masochist, you're a stalker too?!”
“Yes, I mean no!”
Darius took a deep breath and calm himself down.
“At least let me buy you dinner. I'm sure I'll be able to make my feelings clear then.”
“Why should I?”
“I'm sure you'll have a good time.”
“I don't wanna.”
Saying that, Nami started walking again. But Darius went in front her again.
“Please, I'm begging you!”
Darius suddenly got on his knees and started groveling in front Nami.
“Wha?! Hey, get up! Aren't you a noble?! Where's your aristocrat pride?!”
“Pride is meaningless in the face of love!”
“Have some!”
Nami was starting to get a headache as she saw that they were drawing the attention of those around them.
“Argh….Fine! I'll go, I'll go! Just get up already!”
Hearing a favorable reply Darius quick got to his feet.
He smiled happily and took out something from back pocket.
“It went just how this book said would.”
Nami read the title that was on the cover.
“How to successfully ask out a girl, fourth edition?!”
“Page 168. If all else fails, try going down on your knees and begging in a crowded place. The judging stares will weaken her resistance. It works every time.”
Nami stood in place with her mouth wide open when she heard that.
She was tricked.
Later that night, Darius and Nami were walking down the streets of the High Class District.
“How was it? Did you have a good time?”
Darius asked.
“Meh. It wasn't bad. But you staring at me all night kind of freaked me out. That's bad manners you know.”
“Ah, I apologize. I was just drawn to you that's all.”
“….You still didn't tell me why you fell for me.”
“Oh, I forgot.”
Darius looked at the stars as if searching for something.
“After getting beaten down by you for a week straight, I grew interested in you. I knew that you were strong from the start, but I wanted to know more about someone who was clearly superior to me. So I started observing you from a far.”
Nami listened to Darius quietly.
“At first, I was only searching for some kind of weakness; but as time went by I grew more and more captivated by you.”
Even though she was as strong as a real general, Nami would treat everyone with kindness. She didn't looked down on those weaker than her. Instead she would treat them as her equal.
She was especially kind to children. If there was a child in need she would do everything to help them. She was that type of person.
“What I fell for wasn't your kindness, but your sense of freedom.”
Darius nodded.
“For me who grew up with everything I wanted, I can honestly say I had a good life.”
Darius then frown.
“But it was a boring life.”
Being born in a high class family, means that you'll have to obey certain traditions and culture. Even though he had everything he wanted, Darius felt restrained.
“You mustn't do this. This is unacceptable for a noble. Don't interact with those kind of people. You must always put the clan first Etc. Everyday, I would be remained that my life wasn't my owns, but the Flameheart’s. I was bored of being a puppet, so I sought adventure to quell my boredom.”
“That explains why you were in the slums.”
Darius nodded.
“The reason I fell for you was because I was envious of how free you were. I mean, turning down the position of general? If that's not being a free spirit I don't know what is.”
Darius laughed a little. It surprised Nami since she haven't seen him laugh before.
“I respect those superior to me, because they have the power to gain true freedom.”
“…But falling for me because I'm free, doesn't sound that convincing to me.”
Nami understood where Darius was coming from, but it still didn't sound like the whole story.
“Well, there's the thing with my bloodline as well.”
Darius nodded.
“Even though you're not from here you should've heard about the Triad.”
“Yeah. Dragna, Saevio and Flameheart. The three clans that rule the kingdom.”
“Well, each clan has a trait unique to them. Dragna have the abilities of a dragon, Saevio turns into a demon at death’s door, and Flameheart possesses an overwhelming amount of unwavering love and loyalty.”
Darius showed a wry smile.
“In other words, the Flameheart Clan members fall in love quite easily. However, it's hard for us to fall out of love.”
The Flameheart Clan was considered dangerous because of their strong affections. They were extremely loyal towards their love ones, to point that they'd easily kill for them.
They are also known for their jealousy. As their women makes it a habit to stab their partners if they cheat, while the men would take it out on the surroundings and cause mass destruction.
Because of this fanatic behavior, It can be considered a curse for a Flameheart to fall for you. While others consider it a blessing, as they get a faithful and loving partner.
All in all, as long as you don't betray them Flamehearts make great friends and lovers.
“I was told that the reason for this was because we receive the blessing of the goddess Aphrodite who's also known as Venus.”
“Blessing? In order words, your clan is related to the goddess of love?”
Darius nodded.
“I see.”
Nami smiled and looked at Darius and said-
“I'm sorry, but I can't accept your love.”
“Hm? Did you hear something break just now?”
“Sorry that might've been my heart…”
That day Darius got his heart broken for the first time.
After a few weeks of locking himself away in his room, Darius was summoned by his father and was ordered to accompany him to meet the king.
Darius who sat in the royal garden, was staring at the servants attending to the flowers.
“Yo. Darius, right?”
He suddenly heard someone call his name. When he looked who it was, he saw a shadowy figure standing next to him. Even though it was midday, he couldn't see their physical features.
“….Who are you?”
Darius was cautious of the strange creature who suddenly approached him.
“Ah, my apologies. My name is Marco Saevio.”
The shadow place it's hand on its chest, and bowed as it introduced itself.
“Marco? Prince Dario’s personal guard?”
“That's right.”
Darius examined the shadow again.
“…What does the prince want with me?”
“He has a proposition for you.”
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“An opportunity.”
“What kind of opportunity?”
“An opportunity to be free.”
The shadow smiled and said-
“Darius, you were recently rejected by Nami, right?”
“….Bastard, were you spying on me?”
Marco readily admitted to his crime.
“If I recall, her reason for rejecting you was because she doesn't want a relationship with someone from the high class. I believe her exact words were ‘People from nobility have too much drama surrounding them’. When you heard that you immediately offered to abandon your status. But she rejected that saying that it would be unfair for you.”
“….Do you have a point?”
Darius was visibly irritated. Seeing that, Marco got straight to the point.
“Darius, leave the Flameheart Clan and take control of this country's crime world.”
Darius couldn't believe his ears. He was flatly told to betray his clan and become a crime lord, and it was by the crown prince and his guard. Darius was truly confused.
“You see the prince has some plans for the future, but he needs someone in the crime world for them to work.”
“…And that's where I come in?”
“That's right.”
“….Why me?”
“The prince believes that you have the talent for it. You're logical, cunning, smart, cruel, and most of all you're seeking excitement. What's more exciting than the crime world?”
“…Are you really trying to recruit me? Because you doesn't sound that convincing.”
Marco laughed when he heard that.
“Hahaha, you got me. I'm not trying my best to win you over. What the prince wants isn't a puppet who can be manipulated by words, but someone who is willing to do anything to get what he wants. And the prince believes that you're that kind of person.”
Marco stretched out his shadowy hand towards Darius.
“Here's the real pick up line. Darius Flameheart, you're living a dull life where you can't obtain what you truly want. Let the prince use you, and I swear you'll have the time of your life.”
Darius looked at the hand that was stretched out for a while, before smiling.
It was an evil grin, probably the first one he's ever made.
“Fine. I'm bored with nobility anyway. I want a fulfilling life, and if being used by you guys will get me that, then I don't mind.”
He shook the shadowy hand.
“But I'll be using you for my own gains as well.”
There's a woman he want to be able to stand beside, even if he can't do it as a lover. Being a noble won't allow him to do that, but he'll still need power that rivals a noble. Not for himself, but power to ensure the one he loves lives happily. Even if she doesn't know that she's being supporting from behind.
This was how Darius began his journey of carnage to rule the crime world.
“What?! You have a granddaughter?!”
A year later, Darius was having dinner with Nami. It became their routine to have dinner together at least once a week.
They normally would just spend their time talking about trivial topics, but Nami told Darius something shocking.
“Yeah. The other day my son apparently had a kid. I haven't seen him in five years, and he had the nerve to send his child to me, and ask me to raise it.”
Nami grumbled.
“…..Nami, this might be rude to ask but; how old are you?”
“That really is rude. But since you're paying for dinner….I'm currently in my 70s.”
Darius asked with shocked expression.
“What do you mean by ‘how’? I'm a [B Class] so of course my aging will slow down.”
“No, no. Slowing down is different from stop aging completely.”
No matter how much he look at her, Nami looked like she was in her early twenties at most. Even if she's a [B Class] at an age like 70, she shouldn't look so young. She should look in 30 at least. A lot of people didn't know that, but for Darius who was educated in magic it was common sense.
“You only stop aging after becoming a [S Class]….Wait, my father did mention that you weren't as strong as you were in the past. Did something happened for to you lose most of strength, and drop to a lower [Class]?”
Nami smiled wryly and took something from her purse.
“This is a picture of my granddaughter. Her name is Hinami. She's apparently named after me.”
She changed the topic and gave Darius a picture. Seeing that Nami didn't want to talk about it, Darius took the picture.
“She looks like you.”
“I'll take that as a compliment.”
Nami said as she smiled.
“She'll arrive here tomorrow. So, I'll be bringing her to our dinner dates from now on. You don't mind right?”
“I'll be eating dinner with two beauties. What's there to complain about?”
The two laughed and talked about other trivial stuff, until Nami suddenly put on a stern face.
“Darius, I've been hearing some bad rumors about you lately.”
“Is none of it true? About you destroying gang after gang, and forcibly taking them under your control?”
“Its true.”
Nami put on a surprised expression when Darius easily admitted to his crimes.
“I know that you left your clan, but I didn't expect you to do this kind of thing.”
“I have my reasons. Are you going to tell me to stop?”
“No. You're old enough to know what you're doing. Plus you must have solid reasons to enter that kind of world. Just make sure that it's worth putting your life on your line for.”
Darius listened to Nami's lecturing tone with a smile, and nodded. Just being able to enjoy a meal with her like this, made him happy.
“Yeah, it's worth it.”
5 years later, after several up and downs Darius successful took control of the crime world, and began assisting the new king Dario with his plans.
“Here's a list of people the king wants you to get in contact with.”
Darius was sitting in his office when Marco’s shadow appeared before, and gave him piece of paper.
“These are some big name crime lords. What does the Dario wants with them?”
“Do as we ask and don't ask any questions……Is what people in my position would normally say, but the king doesn’t mind you knowing.”
The shadow then put a smile on its face.
“The king is going to lock this country down, and prevent any of the citizens from leaving. He plans to use the power of these crime lords to protect our borders, while we're on lock down.”
“Why would the king do that?”
Darius asked with a confused expression.
“Hey, Darius. What do you think of the state our country is in?”
“….What do I think?”
“To be honest, I think this country will fall into ruins pretty soon.”
“The king thinks so too.” He added.
“Is that why you're going to lock down the country ?”
“That's right. The king intends to reform the country from scratch. Locking down the country will give the absolute control he needs to do so.”
“He wants to prevent any outside interference, while he rebuilds the country. I understand what he's going for, but isn't that a bit extreme?”
“It is, but the king believes this is the fastest way.”
Darius thought otherwise, but he didn't say it. However, Marco still noticed his disapproval.
“Hey, I'm against it too. But what can I do? I'm just an employee.”
Marco shrugged.
“Employee…You're the King’s Guard.”
“It's just a job title. You know like the shift manger at a supermarket.”
“Are you comparing the country to a supermarket.”
“You can say that. As long as you have the money there's nothing you can't buy after all.”
Darius sighed and looked over the paper again.
“….Why do you need the help of crime lords to protect the borders, when we have the Primus Branch?”
Hearing Darius’s question, Marco squinted his eyes.
“As expected of someone who controls the crime world, you've learnt about the true face of the Primus Branch.”
“The kingdom’s personal ‘cleanup’ squad. They are feared through the world as the Blue Eyed Reapers. They're an extremely dangerous and powerful group, and is also the first branch of the Dragna Clan.”
“Correct. But it's as you say. They're too dangerous. Especially, the head family. They're a group of monsters. Because of that, I smile in self mockery when people say that I'm the strongest in the country.”
“I see. So that's why Dario banish them to the edge of the country.”
“If it wasn't for the ceasefire act among the branches, the king and I would've surely died already.”
Marco smiled wryly.
Just as Darius was going to open his mouth, his office door burst open.
The instant that happened Marco’s shadow disappeared.
“What is it?”
Darius asked his subordinate, who burst through the door sweating.
“T-There's been an incident in the Middld Class District!”
“….What kind of incident?”
“I don't know the details, but over 100 people are confirmed dead, and another 100 injured.”
Hearing his subordinate’s words made a chill run down Darius's spine.
He pushed his subordinate out of the way and ran outside. He then made an orb appear on his back, and launched himself into the air.
“I'm probably just over thinking it! How could Nami and Hinami get caught up in an incident like that?! Plus Nami's strong, so I'm sure they’re fine!”
Darius desperately tried to calm himself down as he flew towards the Middle Class District as fast as he could.
It wasn't long before he saw a trail of smoke. He flew over that direction and looked down on the ground. His eyes was met with pure destruction.
Darius’s bad feeling got worse, so he started flying around looking for Nami and Hinami's figures.
And then he saw it.
Hinami sitting by herself. He hurried flew down to her.
“…..Uncle Darius?”
Darius landed in front of her. She sluggishly looked up and spoke with a weak voice.
“I'm glad you're okay. Where's Nami?”
Darius saw Hina’s body jump when he asked her that question.
She looked away from him and tears started falling from her eyes.
Seeing that, Darius instinctively knew Nami's fate.
He didn't say anymore. He couldn't. His mind went blank, and his body felt heavy and cold. Darius could feel something breaking inside of him.
And then it happened.
Darius body launched into the sky. His body started to glow a black light. The light grew stronger and stronger, until his entire body turned into light. His body that became light, lost its human shape and turned into a giant sphere of black light.
The light no longer possess reason. It only had one purpose for existing.
And that is to destroy.
Sparks started flying from the black sphere, and chase away the clouds. It was starting to burn the air. After a few seconds it was finally ready.
“[Devil’s Light: Armageddon].”
An emotionless voice that didn't sounded human, came from the black sphere. It then began to fall.
As if it was a rain drop, it fell towards the earth.
No one on the ground realized that, a black sphere that had the ability to weep out the entire district, no the low class district as well; was falling towards them.
But it never hit the ground.
The black sphere was caught in a net made of chains, and was dragged in the air by a shadow.
“Seriously? You were going to commit suicide by destroying yourself along with the kingdom? This is why people are afraid to get in a relationship with the Flamehearts.”
The shadow(Marco) spoke to the black sphere(Darius) with an amazed tone. It dragged it outside of the capital city and into the mountain areas.
“Cool down for a bit.”
The shadow turned into a human shape, and put its hand on the black sphere. The sphere then once again turn into a human.
Darius silently fell towards the ground and crashed in the mountains.
“….What happened?”
Marco appeared beside the crater that Darius’ fall created.
“Nami's dead. She apparently died from injuries sustained in battle and [Magic Exhaustion].”
“…..Who killed her?”
Darius voice was burning with anger.
“Her granddaughter.”
But when he heard who was responsible his anger was replaced with shock.
“Lies! How can Hinami kill Nami?!”
“Apparently, she created a monster and lost control of it. Nami fought it and they perish together. She confessed it herself. No, it wasn't really a confession. According to the guards, they found her crying over Nami’s body mumbling ‘I killed her, it was my fault. It's all because I created that thing’ over and over again like she was in a trance. When I checked the magical residue in the area, it matched with Hinami’s. We were also able to retrieve parts of the monster. All these prove that she was telling the truth.”
Darius instantly remembered what he said to Hinami little over a week ago. “Why don't you just make a friend?”
He instantly knew what happened, and bit his lip so hard it bled.
“The king has ordered her execution.”
“Too many people died in this incident. If nothing is done the people will revolt.”
“….So Hinami’s public execution is needed.”
Marco nodded. His voice lacked any form of sentiment. To him, this wasn't his problem so he just spoke what was reported in a business like manner.
“What are you going to do Darius?”
“What do you mean?” Darius didn't ask that. He knew what Marco was implying.
“….I'll pay the fee for those who died, and the buildings that were destroyed. In exchange, spare Hinami’s life.”
“That won't please the people.”
“Then fuck the people. I'll be your underworld backer for all eternity if you make it happen.”
Marco smiled when he heard what Darius said.
“It must be hard to be a Flameheart in a time like this. You're burning with rage over your beloved’s death, but your blood won't allow you to kill someone you love even for revenge. Your mind must be a mess right now.”
The shadow laughed a little at the glaring Darius.
“But is that ok? You'll never forgive that girl, but you can’t abandon her either. You'll want to kill her, but can't. You'll live in a cycle of contradiction. You won't be able to think clearly as long as she's involved. The two of you can never return to the way you were. You'll torment her, but won't put her out of her misery. That's because you'll love her as much as you hate her.
His smile grew wider.
“That girl will be the end of you, Darius. Why don't you just kill her right now?”
As Marco said that his head was blown away by a laser.
“Touch her and I'll kill every single one you. No one will kill her. No one will save her. I alone will torment her. I alone will save her. I alone will hate her. I alone will love her.”
His face was twisted with anger and his eyes were filled with madness.
“Hahahahahahaha! This is great! Truly amazing!”
Marco’s voice echoed as the shadow disappeared.
“No matter how many times I see it, a Flameheart who lost themselves in madness is always entertaining!”
The shadow was now gone but the voice still lingered.
“Do as you please Darius! Hate the girl you can't bring yourself to kill! Love the girl you can't forgive! Get devoured by your own emotions and I promise you this, you'll never know happiness again!”
The voice faded and left Darius with a wide smile on his face, and tears running from his eyes.
A few days later, it was announced who caused the incident that claimed over 100 lives.
Darius spent the next year tormenting Hina and killing those who harmed her. Shortly after he would constantly clash with a man calling himself Klick, who protected Hina.
Darius eventually ended up killing klick for interfering with his relationship with Hina.
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8 197 - In Serial15 Chapters
Glass Cannon
Mortal Coil is the best VRMMO in the market with millions of people playing it! In this game, two best friends made a bet with each other. Whoever becomes the #1 ranked would win. Such a simple bet, but to them, it was like a declaration of war. Being two of the most stubborn individuals on the planet that saw loss as a personal offense, they made this last bet before cutting off their friendship due to some... complicated matters(Don't worry It'll get explained in the book). The problem was, that one was super talented at the game, and the other was super shit. This story revolves around that player. No, not the talented one, the shit one. Hated by many for his rather "uncouth" strategies (one of which included hitting a guy in the back of the head with a wooden board, stealing all his stuff and leaving him stark naked in the middle of the woods), his name is Jack. Oh, and did I mention he's a min-Maxed for health which drives people insane? Unfortunately, as luck would have it, he stumbles upon the worst possible hidden class for him. Warrior of Glass. A class with insanely high attack power... and insanely low HP. He's also given a quest to retrieve a sword in the middle of the Ashen Forest (lovingly nicknamed "Suicide Woods" by the players) and another quest to kill 7 insanely powerful demon lords that roam the lands so he can fulfill his predecessor's legacy. Now, armed only with a veeery high damage output, an unbendable will of steel and his almost nonexistent sense of guilt (emphasis on almost), he still aims to become the #1 player. This time, with some serious handicaps.
8 199 - In Serial13 Chapters
Heaven Trial
Year 2200 The First virtual reality game has out with time passing at year 2250 the first virtual reality game who truly stimulated a virtual world has out even before having two days before going out it taked 50 percent of all virtual reality games stock.A young man on his early twenties enter's this game but is he a normal young man ?Join him and his friend's on their story to conquer the game . --Guys this is my first story so it will have a lot of grammar porblem's I hope you will help me and I plan to make this story at least one hundred chapters long .--- A chapter will have from 1000 to 6000 characters or even more :D.
8 162