《Just a Rock》Author Note 6


60 chapters (minus the side chapters and deleted ones) and four years later, time for the sixth author's note as a standalone post. Just yesterday I was in chat and the topic of resuming this story came up along with another author saying they'd resume their dropped story if I did so. I don't even read that other author's story, but decided to take up the challenge. After skimming through Just a Rock and getting shocked at how much I forgot about the story, I wrote 5 chapters in a row, keeping two of them for today. Then I wrote two more today.

I've thought about reviving this story in the past, but never really had the motivation to do so. It was more of a thing where it was nice to say but I felt I'd be disappointed if I actually went through with it. I've got a few other stories like this, sitting around for years without updates simply because I get a new idea I want to write more or lack the spark necessary to start writing chapters.

The reaction I got after I dug this dead body out of its grave and necro'd it, was far more than I thought. Part of me was worried people would just find the story stupid or dislike the new chapters for not matching the early feel of the story. Glad to be back and happy to see some people still enjoy reading a story about a completely normal rock and its unreliable and overly dramatic narrator.

I'll try not to unceremoniously drop this with no warning again. Don't expect three plus chapters every day, I'll probably cut it down to only one a day while trying to write at least two to finally have a stockpile of some sort. They're only 250+ word chapters so they're fairly easy to write but I might miss some days due to being busy, stressed, or just not in the mood.


Audio chapters: I'm probably not going to do any of these anytime soon. I have inconsistent internet and mic is in storage. If I regain access to these things I might try doing more of these while also redoing the old ones.

Patreon: I disbanded my patreon after the story went on one of its earlier hiatuses. Mostly due to finding out Senizal was still unintentionally donating to it after it had been dropped for a few months. If I ever actually have a chapter stock and don't drop this story for a bit, I might finagle with it again.

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