《Just a Rock》Chapter 51: Gauging the Gouge


The rock had gained a scar and it was the fault of the winter. It was too rocky and harmed the rock in the worst way possible, aesthetically. No longer was its surface smooth and glossy. Women could share the rock's sediments about this situation. It looked like an Igneous rock, rough and jagged. More like an ugliness rock.

Which isn't true since there are quite beautiful Igneous rocks. Nor would anyone lust after a rock with a good luster to it. The point is, is that the rock had a point. That, and a gouge. Previous incidents left the rock with a chip that revealed its reddish insides. Then, the snow slipped into this chip and began to repeatedly freeze and melt until it widened. That's what the rock gets for not brushing twice a day.

The issue now was a hole wide enough for a coin to fit into and deep enough for around ten of them to be shoved in. Worse, the lip of the hole was sharpened to a point. It had been like that before but didn't stick out much. With the addition of the hole, it was highlighted and took front stage.

When the rock was curvy, it looked fine even with this chip. Ironically, with a bit of slimming down, instead of becoming more attractive, the rock's flaws stood out more. Even worse, its cleavage was exposed to the world. Internally, the rock felt brittle about these turn of events.

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