《Just a Rock》Chapter 50: Hum


A few days later and everything was back to normal. Something close to normal. The dead plants from the frost were replaced by their later counterparts. The trees were completely unaffected by it and were already starting to host leaves. The forest had come back to life and the darkness has risen. It was still somewhat empty.

Even the nightcrawlers haven't come back around yet. It was a barren corner of the forest with no reason for anything to visit. Once again, the wind was the only noteworthy sound as it flowed Southward. Or was it? One day, everything changed because of a voice. A human that was nearby, humming a simple tune. It was just three notes and then a repeat yet it was layered in mystery.

That was because the creator of this hum never showed up. They were always somewhere out of sight. It never failed to occur each day, yet it was out of reach. On some days, it was dull and faded and other days it was crystal clear. The most excruciating days were when this voice started as faded and slowly became clear as it came closer and closer. It was if it would spring out and reveal itself to the rock any moment.

Nonetheless, it hasn't happened yet. However, with this being a story and it being introduced in such detail, surely it'll happen now. Even if it came, would anything happen of it? Humans have never been much good for the rock and the rock has lost a part of its charm. There was a bit of an incident.

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