《Just a Rock》Chapter 49: Frost


The end of winter was nigh and the snow melted away. The leaves that had smothered the rock were mushy and torn from the thaw, slowly drying up and shriveling under the glorious sun. It had been so long since the rock had so much space. If it wasn't a rock, it'd surely be stretching and moving about. Even the plants were lively.

The long awaited warmth had a strong effect on the local flora. All sorts of plants reached for the sky. The sun greeted them warmly yet fleetingly. Spring wasn't here just yet and the days were short and the nights long. At first, the night was pleasant; a bit chilly but crisp. Then, things started going downhill.

Winter was not over and did not like it when life assumed it was over. These plants that bloomed early were taking a risk. With risks came rewards. Except, one needed to stay alive to enjoy the rewards. The cold intensified throughout the night. The air was moist from the melted snow. As the cold got worse and worse, this moisture started to be affected. It fell to the ground and coated everything. And then, it froze.

Frost. It sounds so mild. A thin layer of crunchy ice over the ground. Even the tiniest movement could shatter it and it seemed to be harmless. It was anything but. The life of all the plants that bloomed early were viciously cut off. Their roots couldn't withstand the cold and they died the same day they came to life. All they wanted to do was be a little early and get a headstart. Such an action had a sharp backlash from nature itself. Even the rock was not spared and received a chilling coat of ice, sparkling in the morning sun.

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