《Just a Rock》Chapter 45: Nothing Happened


The rock landed at the base of the tree and stayed there. Nothing happened. It didn't bounce or roll away. Nothing came along to mess with it. It just sorta landed at the base of the tree between two roots and got lodged into the ground. And there it stayed.

There were no weeds that could grow very well in the shade directly below the tree and no insects happened upon the rock. The tree only obscured the rock from one direction while the other directions were clear. The rock smelled bad but there was nothing with a sense of smell nearby to mind it.

Something horrible happened. And that something is nothing. It was pitifully boring. Weeks passed with barely any changes. Just the occasional rain and birdsong to accompany the rock. However, nothing of real interest actually happened. It just sat there.

More time passed and a deer appeared. However, it smelled the air and ran off. The rancid smell of the rock was scaring off the local wildlife. The aftermath of the bird's nest was much worse than originally thought. This is because it helped the rare (I wish) occasion where nothing happened and things remained boring last an unusually long amount of time. And that's it, nothing happened.

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