《Just a Rock》Chapter 41: Price of Arrogance


At first, the wasps were unaware of its location. The swarm flew about picking off stragglers while scouting. It almost seemed like they would give up and stop their assault. Almost. One wasp managed to find the rock while scouting. Due to the surrounding grass being cleared by the ants, it stuck out like a sore thumb and the wasp landed on it. It crawled around on it but didn't seem to notice anything off. Crisis averted.

Or was it? A struggling worker ant that was missing a leg came into view. Its injuries had slowed it down but it had returned alive. It was something for the colony to celebrate. Sadly, the wasp could easily kill it now. Perhaps, after doing so the wasp would fly off none the wiser. Except, it didn't; it let the wounded ant live and watched it go underneath the rock.

Out of curiosity, the wasp took flight for a second to leave the rock and landed on the ground. It walked up to the place where the wounded ant disappeared and found a hole leading to a set of tunnels below the rock. Step by step, it went to the entrance of the colony and met a welcoming party. The walls were completely lined with soldier ants that lied motionless until the wasp came close.

Within moments, they tore this scout to shreds and carried it piece by piece below to consume it. Alas, they were too late in killing it. Like how the ants had used smell to communicate an attack and get on the defensive, the scout wasp had marked this spot as a place to attack. The swarm would come soon.

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