《Just a Rock》Chapter 40: Undergrowth War


The hunters or the hunted? Such a thing could flip at the drop of a dime. The only reason why the ants were the hunters currently was due to their numbers and the ambushes they set up. In every other way, the ants were inferior. The wasps were bigger, stronger, more vicious, and could fly. The advantage could only stay with the ants for so long.

One day, the wasps had enough of being pushed around by their lesser cousins and attacked. Alone, as they often were when ambushed by the ants, they stood no chance. When they fought together, en masse, the ants lost all the advantages they were proud of. Numbers meant nothing once an angry swarm of wasps came along. All-out war erupted in the undergrowth.

The first to go were the soldier ants, they had larger jaws and were born to battle. They stood guard over the rivers of ants and took over both attack and defense. Once the battle began, the soldiers took to the front lines in an attempt to fend off the wasps. They were ruthlessly torn apart in seconds. The wasps used their powerful mandibles to tear off their heads while their stingers stabbed everywhere they could reach.

With the soldier ants gone, the lines of worker ants were vulnerable and massacred one by one. A signal was sent out by these distressed workers through smell. The colony became aware of the attack and chose to have all the ants outside to come back. It decided to hold a last stand at the entrance of the colony. The rock was that entrance. The climax of this conflict was coming and it would happen right where the rock was.

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