《Just a Rock》Chapter 39: Rise of an Empire


The colony was prosperous and with this prosperity came arrogance. They began to clear the grass around the rock, revealing it to the air above. Either from vanity or convenience, they removed one of their most valuable natural defenses. Once again, the rock was visible in the forest, at the forefront rather than lost in the backdrop.

Tales of their exploits spread throughout the lands. And the spread of exploits brought upon the colony a wave of challengers. One by one, natural predators began to invade the surroundings. Wasps, spiders, salamanders, frogs, and toads. Each one more fierce than the last. Against all odds, the colony fended them all off, either by driving them off with their bite and sting or by killing and consuming them. With every challenge defeated, the colony grew stronger and expanded, dominating the entire grasslands.

As if to celebrate these victories, the flowering weeds changed. No longer did budding yellow flowers grace their tops, but fluffy seed pods. As the wind gently blew, the seeds would detach from the pods and take flight, gliding off into the unknown. It was a sight for sore eyes and a sign that these grasslands will not only return next year but spread elsewhere.

However, while pretty, this spelled dangerous times for the colony. The reason why they were so lively and prosperous was from the flower's nectar drawing in large amounts of prey. Without it, they had to expand and hunt more dangerous creatures. No longer were they hunting fellow predators like wasps out of self-defence; instead, they were purposely seeking them out. For better or worse, there was a wasp's nest on a tree near the clearing providing a steady source of dangerous prey.

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