《Just a Rock》Chapter 38: Forest within a Forest


Weeks passed and the weeds got their revenge. The rock was engulfed by the weeds. A few rainy days passed and they grew to a height higher than the rock. Some of the weeds even grew below it using the dead weeds as sustenance as they wrapped around the rock and used it as support as they grew ever higher. It was no longer a part of the scenery but a part of the backdrop, hidden under the surface. Peaceful yet painfully boring.

Months pass without much of a change. Flowers began to sprout up among the weeds and insects of all types flocked to the area. A simple clearing of weeds became a hub of life. The rock was no exception to this; an ant colony took root below the rock. They didn't exactly touch the rock very often, they just dug tunnels directly beneath it and occasionally a scout would crawl on top of it.

Beneath the canopy of this grass lied a thriving land. It was if there was a miniature forest inside of this forest clearing. The grass were trees and the insects were wildlife. As for the rock, while it couldn't take the stage in the clearing, in this forest it took the main role, acting as both a landmark and headquarters for the alpha predator. Other insects didn't stand a chance as they were swarmed and torn apart before being dragged below the rock.

The only creatures spared were those that could fly and moved out of reach of the ants and kept out of the forest. Those that could fly kept to the skies or landed briefly to collect nectar from the flowering weeds. Even then, the ants would sometimes lay an ambush on the flowers to catch a flier unaware. Apex flying predators such as wasps were even taken down by these small yet innumerable beings.

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