《Just a Rock》Chapter 37: Weeded Out


Within a day, the bent grass regained its vigor and arose from its bent state. That is, other than the grass directly below the rock. It could not bear the weight of the rock, both physically and metaphorically. A few days later this grass turned yellowish and died below the rock as it had no way of acquiring sunlight.

The rock monopolized its share of sunlight without using it in any meaningful way. It was going to waste upon the rock while the grass below was dying from being unable to reach the sunlight. Attempt after attempt, the grass tried to free itself to no avail. Despite being just a few blades of grass, they tried to lift the rock as they knew from instinct that they would die if they failed.

Of course, they failed and died beneath the rock. There was no other way this could have ended. As soon as the rock stopped rolling on top of them, their fate was sealed. It was not the rock's intention to do so, it simply happened that way. Unfair? Perhaps. However, it could have happened to any of the grass in this clearing and it just so happened to happen to that particular patch.

Does it really matter? No, as more grass will grow to replace those lost. Both new and old grass will adapt to the rock's presence. And soon enough, it will just be a part of the scenery rather than a disaster. It was a tragedy. That is, for the rock. Against its will or lack thereof, it killed a bunch of grass and became a simple part of the scenery. This story is from the perspective of the rock so the grass does not matter. After all, this is just a case of a patch of grass and a rock.

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