《Just a Rock》Chapter 36: Cracked Delusion


Before the demon could strike, the raccoon returned and shattered my delusions. With the light shining upon the rock, once again, it looked shiny and attracted the eyes of the raccoon. It lifted up the rock out of the tiny crack it had rolled into. It moved the rock around in its paws and found a tiny ant on it to its surprise.

The raccoon promptly ate the ant, gripping it and pulling it off the rock with its teeth then swallowing it whole as it was small enough. Then, it lost interest with the rock. When it moved the rock, it was no longer in the light and more importantly, no longer shiny. It was more interested in the pieces of foil and metal that had slipped into the crack and were now standing out clearly in the light. In an eerily human manner, the raccoon tossed the rock behind its back.

It was thrown out of the nest and landed at the top of a hill. It rolled down the hill and landed in a clearing. It was now inside the forest, with some distance from the river. It wasn't close to any roads and there didn't appear to be anything in the area that could move it. Therefore, one could conclude that the rock was going to stay in this spot for awhile.

Like in the beginning, it was nestled in a patch of grass. However, unlike those times, the grass only surrounded it on three sides while the remaining fourth side had grass that was bent over. The rock had flattened the grass from that direction when it rolled down the hill.

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