《Just a Rock》Chapter 34:


The raccoon would come back every so often to rest, normally during the day. It was nocturnal. However, it would still leave and come back during the day, seemingly on a whim. This made it hard to plan the perfect time to escape. The rock required a solid plan to get out of this situation. Not that it had the means to make an escape. After all, it was just a rock.

Time passed and in these depths, it was hard to tell how many days passed. Except, it wasn’t since there was light leaking through. However, being melodramatic like that helps express how downright boring this was. The light only marked the start and end of a day. At least it was more reliable than the raccoon’s sleeping schedule.

Every time the raccoon came back or left, the nest shook a little bit and dirt fell down. This cave that the nest was in was structurally unsound. All that was necessary for a collapse was a bit of force. To make matters worse, there was a crack in my sanity—in the ground that the rock was slowly slipping into with each shake. The other objects were caught and secured in the nest while the rock was more isolated in the back.

Maybe this was a chance. A great escape through a long-forgotten passage in the depths of the nest. A cool breeze came out of the crack, a sure sign that it was connected to the outside somehow. Wherever it lead, it couldn’t be worse than this. Or, that could’ve just jinxed it and now it’ll be ten times worse. It didn’t matter as the rock was headed in that direction and there was no stopping it. If there was a vote, it’d be a landslide victory in favor of going into the crack.

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