《Just a Rock》Author's note 3


Now that 30 chapters have been released, it’s time for a very long author’s note. I’ve been doing so every 10 chapters, but that might not be obvious due to me deleting a few chapters. Instead, we’ve got one after 10 chapters and one after 4 more. Then, this one is technically after 16 chapters.

Let’s start with the obvious. This story was dropped a while back and now it’s been picked back up. Although, being dropped hurt the series quite a bit, it’s not as bad as I expected. Already, the series is starting to pick back up, with triple digit numbers of views on recent chapters. The first chapter is even approaching 10k views. As for average views, it used to be 3000, dropped down to around 1600’s and is back up to 2000+. The story is back on track.

Comments are a bit lacking compared to before, but that’s to be expected. The series was dropped, a new comment system is in place, and the chapters are short. Nonetheless, even those “Thanks for the chapter” comments are appreciated. Feel free to comment below about anything that’s happened so far in the series that you like or dislike.

V3. The site has updated during the time this has been dropped. Now, unlike before, I can make author’s notes that are separate from the chapter somewhat. Having an author’s note much larger than the chapter back on V2 was awkward, and it still is somewhat on V3. It’s the reason why I started doing these full author notes. It’s a place to throw all the stuff I wanted to mention before and some other random thoughts so the actual chapters don’t become cluttered. I’m going to resume doing author’s notes every 10 chapters and I’ll also fix Author note 2’s placement if a chapter rearranging feature is ever added.


Let’s talk about the old man introduced in chapter 29. I hope you like him. After all these chapters with people interacting with the rock while dialogue is ignored, it must be somewhat unique to find a character that seems to be able to communicate… in some way I suppose. I originally introduced him as just a crazy guy to occupy the next few chapters and add some comedy elements after the heavy atmosphere of the chapters before. However, I was chatting with someone about it and they made the suggestion to make the crazy guy talk to the rock and the concept was too good to pass up. So, there will be dialogue occasionally. Chapters with dialogue will probably be a bit longer than normal ones too.

Patreon. I made a way for people to donate if they want to. I honestly don’t expect many people to go to it. I got it more out of vanity. It looks like garbage because it’s my first time making a Patreon. The rewards include just supporting me, a side story for Just a Rock, or a short story with the topic or even entire storyline of your choosing. Right now, I’m in the process of writing a short story for the first (and only) Patreon pledger I’ve gotten. If you want to look at it, click the orange button below then laugh at how terrible it is.

Puns! I’m actually not that good at consistently putting puns into the story. I try to think of them while writing, and I’ll sometimes rewrite parts to put one in, but don’t expect to see them every chapter. I have my moments sometimes. However, more often than not, I don’t think of any. I could go back through, do some geography research, and try to force some in, but it’s not the same as one that comes naturally. You can see some of my forced pun attempts in the deleted 15-24, especially towards the latter half. Trying to force puns into the story made it less enjoyable to write and was a factor towards me dropping it.


Other stories? I’ve got a bunch of one shots and dropped stories lying around. I’m currently in the process of trying to revive one of the dropped stories like what I did here with Just a Rock, but it’s slow going. As for the one-shots, they’ll sit in the my docs until I get in the mood to write them. There’s one story concept I’m somewhat interested in writing right now, which is why I will be writing it as soon as I finish this and put it up on RRL.

Useless info: I started writing this author’s note halfway through writing chapter 28. By the time I’m writing this part, I’ve already been done with chapter 30 for a full day. I wrote it right after chapter 29 and had a stock, which is now gone… and now I’ll be writing another story instead of making another stock… Damn it. Whatever, I write better under pressure anyways; stocking up on chapters isn’t my style. Except when I’m really inspired and have lots of free time. Even then, that’s more of splitting up what I wrote into chapters rather than thinking of writing several chapters at once.

Enough rambling, this author’s note is over. Thanks for reading up to this point and I hope you keep reading when I post more.

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