《Just a Rock》Chapter 30: Two-Dimensional


This old man was shouting at the rock… and all of his previous comments were related to what I said. Could it be that… all of the humans I’ve met so far could hear me? Ignoring me or passing it off as sleep deprivation? Or even worse, knowing about it and pretending not to know so they could make fun of me?

“Now, I know what you’re thinking. How can I hear you while others can’t?”

That wasn’t it. However, it answered my questions.

“That’s right! It’s because I’m a Druid. My closeness to nature grants me the ability to communicate with you.”

A Druid? So, he wasn’t just a crazy old man. However, why was he talking like he wasn’t really talking to me? I was doing the same, but that can’t be helped. This is a third person story and the narrator never directly communicating is a given. The times I’ve broken the fourth wall don’t count. At the same time, this “Druid” seemed awfully narcissistic with the way he’s speaking.

“Oh, stop you. I’m just a humble Druid. No need to compliment me so much,” said the self-proclaimed Druid as he started to draw some strange shapes on the ground. This conversation was starting to feel two-dimensional. It was as if the rock and old man were trapped in different dimensions while trying to communicate. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop the Druid’s attempts to communicate nor did it prevent him from picking up the rock. Where was physics when it was needed?

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