《The Skeleton King》Chapter: 6 The Deal


In the courtyard of the town Veriates, a black knight who was holding a red haired girl was surrounded by the knights in silver armors with their swords drawn out.

The black knight was, of course, Connor and the girl he is holding is Ilene Riverfrost the only princess of Azeria kingdom.

"how dare you treat royalty as a hostage let Ilene go right now!" Reyn screamed as he drew his sword out and pointed it at Connor.

"b......brother.....no don't fight this.....thing!" Ilene warned Reyn who seemed confused.

"what do you mean this thing Ilene, he is just one knight now let go of my sister or I shall personally behead you!"

Connor looked at the knights surrounding him and let out a "sigh" "really now you will behead me? haha don't make me laugh didn't I say I will kill you all if you can't fulfill my desire, do you think I am lying" Connor asked with a cold voice, some of the knights that surrounded him gulped down and started to sweat.

"very well then have it your way, I shall behead you now!" Reyn started running with an amazing speed anyone who had seen that knew that he was an elite among the elite knights.

"nooo, brother don't!!" Ilene screamed and squirmed on Connor's shoulder, the thing that happened next had everyone drop their jaw down.

As soon as Reyn was close to Connor his head was grabbed by Connor's other arm he lifted him up in the air.

Ilene remembered the same thing happening in the forest with the soldier's whose heads were turned into pasta by Connor who grabbed them and lifted them, she did not want her brother to suffer the same fate.

"please let him go I beg of you let him go please!" She yelled from Connor's shoulder and begged.

The surrounding soldiers started moving towards Connor with an intent to strike, but they have all frozen up immediately, Connor was surrounded by black thick aura visible to all of them, it sent a chill down the spine of the knights who started backing away.


"damn, it let me go you bastard!" Reyn was trying to free himself from Connor's death grip but it was futile was Connor slowly started crushing his head.

"arghhh!" Reyn cried out "no please stop!" Ilene screamed but Connor simply didn't care.

But then a voice was heard "please stop this, please forgive my nephew for what he has done and for offending you." It was Alanus who has quietly observed the situation but it was going out of hand he needed to intervene.

Connor looked at Alanus who gave a deep bow as an apology "hmm very well" Connor let go Reyn who fell on his butt on the cold ground.

Reyn stood up a little dizzy but still managed he looked at his uncle who was bowed down to Connor, he has never seen his uncle bow down to anyone except the king his father.

"uncle why, why are you bowing down to this man.....no this monster!?" He yelled.

Alanus looked at him and started walking closer to him when he reached him he raised his hand and gave him a good slap.

"un....uncle why?" Reyn looked with shock in his eyes.

"what do you mean why you idiot! You do these stupid things in this dire situation have I taught you nothing fool!" Alanus yelled.

Reyn realizing his mistakes hung his head down in shame, and after a few moments lifted it up and looked at Connor "sir black knight I am sorry for my rudeness please forgive me and could you please let my sister go she needs to rest." Reyn bowed down like his uncle did.

"No" Connor replied.

"than........wait what do you mean!?" Reyn screamed once again.

"I said no" Connor bluntly replied once again, "you......f" Reyn was about to say something again but his uncle Alanus stopped him and walked in front of Connor.

"I have fought many battles seen many enemies, many monster's as well but never have I seen a being such as yourself tell me what are you and also you mentioned a thing that you wanted."


Connor looked at the man and gave an illusionary smirk "well, first of all, you do not need to know what I am yet if you agree to my terms you will know just think of me as a king and the thing I desire is what every king desires"

"you don't me......" Alanus was about to say something but was interrupted by Connor.

"yes you guess right I want a kingdom" Connor said.

"but for a kingdom to be built I need land first and I have one region in your Azeria kingdom that just fits me perfectly"

"you dare!" Reyn once again stepped in "Reyn be quite !" Alanus shut him up with an angry voice.

Alanus turned to Connor again "you say you want land but that can not be given easily you know, what do you have to offer to us in exchange?" Alanus asked in a calm manner, but deep down he was fearing the worst, it was not the approaching army that feared him it was the thing standing in front of him, he knew from Ilene's expression that this thing was powerful and that it would be a great ally if he managed to get him on their side, but it could also be their doom but he was willing to take this gamble.

Connor stared at Alanus for a few moments then started laughing "haha this really is amusing haha" Connor was having a great time he could always make an army and take over Azeria by slaughtering everyone but it was not a fun way, he wanted to build a kingdom from scratch a kingdom without humans it was his dream.

"very well then I offer you to walk away with your life's and...." Alanus, Reyn, Ilene and the knight's that were present at the moment all gulped down at the same time.

"and why don't I get rid of the approaching army for you, is that good enough?" Connor spoke in a playful manner.

"you.....you can do that?" Alanus could not keep his shock to himself and spoke.

"indeed, I can but I need to know if there is a graveyard near here or some big battle that happened near is there any?" Connor asked,

"we do not have graveyard's in Azeria because of the undead we burn the deceased, but there was an ancient battle, in the north lies the stone valley where....." Alanus spoke but was interrupted by Connor.

"I don't need a history lesson how long will it take to get from here ?" Connor asked.

"a little longer than a day from here but why are you asking this ?" Alanus spoke a little irritated.

" not your concern and how long will it take for the enemy army to arrive?"

"hmm, soldier report!" Alanus yelled at the soldier that informed about the approaching army.

"They will be here in one day commander!" He replied.

"hmm one day, good you need to hold Veriates until I arrive also how will I recognize the place?"

"It is easily recognizable huge stones are erected all over the place, but how will you going there help us?"Alanus asked again.

"like I said since you made a deal with me you shall know soon, just hold on until I am back don't let Veriates fall and don't die it would be a pain after all this talking"

"ohh and here take this" Connor tossed Ilene at Alanus "kyaa!" She screamed as Connor tossed her and landed on Alanus but she quickly got up despite her injured leg.

"brute!" She yelled.

"ok time for me to go" Connor turned around and started walking but then he stopped and turned his head towards Alanus "and remember you had made a deal with me do not even dare not keep your word, well anyway after this war is over you won't even have courage to hahaha" Connor walked away with a laugh.

Alanus was left standing and muttered some word's "I may have made a deal with death itself god's save us all." He said as he watched Connor leave.


AN: Here you go next time the siege of Veriates begins ^^


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