《Son of the Spirit Beast》Ribbon vs. Rabbit


Chapter 210 - Ribbon vs. Rabbit

"Closing the first day of the tournament will be Lian, the second young promise from the Forgotten Ocean, and Tu Ling of the Tu Family."

As Song Yazhu called the last two remaining fighters, Lian rose from her seat. Her face had the usual expressionless expression but looking closer, you could see that her eyes were full of determination. After all, Hei and the others had won their respective fights. So Lian didn't want to be outdone.

"Good luck, Lian."

"Show her what you got."

'Kick her ass!'

'Ye, don't be vulgar! Anyway, good luck Lian! '

Ye, Xing, and all the others began to encourage the young woman to show her their support. However, Lian's eyes were fixated only on a single person - Hei.

“I have the utmost confidence in you. Go and come back to us."

Hei just said that. Then he beckoned her to go. Lian replied with another nod and made her way to the fighting stage. Her every step was delicate and graceful and yet contained an impressive resolve.

Meanwhile, her opponent, Tu Ling, had also come out and made her way to the fighting stage. She had long brown hair wrapped in a braid and smooth white skin that made one think of a perfectly polished jade statue. Or at least that would have been the impression one would have had if it weren't for one particular trait - her legs.

Tu Ling's upper body was thin and petite, which accentuated her being cute. But her lower body was incredibly muscular, which ruined the young woman's slender figure. Yet she didn't seem bothered by this at all, so much so that instead of wearing a long robe, she wore only a white shirt and very short shorts that left her legs completely exposed.

"Is there a particular reason why she has such developed legs even though they are out of proportion to the rest of her body?" Hei asked Long Tian. As an Imperial Prince, Long Tian had extensive knowledge about the families of the Empire.

“The Tu Family possesses the Moon Rabbit bloodline. While not a royal bloodline, the Moon Rabbit bloodline holds a particular position as it is one of the few bloodlines of the Light Law. As for their fighting style, the Tu Family specializes in the use of leg techniques.

Strength and speed. These are the main characteristics of their fighting style. To maximize it, they have decided to give up a proportionate body to focus everything on their strong point: their legs. So the upper part remains underdeveloped so as not to weigh down the body."

"Then she is a martial artist specializing in close combat." Hei deduced it from Long Tian's description.

"Yes. But it's not just the kicks to watch out for. The Tu Family also specializes in submission moves. If she were to catch Lian in a vice with her legs, then the chances of Lian getting free are slim."

"If she specializes in submission moves, then Lian's victory is more than certain."

At Hei's statement, Long Tian and all the others present made a confused expression. They didn't understand how Tu Ling's strong point could be favorable for Lian. But Hei didn't answer and focused on the fighting stage. Only Ye and Xing knew what he meant and grinned at each other.

'Big brother and Lian have been training together for years. Lian knows perfectly well how to break free from submission moves, whether used with arms or hands. ' (Xing)


'Right. Even I find it hard to pin her down with my tail. If that Tu Ling were to really aim for such a move, then it will be the end for her.'

Meanwhile, Song Yazhu had started the last match of the first round of the tournament. Viewers had witnessed breathtaking fights one after another, and even the high echelons were impressed with the fighters' quality. Therefore, everyone was eager to see what the last two participants had in store for them.

"Moon Rabbit Bloodline, Light Law, Light Boots!"

Without wasting time chatting or studying her opponent, Tu Ling activated her bloodline from the start. A glow of white light shone and condensed on the young woman's legs, forming two white light boots that completely covered her legs, her thighs included.

'Everyone close to Hei turned out to be strong martial artists. You, who are one of the people closest to him, then you shouldn't be any different. Therefore, I will be serious from the start. ' thought Tu Ling. As a classmate, she noticed the closeness between Hei and Lian. Some even rumored that they were lovers even though there was no concrete evidence of that rumor.

"Tu Style - Rabbit Jump."

Suddenly, with impressive speed, Tu Ling shifted from her position to position herself next to Lian. The latter, remaining calm, waved her right hand and pulled the white silk ribbon out of her sleeve. This ribbon swooped down to where Tu Ling had moved.


The ribbon crashed violently into the stage floor but missed its target. Tu Ling had moved just before being hit. Fortunately, Lian had two ribbons at her disposal and, waving her left arm, sent the second ribbon to attack.


This, too, swooped down on Tu Ling. Yet, just as before, Tu Ling dodged Lian's ribbon just before she was hit.

"Light Kick!"

Tu Ling made a straight movement with her right leg, and a beam of light was generated towards Lian. Taking advantage of the range advantage, the latter quietly evaded the attack and waved her ribbons again.

Thus began a strange sinuous dance between the two women.

Lian would wave her two ribbons gracefully and elegantly, moving her body in a circle as if she were doing a waltz with herself. In this way, not only could she direct her ribbons wherever her opponent went, but she could dodge any attack that was sent against her.

On the other hand, Tu Ling would dodge every attack thanks to her legs' power and speed, jumping frantically between the spaces left by the ribbons. Moreover, whenever she had the opportunity, she would send a beam of light against Lian to disturb her movements, and slowly she was approaching inexorably towards the latter.

'Her ribbon skills are incredible. Even though she is controlling two at a time, she manages to attack even while dodging. All the openings she leaves in her guard are nothing more than traps to get me to take a misstep.' Tu Ling analyzed as she kept jumping from place to place.

'Her technique bears similarities to Hei's. She uses her feet' soles to kick the floor and push her body in the desired direction. Yet despite sending out light attacks, she only manages to dodge my hits by a whisker. Either she has extraordinary reflexes, or she's limiting her speed to lure me into a false sense of security.' Lian reflected as her gaze remained blank on her opponent.

Because she periodically sparred with Hei, she knew that martial artists who used many movement techniques often aimed to change their movements' pace, especially against a new opponent. Hei himself would rarely use his full speed from the start but would limit himself and then take the opponent by surprise.


'If so, then I have the right solution.'

After deliberating what to do, Lian increased the flow of spirit power in her ribbons. These became more chaotic and were shaken faster. This increased the frequency of Lian's attacks but left her more exposed to possible counterattacks.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Each time the ribbons hit the floor, they made a metallic noise as if they weren’t made of silk but pure metal. Meanwhile, Tu Ling had assumed a frown as she had been pushed back against the wall.

'I can't hold back anymore, or I'll end up losing. I wanted to continue with the charade for a while longer, but you don't seem to be willing to play my game. Never mind, the important thing is to get close to you in any case.'

Holding back nothing, Tu Ling kicked the floor of the stage in a sequence of sideways movements. Her speed was faster than before, thus confirming Lian's hypothesis.

"Rabbit Long Jump!"

Focusing the spirit power on her legs, Tu Ling's muscular thighs swelled further as the veins became visible. Tu Ling then further increased her speed to such an extent that she resembled a white dart hurled at great speed at Lian.

"Rabbit Vice!"

Taking advantage of the legs' propulsion, Tu Ling arrived in no time in front of Lian. Soon after, the legs still covered in the light boots went into a vice against Lian's neck. As these muscular legs closed tightly on her neck, Lian felt a strong pressure in that area that prevented her from breathing properly.

"Accept defeat, or I'll have to break your neck." Tu Ling ordered in a tone that sounded like she wasn't joking at all. And in fact, she wasn't doing it. After all, the Tu Family's most common killing method was to snap the necks of their enemies.

'Even if she doesn't want to give up, teacher Song Yazhu will give me the victory. And even if I break her neck, she won't die instantly. If I quickly block the flow of spirit power right after I snap her neck, there will be no consequences with the medical team nearby,' thought Tu Ling in case Lian wouldn’t declare her defeat.

She wanted to win, but she couldn't ignore the tournament rules. Luckily Lian was strong enough that she wouldn't die instantly even if she used her lethal move. And in any case, she had allowed Lian to surrender. Therefore, she wouldn’t be held responsible even if an unexpected accident happened.

At Tu Ling's warning, Lian replied not with words but with her actions. She waved her arms to recall the ribbons she had sent to the attack earlier. She clearly had no intention of giving up without a fight to the end.

"As if I let you!" Tu Ling shouted before using another technique, "Light Law, Blinding Light!"

The boots of light around Tu Ling's legs melted, giving off a blinding white light that veiled the figure of the two fighters from the public eye.

"You asked for it. Rabbit Vice!"

With her eyes closed due to the blazing light, Tu Ling tightened her grip on Lian's neck even more tightly. She knew she had no time to waste, or she would lose the initiative. For this reason, she had activated a double-edged move like that; doing so, she would blind Lian momentarily, preventing her from reacting in time. Since she was already in position, Tu Ling didn't need her eyes to execute her attack.


Tu Ling heard the unmistakable cracking sound. She knew the power of her legs well, especially during the Rabbit Vice.

'Judging by the impact, I should have broken her defensive layer of spirit power. If so, then the victory is mine. I just need to apply a little pressure, and I'll break her neck.' Tu ling rejoiced within herself as she looked forward to victory. However, Song Yazhu's expected victory announcement didn’t come.

'I don’t understand. I have broken her defensive layer of spirit power. If it weren't for my leniency, I would have broken her neck already. Why haven't they yet declared an end to the fight?' Tu Ling wondered in shock.

Her eyes were still blinded by the light from before, even though she was gradually returning to focus. But before she could regain the use of her sight, she noticed an important detail.

'How strange. The neck of people, especially those of women, is smooth. But why do I feel roughness in contact with my legs? '

When Tu Ling could see again, she immediately saw why. The area around which her legs were wrapped was covered with a brown layer that resembled a tree's bark. Furthermore, even though that layer had been cracked, it hadn't dissolved completely.

"Shit!" Tu Ling cursed when she realized her mistake. As soon as she closed her legs on Lian's neck, she thought the victory was now her. She didn't think Lian would have such readiness to protect her neck instantly.

Woosh! Woosh!

Two whistles resounded, and immediately after two objects of white silk - they were Lian's ribbons.

In fact, Lian hadn't lost her focus during all this time. She instantly recognized the pressure her neck was receiving, and, as she did so many times against Hei, Xing, and Ye, she created a protective layer with her Wood Law. In addition to that, she also activated the Love Lotus bloodline. If Tu Ling had gone to great lengths to use this move, it certainly had to be a finishing move, and she couldn't allow herself the luxury of limiting herself.

Thus, Tu Ling's Rabbit Vice crashed into Lian's wooden barrier. With the Love Lotus bloodline empowering her, the Bark Coating technique withstood the intense pressure it received. However, Lian didn't just defend herself. Instead, she readily assessed that it was an excellent opportunity to end the fight and guided her ribbons to Tu Ling. Even though her eyes were still closed due to the light, she didn't need sight to guide her ribbons to her target.


Tu Ling quickly released the grip on her neck and jumped up to run away. Unfortunately for her, Lian's ribbons were now beside her and pinned her legs. Then they began to climb all over her body until leaving only her head free.

"Accept defeat."

As Tu Ling did earlier, Lian ordered her opponent to surrender. They both said the same thing from a position of absolute domination, yet the difference between them was evident. When Tu Ling told Lian to surrender, it seemed more like a warning; when Lian told Tu Ling to surrender, it was more like a sentence.

"Not a chance!" Tu Ling cursed as she tried to spur her spirit power and break free. Flashes of white light could be glimpsed within the ribbons, yet they wouldn’t move no matter how much effort Tu Ling put in.

"The winner is Lian." Song Yazhu declared after evaluating Tu Ling unable to break free.

At Song Yazhu's announcement, Lian moved her arms slightly and loosened her ribbons' grip, gently placing Tu Ling's body on the ground. Then she gave her a short bow and returned to the stand intended for the combatants.

"Shit!" Tu Ling cursed with anger and tears in her eyes. However, she immediately got up and walked off the stage as well.

“And with this, we conclude the first day of fights of the Southern Royal War Academy tournament. Of the initial thirty-two participants, sixteen remained. We will therefore see sixteen battles tomorrow. Spectators are invited to leave the academy's grounds except for distinguished guests who will be guided to their quarters. As for our valiant fighters, please return to your quarters. Whoever has won must prepare as best they can for tomorrow while whoever has lost should reflect on the reason for their defeat."

With that, the first day of the tournament ended. At Song Yazhu's call, the spectators, one by one, began to leave the large stadium set up for the tournament. After such an exciting day, all they wanted to do was go to some pub or inn and discuss the fights and brag to those who couldn't get tickets for such a show.

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