《Son of the Spirit Beast》Berserker Pill


Chapter 181 - Berserker Pill

The challenge between Hei's group and that of Feng Gengxin immediately became the top topic throughout the academy. The first-year students were more than happy to find a source of distraction while the older ones were interested in observing the skills of the fighters. After all, even if there were no direct competition between the three academic years, once the academy was over, all of them would be on the same level - soldiers of the Sun Empire.

Within the Sun Army, the competition was fierce, and to stand out from everyone else, not only strong fighting skills were needed. Instead, it was also necessary to have great leadership skills. The Sun Empire divided the martial artists of the academies into various autonomous units that would gain fame as they completed specific missions. Since those from the Four Royal War Academies were generally selected to be team leaders in such units, it was common for older students to be looking for future members to recruit.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. The excitement was at its peak—the mysterious genius from the Forgotten Ocean against one of the sons of the Feng Family. Although first-year students had witnessed Hei's abilities firsthand, there were still some who weren't convinced that he was on the same level as the younger generation of the Imperial Family and the Eight Big Families. Therefore, even if Feng Gengxin was not Feng Chen since he carried the surname Feng on himself, the result wasn't so obvious.

The academy set up a combat stage for the occasion together with the stands for spectators. The teachers were well aware of the mental and emotional stress present in the first-year students. So they decided to do things big to cheer up the atmosphere a bit.

"The moment has come," Hei said to the four teammates he had chosen for this challenge.

Lian, Leon, He Fen, and Lang. As for Lang, Fenrir wouldn't have attended.

Rather than aiming for a balanced formation by exploiting the presence of support martial artists among his companions, Hei decided to choose attack martial artists only. It would put even more pressure on Feng Gengxin to get him into the trap.

"I'm ready," Lang replied.

"Let's go destroy them." urged He Fen.

"Three days was too short for completing everything, but at least I finished my weapon. It is the right opportunity to test it." Leon commented.

"Lead the way. Hei, we'll be behind you. Let's quickly finish this so we can collect our reward." Lian lastly said.

She knew well how Hei had felt during these three days. The young man had had his heart in turmoil all the time, and regardless of how much he tried to hide it, Lian could easily see the excitement and frenzy in his eyes. And the reason for all of this was the reward that Long Tian had promised once this matter was over.

Incidentally, just like Lian, Leon, He Fen, and Lang decided to participate in this challenge only to help Hei; however, they were curious at the same time to know what this reward was that could have aroused similar emotions in a usually calm person like Hei.

"Let's go."

Hei then began guiding his other four companions on stage. His little sisters were currently on Fenrir's head, and the three spirit beasts were assisting in the stands in companions of Haruno, Mareo, Lilian, and Mia. Although they were slightly disappointed they weren't able to fight, they weren't worried about their masters' victory.


In the meantime, Feng Gengxin and his men took the stage too. Feng Gengxin's usually haughty and mocking face was now replaced by a stern expression. Ironically, this gave him a feeling of power even if he should have to prove it with his actions and not only with the attitude he exhibited.

"Welcome to all the students of the Southern Royal War Academy. As you know, today we have a team match, 5 vs. 5. Now, a quick explanation of the rules before we begin. I remind fighters that it is forbidden to kill or cripple the opponent, so always keep that in mind if you don't want to suffer serious consequences. It is allowed to use your weapons, but you are not allowed to use other objects such as potions or pills or any other kind of item that can facilitate you in the battle. Again, the punishment to be paid will be severe. For the rest, you can fight as you prefer. You can start now. "

One of the academy's teachers gave a quick introduction before officially announcing the start of the fight. Since it was a challenge among first-year students, it would have been logical to have Song Yazhu as presenter and judge; however, there was another teacher in his place.

'Song Yazhu is probably hidden somewhere, although it is obvious that I cannot perceive him. Long Tian has already prepared everything. Now we just have to put them under pressure.' Hei thought to himself before addressing his companions, "Remember what I said. Put them under pressure, but do not knock them out immediately. They must remain sufficiently conscious."

Lian and the other three nodded with their heads and drew their weapons. All of them had their usual weapon except Leon. With only three days of work, Leon had spent day and night at the forge to work on his new weapon but had finally completed it. Unfortunately, there was not enough time to create the armor, but this wasn't a problem for now.

As for Leon's greatsword, the weapon had a blade width that was almost as large as a man's torso. More than a sword, it looked more like a block of metal that had been given the appearance of a sword. At first glance, it could be seen that the weight of this weapon was not at all low. However, Leon was holding it as if it were nothing special. In addition to the unusual shape, numerous symbols intertwined finely on the blade, forming a complex and indecipherable geometry at first glance.

When viewers saw what the greatsword looked like, most of them struggled to hold back the laughter. How could anyone think they could fight with something so bulky?

But this wasn't true for everyone. Those who had attentive eyes could perceive the peculiarity that was emitted by the giant sword. As if it were an inactive volcano, but that could explode at any moment.

"Phoenix Bloodline, Activate! Law of Fire, Phoenix Feathers!"

Feng Gengxin wasted no time and immediately activated his bloodline. Then he used a technique of the Fire Law, trying to get Hei out of the games. For Feng Gengxin, Hei was the most dangerous enemy. As long as Hei was defeated, the victory could have been his. Unfortunately for him, Feng Gengxin made wrong calculations about the strength of Hei's four companions.

"Heavenly Sweep!" Leon shouted as he poured his spirit power into his greatsword. The formations engraved on the blade lit up with a mysterious and intriguing light. Subsequently, a stream of pure spirit power was fired out of the broadsword blade. This current swept the fire feathers created by Feng Gengxin in an instant.


"What?!" shouted Feng Gengxin, who dared not believe it. It wasn't because his attack had been blocked; after all, even if attacked as soon as the fight started, the enemy was still at full strength. The thing that surprised him was that Leon was able to reject his technique with disarming simplicity. He didn't even have to activate the intent of his weapon or activate his bloodline, although Leon was devoid of one.

Meanwhile, Hei and the others moved quickly against Feng Gengxin's henchmen. The latter could be considered geniuses in a general assessment of the younger generation throughout all the Sun Empire. However, within an elite place like the Southern Royal War Academy, they occupied the bottom of the ladder. Therefore, the gap between them and Hei was abysmal. But it wasn't just Hei, such differences in power also existed with Lian, Leon, He Fen, and Lang.

Soon Feng Gengxin's henchmen were cornered. Their every move was futile and would be easily blocked. No matter how hard they tried, it didn't work. Their only hope, Feng Gengxin, was currently busy fighting against Leon.

To help him build confidence and familiarize him with his new weapon, Hei had specifically left Leon the strongest enemy. Despite his character, Feng Gengxin was still part of the Feng family. His bloodline was very pure, and the techniques he used were on a different level than his henchmen. On paper, Feng Gengxin was a decent opponent to face, but his immaturity both as a martial artist and as a person was a massive obstacle for himself.

Nervousness, jealousy, and fear peeked into Feng Gengxin's heart. During these days, he had consoled himself that if he were to lose to Hei, he could keep his honor if Hei proved to be as strong as Long Tian had said. If Hei was indeed on the same level as the Imperial Prince or his cousin Feng Chen, it wasn't so strange that he lost.

Now, however, his opponent was not Hei but a nobody from who knows where. Initially, Feng Gengxin thought he could easily get rid of Leon and thanked Hei in his heart for such a foolish move. Soon, Feng Gengxin realized the reality of the facts, and when he noticed that he wouldn't be able to beat even an ordinary stranger, his heart could no longer resist.

"Damn! How is it possible that I cannot win against such garbage? I don't accept it. I don't accept it. Fuck. I'll show you what the price is to underestimate me." Feng Gengxin started laughing obsessively. He seemed to have completely lost his mind. With a large movement of his hands, he summoned flames of fire to keep Leon away. Then he began to rummage inside his space ring.

At the same time, as if it had previously been agreed, his henchmen also used their moves to drive away opponents while looking for something in their space rings.


Five blurred silhouettes flickered on the stage where the fighters were. These silhouettes fell on Feng Gengxin and his men, nailing them to the ground.


Confusion appeared in the spectators' eyes. Even the teachers were appalled at how the situation had taken such a turn. None of them, however, intervened because they recognized the five silhouettes which had attacked Feng Gengxin and his men.

Four of them were the four guards in the service of the Imperial Prince while the last was none other than the Imperial Prince himself who effortlessly nailed Feng Gengxin on the ground.

"Shit!! Who dares to attack me from behind?! I'll kill him!" shouted Feng Gengxin as he tried to wriggle on the ground. Rather than aiming to break free, he was doing everything he could to get close to his right hand. The same was true for the four henchmen blocked by the guards of the Imperial Prince.

"Be quiet!"

Another shout rang on the battlefield. A fiery red-haired young man was approaching Feng Gengxin. When the latter listened to the voice, he immediately knew who it was.

Feng Chen.

Feng Gengxin within himself, began to sweat profusely. Normally he should have been happy that Feng Chen had come to his rescue; the problem was that this didn't seem to be the case. Feng Chen had a furious expression on his face, and a tyrannical pressure like raging flames had replaced his composed attitude.

"Even if you're my cousin, how dare you bring dishonor to the family?! I should kill you on the spot instantly for your crime."

"What do you mean? I don't know what you are talking about, cousin, please help me. They attacked me from behind, and you take it out on me instead? If you really care about the family's honor, you should make the offender pay for this affront."

Feng Chen's expression became even more livid as his spirit power exploded, ready to burn Feng Gengxin alive.

"If I were in you, I would shut up." said the one who was holding Feng Gengxin on the ground.

Feng Gengxin shivered. He recognized the owner's voice immediately; it was Long Tian. "Imperial Prince Long Tian, ​​I don't understand why you attacked me from behind. Did I accidentally do something wrong?"

"Yes. Can I ask you to open your hand and show me what's in your hand? If you refuse, you leave me no choice but to use force. "

Hearing Long Tian's answer, Feng Gengxin paled even more. He knew that what he was about to do would break the rules, but he didn't think that the situation would degenerate in this way.

"I don't understand why such a scene. It's just an enhancement pill. Even if it's against the rules, there's no need to treat me like a criminal." Feng Gengxin tried to explain as he opened his hand, revealing the content inside.

"The problem is, it's not an enhancement pill. It's a berserk pill." Long Tian answered coldly.

Berserk Pill. A special pill that gave the user a strong increase in power. However, the martial artist who ingested him would have been dominated by his murderous impulses becoming a death machine. As long as the martial artist was alive, he would fight unconcerned of his injuries or who was around him, killing both enemies and allies. It was a pill used mainly by those who had been chosen for suicide missions, and it was a ban to use it in the military as the users could end up killing their companions.

"A berserk pill? No, no. You are wrong. It is a normal enhancement pill; he guaranteed it to me. It is not possible to be a berserk pill." whined Feng Gengxin. He knew the effects and horror of the berserk pill, and the thought of being on the verge of ingesting it froze his heart.

"Idiot. Not only do you ignore the bans of the academy, but you don't even check what a stranger offers you. If you don't want to make it worse, tell us who was to give you such an object." Feng Chen asked as he tried to control his anger.

"I ... I ..." Feng Gengxin began to grumble. His brain had stopped working.

"There is no need. The culprit has already shown himself. Feng Chen, I leave you to decide how to manage your cousin. Dae-Won, you and the others take over the other four. Hei instead, how about accompanying me and see who is the real culprit."

Long Tian gave a series of orders before turning to Hei. From Long Tian's eyes, Hei could read a feeling of victory. His plan had been successful, and the culprit had been captured.

"You don't have to explain what happened to the teachers?" Hei asked as he pointed to the approaching group of teachers.

"Of course, they will accompany us too. Let's go now. Song Yazhu is waiting for us."

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