《Son of the Spirit Beast》Challenge


Chapter 180 - Challenge

"I guess you know what a Spirit Registration Sphere is. What if I told you I have a sphere containing a record of what happened one hundred thousand years ago? The great battle that saw the divine beasts' victory and decline and the disappearance of part of the Continent."

When Hei heard Long Tian's words, his heart couldn't help but jump and start beating fast. Although he was trying not to show it, the news that there was a recording of that event had left him in an agitated state of mind.

"A recording of what happened a hundred thousand years ago? How do you get such a thing, and why are you giving it to me? Hei asked, maintaining his usual composure.

Long Tian replied with another question, "You know what historian martial artists are, right?"

"Yes, I've heard of it," Hei replied that he began to understand a little more about the matter.

"Spirit Emperor Chong Zemin. In addition to being a Spirit Emperor with incredible battle power, he was also a historian martial artist. Historian martial artists are in charge of recording the relevant events that happen on our continent. Therefore, since it was the final battle between humans and demons, it is normal that there were also historian martial artists among the troops. Spirit Emperor Chong Zemin was one of them.

Unfortunately, any record of what happened was lost or so the general opinion thinks. Chong Zemin managed to preserve some fragments that were then recovered by the rescue teams that arrived after the destruction of the Continent's central lands. It is for this reason that we know what happened; after all, none of the participants in that fight came out alive."

Long Tian paused as Hei tried to keep his breathing regular. 'It is not true that nobody came out alive. Mother had survived thanks to Father. However, this only confirms the authenticity of Long Tian's claims.'

It was right. How could the Sun Empire and the Moon Empire know the culprit for so much destruction and death? How did they know that the Serpent of Darkness had reached the divine rank if all the witnesses had been wiped out together with part of the Continent?

"Thanks to the skills of our formation masters, we were able to reconstruct the fragments so that they could show us detailed images. The content inside shows three scenes - Chong Zemin, who fights against a demon Spirit Emperor, the entry into the field of divine beasts followed by the spirit beasts, and lastly, the moment when the Serpent of Darkness reaches the divine rank and the beginning of the destruction.

Since they are images from Spirit Emperor Chong Zemin's point of view, we don't know exactly how the Serpent of Darkness has reached such a level. But, by witnessing the recording, you can perceive its power level. Ever since they came into their possession, the experts of the Sun Empire have tried to study the images contained in those fragments, but to date, there have been no positive results."

Long Tian sighed as if he was disappointed by that. It wasn't due to him being one of the Imperial Princes. As a martial artist himself, he couldn't help feeling disappointed in not being able to observe more closely the scene that had marked the history of the whole continent, leading to today's situation.

"You didn't answer my question. Why are you giving it to me?" Hei asked. Part of him had begun to suspect that Long Tian might know something about his true origins.


Long Tian, ​​however, smiled, replying, "What I'm giving you is a copy, not the original. The Sun Empire no longer needs to maintain secrecy over the events of that day for a long time by now. Therefore, it became a tradition of giving to the most talented children of the Imperial Family and the Eight Big Families a copy of this recording. To show them the peak we had once reached and how we lost it, so that next time it would be us humans to reach the divine rank and not someone else.

Even if you come from a remote place like the Forgotten Ocean, your origins don't matter. If you have talent, the Sun Empire will be more than willing to raise you. As an Imperial Prince, it is my duty to make sure that talented people like you are not wasted because of senseless values ​​such as social status or lack of a noble background. We have already made this mistake in the past, and it has cost us dearly, we cannot commit it again. I can't let that happen."

Long Tian then clenched his fists. From his position, Hei could see that Long Tian's face was contracted by the emotions he was experiencing. Looking at this, Hei was surprised because the Imperial Prince had always maintained a composed and self-confident appearance, without revealing his deepest thoughts. Now, however, he could read in Long Tian a mixture of different emotions - anger, determination, pride, frustration, pain.

Long Tian realized that he had let himself go too much and put himself together. Then he turned to Hei, "So what do you say? Are you willing to do it? I need an answer now. The sooner we start, the better."

Hei meditated a moment before answering. The proposal was tempting but hid an unknown danger. However, it was also true that he couldn't let go of such an opportunity. Her mother had shown no images of that day; she wanted Hei, Ye, and Xing to be more mature before doing that. Unfortunately, however, Bao Bai had died before she could do it.

"Alright. I accept." Hei announced firmly. He had to know; no, it wasn't correct. He wanted to know. Know what had happened and see his parents even once again.


Canteen, Ground Floor

It was dinner, and the first-year students were all having dinner in the canteen. The atmosphere between the various groups was gloomy. Even if a week had passed, the students still couldn't shake off the aftermath of the battle against the cockroaches and termites. It was not only frustration in seeing their shortcomings and weaknesses, but the death of their companions also weighed heavily. After all, they had spent many months together, helping each other to survive the hard life of the academy.

At that moment, a group of five people was walking across the tables. Leading them was a young man with brown skin and long pitch-black hair. The other students recognized him in an instant - Hei, the strange martial artist from the Forgotten Ocean.

Hei was walking between the tables, leading Lian, He Fen, Lang, and Leon with him. His little sisters and the other members of his group were seated a few tables further back to enjoy dinner. Hei instead had another task to perform.

"Feng Gengxin!" Hei shouted when he finally stopped walking. He had stopped at the table where the person he was looking for sat - Feng Gengxin, a member of the Feng Family, one of the Eight Big Families.

Hei's shout drew the attention of all first-year students. Since they were tormented by dark thoughts, any kind of distraction was well received. In a moment, all the tables stopped making noise, creating a glacial silence.


"Who's calling me?" replied Feng Gengxin, annoyed. He didn't like being disturbed while he was eating, but when he noticed who had called him, his face suddenly twitched.

'Hei? That beggar from the Forgotten Ocean? What does he want from me?' Feng Gengxin wondered to himself as he maintained his classic haughty expression.

"What do you want from me to disturb everyone during dinner?" asked Feng Gengxin, trying to involve other people in his cause. But his tactic didn't work; no one intervened in support of his claim.

"Just before the start of academic activities, you dared to insult both of my companions. We were stopped that day by the arrival of the Imperial Prince, but now he is not here." Hei declared as he raised his voice to make sure he was heard by everyone present.

Feng Gengxin frowned. Initially, he was waiting for the right opportunity to get his revenge. And the trial within the forest happened to be the perfect occasion. However, the sudden attack of cockroaches and termites had messed up his plans. Not to mention the fact that he found out how strong Hei really was.

After witnessing Hei's true abilities, Feng Gengxin decided to give up revenge. He was arrogant, but he wasn't stupid enough to provoke people stronger than him. Since Hei himself had not mentioned it so far, Feng Gengxin thought he had left that matter behind. However, it had now come back as a backfire.

"So? What if Long Tian is here or not? Do you want to fight here in front of everyone? Do you want to violate the rules of the academy?" Feng Gengxin mocked, laughing at Hei's absurdities.

"I have no intention of violating the rules of the academy. That's why I'm here. I, Hei, throw a formal challenge against you, Feng Gengxin. However, as you are weaker than me, this challenge would not be exciting at all. So how about a team challenge? You and your henchmen against my other four companions whom you see with me and me."

When Feng Gengxin heard the words' formal challenge', his face turned white as if he had just seen a fatal omen. The Southern Royal War Academy didn't prohibit combat, provided that a challenge was first announced.

"Formal challenge? Why should I accept it? I belong to the Feng Family, one of the Eight Big Families. Why would someone with my heritage lower himself to fight an inferior martial artist with no background like you? No, this makes no sense. I categorically refuse. If you want to come to blows, look for someone else. I have no time to lose."

At that point, Feng Gengxin got up and gave his henchmen a look to follow him. The earlier they left, the better it was for him. But unfortunately for him, there was someone else at that time in the canteen.

"Stop there, Feng Gengxin."

A voice rang in the canteen in an authoritative tone. Feng Gengxin immediately understood who had spoken. His blood began to boil from the agitation that was raging in his body.

"Cousin Feng Chen. What's up? I'm busy, I have to go back to my cultivation session." exclaimed Feng Gengxin trying to find a plausible excuse to leave.

Feng Chen didn't let himself be distracted and continued, "You can answer the challenge and then go to cultivate."

"But I've already answered. Didn't you hear, cousin Feng Chen? I refused, why should I challenge someone like him?"

"Because it's an order. As the family head's son and the number one member of the younger generation, you know that I have the power to issue orders to all the family members of the younger generation. Hei has launched a formal challenge. Therefore, as a member of the Feng Family, you must accept the challenge and achieve victory."

Feng Chen's voice was hard and relentless, leaving no room for negotiation. His words implied that if Feng Gengxin didn't want a punishment from the family, he would have to accept the challenge.

Hei looked at Feng Chen for a few moments. Immediately after accepting Long Tian's proposal, the two held a meeting on how to plan their moves. Hei had questioned how Feng Chen would react if they challenged Feng Gengxin to a formal challenge. After all, it was about the honor of the Feng Family, not to mention the fact that Feng Chen and Feng Gengxin were cousins. However, Long Tian had assured that there would be no problems, and from how Feng Chen was behaving, it seemed that the Imperial Prince was right.

'The relationship between Long Tian and Feng Chen is more complex than it seems. Even if it is an official challenge, if I win against Feng Gengxin, the result will bring dishonor to the Feng Family. As the future family head, I doubt that Feng Chen will allow such a thing. It would be reasonable to assume that he would join the challenge, but he doesn't seem to have any intention of doing so. Instead, he's helping us get Feng Gengxin to the fight.' Hei thought as he returned to observe Feng Gengxin.

At Feng Chen's words, Feng Gengxin found himself cornered. As Feng Chen had said, the member of the younger generation with the most potential was permitted to command the other younger generation members. It was a family rule, Feng Gengxin couldn't refuse, not to mention that Feng Chen was also the son of the current family head. The orders he dictated could be compared to the family head himself.

"I... hmmm. Yes, I know. Then, since they are challenging the honor of the family, will you help me cousin Feng Chen, right?" asked Feng Gengxin, holding on to the last hope he had left.

'If Feng Chen joins, I can have a chance. Furthermore, if he participates, Huli Xieren is also likely to fight alongside him. Even though she is not as strong as Feng Chen, she is more skilled than the trash I have with me.' Feng Gengxin chuckled to himself, believing that he had found the answer to his problems.

"No. I won't help you. It's a problem that you created because you don't know when to keep your mouth shut. You have to solve it yourself. Furthermore, it is a formal challenge, and those who have been challenged with you are your four henchmen. I couldn't intervene even if I wanted to do so."

Feng Chen, therefore, destroyed Feng Gengxin's last hope. The haughty and arrogant young man of the Feng Family felt as if he had fallen into a deep abyss with no way out. Only the shame he would feel if he showed weakness was holding him up. Otherwise, it could have already collapsed and passed out on the floor.

"Three days. Yes, I think it is more than enough time to prepare yourselves. In three days, you and your henchmen will challenge Hei and his companions. It is okay for you. Hei, I assume, right?" Feng Chen accepted the challenge on Feng Gengxin's behalf.

"Yes, it's more than good. It will give us a way to achieve optimal conditions." Hei replied.

Excitement spread among all the other spectators. They didn't expect that there would be a formal challenge in this period, not after the events that took place in the forest. But it was a good thing. They could temporarily distract themselves from their dark thoughts.

"Three days. Okay. Three days." stammered Feng Gengxin. So he headed out of the cafeteria alone. His henchmen, totally displaced at having found themselves in such a mess, followed him shortly after.

According to the rules of the academy, they could refuse the challenge up to two times in a row. But if they did, they would leave their boss alone. It meant utterly cutting the bridges with Feng Gengxin. As a result, they would no longer receive the benefits they had as a henchman of Feng Gengxin, a member of one of the Eight Big Families.

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