《Son of the Spirit Beast》Long Tian's Request


Chapter 179 - Long Tian's Request

At that point, Hei intervened, "What if I told you it could be done instead? That there is a way to get enough Spirit Metal to make a large greatsword and an entire armor?"

When Leon heard this, his brain stopped working. He couldn't understand where Hei and Lian were getting at. A method of obtaining enough Spirit Metal to make a greatsword and an entire armor? Even the children of the Eight Big Families would have had difficulties if they wanted to get so much Spirit Metal, let alone them from an ordinary background.

"What Hei said is true. There is this opportunity, but it isn't something that you can get for free. The price you have to pay can be zero or cost more than anything else in your life, depending on how you perceive it."

Lian suddenly came out with that, bringing Leon back to reality. The young man looked at that unusual couple who had come from the Forgotten Ocean when no one else had ever made it. Since he had known them, amazing things had happened, and if they said there was a way, then it had to be true.

"Lian." Hei put a hand on Lian's shoulder to prevent her from saying too much. But the blue-haired young woman had already finished what she meant and nodded to Hei, telling him to continue.

"Listen to me carefully, Leon," Hei said, "as Lian said, this opportunity is not free. In the life of us martial artists, nothing is ever completely free. If you really want it, then I will give you all the Spirit Metal you need. But first, I need your word. I need you to promise that you will do one thing for me."

"One thing for you? Tell me then. Even without the Spirit Metal, you know I won't hesitate to help you or Lian." Leon replied as he thought in his heart, 'What kind of request is it, enough to give me even such a quantity of Spirit Metal?'

Hei smiled and revealed his request, "You will have to protect my family. Should anything happen, you will need to protect Lian, Ye, and Xing. At any cost."

"Hei too. You'll have to protect Hei as well." Lian added as she slightly glared at Hei. Since she also knew Hei better than anyone else, except perhaps for Ye and Xing, she knew that Hei would mention her and his little sisters but would not mention himself.

"Protect all of you? Of course, I would run to your aid. Aren't we companions?" Leon asked, puzzled. He couldn't understand. Was there really a need to ask for such a thing? After all, Hei and Lian had done a lot for him, and all three were on the same team and were friends. Therefore, helping each other was a foregone conclusion.

"We are companions, but what I am talking about is not a simple help against some proud son of an important family or some enemy spirit beast. I can't tell you the details now, but I'll ask you anyway.

Leon, would you protect my family and me no matter what happens? Even if you had to face the entire Moon Empire? Even if you have to betray the Sun Empire? Even if you had to face the whole world?"

When Leon heard those words, a strange sensation enveloped his body. It was as if he were at a crossroads. He didn't know why, but unconsciously his heart was telling him that the decision he would make there on that day would condition the rest of his life forever.


Knock! Knock!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Hei then went to open the door and saw Dae-Won, the head of Long Tian's guards on the threshold.

"Hi, Dae-Won. Did something happen? "Hei asked as he didn't expect to see him.

Dae-Won nodded to greet him and replied, "I have a message from my boss. He needs to talk to you. If you can come to him now, it would be very welcomed."

"Long Tian wants to see me?"

Hei was surprised. Why did Long Tian want to see him? Even though the forest accident had brought the two of them closer together, Hei and Long Tian were still strangers. They had respect for the other's skills and talent, but they weren't in a relationship like the one that tied Hei to his other companions.

'A week has passed since the end of the test. Since then, Long Tian has not shown himself. Yet now he is looking for me. Is this about the forest accident?' Hei thought to himself.

Regarding the trial in the forest, the academy had cataloged it as a simple accident. However, several points had not been answered. Was it possible that Long Tian had found something?

"Leon, you don't need to answer me now. Think about it and when you are ready, come to me. In any case, whatever your answer is, it won't change the fact that we are friends. Now I have to go; Lian, stay here with Ye and Xing. "

"Okay, Hei. Be careful, though." Lian replied as she briefly looked toward Dae-Won.

"Sure. I have promised you. "Hei smiled and started following Dae-Won out the door and down the corridor to take the elevator.


Suddenly, Leon's scream resounded. He had stepped out of Hei and Lian's room and had both his fists clenched as if he was gathering his strength. "I promise. What you requested, I will do it. You have my word, and if that's not enough, I can sign a blood pact."

Hearing about the blood pact, Dae-Won moved his gaze from Leon toward Hei, wondering what was so important between the two that they required a blood pact. But he decided not to ask questions. As head of the Imperial Prince's guards, he had learned the value of discretion from an early age. However, he would mention it to the Imperial Prince just in case.

"You don't need to go that far. I trust you." Hei smiled before calling Lian, "Lian! Here is my space ring. Take what you know and give it to Leon. The sooner he starts, the better it will be for everyone."

Hei then launched his space ring. Inside was the Heart and inside the Heart, all the ingots of Spirit Metal that they had found in the treasure of the Pirate King Hae-Seong. This amount was more than enough to make a greatsword and a full armor. And if that wasn't enough for some reason, they still had many points to buy more Spirit Metal.

Then Hei followed Dae-Won to the room where the Imperial Prince lived. Due to his status, Long Tian occupied the first underground floor, which was very bright. His room was well furnished and presented a certain elegance, without, however, ending up being lavish. Long Tian sat behind a wooden desk and greeted Hei cheerfully.

"Hei. I'm glad to see you again. Sorry for the sudden summons, but I need your help." greeted Long Tian as he gestured to Hei to sit down. Dae-Won meanwhile went to stand along the wall, next to his other fellow guards. Even if Long Tian had asked them to sit, as long as there was another person in the room, their discipline as guards required them to assume a formal attitude.


"What do you need?" Hei asked as he sat down. He wanted to go back as soon as possible to ask Lian for more information on Leon's issue, but at the same time, he was also curious about why he had been called. After all, although he had met Lon Tian only recently, he knew that the Imperial Prince was not the type of person to call a person for simple pleasantries.

"Before I start, I'd like to ask you a question, and I need you to sincerely answer me." Long Tian's expression became more serious, "What do you think of the forest accident? Have you noticed anything unusual? "

When Long Tian asked that question, Hei thought to himself, 'As I imagined, it has to do with the trial. But why is he asking me only now?'

"Yes, there are some unusual points. The lords of the forest said that the termites had come from outside. Oddly, a whole group of spirit beasts travels, and by chance, they get to the forest chosen as the place of the trial. The termite king's behavior was also unusual. It ordered a forced recruitment to exterminate the forest species. It doesn't make sense; it's a suicidal move to make, especially during the trial period. If it wanted to conquer the forest, it would have acted once we were gone. Besides, it would have assimilated the territories of the forest little by little while consolidating its strength, considering the queen was also close to giving birth.

However, the most unusual thing of all is another—the presence of the teacher Song Yazhu. From what I understand, teachers cannot stay near the forest once the barrier is activated. Yet Song Yazhu was there. For what reason?"

Hei concluded his analysis while Long Tian slightly smiled. He had an amused expression now as if he found the connections Hei had made interesting.

"Not bad. As I thought, you are the right person. You have to know that the reason Song Yazhu was there was due to my order. I can't tell you the details right now but think as if he is working for me. However, I only gave Song Yazhu orders to monitor the surrounding area outside and not to intervene. But he intervened anyway, destroying the barrier. The reason? This."

Long Tian then pulled out a pair of horns and placed them on the table. Hei examined these horns with curiosity. He didn't remember that there was a spirit beast that had such a pair of horns, but despite this, they appeared familiar. Then he remembered some mental images that his mother showed him in her explanations.

"Demon Horns?" Hei asked in surprise as he tested the consistency of these horns.

"I'm surprised that you can recognize them considering you come from the Forgotten Ocean. In any case, yes. They are demon horns. Song Yazhu found a demon in the outer perimeter outside the barrier. A demon beast tamer."

At the words' demon beast tamer', Hei understood immediately. "Then the termite king was his. Indeed, spirit beasts under a spirit pact can still form colonies and rule other spirit beasts. In this way, the beast tamer virtually acquires control of the colony itself. Are you saying it was a demon attack? But how did they get this far? They even know the exact location of the test when the academy is aware of this information."

"The answer is in the question." Long Tian answered as he sighed.

"You mean a professor from the Academy?" Hei frowned at this hypothesis. If this was true, the situation was more serious than he thought.

"Yes. I already have an idea about who it can be. Do you remember the woman in charge of that group of students who attacked us? I did some research and found that in the past few months, she has had a strong relationship with one of the teachers. Considering that us first-year students can't have access to objects such as elemental talismans, I can only think that it was him who gave those talismans. But I need proof, and that's why I need you."

"Me? Why me? What should I do?" Hei's expression became more serious. Why him? It was not possible that they had discovered his secret, but then why had Long Tian chosen him?

"It's not about you as a person. It's about your talent. Your performance in the test was, let's say, too exceptional. Of course, it allowed us to win and survive, but it also consolidated your fame. Have you not noticed how other students look at you? The young man who came from a remote place yet has a talent comparable to the Eight Big Families and the Imperial Family. Even among the teachers, your name and Lian's have been mentioned several times. And even outside the academy, some rumors have sprung up. I'm sure about it - the longer you go on, the more they will talk about you." Long Tian revealed as he looked into Hei's eyes.

Hei looked amazed. He had imagined that someone would keep an eye on him due to his strength, but he didn't expect such a reaction. Perhaps, as Long Tian had said, he had provided too exceptional a performance. But what was he supposed to do in that situation? It was about the life of his family and his companions. However, there was one thing that was bothering Hei.

"You talked about talent, but it's not like I provided a real proof. My adversaries have been spirit beasts; I doubt it is enough to make me talk even outside the academy. Is there another reason?"

When asked by Hei, Long Tian happily smiled that Hei understood the hidden meaning, "Yes. There is more, but it is not something I can reveal at the moment. It is top-secret, priority-class information. Neither I, the Imperial Prince, can reveal it openly. I can only tell you that it is related to your talent. Anyway, let's get to the heart of the matter.

I need you to act as bait. If my assumptions are correct, then that teacher will try to do something to get you and Lian out of the way. After all, you two are unknown factors with first-rate talent. Since you have no background, the enemy will not have to fear consequences from your families. And it will be during that situation that I will make sure of his guilt, and I will be able to catch him. As for your safety and Lian's, Song Yazhu will take care of the enemy. You just have to keep him distracted."

"And how should I do it? The teachers of the academy are at least the spirit grandmaster rank. I can't distract him by facing him in combat."

"And you won't have to. Or rather, you will have to face someone else, someone you already know - Feng Gengxin." Long Tian revealed the name of the person whom he wanted Hei to fight.

"Him?" Hei was perplexed. He remembered Feng Gengxin for the canteen episode with Haruno and Mareo, but months had passed since that day. Since then, Feng Gengxin had done nothing to insult the young gay couple, and Hei had therefore not been forced to intervene. During the trial, Feng Gengxin had been among the people to gather under Long Tian. However, in order to avoid problems, the Imperial Prince had entrusted him to his cousin Feng Chen. Why was Long Tian digging up such a character now?

"Yes, for what I have in mind, Feng Gengxin is the best candidate. He is impulsive, arrogant, and does not accept defeat well. Our enemy will undoubtedly try to approach him as an excuse to give him some advice, and he will end up giving him something. He will do what he did with that woman. Something that can help Feng Gengxin win against you. We will intervene before Feng Gengxin can use that object. In this way, we will confirm the guilt, and we will be able to capture the responsible.

Lastly, if possible, I would like to ask for the help of Lian and your other companions. Feng Gengxin has four henchmen, and if you were to take on a group challenge, then there will be more chances of an accident happening, causing our target to act even more. Of course, only if it's okay with you. I promise to reward you appropriately."

"A reward?" Hei raised his eyebrows, intrigued by this proposal. A few days ago, Long Tian had kept his word and delivered a significant number of spirit stones to each of the fighters who had fought with him. So Hei had faith that Long Tian would reward him.

"I guess you know what a Spirit Registration Sphere is. What if I told you I have a sphere containing a record of what happened one hundred thousand years ago? In the great battle that saw the victory and the decline of the divine beasts and the disappearance of part of the Continent."

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