《Son of the Spirit Beast》Termite Battle 2


Chapter 175 - Termite Battle 2

"Dae-Won!" "Hide!" "Xinya" "William!"

"""" Our strength and our life are at the service of the one to whom we have sworn eternal loyalty! Battle Formation! Transfer of Power! """"

With the four guards of Long Tian shouting this, there was a great glow of light that illuminated the surroundings. The spirit power of the four men was released, but unexpectedly, instead of condensing on their bodies, it was flowing back into Long Tian. Soon, the spirit power in the body of the Imperial Prince increased at an incredible rate for a third stage spirit soldier.

"Lian! Ye! Xing! Let's go!" Hei said to Lian and his little sisters. Although their battle formation was different, their amplifying effect was far from being inferior.


Ye and Xing climbed onto their big brother's shoulders, keeping their petite form, while Lian positioned herself behind Hei. One of her silk ribbons tied to the waist of the young beast tamer, connecting her to the trio of siblings. Their spirit power underwent a surge comparable to that of Long Tian.


From a distance, the sound of drums and other musical instruments was heard. It was the Battle Concert created by martial artist musicians. Once again, the spirit power of Long Tian and Hei underwent a further increase, which led them to reach a power that was currently unattainable on their own.

'What?' The termite king was utterly taken aback because the pressure released by the two humans was comparable to its. It couldn't believe its eyes. Just a moment ago, those humans were like leaves that it could sweep away with a simple movement of its legs. Now, however, they were more like a sturdy tree that would require all its power to be cut down.

Woosh! Clang!

The seven termite guards moved as if they were united by one mind. In an instant, they charged against Hei and Long Tian. They immediately recognized the potential danger to their king, and they didn’t take even a second to move and eliminate the threat. After all, the instinct dictated by their species forced them to protect the king and queen at all costs.

Unfortunately for them, Long Tian had already foreseen such a possibility. The five lords of the forest, together with the other spirit soldiers gathered there, engaged the guards, thus leaving the king termite alone.

'Foolish humans! Do you think that just because you increased your spirit power and separated me from my guards, do you have a chance against me?! Alright. I will show you my true power and the despair that awaits you!'

Without delay, the termite king released its spirit power. Its body was smaller than the termite queen, and it didn’t have jaws as large and threatening as its guards. However, there was no doubt that it represented the most significant danger there.

“Go back and recover your spirit power. Then help the others clean up the area." Long Tian turned to his four guards, who were slightly pale in the face. The battle formation they had used had almost dried up all their spirit power. Staying a second longer on such a battlefield was deadly dangerous for them.


"It will be made, boss."

When Dae-Won led the other three toward the rear, Long Tian sighed. “I don't like using this move at all because it exposes them to great danger. As the boss, I should be the one protecting them and not vice versa. Either way, this isn’t the time to mull over it. We have a disinfestation to do, don't you think Hei?"

"Yes. Let's finish it once and for all." Hei replied that his eyes were glued to the enemy.

After saying that, it was finally about to start the fight. Hei and Long Tian charged against the termite king, who, in turn, ran at full speed against them.

Peng! Crash!

The spirit power of Hei and Long Tian crashed against the termite king’s spirit power. Even though they were in numerical superiority, the combined attack of the two didn’t hurt the termite king. However, they managed to stop the charge and remain unharmed.

“Lian, tie the other ribbon around Long Tian’s waist. Long Tian, ​​even if we aren’t united by a battle formation, follow our rhythm. You will need Lian's ribbon to keep up and help you evade."

"Okay. Go ahead." Long Tian agreed to that proposition. He had seen the young blue-haired woman's fighting prowess. If Hei himself were confident of letting Lian lead his body, Long Tian would do the same because he trusted in the strength of the two youths from the Forgotten Ocean.

So Lian connected her second ribbon to Long Tian. Now, she was left without defenses, but since her job was purely supportive, she wasn't in imminent danger. The only thing she should pay attention to was a surprise attack from behind. But fortunately, all the enemies in the area had already been engaged by their other comrades, canceling that concern.

"Nightmare Spider Bloodline, Activate! Intent of the Spear, Poison Law, Poisonous Spider Thrust!"

"Yellow Dragon Bloodline, Activate! Earth Law, Overwhelming Pressure!"

"Love Lotus Bloodline, Activate! Wood Law, Binding Roots!"

In an instant, an invisible pressure crashed from above against the termite king. The third-level spirit beast felt its body grow heavier while the roots of trees and flowers tied its body to the ground with incredible strength.

'Miserable tricks! DON'T THINK YOU CAN STOP ME!'

The termite king let out even more spirit power, and its body started moving again. However, Long Tian and Lian had gained enough time to allow Hei's attack to land.


Hei aimed directly at the termite king's head. The creature wasn’t by chance a third level spirit beast. With just a few seconds of maneuver, it managed to interpose its jaws in the trajectory of Hei's spear and parry the blow. However, not everything went as the termite king had foreseen.


The poison at the tip of Hei's spear had crept deep into one of the jaws, so much so that the jaw itself had started to erode from the amount of poison soaked in that attack. However, the affected part wasn’t so fragile to be broken with just a single attack. In fact, in the struck point, there were only traces of fracture, but the structure still held up.


'Damn human!' swore the termite king that didn’t expect to be hurt so easily. After all, for the spirit beasts, their body was also a symbol of their pride. The stronger and more robust it was, the more proud they were.

So, with a murderous fury in its eyes, the termite king spread its wings on its back and took off. This time, Long Tian's technique could no longer contain the termite king, and neither did the roots of Lian that were instantly broken.

With extreme speed, the termite king charged with its whole body against Hei, who was pulled backward by Lian's ribbon, thus dodging the attack. However, the third level spirit beast had just to turn around, and it continued to charge.

"Hei!" "Long Tian!"

Reunited again by the ribbons of Lian, Hei and Long Tian prepared to receive the impact of the termite king's charge. The speed of the third level spirit beast was faster than theirs. After all, all they had increased was just the amount of spirit power they could use. Their other characteristics had remained unchanged.

Boom! Crack!

The termite king's charge pushed Hei and Long Tian backward, taking Lian with them as well. The three of them heavily crashed against the trunk of a tree that cracked from the impact. On their faces, you could see light streaks of blood coming out of their lips. It was evident that the attack had injured them.

“It looks like it will take much longer to knock it down. Hei, you know better than me the characteristics of this spirit beast. If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears."

“I have a plan in mind. We have to tire it out. To do it, we need the sun. Termites suffer from sunlight. It won't kill him; however, it will be enough to hinder him."

"Okay. Then we have to cut down the trees in the area as we attract it. Otherwise, it will use those as cover."

Thus, Hei and Long continued to bait and force the termite king to charge against the surrounding trees. The power generated by the termite king was enough to root out any tree instantly. It was a risky tactic, but it was the only thing they could do at the moment.

Several times Hei, Lian, and Long Tian had to make improbable dodges and sometimes had no choice but to suffer the full impact. But despite the pain they felt in each exchange, they continued with their plan. In the meantime, Hei had assigned his little sisters another task.

'Big brother, we're ready.' (Xing)

'Tell us when to start.' (Ye)

"Excellent. Wait a little longer."

It was when the termite king uprooted the last nearby tree that Hei declared the beginning of his plan. "Lian, hold it! Long Tian, ​​prepare to attack! "

Without delay, Lian once again recalled the roots from the ground while Long Tian charged his spirit power to attack the termite king.


Xing and Ye jumped from Hei's shoulders and assumed their true form. The purple spider with silver patterns fired multiple spiderwebs. These went to tie the wings of the termite king together, making the third level spirit beast unable to maintain its flight. In addition to this, there was the downward thrust of the roots. So the termite king crashed to the ground with a deafening sound.


'I am ready big brother!'

"Great! Poisonous Spider Thrust! "

Hei aimed at the head of the termite king. This time, the third-level spirit beast had no way of dodging or parrying. Furthermore, the sunlight had reached an unbearable degreee, thus lowering its ability to reason. Even in those conditions, however, the termite king was lucid enough to condense its spirit power in its head. It was ready to take the hit in full and relied on its spirit power to minimize the damage. However, its choice turned out to be a double-edged sword.


An excruciating screech of pain was emitted by the termite king, who began to squirm on the ground. Shortly before the impact, Hei had changed the trajectory of his spear. Instead of the head, he aimed for the jaw that had previously cracked. So he went on to create an open wound in which Ye injected a particular poison. No, calling it poison wasn’t exactly correct, but it was a poisonous substance for termites and even for humans if used in high and undiluted quantities. It was vinegar.

Thanks to Ye’s Concept of Digestion, creating a substance like vinegar wasn’t complicated. But the vinegar produced by Ye wasn’t at all edible for humans, given the high concentration and traces of poison inside. However, in this case, it was the perfect weapon. The termites were, in fact, weak to vinegar, and although the termite king was a third-level spirit beast, this vinegar liquid had been produced by a divine beast that had awakened her concept.

"Attack, Long Tian!" Hei shouted to the Imperial Prince, who was already ready.

"Intent of Double Swords, Whirlpool of Blades!"

Long Tian's swords moved at incredible speeds so as to leave residual images all around him. The heaviness of the Earth Law was added to each of its blows, appearing like hammering rather than sword cuts. The termite king's defense of spirit power became weaker with each sword stroke received until it broke completely in the abdominal part.

“Time to end it! Imperial Slash!" Long Tian exclaimed as he prepared to perform his final technique.

'And with that, the clash is over.' Hei thought as he continued to stab the termite king's head with his spear. Although the coup de grace would be inflicted by Long Tian, ​​as long as the termite king was still moving, Hei wouldn’t have stopped attacking in turn.

However, when Long Tian was ready, something that nobody expected happened. Something that they hadn't considered in their plan and that could nullify all the efforts made so far.

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