《Son of the Spirit Beast》Making a Team


Chapter 156 - Making a Team

"To protect humanity from the danger represented by the demons, the Empire is willing to do anything it can do. If you don't dare to put your life at risk, get out of here!"

When Song Yazhu said those words, Hei could feel a strong belief in his eyes as if it were some sort of creed. It could be called fanaticism in a certain way, yet it was this belief that kept humans together and prevented them from biting each other. The mere presence of the demons was what prevented the collapse of human society, but at the same time, it was also the threat that could lead to the extinction of humanity. The same could also be said of the humans regarding the situation in the demon society.

Over these six months, Hei had seen such fanaticism in the eyes of other first-year students. But it was mainly in the teachers that this belief was present since each of them had participated in at least one battle against the Moon Empire. Hei, who wasn't born in the Sun Empire, wondered if the war could change people that much.

"Teacher Song Yazhu, is it really as dangerous as you say? Aren't they second-level spirit beasts in the end? We are all spirit soldiers, so killing five second-level spirit beasts and recovering their spirit cores shouldn't be a problem. Why then, do you think at least a hundred of us will die?"

At one point, one of the students raised a question to Song Yazhu. The spirit king teacher observed this student as if expecting something like this and quickly replied, "When you came here, most had just advanced to the rank of spirit soldier. After six months, your cultivation mainly oscillates between the second and third stages, with someone who is even approaching the fourth one. Considering the effects of your Elemental Laws and your other available cards, you may be able to kill second-level spirit beasts comparable to a fourth stage, perhaps even fifth-stage ones, if you act in a group. However, in the forest, there will also be spirit beasts comparable to a seventh stage, although they are only a few."

"Teacher Song Yazhu, then wouldn't it be enough to avoid the strong spirit beasts that we cannot defeat? If they represent the minority, I don't see the problem at all." The student kept pressing on with his questions. He really couldn't understand why Song Yazhu had previously said so.

"Do you know the theory about the effects of spirit power on fertility?" Song Yazhu asked, but seeing that only a few had nodded their heads, he went on to explain, "When a couple of martial artists get married and try to have children, the higher their rank, the more difficult it is to conceive a child. It is no coincidence that the newborns in the most important families are always few. However, the newborn child will most often possess a talent comparable to that of the parents if not even superior.

The reason for this is because of the body's exposure to spirit power. The strengthening of the body due to spirit power causes a decrease in fertility in individuals, making conception difficult. It's the price we high-ranking martial artists pay for our strength. However, rest assured that there have never been cases of total sterility throughout history. It could take days, months, even years, but the various couples of high-rank martial artists in the end always manage to conceive at least one child.

Experiments have been done by pairing martial artists of both genders with people with a low rank or even without having awakened their spirit power. An increase in newborns' numbers has been noted in these couples, but due to the weak parent, these children generally end up with a low degree of talent. Of course, there are always exceptions to such cases.


This theory can be applied to both demons and spirit beasts. However, in spirit beasts, this infertility process is slightly different. In spirit beasts from level 0, meaning simple animals, up to level 3, spirit power causes a vertiginous increase of fertility in them. From level 4, instead, their fertility starts to drop. It means that every female specimen of spirit beast can generate dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of cubs throughout its life. Therefore, even if you avoid the strongest spirit beasts, the number of spirit beasts you can hunt still reaches an absurd amount. If you make a false move without reasoning, you may end up facing an entire colony or herd of spirit beasts."

When Song Yazhu finished explaining the theory of fertility and other related implications, all the students of the first academic year of the Southern Royal War Academy understood the reason for his words. Indeed, just facing a dozen spirit beasts simultaneously alone was impossible for them, let alone a hundred or a thousand.

"It is for this reason that the various War Academies are used to reduce the population of these territories so as to avoid that the spirit beasts become too numerous and end up invading the surrounding territories. At the same time, it represents an excellent opportunity for you young martial artists to grow.

As I said before, the test will take place inside a forest. However, inside, you will find various ecosystems, since there are areas with rivers and lakes. You will be there for seven days, and it will be possible for you to form teams with any number of companions that you consider valid. Keep in mind one thing, though. Being inside a group is undoubtedly safer than wandering alone. However, it also means that the number of spirit cores will have to be divided by the number of people. Also, you are prohibited from killing or permanently injuring your other companions. If you find out about this crime, you will be severely punished. I hope this is clear to each of you.

Well, the lesson is over. The other lessons are now suspended. You will leave in three days, so I strongly advise you to start your preparations."

Song Yazhu then left the classroom, leaving the students who started talking to each other. With the danger posed by the native spirit beasts of the forest, everyone wanted to team up with talented people who could help with the test. However, there was also the problem of trust and if they could learn to cooperate well in this short period of time given to them.

"Let's get out of here. Come to our room so we can talk freely." Haruno proposed to their group, watching some groups leave the classroom.

"Yes, it is better to discuss how to move between us first." Mareo supported his partner's proposal.

Since it was a reasonable proposition, Hei and the others quickly accepted and followed them to their room. Once settled inside, they began to discuss how they should move.

"Before I started, I wanted to ask if everyone was okay with grouping between us. Previously, I asked you to come here, but I don't know if maybe some of you would prefer to be alone." Haruno said with a little uncertainty. As a martial artist chef, to pass the test, he had to team up with other martial artists.

Seeing that none of them refused to such an idea, Mareo added, "Then we will make a team. But there are a few points that I think are best clarified, especially with Hei and Lang. You two are beast tamers and have an even closer connection with spirit beasts than other tamers. Are you okay with this test?"


To Mareo's question, Lang was the first to answer. "We of the Beast Families consider spirit beasts as intelligent and worthy creatures to live. However, we aren't against killing spirit beasts, as long as it is done for a meaningful purpose."

"The same is true for me as well. In my life, I have killed many spirit beasts to get the necessary food for my family. I always tried to keep the number as low as possible. Nonetheless, sometimes I was forced to kill the spirit beasts that threatened us. If it's about killing some spirit beast for food or self-defense, that's fine. But I'm not going to kill spirit beasts just to get contribution points."

Hei replied after Lang, and his words intensified the idea of ​​how spirit beasts were intelligent and worthy of being treated with respect.

As if he had foreseen it, Mareo let out a sigh. "I thought you would have said such a thing. In fact, after these six months spent together, I started to appreciate the spirit beasts more thanks to Ye, Xing, and Fenrir. I guess the same goes for everyone else."

"Yes, at first, I got a little scared, especially when Ye and Xing revealed their true form. After that initial fright, I found that they are indeed very cute and affectionate. The same goes for Fenrir. At first, I was worried about sharing the room with a beast tamer who had a wolf of this size, but Fenrir has always been good and calm and has never created problems." Mia confessed her thoughts in a small voice.

Hearing it, Lilian laughed and expressed her version, "The only problem is that Fenrir doesn't let himself be caressed while Ye and Xing are too gluttonous. I don't know how you did it before. They eat double or triple than each of us, and we cannot say that we are types who eat little. After all, the intense regime of the academy causes great hunger."

"I, too, have become attached to them. But there is always the problem of gathering the spirit cores. Even taking away the spirit beasts killed as a daily food requirement, we must collect at least five of them each to avoid expulsion. And since we are nine, as the tamers and their spirit beasts are considered as a single entity, we must collect 45 if we want to pass the test." Leon said in a disconsolate tone. They were really at a crossroads.

"Actually, there is a way, just think about the last things that the teacher Song Yazhu told us." All of a sudden, He Fen, who had remained silent so far, spoke and surprised his companions.

At He Fen's words, Hei understood immediately. "Are you talking about attacking other groups and stealing their spirit cores?"

"Yup. Song Yazhu only said that we are forbidden to kill. He didn't tell us that fighting between us is prohibited. Given the danger of the forest and the prizes set up by the empire, the competition will be tight. I doubt that we are the only ones who have understood this, and surely someone else will try to take advantage of it to chase away as many people as possible. The less of us there are, the less intense the competition, especially in consideration of future tests."

After He Fen finished his analysis, everyone else meditated on his words. What he said made sense, and surely there would be such groups. The only problem was the grudge that would ensue if they tried to do such a thing. Before they could decide, Hei expressed his opinion.

"Look, I'm not going to force any of you to do it if you don't want to. Attacking other groups means making other classmates as enemies. So I can understand if you don't feel up to it. I won't judge you for that alone or treat you differently if you decide to join other groups to hunt spirit beasts. But I will follow He Fen's suggestion, even if I end up being alone."

At his side, Lian supported his idea, "You won't be alone, there will be me, Ye, and Xing too. But Hei is right; the test is about your future as a martial artist. So it's something you have to decide for yourselves."

"For me, there are no problems. Initially, I had no other friends here, and the only ones I have are you. Making the other classmates enemies doesn't worry me."

"For me, too, there are no problems. Fenrir and I are more than glad about this proposal."

"Since I suggested it, you can count on me as well."

Quickly, Leon, Lang, and He Fen gave their answers. There was no hesitation in their voice. Now only Haruno, Mareo, Lilian, and Mia remained. As supporting martial artists, if they applied to other groups, they would be immediately accepted. After all, besides the beast tamers who had a strong knowledge of spirit beasts, these categories of supporting martial artists were indispensable for ensuring survival and efficient performance. Hei would have liked to have them with him, but he couldn't force their decision.

"What's the problem? Most of our year are stuffed shirts. If we give them a few blows, maybe it's the right time that they become better people. Count Mia and me in the group."

"Lilian is right. And then, with the matter of Feng Gengxin, I doubt that I in Mareo will be able to find people willing to accept us. Even if he hasn't created any direct problems, for now, I doubt that such a guy has forgotten about the accident in the canteen. He will likely try to stand in our way if he learns that we are looking for groups. So I'll do it; I think for you too, Mareo, it is okay, isn't it? "

"Yes, it's okay. Honestly, I'm still not totally convinced of this idea. But I'm not going to abandon my comrades if they need me. "

Listening to everyone's answers, Hei bowed his head and thanked them. "Thanks for accepting and sorry for my selfishness. I will definitely pay you back."

"What are you saying? We have to thank you. Without you and Lian, this group would probably never have formed." Leon replied to Hei for all of them as he smiled.

At that point, after deciding how they would act during the test, Hei and the others went on to organize everything that could be useful for them. Since they were already twelve, counting the three spirit beasts, they decided not to include anyone else. There were various reasons for this decision.

First, a too-large group would have had more difficulty moving and was easier to spot. Second, each of them was a martial artist with their own specialty, and therefore they were covered in all fields. Their only weakness was perhaps the lack of a purely defensive martial artist, but Hei estimated that with Xing's silk and Lian's ribbons, they could easily make up for that lack.

Therefore, during these days, they divide to take care of each of their tasks. Hei was assisted by Lilian and Mia in creating potions and pills useful for emergencies. Leon began to manufacture various metal structures to be used as temporary shelters, and Lian supported him by carving formations in the metal that was used. Haruno instead closed himself in the kitchen to prepare the dough for pasta in sufficient quantities for the whole week. Mareo, He Fen, and Lang instead closed in their rooms to reach their peak condition.

In this way, the three days passed quickly, and the first-year students of the Southern Royal War Academy were transferred to the place where they would take their test.

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