《Son of the Spirit Beast》Rank Division


Chapter 151 - Rank Division

Seeing everyone still in their seats, Song Yazhu then went on to explain.

"I see that nobody got up, well. But surely there is trash among you; it is only a matter of time for me to identify them and make their life a hell. In any case, to begin with, let's start with the war theory. I will now go on to illustrate the division into ranks that we martial artists have adopted."

Song Yazhu then activated part of his spirit power on the large blackboard behind him. It wasn't a simple blackboard, but a unique device that could reproduce a broader view of the sheets inserted inside. Quickly, the blackboard lit up as it projected a kind of list on which various names were written.

- First Rank - Spirit Apprentice;

- Second Rank - Spirit Soldier;

- Third Rank - Spirit Master;

- Fourth Rank - Spirit Grand Master;

- Fifth Rank - Spirit King;

- Sixth Rank - Spirit Emperor;

- Seventh Rank - Divine Rank - Spirit God.

"These are the seven ranks into which all martial artists are divided, whether they are human or demons. Spirit beasts also have a similar subdivision only that they are divided into levels rather than ranks. Moreover, the spirit beasts that advanced to the sixth level could once become divine beasts, capable of manipulating the elemental laws. However, you must remember that, although there are no more divine beasts, you must not underestimate the spirit beasts. Unlike us humans, they have more resistant bodies and a higher amount of spirit power. Not surprisingly, when there were still the divine beasts, it required the collaboration of multiple spirit emperors to bring down a single divine beast. And the same goes for the other levels too. Although their lack of elemental laws, ordinary spirit beasts can pose a serious risk if you do not pay attention.

Returning to the division of ranks, each rank is divided into seven stages. Each stage, in turn, is divided into six phases - beginning, early, medium, high, peak, half step. To pass from one phase to another of the same stage, you have to overcome a block called a minor bottleneck. When we go from one stage to another of the same rank, we speak of a standard bottleneck. When we pass from one rank to another, we speak of a major bottleneck. Minor bottlenecks are the easiest to overcome; after those, regarding the difficulty, there are the standard ones and finally the major ones. The simplest but most difficult way to do this is through cultivation. By cultivating, you can increase the spirit power in your body until you can overcome the various bottlenecks. However, cultivation itself isn't enough. Each rank has its particularities; now, I will show you which ones."

Song Yazhu moved the sheet placed in the device and replaced it with another. The image on the blackboard was replaced with another. The same division was repeated as before, but there were other details.

- First Rank - Spirit Apprentice - Spirit Power Awakening, Body Conversion Process, Opening Meridians, and Spirit Seed Formation;

- Second Rank - Spirit Soldier - Transformation of the Spirit Seed into a Spirit Root;

- Third Rank - Spirit Master - Refining Process, Vapour, and Liquid;

- Fourth Rank - Spirit Grand Master - Condensation Process, Solid, and Crystallization Process of the Spirit Root;

- Fifth Rank - Spirit King - Process of Accumulation, Explosion and Divine Tribulation;

- Sixth Rank - Spirit Emperor - Spirit Tree Formation, Supreme Divine Tribulation;


- Seventh Rank - Divine Rank - Spirit God.

"As you well know, after awakening your spirit power, you started to increase in stages according to the Body Conversion Process, empowering the various parts of your body so that they could generate spirit power. With the opening of the Meridians, you have discovered your Elemental Laws and formed your Spirit Seeds. What not many people know is that understanding the laws is closely related to advancing from one rank to another. For example, without having formed one's Spirit Seed, one cannot advance to the second rank. What I have written to you are, therefore, the conditions for advancing from one rank to another.

The second rank involves the transformation of your Spirit Seed into a Spirit Root. To do this, you must improve your understanding of the Elemental Laws in which you specialize. It isn't necessary to train it now, but the sooner you do it, the better it will be. In fact, it is always advisable to carry out each process simultaneously with the progress of the stages in the same rank. If you don't form the Spirit Root, it will be impossible for you to advance to the rank of Spirit Master.

As for the other ranks, more details will be given later. For now, you must be content with a quick summary. Concerning the third rank, this one requires the Refining Process, divided into Vapour and Liquid. This process leads to an increase in the quality of your spirit. It means that you will consume less spirit while using your elemental techniques. The fourth rank is a continuation of the third rank, and instead of increasing the quality, it will significantly increase the quantity that your body can store. In the fifth rank, however, you won't have any increase except those generated by the breakthrough from one stage to another. Yet, if you manage to advance to the rank of spirit emperor, any upgrades that haven't occurred in the fifth rank will be received altogether.

By becoming a Spirit Emperor, your Spirit Root will transform into a Spirit Tree. The martial artist's Elemental Laws will be engraved on the Spirit Tree. According to the testimony left by the Hero, reaching the Seventh Rank or Divine Rank is closely related to the Spirit Tree and the understanding of the Laws of Space and Time. Unfortunately, there are no more precise indications and, although over the years some have reached the seventh stage spirit emperor, none of the human or demon martial artists has managed to advance. Nobody has succeeded except the Divine Beast known as the Snake of Darkness, as well as the one responsible for the death of the leading exponents of the human race and the race of demons and the one who provoked the situation that started the Human Civil War and the Demon Civil War."

Hearing the words of Song Yazhu, Hei was experiencing mixed feelings. He didn't like hearing about his father, the Snake of Darkness, in that way. Although it was true that Hei An had decreed the end of the most significant members of humanity and the demon race, he had nothing to do with the civil wars that had occurred later. It was illogical to blame someone else for something that originated from the thirst for power and greed possessed by humans and demons. However, Hei had to repress those feelings at the moment under a veil of indifference. Perhaps in the future, he would be able to change this opinion about spirit beasts and divine beasts. Fortunately, Song Yazhu's critique was swift, and beyond that, he had said many other interesting things.


'Turning your spirit seed into a spirit root, huh? Considering that spirit beasts can advance in level as long as they accumulate enough energies without specific conditions, it is logical not to include them in the division into ranks, creating instead the one in levels. Ye and Xing formed their spirit seed because they are divine beasts at birth. According to Mother, they should be able to breakthrough without problems even without forming the spirit root. But surely their elemental attacks will suffer. To avoid this, they have to go through the same process. However, I have to find the time when they can train without anyone else around.'

Hei immediately began to ponder how to handle the secrets he and his family brought along with the academy's lecture hours. Meanwhile, Song Yazhu announced the start of the next lesson.

Well, this is just an introduction. We will have the opportunity to talk about the long path of cultivation and its characteristics. As well as regarding war strategies and how to optimize your way of fighting. Now, quickly and without making a mess, follow me to the training grounds. It's time for the hand-to-hand combat lesson."


Song Yazhu led all first-year students out of the castle and down the broad road that runs through the entire academy. They reached the training grounds that Hei and Lian had visited from outside on the first day of their arrival. This time the facility was open, and everyone entered.

Usually, once you entered, you would have crossed a long corridor that acted as a watershed between the various cells that housed the different groups that wanted to train. However, since it was a single class and there was only one teacher, through the formation engraved on the structure itself, the walls of each cell had been removed. As a result, what awaited the students of the first academic year of the Southern Royal War Academy was a gigantic expanse of grass that stretched for miles and miles.

"The hand-to-hand combat lesson begins now. Divide into groups and fight among yourselves. It is possible to use your spirit power, but you cannot use any technique that uses elemental laws. Contradict my orders, and you will pay a visit to the infirmary for a whole week."

Song Yazhu quickly gave his orders. However, unlike before, many didn't understand the reason for this command. Suddenly, one of the students raised his hand and expressed his doubt.

"Sorry, Teacher Song Yazhu. It isn't my intention to contradict you, but why do we have to train in close combat? I have been asking myself this question since before. My main way of attack is through elemental laws and my sword. I think this also applies to almost everyone. Furthermore, even if I couldn't avoid a hit, I could still use the defensive layer of my spirit power to avoid damage. Why then does the Southern Royal War Academy, one of the best war academies, place so much importance on something so superfluous?"

When Song Yazhu listened to that student, he smirked and replied, "I guess many of you are asking yourself the same question. Rather than explaining it to you, it's easier to make you see with your own eyes. You! Come forward! Attack me however you want, whether with the sword or with your elemental attacks. I will adapt to the same level of your strength."

Hearing the words of Song Yazhu, the student who asked the question turned white. Inside him, he was cursing himself for his stubbornness in asking such a question. However, he had no choice but to do as Song Yazhu asked. Thus, he activated his spirit power and charged against the teacher spirit king.

Song Yazhu remained in place and waited for the student to arrive. He was so relaxed that he didn't even activate his spirit power. Seeing this, the student thought that Song Yazhu was underestimating him enormously. He knew that the bodies of high-ranking martial artists, after prolonged exposure to spirit power, hardened enough to counteract the techniques of weaker martial artists, despite not possessing the Law of Metal. However, suffering such indifference in the first person was still irritating.

"You wanted it, Teacher Song Yazhu. Law of Fire, Thread of-! "

Just as the student was about to launch his technique, Song Yazhu moved quickly. Their distance was only a few meters. However, in order not to bully his student too much, Song Yazhu used a speed comparable to a spirit soldier. But even so, he was able to reach the young student before completing his technique.

Thud! Thud!

It all happened so quickly. Song Yazhu punched the student in the face. Then he stepped back and dodged the sword attack. The student had resisted the blow well thanks to his defensive layer of spirit power but was clearly pissed. Unfortunately for him, as soon as Song Yazhu dodged the sword, he kicked the student's stomach, making the student flying for several meters. Again, however, the defensive layer of spirit power prevented the attack from causing damage.

When the student got up from the ground, he had a hideous face, livid with anger. He forgot that he had before him a spirit king and very famous as well. He just wanted to take revenge for the bad impression he was making before the eyes of all his companions.

"Final Move, Law of Fire-!"

But he didn't stand a chance. Song Yazhu was beside him before he could complete his final technique. And it was there that he realized the problem for the first time.


Song Yazhu, with a fake, had positioned himself behind the poor student's back. Then, wrapping his arms around the student's hips, Song Yazhu pulled the student backward, crashing him loudly against the ground. All around reigned the silence of amazement of the various spectators. Even though Song Yazhu was a spirit king, he hadn't activated his spirit power. He also limited himself to using a speed similar to theirs. Still, he had crushed a spirit soldier from start to finish. All of them had seen that in the last attack, their fellow student was serious, but it was all in vain and only ended up with his head against the ground.

"Now, do you understand? Attacks with the Elemental Laws take time, especially in your rank, as you aren't very skilled. The higher your control, the shorter the loading time. However, you won't always be able to charge your attack. There will be occasions when you have absolutely no opportunity, just like now. And even if you have a weapon, it doesn't mean you can only rely on it. You must have techniques and knowledge in knowing how to protect yourself using only your body. If you manage to do this, you will have multiple variations of attack and defense, and all this would contribute to increasing your survival rate in war.

Obviously, nobody asks you to become an all-rounder. It isn't possible to learn every single art of combat. Whoever thinks like this is only an expert in everything but a master in nothing. No, what is required from you is to know the basics of the various ways of fighting. Even if you specialize in a specific style, by studying other styles, you can understand your weaknesses and incorporate these elements into your way of fighting. Learn and assimilate all kinds of useful things at any time, be it a lesson, a fight, or in war. If you want to reach the top of this world, you must always be hungry for knowledge. To know how to get stronger and how to improve yourself."

When Song Yazhu finished speaking, everyone was genuinely amazed. Even those who thought hand-to-hand combat was a waste changed their mind. Everything Song Yazhu had said had a solid and truthful foundation. If to say this was a spirit king, then it was trustworthy, considering that Song Yazhu wasn't a member of a distinguished family, but he had started out of nowhere as many of them. Therefore, he shouldn't have had large quantities of resources available, but undoubtedly he must have struggled enormously to reach the position he had now.

Quickly, the students, now conquered by the previous demonstration, arranged themselves in groups. Even the spirit beasts of the various beast tamers would participate in the lesson; after all, they too had to gain battle experience. Hei's group included eight people, eleven if you counted the three spirit beasts. They, therefore, decided to split themselves in couples while one would have been on the sidelines to rest while waiting for their turn.

However, as the couples were being decided, a boy with short green hair with multiple red spots and milky white eyes approached Hei, asking.

"Since you guys are odd, can you be my sparring companion for the lesson?"

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