《Son of the Spirit Beast》End of the 1st Day


Chapter 149 - End of the 1st Day

Feeling the sincere plea of ​​Mareo as well as those of Lilian and Mia, Hei then decided to listen to the two young women. So he nodded and waited for Lilian and Mia to speak about their request.

At the nod of Hei's head, Mia gave a bright smile full of joy. She was delighted that Hei had agreed to listen to them. Lilian was also happy but knew that it wasn't over yet. Hei still hadn't decided to help them with their problem.

"We need your help. But it's not for us, but for another person." Lilian revealed as she took a few moments to think about how to formulate the question.

"Another person?" Hei repeated curiously. Their pleadings were sincere, so Hei was surprised to hear that they were doing all this, not for them but for someone else.

"Yes, she is our roommate. His name is Lang, and like you, she is a beast tamer. She has a second level wolf-type spirit beast. The request we ask you is simple - become friends with her and help us not let her isolate herself from the others."

It was what Lilian asked. It was a simple request to do, but Hei couldn't understand why they had asked him.

"Isn't she your roommate? Have you not made a friendship? Also, if the reason I was chosen, despite having just arrived today, is because I'm a beast tamer, wouldn't choosing one of the many other tamers at the academy have been enough?" Hei asked, explaining his doubts as to why he had been chosen.

The one who replied to him was Mia as she anticipated that Hei could ask for something like this, "Because she is special. She is part of the Renegade Families."

Renegade Families. When Leon, Mareo, and Haruno heard the word Renegade Families, they immediately assumed expressions of amazement. Only with that term, they quickly understood the delicate situation and why Lilian and Mia had such serious faces. However, Hei and Lian weren't born in the Sun Empire. The words Renegade Families had no meaning for them.

Mia, who thought it was enough to reveal this to make herself understood, was struck by the lack of surprise reaction from Hei and Lian. Quickly, Mareo explained the situation to the two new arrivals.

"Hei and Lian aren't from here. They came from the islands of the Forgotten Ocean. Since they only arrived today, they still lack the basic knowledge we have about the history of the empire."

"Forgotten Ocean Islands? From so far? Wow." Mia was surprised but quickly recovered. Lilian instead came out with a thunderous laugh and commented in turn. "Maybe that's why they look different? Or is it just a personal feature?"

Leaving aside the surprise comments from the two, Mareo explained what was meant by the term Renegade Families. "By Renegade Families, we mean the families who, about a hundred thousand years ago, participated in the final battle. Not to support the cause of humans or that of the demons, but that of the spirit beasts led by the divine beasts. Renegade Families are the families of beast tamers who denied their human origins to protect their spirit beasts."

When Hei heard this, his heart began to beat faster. Even her little sisters who were eating stopped and listened attentively; they too were interested in the subject. This time it was Mia who spoke.

"After the disappearance of various territories of the Continent as well as all the forces sent to the final battle, human society was on the verge of collapse. With the disappearance of the Hero and the major exponents of the various clans and sects, an unprecedented power vacuum was created. And as typical of when a position of power becomes vacant, the battle to grab all that power began. A civil war, therefore, took place - the Human Civil War. If it weren't for the fact that even in the then Night Empire of the demons such a thing had occurred, perhaps humanity would have been destroyed despite the sacrifice of the Hero.


The First Sun Emperor, Dragon One, summoned all the families with dragon-type bloodlines; however, they weren't enough to quell the situation. The Eight Big Families. This was his plan, and through various agreements, he got their help. But even so, they were still not strong enough to win the civil war. Dragon One, therefore, had an idea - to ask the Renegade Families for help in exchange for forgiveness. With the disappearance of the divine beasts, the Renegade Families could only accept to avoid being destroyed. With their support and the Eight Big Families, Dragon One founded the Sun Empire. In the same period, the Moon Empire, which replaced the previous Night Empire, was created."

At that point, Mia stopped and let Lilian continue to explain about their partner Lang's delicate situation. "But like for other matters, the people of the empire can be foolish. Since, in the past, they had helped divine beasts instead of humans, the hatred was also spread against the Renegade Families, although it was also thanks to them that the civil war was over. The Imperial Family and the Eight Big Families at the same time were wary of them because it was rumored that the Snake of Darkness might have left behind secret techniques devised for the Renegade Families. Dragon One, in any case, kept the word given but never let the Renegade Families integrate into imperial society and segregated them in remote regions, far from the centers of power of the empire. So the Renegade Families had no way of being able to prove their worth and change the idea the empire citizens had about them.

Our roommate, Lang, is a good girl. Like you, she had no reaction of disgust in knowing the relationship between Mia and me. She treats us as people, no different from others. But the weight she carries is enormous - she is the heir to one of the Renegade Families, the Ice Wolf Family. Because of this burden, she avoids having contact with other people except with us. But we can't help her because we don't understand her circumstances well. However, you can. You are a beast tamer who considers his spirit beasts more important than his own life. The other tamers, born and raised in the empire, aren't capable of this. Plus, you even come from a region far from direct control of the empire. Please, help us stop her from closing in on herself. As she accepted us, we want her to understand that other people can accept her as well."

As soon as Lilian finished speaking, she and Mia got up from the sofa and knelt on the ground with their heads resting on the floor. Mareo and Haruno were flabbergasted and didn't know what to think. Leon didn't know the two women, so such an action didn't have such a significant impact on him. However, he remained silent in respect for such a delicate moment.

Lian, Ye, and Xing moved their eyes to Hei. It was he who decided, and whatever his choice was, they would support him. But since they were so close to Hei, they already knew how he would respond.

'Renegade Families are those who fought alongside Mother. Not just humans but demons. Probably a similar thing happened in the Moon Empire. I can't do anything for those on the demon side, but I can do something for those on the human side instead. As the son of the Nightmare Spider, on behalf of the divine beasts, I will repay the debt to those who sacrificed everything to fight on our side.'


"All right, I'll help you."

It didn't take long for Hei to make a decision. The choice was effortless. He couldn't back off in any way; it was related to his pride about being the son of Bao Bei, the Nightmare Spider and the companion of the Snake of Darkness.

Hearing Hei's positive response, Lilian and Mia raised their heads. On their faces, there was a smile so radiant that it could illuminate the room. Taken from the enthusiasm, Lilian turned to Mia and, grabbing her head, gave her a quick but intense kiss. Mia blushed a little but didn't shy away. The kiss lasted just a few seconds, and then both women got up to go and sit up again. Meanwhile, Haruno and Leon had finished fixing the door.

"Wow, it's the first time I've seen you in that way. You are usually nothing but a violent woman who doesn't reflect on her actions. Just to see you like this, it was worth it to suffer today's accident." Haruno commented jokingly, however, provoking Lilian's ire.

"What do you mean?! I am an elegant and refined woman. I think the clash with the first door made you hit your head hard."

To prevent Lilian and Haruno from delivering zingers, as usual, Mia then turned to Hei and Lian. "Thanks again for everything. But why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself, we just met each other and it makes me strange to have asked you for such a favor without knowing anything. Do you practice any secondary activities?"

"I am an alchemist, while Lian is a formation scholar," Hei replied briefly.

"I see. Too bad then. Lilian and I are martial artist medics. Do you know what it means, or do you want me to explain it to you?"

At Mia's revelation, Hei and Lian instinctively looked at Leon, who seemed very embarrassed. Previously he had explained the various types of secondary activity but had not mentioned the martial artist medics.

"Oh, yes. Sorry, I forgot to explain it to you on tour." Leon tried to apologize in an awkward way.

"EH? How could you forget such a thing? It's always like that with you attacking martial artists. You all make the scene of the beautiful and strong ones, but then when you are with a step in the pit, you are all there to pray to us. Ahhh... poor us doctors. We work so hard, and yet our work is considered so little that we aren't even remembered." Lilian complained, and she didn't let herself be held back by the fact that she had recently met Leon.

Leon became even redder from the shame. Fortunately for him, however, Mia appeased her impetuous companion and went to his rescue. "Well, it's not that strange in the end. Our structures are in the castle, on the higher floors. They aren't on the grounds of the academy as for the others; it isn't strange that he forgot them when he made you tour the academy there."

With Mia's statement, Leon seemed calmer but still looked a little nervous. Hei then intervened to reassure him, "Don't worry, Leon. It can happen to forget something. Just the fact you have offered to guide us is more than enough. We certainly don't hold a grudge for something like this." Hei said as Lian by his side nodded to express her approval of what had been said.

Leon felt better and returned to his normal state. Now, however, the question of what martial artist medics were, remained, so Hei directly asked Lilian and Mia. "Could you explain what is meant by a martial artist medic? We know what the term medic means in the world of ordinary people, but how does it change in the world of us, martial artists?"

"Simple. Regular doctors use medicines to help their patients fight disease symptoms. We martial artist medics instead use our spirit power to stimulate the regenerative capacity of those we are healing. We also use plants and other alchemical products, but mainly it is our spirit power that does the job. You attacking martial artists, if you have excellent control of your spirit power, you can block the various wounds on your body, but you cannot heal them. We martial artists medics can do it instead.

Depending on our ability, we can also reattach cut parts of the body or recreate a lost limb from scratch. It is possible to do this even though peculiar formations and alchemical products. Still, the regenerated limb will always have a disharmony with the rest of the body, causing many problems during the fight and will never be as powerful as before. We martial artists medics are instead able to reduce this disharmony to the point that the best doctors can reduce the feeling of estrangement to zero and restore the full power. It is as if the limb wasn't lost in the first place. The only ones who are excluded from this rule are those who have a strong Wood Law's comprehension. The characteristic of the Wood Law is the strong vitality that its users possess, especially if they have a bloodline of that element.

As for our role in the war, you must know the risk of troops being injured is very high. Furthermore, the soldiers often have to fight for days and days in a row, without a moment of rest. We martial artist medics must, therefore, be able to heal other martial artists quickly so that they can resume fighting immediately, and our spirit power must only be used to heal. Consequently, it is as if we completely entrust our lives to our companions. It's a kind of give and take relationship."

"I see. Indeed it is really so. Thanks for your explanation, Mia. It was really helpful." sincerely thanked Hei, who had collected so much new information. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Lian beside him. The young blue-haired woman looked right back at him.

Lian had the Lotus of Love Bloodline, a bloodline of the Wood Law. She, therefore, fell within the criteria described by Mia, and this made Hei happy. If Lia possessed a higher vitality than other martial artists, it meant that her chances of being injured would decrease. With the various trials awaiting the two in the future, it was positive that she could have something more to count on.

So the day went on like that. Hei and Lian told of their experiences in the Forgotten Ocean, obviously avoiding any mention of the divine beasts. Since it was a place they knew nothing about, the other people in the room were curious to find out more. In turn, Hei and Lian were interested to know other details of the Sun Empire and the Southern Royal War Academy.

The group, therefore, remained chatting for hours and hours so that it became evening, and it was time for dinner. That day they managed to find a place for seven people in the canteen and dined together in joy. Hei and even Lian, who usually had an indifferent attitude, laughed jokingly with everyone else. Ye and Xing also joined them, eating together with everyone else without anyone coming to disturb them. It was indeed a happy and warm atmosphere.

After dinner, the group finally separated to go each to their own rooms. In any case, they would see each other the next day. Back on the top floor, in their bare warehouse, Hei lay down on the cold floor. Lian also lay next to him while in the space between the two, Ye and Xing were huddled on each other.

"What do you think, Lian? It was a pretty intense first day, don't you think?"

"Yes, unexpectedly, we made a lot of acquaintances."

"You know, at first I didn't think it was possible. However, perhaps we can find trustworthy companions. We can't reveal our true origin, but that doesn't mean we have to lie all the time. Throughout my life, I have always kept secrets from other families outside my family. I'm not going to reveal anything that could endanger us, yet at the same time, I want to give other people a chance. A chance to get closer and make them understand how we really are."

"I also think so. For me, you, Ye, and Xing are the most important beings in my life that I have left. But after today, I think it might not be bad to expand our circle of friendship. Bao Bei also told us that we need companions. If you've decided to give them a chance, I'll do the same too."

"Thanks, Lian. I appreciate it. Ye, Xing, what do you think? "

'They aren't bad. They fed us '(Ye)

'Yeah, and then they didn't make any fuss about eating with you, big brother. I like them.' (Xing)

"Haha, okay then. You, too, are free to behave as you wish. The only thing you need to remember, though, is never to activate your bloodlines or your elemental laws in public. They think that you are normal spirit beasts, a little more intelligent than normal but still spirit beasts. Besides, there are many other people in the academy whom we don't know or who have too close ties to the empire. We can't take the risk. Other than that, there are no other rules. All right?"

'Yes, as you want, big brother.' The two little divine beasts answered together as they closed their eyes to go to sleep.

"Okay. Goodnight then, my sweet little sisters. Goodnight Lian. "

"Goodnight, Hei, sleep well."

Thus ended the first day of Hei, Lian, Ye, and Xing at the Southern Royal War Academy. Many things had happened, and they had met several people. In the future, they would know more and more, and Hei hoped to find among these trusted companions who could help him in his mission. But for the moment, it was still early. They would place the things of tomorrow in a corner of their mind and focus on the present. Their goal was always to get stronger, and the Southern Royal War Academy was the place where they would do it.

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