《Son of the Spirit Beast》Visiting the Academy


Chapter 144 - Visiting the Academy

"Regarding this ..." Leon seemed to be in difficulty about how to answer. He knew that Hei's question was legitimate, but inside of him, he couldn't help feeling awkward. It was a question that touched a sore point.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's okay. I didn't want to get involved in your private life. I apologize. You can freely answer without revealing your situation." He who had noticed that reaction hastened to remedy the indiscreet question he had asked. They had just arrived, and he wanted to avoid making enmities, not to mention that Leon seemed to be an approachable person. After all, he had been the only one to propose himself as their guide. As a result, it was the least Hei could do to respect his spaces and his secrets.

Leon seemed touched by the apologies of Hei, and his mood improved. Inside he thought that he would have to overcome that inner demon that tormented him, but he wasn't yet capable of it. Returning to his usual warm smile, Leon answered Hei's question.

"Don't worry; it's not your fault. However, to answer your question, registrations have been running for almost a month. Those with external connections accelerated the application form and have been registered even before the registration period began. Therefore they took all the best rooms. But it's not something that we martial artists from nowhere can prevent or change. In the end, even if it isn't the maximum of luxury, the important thing is to have a place to sleep."

'So it comes from a normal family. Although Lian and I don't have an important background either, our strength is due solely to Mother's teachings. The fact that Leon managed to enter the academy is proof of his determination as a martial artist.' Hei thought to himself. Unconsciously, he who was suspicious of others felt an instinctive sympathy towards that future fellow student.

"Walking from the entrance to the academy, I guess it took you a long time to get here. As you can see, the territories of the academy are immense. If you continue to walk sideways from the path you have followed previously, on both sides, you will find a series of structures. Those are the training grounds assigned by the academy. They are gigantic square-shaped structures divided into smaller cells. Each cell can accommodate up to ten people. There, you can freely train whenever you want. You just need to show your personal recognition token. You can set a temporary code and close the cell to any spectators or let inside only the people you want. The cost is free, but it is also possible to temporarily join more cells to include more people or have a larger battlefield. However, that has a cost that can only be paid with contribution points. You guys know the contribution point system, don't you?"

Hei nodded yes with his head while he and Lian followed Leon to the training grounds. The young man with the warm smile then continued with his explanation.

"Each month, the academy awards us a total of contribution points based on the personal evaluation of the teachers. It applies not only to compulsory but also secondary lessons. It is no coincidence that martial artists who focus only on fighting are mainly those from the most important families as they can reduce their expenses to a minimum. Incidentally, I am a blacksmith. Do you and Lian practice any secondary activities?"

"I am an alchemist while Lian is a formation scholar. We were educated in one of the big sects on an island in the Forgotten Ocean. However, I think our knowledge of the subject lacks compared to what is taught at the academy." Hei answered sincerely.


In truth, he had always been curious about the blacksmith's trade and how they managed to create weapons capable of hurting martial artists. However, Bao Bei had advised him on his career as an alchemist. Therefore he hadn't paid much attention to it after that. The reason for this choice was, in addition to the fact that Hei was a plant scholar, that Bao Bei had already prepared a weapon capable of accompanying Hei throughout his journey. She, therefore, deemed it useless to make her son learn the blacksmith's work, and the same applies to Lian, who, however, was more suited to the study of formations.

'If I asked him, I could make him tell me about the peculiarities of a weapon created with the remains of a divine beast or what is the spirit metal found in the treasure of Hae Seong. However, it is certainly not something I could ask about when we just met.'

With the death of his mother, there was no longer anyone trusted to answer Hei's intense curiosity for new things. Now he had to find the answers on his own, paying attention to the dangers that arose from asking too many uncomfortable or unusual questions. For now, he decided to follow the part of the martial artist who came from afar, with almost no knowledge of the Sun Empire customs.

"You said that teachers assign us contribution points based on our results in the classes. Is this the only way to get contribution points? Aren't there no others?" Lian from behind the two young men spoke her doubt. It was a legitimate question that Hei hadn't thought of right away.

"No, it isn't the only way. If you go around the Main Building, you will notice that the long road from where you came continues from behind. Going further, always on the sides, you will find other structures. They are the structures designed for secondary activities: alchemy, formation, blacksmithing, cooking, music. As with the training camps, you can use these facilities whenever you want, and you can book a workshop just for yourself if you pay. If you produce well-made items, you can sell them to the Exchange Center for contribution points.

Follow me; I'll show you. One thing, though. I don't know if they told you, but the sky above is actually closed by a protective system. So, you'd better avoid flying too high, or you'll get into trouble. Remember that this only applies to the academy's airspace; outside the walls, it is better that you refrain from flying; it is the law that imposes it."

Leon, at that point, began to ascend high up to five meters from the ground. Hei and Lian also did the same, and together they started to head beyond the Main Building. As Leon had said, on the other side of the big pagoda, the long road stretched again for miles and miles. While flying at a continuous but not too fast speed, Hei turned to their guide.

"Leon, you first included cooking and music among the secondary activities. What did you mean? In the Forgotten Ocean, there are only alchemy, formations, and blacksmithing."

"I see, then you have never met a Martial Artist Chef or a Martial Artist Musician."

"No, they are new terms for the two of us."

"To explain it briefly, they are two types of martial artists; mainly play the supporting role. Martial artist chefs are similar to alchemists in a sense; only, instead of making pills and potions, they produce spirit food. Through their cooking skills, they can mix the various ingredients and create dishes capable of giving multiple effects that affect the internal flow of spirit power. Although it seems easy to see and many think it's just a matter of cooking, it's a very complex process. The higher the skill of the martial artist and the stronger the effects of amplifying or restoring spirit power after or during a battle. It goes without saying that their presence in war is more vital than the life of ordinary attacking martial artists.


Martial artist musicians cause similar support effects, but they use music. By playing instruments or only with their voice, they can also calm the hearts of allies or increase their courage. At the same time, they can also influence enemies. However, the greatest threat is when they are together. Martial artist musicians are the only ones who can manage to create a group battle formation with strangers. Their union is centered on the music and musical score that they follow. It is no coincidence that their battle formation is called the Battle Concert. Their value is also superior to the lives of ordinary attacking martial artists."

When Leon finished his explanation, Hei was speechless. In the Forgotten Ocean, he had fought in some large-scale battles, but they were more than other chaotic conflicts where everyone attacked simultaneously. There had never been a precise division of roles between the battle forces, and there was no reason to do so. Yet, the Empire had built a system based on creating a division into the roles of martial artists so as to be able to implement diversified strategies.

"You talked about attacking martial artists, what do you mean?" Hei continued to ask another question as the three of them landed. Leon made them make a general visit to the secondary activities buildings while answering Hei's question.

"Generally, we martial artists are divided into three categories: attack, defense, support. Classic martial artists fall into the attack category; I am also part of it. Those in the defense category are distinguished by their preference for defense techniques. Defensive martial artists focus primarily on protecting the rear where there are the supporting martial artists. Even if they do not have a specific formation such as the Battle Concert, they can temporarily combine their defense techniques and create protective barriers capable of resisting for a long time. They are indispensable when it comes to withdrawing the army and avoiding further losses. Supporting martial artists are everything else. In addition to the martial artist chefs and musicians, there are explorers and those in charge of communicating messages or transporting supplies. Usually, they are among the fastest martial artists as they mainly concentrate on footwork and running techniques."

"What about the beast tamers? What category do they fall into?" Hei asked since no mention had been made of spirit beasts.

"It depends on the type of spirit beast that the tamer possesses. They can fall between all three. Although not as numerous as other groups, in the academy, you will find several martial artists beast tamers with their spirit beasts. However, most of them are quite reserved toward other people, which doesn't surprise me at all, though."

"What do you mean by that?" Hei frowned at Leon's strange statement.

"The Sun Empire glorifies as a god the martial artist who led humans to salvation about a hundred thousand years ago, the man known as The Hero. It is no coincidence that the Imperial Family are the descendants of that individual. Although raising spirit beasts is tolerated, many people don't see them favorably, especially if it concerns high-level spirit beasts. The return of the divine beasts and the return of the war - this is what the inhabitants of the Sun Empire fear most. The Hero is seen as a God, but even he perished against the fury of the Snake of Darkness, leading to the division of part of the continent. Since beast tamers are directly responsible for the actions of their spirit beasts, in the past, there have been various incidents of people attacking spirit beasts left alone so as to then blame the tamers for any injuries sustained. Now, these things haven't happened for some time, but beast tamers are now accustomed to keeping a certain distance from others to protect their spirit beasts and themselves."

Hearing all this, Hei clenched his fists with all his strength while his nails pierced the skin. With anger that gripped his heart, he asked Leon about his personal opinion on the matter.

"What do you think of all this, Leon? Spirit beasts and the attitude of the inhabitants of the Sun Empire?"

Leon seemed surprised by the question but, seeing Hei's serious expression, he understood that that young man with brown skin and long pitch-black hair also carried heavy burdens. Since Hei had been respectful of his situation, Leon decided to answer sincerely without investigating too much. Meanwhile, Lian was silently observing this interaction between the two; likewise, the two little divine beasts hidden in their big brother's clothes were eager to know the response of the new human before them.

"I was born and raised in the Sun Empire, so I can't say I haven't been influenced. I consider The Hero to be a great person - he alone managed to prevent demons from annihilating humanity and gave us the foundation for building a united society. Just for that result, it is worthy of my respect. He is also said to be the strongest human martial artist ever. This statement is true considering that in ancient texts, he is said to have perceived the existence of the seventh rank and wasn't far from reaching it. However, I find this whole matter of hatred against spirit beasts ridiculous. Like how we fight and strive for survival, they, too, do the same. In reality, this world is large enough for everyone - humans, demons, and spirit beasts. But the ego of certain individuals pushes us ordinary beings to embark on roads that we would rather not choose."

Leon looked upwards, reaching out his right hand and closing it with a fist. He was looking back on something from his past. Upon hearing his response and seeing his actions, Hei loosened his fists and calmed down. Even though many people hated and feared spirit beasts or treated them as objects, it wasn't as if there were no people capable of understanding that they were nothing but living beings with their own personalities and personal dreams.

"Accompany us to see the accommodations," Hei said to break that atmosphere of silence. There was a sincere smile on his face. He was happy that the first academy student he had met was Leon.

"All right, then follow me. Just keep going straight ahead, and we'll get to the lodgings."

Leon then began to lead them back to the main road and guided them deeper into the territories of the academy.

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