《Son of the Spirit Beast》Meeting a Spirit Soldier


Chapter 114 - Meeting a Spirit Soldier

When Hei and his little sisters finished romping around, only the shreds of their enemies bodies remained at the main entrance. Their bodies were covered in blood from head to tail/legs. Only Lian was the clean one, even though her white silk ribbons had turned crimson red.

It took a few moments for Mo Songmin to recover. With a dry throat, he took his communication talisman and sent a message to the remaining team leaders - the guards at the main entrance had been killed, and they would now set the estate on fire.

When they received the message, the other three team leaders were amazed. The main entrance was the one with the most enemies, yet it had been the first to fall. The strength between their men and Mo Songmin's crew wasn’t that different. If that had happened, it was only because of the presence of the two young martial artists and those two spirit beasts.

Soon, the large villa inside the estate was set on fire. There was no need to go in search of any treasures. This estate was one of the many drug production sites of Pirate General Hong Shin. They also didn't know if or when the city guards would arrive. So it wasn’t worth the risk for something so uncertain and of little value.

When the flames in the villa became visible even from afar, the remaining estate’s guards felt their heart skip a beat. The fire meant that the main force had been defeated, and they wouldn’t receive reinforcements. With their broken spirits, they quickly lost ground and ended up losing their lives too.

Immediately afterward, in three other different points, the flames began to spread and moved over the drug fields, generating an intense and toxic black smoke.

The inhabitants of the city watched in alarm that immense cloud of smoke rising in the sky and warned the guards. Soon, city authorities issued orders to put out the flames when they realized that the estate set on fire belonged to Pirate General Hong Shin.

However, there was nothing to do. When the guards managed to calm the flames, nothing remained intact of the fields or the villa. They found only the half charred remains of the guards. As for traces attributable to the identity of the responsible, they didn’t even find the shadow of it, and it wasn’t even conceivable for them that someone wanted to go against one of the four Pirate Generals.


In the gulf several kilometers away from the Black Tea City, there were those responsible for the incident. They were bandaging the wounded one while counting the number of victims.

Attacking structures affiliated to the four Pirate Generals was always a risk as the guards were at a level of cultivation no less than theirs. But ever since they accepted the pirate life, they had prepared themselves for the consequences of their choice.

So without wasting too much time mourning their dead, they quickly loaded the bodies into the ships. They would perform their funeral in the middle of the ocean as tradition required.

"Come on! On the ships! Let's quickly leave this place before they start blocking the surrounding waters.” One of the team leaders shouted, urging everyone to return to their respective ships.

"Let’s go. Nice work today, Lian, Ye, Xing. You should rest now, okay?" Hei smiled at his little sisters and Lian before turning to Old Tohyon. “I leave it to you to follow the ships. Wake me up if something happens, all right?"


“There are no problems, Master Hei. I will notify you if there is news from other ships."

After these two incidents, Old Tohyon understood that something was about to happen to the balance of the four Pirate Generals. The idea of being one of those responsible for this event excited him. Even without the imposition of secrecy from the blood pact, he wouldn’t have revealed it absolutely to no one, not even to his family or longtime friends.

So the five ships left the gulf with the night still present to cover their retreat. Their destination was one of the bases belonging to Pirate General Ho Ri-Na. Although it wasn’t the main camp where she was located, it was still one of the largest bases. It was also likely that they would run into other groups that had received their same mission.

The pirate Ho Ri-Na had, in fact, attacked multiple locations to surprise her rival. If, however, the other groups had managed to complete the mission, it was unknown to them at the moment.


About two days later, they arrived at the designated base. They had traveled all the time non-stop for fear of any pursuers. Not knowing the details of the situation, they were unsure whether Pirate General Hong Shin hadn't started the persecution of the perpetrators.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted triumphantly by the pirates present at the base. They had heard of their success and wanted to celebrate them.

The pirate base could be considered as a kind of town. There was everything from the harbor to the taverns to the markets. The various pirates' families, as well as other people who were in the service of the Pirate General, lived there. Soon a real inhabited center had formed on that island, which appeared deserted on the maps.

“Step aside if you don't want to get kicked in the ass. You will have plenty of time to celebrate them later."

From the crowd, a familiar man advanced with determined steps. It was Soo-Yeon, the captain of the rescue ship who had entrusted them with the second mission.

“The commanders of the five ships follow me. You will be informed about how the other groups did and how we should proceed in the future."

Upon hearing his words, Hei looked interested. He wanted to know what the pirate Ho Ri-Na intended to do so he could prepare in advance.

"Wait here, okay? Nothing will happen to me, rest assured. Instead, take the opportunity to take a look at this place, okay?"

Lian, Ye, and Xing nodded and let Hei go along with the other team leaders. Although they were momentarily allied with the pirates, they couldn't help but be worried about Hei. However, he said it was going to be okay, and they trusted him. So they did as Hei asked.

Hei, Mo Songmin, and the captains of the other three ships followed Soo-Yeon along the streets of the town until they entered a large and luxurious villa. A large number of pirates protected the house, the weakest of whom were in the fourth stage, and went up to the sixth stage.

“Soo-Yeon, how come there are so many guards? Who came? ”Mo Songmin asked Soo-Yeon.

As a pirate in the service of Pirate General Ho Ri-Na for years, he was familiar with this town and its inhabitants. No one usually lived here to request such a level of protection. The only explanation was that a big shot of the crew had arrived.

Soo-Yeon didn’t reply but merely gestured to follow them. In any case, they were almost there. And in one of the rooms of the villa, sitting behind a desk while sipping tea, there was a youthful-looking man with short light brown hair. At his side, there were two seventh-stage guards standing who watched the arrival of visitors without emotions.


“Greetings, Sok Yeong-Gi-nim. I, Soo-Yeon, led the captains of the five ships responsible for one of the assaults on the drug convoys and the destruction of the estate at the Black Tea City." Soo-Yeon reverently announced as he bowed his head before that man. Mo Songmin and the other three captains did the same. The only one who remained standing was Hei.

Sok Yeong-Gi, watching this scene, stopped drinking his cup of tea and frowned at the boy who hadn’t bent over like the others.

“I see that someone doesn’t know good manners. Why don't you tell me who you are, kid? "

Noticing Sok Yeong-Gi's angry tone, Mo Songmin hastened to speak.

“Sorry, Sok Yeong-Gi-nim. In reality, he isn’t part of our crew officially. He's the guy I talked to the General about. I don't know if she mentioned him to you."

"I remember something vague, something about a couple of brats, but nothing that interested me." Sok Yeong-Gi replied, disinterested while still looking angry.

“Hei, this one in front of you is Sok Yeong-Gi-nim. He is one of three spirit soldiers in the service of Pirate General Ho Ri-Na."

"I see. Hei, pay his respects to the spirit soldier Sok Yeong-Gi."

Hei took a quick bow, calming Sok Yeong-Gi's anger. He hadn’t wanted to make a scene. But in front of figures of authority, such a gesture was excellent for assessing the character of the person in front of him. And from his reaction, Sok Yeong-Gi was the classic pompous ass that looked down on all those with less cultivation than his, which was positive or negative depending on the situation and how Hei would move.

“I have heard of your success in your two missions. In particular, the assault on the estate at the Black Tea City. Compared to the other teams, yours is the one that has suffered the least number of injuries."

Sok Yeong-Gi complimented the five even though he didn't seem very sincere. Instead, he had told them those words to know the reason behind their unusual performance. After all, the teams had been organized to be pretty much all equally strong. Still, such a gap had arisen.

“The reason is simple, Sok Yeong-Gi-nim. It's all thanks to the boy next to me, Hei. As I said to the General, this guy is a seventh stage. However, it's not only his cultivation that is exceptional for something so young, but his fighting prowess is first class. If it weren't for him, we would have lost many more men.” Mo Songmin explained the situation to Sok Yeong-Gi. The other team leaders nodded their heads to confirm his words.

Sok Yeong-Gi, therefore, looked in the direction of Hei and asked him, “Boy, you proved yourself more useful than expected, congratulations. Still, I doubt someone like you comes from an unknown place. Would you please tell me your true origins and your real reason for being here?"

Sok Yeong-Gi's request appeared polite and friendly but hid a hidden pressure in it. There was no doubt that he expected Hei to answer the truth.

“It seems to me that I have already answered about it. I have decided to become a pirate to increase my strength faster. After all, we martial artists grow quickly in dangerous situations. As for joining your crew, it was just a coincidence. I had hired a tavern host to introduce me to someone, and it happened to be Mo Songmin, that's all. Regarding my origins, I come from a big sect of one of the various islands of the Forgotten Ocean. To gain experience, I left my sect. So I don't think there is a need to mention it."

Hei calmly and fearlessly answered Sok Yeong-Gi's questions. Even though a spirit soldier stood before him, he wasn’t afraid. He had already seen multiple spirit soldiers at Crossroads Lake, not to mention his mother.

Sok Yeong-Gi looked at him intensely. Suddenly the aura of a spirit soldier rose from his body and enveloped the room. The other pirates in the room activated their spirit power, but it was clear that they were having difficulty resisting. Only Hei was on his feet, albeit with difficulty.

‘He is testing me to see if what I said is true. If I come from a big sect, I should have more resistance to being subjected to the aura of spirit soldiers than normal cultivators. Unfortunately for him, mother was far above his miserable power as a spirit soldier.’

After a few moments, Sok Yeong-Gi retracted his aura. He was curious about why a disciple of a big sect ended up there, but it was better not to investigate. There was no guarantee that the boy didn’t have contact with his sect. Making another enemy in this delicate moment was stupid. His captain would have punished him severely if something like this were to happen.

"Alright. I will leave it alone for now. Anyway, now I will tell you about the situation of the other teams. Although the losses reported aren’t negligible, we have dealt a great deal of damage to that jerk of Hong Shin. In fact, we managed to complete all the attacks.

Right now, his men are going around like crazy flies in search of the culprits. However, the Captain ordered a general stop of our attacks. Although it's a fair chance to attack, we can't overexpose ourselves because of the other Pirate Generals. Instead, we will take advantage of this period to observe their reactions."

The balance between the four Pirate Generals was precarious. A single mistake and they should have faced not only the crew of the Son of Wind Hong Shin but also the crews of the other two Pirate Generals. It was because it was in their interest to attack the prey, which seemed weaker and at a disadvantage.

By not attacking and defending only, they would have make the remaining two Pirates Generals focus their attention on Hong Shin as he had been weakened. Or they could have incited the Red Devil and the Storm Lightning to attack each other, confident that Hong Shin and Ho Ri-Na wouldn’t intervene. Either way, the best thing they could do now was to wait. But at the same time, they had to be ready to sail at any time.

"You can go. If there is news, I will call you. Remember to remain available and that you are prohibited from leaving this island. Was I clear enough?” Sok Yeong-Gi made a slight threat in case someone thought about doing such nonsense.

Hei and the others nodded their heads and left the room to then return to the town. Meanwhile, Sok Yeong-Gi said to his two guards by his side.

“That brat doesn't convince me. Keep an eye on him all the time. We cannot afford dangerous unknowns at the moment. Not now that we are so close to direct confrontation with Hong Shin."

The two guards reverently nodded as they knelt,

"It will be done. As you wish, Sok Yeong-Gi-nim."

Quickly, they left the villa and started following the pirate group where Hei was without being seen.

'As I thought. I'm being followed. But it's not a big deal. In any case, we will spend most of our time cultivating, so there is no need to worry too much about these snoops. Of course, if it should become necessary, I should think of some plan on how to get rid of them. I don't know when we will be employed again, and this spirit soldier can be annoying enough to do something during this waiting period.’

Although Hei couldn’t see them, with Spider Hair and Snake Tongue, Hei could continuously monitor his pursuers. Obviously, he hoped to be able to spend this waiting period safely. But just in case, he would start preparing escape plans, in case he was forced to act.

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