《Son of the Spirit Beast》Assaulting the Estate


Chapter 113 - Assaulting the Estate

Tea Leaves Island, in an isolated gulf about ten kilometers from Black Tea City.

At that point, far from prying eyes, five ships were anchored on the shore. The ships’s had gone ashore, and they were discussing with each other.

"Wasn't there another point closer to the city? Now we have to walk several hours on foot."

“And did you want to be discovered? We can't screw up this mission. So, no more fuss regarding this. The less we draw attention, the more chance we have of succeeding."

"But we still have to go to town to take a look, don't we? We need to understand what's around the estate to understand what it’s the best way to attack it."

While the pirates were discussing how to assault the estate, in the corner of the gulf, Hei was sitting on the ground with Lian and his little sisters. Old Tohyon was cheerfully cleaning the ship. From his experience, a clean and well-maintained ship was a ship that wouldn’t abandon you in times of need.

‘Big brother, what are we doing now?’ Ye asked impatiently. She was still excited about the previous battle and was looking forward to fighting again.

“It is still morning. We will probably attack in the evening, so we will have to wait at least the sunset before we can start to position ourselves. The others are still debating how to proceed, so it's better to spend this time cultivating, okay?"

Ye gently rubbed her head on Hei's chest, trying to convince him to leave her and Xing a few hours of play, but Hei was resolute - they had to cultivate to increase their strength as soon as possible.

“Many battles await us before long. We must maximize the time available. When we finish our businesses with the pirates, then I'll give you a few days of play, okay?"

Ye and Xing looked delighted and started cultivating, even though it seemed to outside eyes that they were sleeping. Lian at Hei's side also closed her eyes and began to cultivate.

At the moment, she and Hei had a cultivation of an early stage seventh spirit apprentice. However, thanks to the battle of the other day, they were close to reaching the middle seventh stage spirit apprentice. Therefore, Hei hoped to be able to make a breakthrough before the end of the day for the upcoming mission.

And in the end, as he thought, they succeeded. Their foundations were solid and combined with their talent and potential, under the impulse of the stimuli deriving from the fight, it wasn't strange that they had only taken half a day to overcome the bottleneck.

The pirates in the gulf looked at the two young martial artists in amazement. They didn’t expect the two youths to make a breakthrough at that moment. But it wasn't bad news for them, quite the opposite. The two youths had played a decisive role in the previous battle. If they had gotten stronger, it was all gained.

Eventually, the period of the sun ended, and it began to set to make way for the night. The pirates started to move in the direction of the point designated for the attack. During the day, some of them had gone to the city. They wanted to scour the surrounding territories to understand better how to carry out their attack.

Fortunately, the agricultural estate was far from the city, which was foreseeable, given that they cultivated drugs. But it wasn't far enough to completely rule out the intervention of the city guards. That, therefore, meant that they had to end their attack as soon as possible.


The pirates split into four groups and would attack from four different points on the estate simultaneously. Although in that way, they would have to divide their forces, the same was true for the enemy. Not to mention that such a system allowed them to finish their mission sooner and make the enemy even more agitated.

Hei, his little sisters, and Lian were with Mo Songmin's group. Since there were only four of them and he was more familiar with Mo Songming, it was decided that they would go with him. However, considering the strength of the two young martial artists and the two spirit beasts, Mo Songmin's group also became the main invasion force. Therefore, their group would attack from the main entrance and attract the majority of the estate's guards.

To facilitate communication, each of the four group leaders had a communication talisman. These talismans’ communication range was just enough to cover the entire agricultural estate.

“Are you all in position? Excellent, then to my three. One! Two! Three!"

The four groups came out of their hiding places in unison and ran around the estate’s territories. The guards protecting Hong Shin's drugs were alarmed by the noise and sounded the alarm.

"Intruders! Activate the defense protocol! "

The estate’s guards quickly gathered towards the main entrance before discovering in spite of themselves that that wasn’t the only point under attack.

"Shit! They are also attacking elsewhere. The guards in those places are being overwhelmed. What are we doing? Do we divide our forces?"

"No! If we scatter our strength, we will only get our deaths. We will kill this group first and then move on to the others."

What appeared to be the chief guard ordered his men to remain on the spot as they prepared to receive Mo Songmin's party.

"Attack! For the glory of Captain Ho Ri-Na!"

The pirates at his command screamed with excitement as they crashed into the group defending the main entrance.

Peng! Clash!

Metallic noises of weapons colliding with each other reverberated in the quiet of the night. How many of them would see the morning light was something impossible to know.

"Lian, Ye, Xing. Let’s go!"

Hei took his sisters in his hands and threw them forcefully against two of the enemy guards. While in mid-aria, the bodies of Xing and Ye began to grow, and, to the horror of the two guards, they reached two meters in size.


The fangs of both spirit beasts went to crash the guards' skull as if they were watermelons hit by a stick.

The guards around watched that scene terrified and attempted to kill those dangerous beasts before they became their next target. But how could Hei allow his little sisters to be in danger without intervening?

Snake Run!

Moving in a zigzag while swinging his arms in a hypnotic rhythm, Hei intercepted part of the guards directed toward Ye and Xing. On the other side, Liana also did the same while her ribbons stretched as if they were vines.

Spider Carapace!

His spirit power concentrated on his arms. During this period, he had finally managed to overcome his limit with Spider Carapace. Now he was able to cover both his arms, even though it was up to the elbow. But it was enough.

Snake Whip!

The bones of his shoulder and arms got dislocated as his arms began to move quickly in the air as if they were whips. Everything within a 1.5-meter radius was mercilessly struck.

Soon, Hei, Ye, Xing, and Lian became the main target of the guards. Although there were also other fighters among the attacking pirate ranks, the two spirit beasts, and those two young martial artists posed an even greater danger.


"Get out of the way!" The mighty voice of the chief guard was heard amid the hustle and bustle of the battle. His saber flashed maliciously in the moonlight.

"Brat! I will now be your opponent!"

As he launched his challenge, the chief guard rushed to Hei. It was a middle seventh stage spirit apprentice, meaning he had the same cultivation as Hei’s.

However, Hei didn't care much about it. Cultivation wasn’t everything in a fight, and before an enemy with the same cultivation, all the more reason, he wouldn’t retreat without fighting.

The chief guard's saber snapped as he attempted to tear apart the boy who was sowing panic on that battlefield. But regardless of how the chief guard waved his weapon, his saber was unable even to graze Hei's body.

The elusiveness of Snake Run was significantly higher than in Spider Run. If it was about dodging close-range hits while keeping your distance from the enemy, there was no better footwork technique.

"Bastard! Die! Law of Fire, Fireball!"

A red sphere of several centimeters in diameter was generated in the free hand that wasn’t holding the saber. After that, that red sphere was thrown violently against Hei. The speed impressed on that small object was sufficient to make dodging impossible. Hei could only receive it directly, or so the chief guard thought.

Spider Run, Two-legged mode!

Changing from Snake Run to Spider Run, he used his movement technique to get out of the ball's path quickly. The fireball thus inadvertently ended up against one of the estate’s guards who was set on fire.


While the guard became a mannequin in flames, Hei took advantage of the moment of distraction to get closer to the chief guard.

"Poison Law, Poison Coating, Fist Snake Storm."

Peng peng peng!

The claws of Hei's hands coated with poison violently hit the vital points of the chief guard who tried to defend himself as best he could against that assault. His defensive layer of spirit power allowed him some resistance, but the Law of Poison had a corrosive effect that could dissolve that layer. If he were to receive too many blows, his flesh would eventually be torn. And once the poison benga to circulate inside his body, it would be the end for him.

"Law of Fire, Fireball!"

This time, rather than with his hands, the fireball was thrown from the chief guard’s mouth, directed against Hei's face, who was very close, just by half a meter. Indeed, even with Spider Run, it was difficult for Hei to dodge that attack completely. But if he couldn't avoid it, all he had to do was to block it.

Snake Hair!

Hei's hair quickly moved as if it was alive. His shiny black hair blocked the arrival of the fireball.

"Stupid, do you think it's enough to use your hair to stop my attack? Haha, burn now! Burn to ashes! You, piece of shit!"

The mocking grin on the chief guard’s face became more twisted than before. However, his euphoria ended a few seconds later, because the scene he had imagined wasn’t happening. The brat's hair in front of him wasn’t being set on fire.

"Intent of the Spear, Law of Poison, Poison Spider Thrust!"

One of his hair’s strands grabbed the spear placed behind Hei’s back and put the weapon in his hands. After that, he aimed his spear at his opponent, who was taken aback by his actions.


The chief guard was hit in the stomach. The defensive layer of spirit power was acting as protection, but the tip of Hei’s spear coated with poison was now corroding that layer. And since the spear was about two meters long, the chief guard couldn’t attempt to hit Hei with his saber. Therefore, he promptly decided to abandon his saber while with both his hands, he tried to stop the advance of the spear.

Snake Hair!

Hei's hair split into two long locks and went to tie on the wrists of his enemy's arms. Then, he started pulling them to the side, forcing the chief guard's arms to release their grip on his spear.

"Shit, shit! Law of Fire, Fireball!"

Once again, the chief guard raised the fireball from his mouth. Since Hei's hair was tied on his arms, he couldn’t use it as before to defend himself. If Hei wanted to use his hair to block the fireball, he would have to free his enemy’s wrists. But that meant that the chief guard would gain breathing space to think about his next move.

But things didn’t go as the chief guard hoped. Hei didn't let go of his wrists because he didn't need his hair to block the oncoming attack.

"Chameleon Tongue, Law of Poison, Poisonous Spit!"

Hei had, in fact, predicted that his enemy would attempt such an attack. So he had prepared himself accordingly. He had started making saliva inside his mouth and covered it with poison with the Law of Poison. Then through the launch mode of Chameleon Tongue, he spat the poisonous saliva from his mouth, aiming for the incoming fireball.


His saliva whipped through the air at high speed as it hit the exact center of the red sphere. The poison inside corroded the sphere to destroy the cohesion of the flames, dispersing them in the air.

Hei received a flush of hot air that slightly burned his face, but it was nothing to worry about. The guard chief, however, fell even more in panic.

"What the fuck are you?!"

He couldn’t understand how someone who fought like that could exist. It was like fighting against a spirit beast than against a human being.

“You don't need to know. Now die and be silent.” Hei coldly replied as he placed even more strength in his weapon.


The defensive layer of spirit power of the chief guard could no longer bear the pressure exerted by Hei's spear. Eventually, the sharp tip of the spear stuck into his stomach, coming out of the other side of the back.

But Hei didn't end his attack just because his spear had pierced his enemy. By pulling his spear back so that the spearhead returned to his enemy's body, Hei moved his weapon horizontally.


The spearhead lacerated the body of the chief guard at the height of the navel, coming out of his left side. At that point, with another rapid rotation, the spear moved up, and with another horizontal stroke, it cut the head of the chief guard, making it fly in the air. All of this happened within a couple of seconds. However, for the poor unfortunate and the rest of the spectators seemed like an eternity.


When the chief guard’s head fell to the ground with a thud, the frozen time began to flow again.

With their boss killed in that way, the estate’s guards lost their desire to fight entirely. How could they hope to win when their strongest warrior had been killed?

The guards began to disperse in fear, but their actions did nothing but speed up their deaths. Lian blocked their way using her ribbons as Ye and Xing came fiercely from behind, tearing apart those who tried to escape.

Even their allies, the pirates under the Pirate General Ho Ri-Na's command, couldn’t help but be horrified in front of the carnage that was taking place there. Remnants of human bodies were being made flying into the air, and the situation became even more chaotic when Hei joined his little sisters to massacre the survivors until eventually there wasn’t even a single living enemy.

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