《Son of the Spirit Beast》Proposing a Deal


Chapter 98 - Proposing a Deal

"If for you others, there are no other words you want to say, then I say we can start. Get ready to taste my sword, because today it is sharper than ever."

The last ultimatum of the Flower Sect sect leader. By now, it was certain that if representatives of the other families and sects tried to take away the body of the divine beast spider, the whole Flower Sect would be their enemy.

Hearing those words, Hei felt a strong sense of gratitude and pride. Yes, so far, he hadn't given much weight to being a member of the Flower Sect, considering it more like a business partner. Hei would help in their mission in the Secret Dimension and would receive resources in return.

Now anyway, it was different. For the first time, Hei was happy and proud to belong to the Flower Sect. He could not have asked to be part of a better sect. After all, who did have the courage to make all the Rainbow Island major sects and families their enemies?

Even if it was the Flower Sect, one of the five big sects, the scale of this feat verged on the impossible. In the eyes of a stranger, it would appear as an act of pure madness. And that was what the leaders of the other sects and families were thinking when they realized that the Flower Sect wasn’t at all joking.

"Sect leader and elders of the Flower Sect. Since this is what you have decided, then we will act accordingly. Today will be the day when us, the five big sects of the Rainbow Island, will become four. Or will one of the middle sects ascend to that position?"

A powerful and authoritative voice spoke. It was none other than the sect leader of the Tremor Sect. At the moment, he was struggling to contain himself. He had discovered the loss of their number one younger generation genius, Chang Huan.

The Tremor Sect had focused on a lot of resources on him, even giving him the corpse of a spirit soldier. And yet, despite his potential and the precious corpses he carried with him, this genius was dead. And according to the testimony of other people present, Chan Huan had died during the clash with the Flower Sect member, Hei.

Therefore, the fact the Flower Sect sect leader and elders had lost their minds gave him an excellent opportunity to take revenge and, at the same time, obtain resources for himself.


All of a sudden, another voice rose between the people gathered there. Unexpectedly, to give that command had been Hei. Behind him, the silhouette of the purple spider disappeared slowly, but his pupils remained purple.

"You don't want to kill me unless you want to be destroyed," Hei said in a calm but self-confident tone.

"What do you mean, boy?" The sect leader of the Tremor Sect asked in a resentful voice. He wanted to tear into pieces the boy in front of him. Yet inside his mind was still present the scene of the giant spider who had fought until recently.

What they feared most was that there was still another divine beast hidden somewhere. If this were true, not even if they would have been a hundred times more numerous, they could have hoped to survive.


"I will be frank with you. There is no other divine beast alive. But regardless that, I want to present you a deal."

"A deal? Let’s hear."

Feeling that there were no divine beasts, all of them become calmer. Yet, a part of them wasn’t able to trust Hei's words completely, in case he was lying to take them by surprise.

"I offer you two things, to all the martial artists now gathered here. The content within the pocket dimension of the man you saw fighting and my protection."

With two words, everyone's hearts stopped for a beat as if they couldn’t believe their ears.

The content within the pocket dimension of that man?

The unknown man was undoubtedly a Spirit Emperor of the Continent. He probably belonged to an influential family with a strong authority. Therefore, what he had in his pocket dimension was of equal value to the spirit core of a sixth-level divine beast. No, actually, it was superior. It was because, unlike the spirit core, there were undoubtedly medicines and pills designed to be used by human martial artists. They should have only to dilute it, and they wouldn’t run the risk of wasting the precious material as it was with the spirit core. After all, none of their alchemists, even if they joined together, would be able to convert the spirit core of a divine beast into something useful for a martial artist.

"Hei, what-?" The Flower Sect sect leader couldn't understand what the young brown-skinned martial artist was trying to do. Indeed, every move he made was incomprehensible to her.

The reason Hei had revealed that information was to repay his debt to the Flower Sect.

Although he was very grateful for their gesture, he couldn’t allow them to endanger their lives in matters that didn’t concern them. Especially considering the lives of the other sect members who had stayed at home, including his spirit beasts friends, were at stake. Yes, this thing was, after all, something that only concerned his family.

Gaiya had said something about having faith in Hei and that he would come out of that situation. But Gaiya couldn’t be able to foresee the involvement of the Flower Sect, so it was something else that had made her say so. And Hei understood what she meant while the others were busy arguing.

"The resources within the pocket dimension are more than enough to make all of you advance. But what should interest you most is my second offer, my protection. If, as you said, that unknown man was a big shot of the Continent, there is no way they won't go looking for him or check the dynamics behind his disappearance. Or am I wrong, perhaps?"

Hearing the words of Hei, all the other martial artists shuddered at that thought. Right, a Spirit Emperor had died today. Although there should be several Spirit Emperors on the Continent, it wasn’t a rank that anyone could reach. It was therefore certain that he was connected to some important family, but they didn’t know which. They knew, however, that if that family came to discover that they had taken away the treasures of that illustrious person and then covered their actions up, they would be torn to pieces in no time, without being able to react.


"No, you're not wrong. But what do you mean with your protection? What do you think you can do? You are just a younger generation brat!” The Tremor Sect sect leader answered for everyone as their spokesman.

Right. Hei, no matter how talented he was, was only a younger generation disciple of one of the many sects on one of the many islands that bordered the Continent. To advance, he would have to go to the Continent. But that was impossible for those coming from the islands. After all, they didn't have the qualifications.

"Yes, at the moment, I'm just a younger generation disciple of the Flower Sect. Yet, at the same time, I am not. I am 14 years old, and so is my companion Lian. We have awakened our spirit power at around 12 years old, and participated in the Continent Trial, overcoming it. The same Spirit Artifact has classified our talent as high level even by the standards of the Continent, giving us two tokens with its trace of spirit power. And that's why the Flower Sect has managed to send seven members instead of the five you knew about.

As a result, we also have the qualifications to go to the Continent. It means that Lian and I have the talent to reach the same level as that unknown man. No, we can even surpass him. Therefore, having my protection is like having a future guarantee, in case you will have to deal with the repercussions for today's events.

After all, even if you killed us today and covered up everything, it wouldn't change what happened. Haven't you said so too? The Spirit Artifact is dead, and therefore, it can no longer refer to the Continent. But the very fact that it died on the same day as that unknown man is an indication that something happened on one of the islands. Not counting the financial movements of you sects and families. All the clues will indicate here, the Rainbow Island!"

The various martial artists couldn’t help but open wide their mouths and eyes to Hei's words. Quickly, they moved their heads towards the sect leader and the elders of the Flower Sect. When they received confirmation from them, the other martial artists couldn’t help being even more stunned.

So that was the secret behind them sending seven younger generation disciples. Furthermore, 14 years old and seventh stage spirit apprentice? What kind of concept was that? And all this when they were on Rainbow Island. If they had been to the Continent, wouldn’t they have progressed even faster?! Perhaps they would have already reached the rank of spirit soldier. That was someone at their same level.

Thinking of that possibility, the representatives of the various sects and families swallowed nervously, digesting every kind of emotion they were feeling. Even the sect leader and the elders of the Flower Sect seemed to be influenced. Even though they knew Hei's secret, they couldn't help but have goosebumps at the thought that it had flashed into their minds.

Two of their younger generation disciples. Two members of the Flower Sect, who would become Spirit Emperors. What immense glory could it mean for their sect? Even though they were one of the five big sects of the Rainbow Island, they were worth even less than trash before the powers of the Continent.

"If you leave my family and me alone, I'll give you what you want. It should be more than enough. At the same time, you will gain a shield that can have the potential to protect you from danger. As for clues about your activities, I think that if you put your brains together, you can come up with a plausible excuse for your behavior during these months, don't you?"

Hei finally ended his speech. All he had to say had been said. Now it all depended on how the martial artists of the other sects and families would act.

Even if it meant giving up such incredible resources, Hei didn't care. How could pills or potions have the same value as his mother's spirit core? Even if he had ten times more treasures, he would have given them all to keep his mother's body safe.

For Hei, such objects weren’t a goal but only a tool. A tool to protect those you loved. And if you couldn't protect those you loved, then those treasures were nothing but trash. After all, no matter how rich and powerful he could become, for him, that meant nothing if he were to lose the ones he loved.

Meanwhile, the discussion among the martial artists on the lake shore became more and more animated. The Flower Sect was bombarded with a myriad of questions. All of them wanted to know more about Hei's circumstances and the actual veracity of his words. Meanwhile, they were also calculating in their minds every possible consequence for their actions and decisions. It wasn’t just their fate or that of their sects at stake. Instead, it was a matter that concerned the entire Rainbow Island.

And finally, they decided. Yes, they finally found the answer they were looking for. The one that would allow them more chances of survival.

"We consent to your proposal. In exchange for the treasures inside the pocket dimension of that Spirit Emperor, we will not touch your family or that spider's body. We won’t even take action against the Flower Sect. But at the same time, you must complete your part of the deal."

"Don’t worry. It is in my interest to protect this island. After all, there are important creatures that live here."

Hei's mind shifted to the spirit beasts who were now protecting his spiderweb home. In particular, he focused on Shui and Mi, who were the closest to his family. It was time to say goodbye to them too.

In that way, the discussion about how to divide the assets into the pocket dimension was born. But it wasn't something he cared about. While the others were distracted, he went to rejoin his family. He hid his mother's body inside the Secret Dimension inside the Heart of the World Tree and took Ye and Xing on himself. Then, taking Lian's hand, he began to slowly walk towards the Flower Sect, away from that place that had scarred him forever.

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