《Son of the Spirit Beast》The Curtains Comes Down


Chapter 95 - The Curtains Comes Down

"The One Who Hides Behind the Curtains! This time I'll be your opponent!"

The immense black snake proclaimed loudly as its spirit power was released into the surrounding environment.

Those who were witnessing the clash, for the umpteenth time, were shocked by what they were seeing.

"That ... snake ... black scales..."

"How is it possible? We are sure that ...? "

"Could it be that it is...?"

"The Snake of Darkness!"

"But it should be something that belongs to the legends of the past. How is it possible?"

While the martial artists of the Rainbow Island families and sects were exchanging absolute disbelief, among the spectators present there, five had other emotions that flowed inside them in addition to disbelief.

"Hei An! Is it really him?!" Gaiya exclaimed loudly.

Ye and Xing on hearing Gaiya's confirmation, couldn’t help but watch the gigantic black snake that had appeared excited with more intensity.

Their father! The father they had never met and only heard of. Between the two, it was Ye in particular who felt more interested in the black snake she was seeing. She could feel her bloodline boiling wildly inside her.

But it wasn't just the three divine beasts there, even Hei and Lian were staring incredulously that black snake.

Lian was amazed by the power and magnificence of the being before her eyes. Hei instead felt a more complex emotion.

The Snake of Darkness, Hei An. The father, who wasn’t his real father, but at the same time, he was. His mother's companion, the biological father of Ye and Xing, as well as the creator of the snake style he used. The one who had saved his mother one hundred thousand years ago, thus allowing Hei and Bao Bei to meet. And finally, the being to which the mission that his mother wanted him to complete belonged.

"Domain of Darkness, Embrace of Darkness."

Suddenly, despite being in broad daylight, all the light in that area began to quickly thin until it was entirely replaced by a dark night.

"Law of Darkness, Dark Breath."

Hei An's mouth opened, and from it came a ray of intense black color that aimed at the Shé Family head. The latter wasn’t late and answered immediately.

"Concept of Destruction, Poison Law, Hydra Destruction Cannon!"

Once again, the nine snake heads on the back of the human martial artist condensed his spirit power and joined the mouths to fire the ray used before.


Another big explosion. The lake water was moved violently due to the shock wave, generating massive waves that continued until they reached the shore of the lake before being blocked by Gaiya's protective veil.

But the dispute wasn’t over. The nine snakes' beam had blocked the ray of darkness. However, after having being stopped momentarily, the ray of darkness had continued its advance, gaining meter over meter, and it was getting closer and closer to its target.

"Shit! Shit! Avatar Restrictions Removed! Transfer of Power!"

With those words, the body of the human began to swell as his spirit power reached an even more inhuman scale. It was unbelievable how much spirit power he was able to be able to emit.

In this way, his ray of spirit power that was having the worst stopped his retreat, and he began to gain the meters he had lost. No, he began to subdue the dark ray that wanted to destroy him.


In the end, the ray of spirit power produced by the nine snake heads got the better of it and crashed into the giant black snake.

Crash! Rumble!

The black snake suffered the impact of the technique and collapsed on the surface of the lake. Then, it disappeared like grains of black light into the air.

From above, the Shé Family head stared in disbelief at this scene as he struggled for energy.

"I don’t understand. Hei An was much stronger than that. Then why…? Wait, don't tell me..?!"

The man finally noticed a small but fundamental detail to witch, with the appearance of his archenemy had given no weight. But it was too late by now.


From above the location of the human martial artist, a five-meter purple spider was plummeting downward at an impressive speed.

"Spider Lance, Law of Poison, Rot Venom Lance."

The legs on the right side of Bao Bei's body shone with a malign and dying light and flung themselves on her enemy.

The One Who Hides Behind The Curtains had no way to dodge or use other techniques, so he could only do the only possible thing. To prepare himself for the impact by increasing the thickness of his protective layer of spirit power and use the nine heads to reduce that impact.


The nine heads faced four of the eight legs of Bao Bei, and incredibly, despite their numerical advantage, these weren’t able to stop the advance of the spider's legs.

The Shé Family head was, therefore, catapulted downwards as his nine snake heads gradually began to erode as they were unable to resist all that power.

“Bitch! Now I understand! The Concept of Reality! You used the Concept of Reality on your Law of Illusions!"

Exact. The black snake that appeared before everyone wasn’t the real Hei An. Yet, although he wasn’t, at the same time, he was the real Hei An, the Emperor Beast.

Bao Bei had used the Law of Illusions to recreate her lost loved one and transformed that illusion into reality thanks to the Concept of Reality. Thas was why the black snake had been able to spoke and attack as if it were alive.

However, the Concept of Reality required more expenditure of energy according to the complex of the illusion you wanted to make real. And making the Snake of Darkness appear and reproducing its strength was an arduous task, and Bao Bei could only make him stay for a short time.

For this reason, the black snake had disappeared after enduring the attack. Had the black snake been the real Snake of Darkness, he wouldn’t have gone down so quickly, even if the strength of that ray had been twice as much.

But that didn't matter. The reason why Bao Bei had used such an exhausting move was to create a single moment of distraction in her opponent, that's all. A single moment was all she needed.

Rot Venom. The most potent poison available to her.

It was an acid poison so powerful that it destroyed everything with which it came into contact, including its user or the medium with which it was used. And the reaction was so powerful that if someone with a weak body had tried to use it, they would have been disintegrated before they even reached the enemy. Fortunately, the legs of Bao Bei had an incredible hardness, so much so that they could hold up long enough for the decomposition generated by the poison, even if, in the end, they too would be destroyed.


The two fighters touched the surface of the lake and continued to descend towards the bottom of the lake.

‘Do you think you can change something with this sacrifice of yours?! Even if you stop me, I'll come back. I have already prepared my plans, and without Hei An, no one can stop me. Even if you kill this body, you can't kill me or stop my advance.’

After arriving at the bottom of the lake, the nine snake heads of the Shé Family head had been destroyed. The same was true for the four legs of Bao Bei, who was now using the weight of her own body to block her opponent at the bottom of the lake.

Since there was water all around, the two were using spirit messages to speak since it wasn’t possible to talk in the water unless they possessed the Law of Water. However, the lack of oxygen wasn’t a problem. High-rank martial artists and high-level divine beasts all had an absurd ability to store air in their lungs and control their oxygen consumption. It wasn’t a problem at all, therefore, getting to stay for hours and hours immersed in water.

'It's true. Even if I kill you, I won't solve anything, and I'm not able to stop your plans. But it doesn’t matter. I told you. All I need is to create a possibility in the future. Because in the future, the being that all of us have been waiting for will surely come. A being more powerful than all of us that will stop you and save this world.’

‘Those words again! How can you be so foolish as to believe that someone could stop me?! Hei An himself failed, even if he had sacrificed all his companions and his race to reach the divine rank. You divine beasts are now extinct. There is nothing you can do now. Or are you talking about humans or demons? Oh, give me a break! Those are busy killing each other for garbage that they consider treasures. They only serve as pawns in my plan and to entertain me. It is absurd to think that a divine beast like you would trust a human or a demon, hahaha.’

‘Think of it the way you want, but I'm sure it will come. I've already seen it in my dreams. The HOPE of this world is already born. And the mission I was given is to protect it, at all costs. Farewell, The One Who Hides Behind The Curtains. One day you too will die, and you will have to pay for the sins you have committed in your life.’

‘Rot Venom Lance.’

The remaining four legs went down and penetrated through the protective layer of spirit power of the Shé Family head. By now, the human martial artist had consumed almost every residue of his spirit power, and the little he had left wasn’t able to stop the attack of Bao Bei.


With those words, the four spider legs finally touched the flesh and penetrated it, sinking deep into the bottom and injecting the decomposing poison.

Quickly, the body of the human martial artist and the remaining four legs of Bao Bei began to crumble like ash, disappearing into the water of the lake.

The eight exhausted eyes of Bao Bei lingered on the rotting corpse in front of her.

‘Law of Space, Opening of Space.’

Unexpectedly, a hole in the water was formed into the center of the man's chest, or rather into space. It was similar to what the Shé Family head had done when he opened a gash in space to reach the Secret Dimension.

‘Unfortunately, I am not proficient enough to use the Law of Space or the Law of Time in combat. But I can at least do this.’

What Bao Bei was doing was opening a connection with the pocket dimension of the enemy she had killed. Given that he was the family head of one of the most important and influential families on the continent, at least from the words of The One Who Hides Behind The Curtains, it was taken for granted that he brought with him a myriad of treasures.

As far as pocket dimensions were concerned, when a living being reached a certain degree of power, they could create a personal space in their soul where they could store objects or even carry people or other living beings. The size of the pocket dimension was according to the strength of the soul of that individual.

However, the part of the soul used to create the pocket dimension was tied to the body during the process. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been possible to develop it. Consequently, when the martial artist or divine beast was killed, even if their souls were to survive, it wasn’t possible to preserve their pocket dimension. The pocket dimension, therefore, with the death of the body and the loss of the progenitor soul’s connection, would lose its stability until it imploded on itself and destroyed everything inside.

Therefore, if one wanted to seize the enemy's treasures, one had to act quickly and create a connection with the pocket dimension devoid of its master to retrieve the objects inside.

It went without saying, however, that if the owner was still alive, it was impossible to do this without them intervening and immediately closing the connection to their pocket dimension.

Furthermore, this process was so elaborate and complicated that it needed full concentration. Although a few moments of time might appear little, they were a massive window for high-rank martial artists and high-level divine beasts. Trying to do this in the middle of a war was almost impossible. Even if you were to kill your opponent, it was difficult to do as you would be vulnerable to a surprise attack.

But fortunately, Bao Bei wasn’t on a battlefield in the middle of a war and had to face only one enemy who now lay lifeless on the bottom of the lake and was crumbling, disappearing into thin air.

‘I finished collecting what was inside. It's time to go seeing to my treasures one last time.’

Slowly, the body of Bao Bei was reduced to one meter in length and began to rise to the surface. All she had in mind at the moment was to reach her cubs and greet them for the last time.

As she feared, her body already with its counted minutes, in the end, had reached its limit.

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