《Son of the Spirit Beast》Love


Chapter 89 - Love

Inside the gigantic-sized flower, it was pitch dark. When she entered, Lian wasn’t able to see anything around her. Still, her feet were uninterruptedly walking as a strange vine was guiding her. That vine had rolled up her arm and was leading her into that darkness.

Usually, she would have objected so that she could observe and analyze the situation, but she had no time to waste. Outside, Hei, Ye, and Xing were fighting hard, coming to put their lives at risk to make her have this opportunity. There was no way she would waste it or let herself be stopped by fear or uncertainty.

Following the light tug of the vine on her arm, Lian continued to walk forward until she sensed that that tug was over. At that point, a strange light appeared in that darkness, and Lian could finally look around.

She was inside the flower, but she couldn’t see any object that could be traced back to the treasure they had perceived from outside. Then, looking closely, she realized that the thing that was producing the light was a smaller reproduction of the gigantic flower where she was now.


Lian reached out her hand, and as soon as she touched the closed petals of the luminescent miniature flower, it opened its petals and from there, sprang out the body of a beautiful woman.

The woman had long sinuous hair that swayed like small waves dragged by the wind. These ‘waves’ had an emerald green color in which there were occasionally some rosy locks of different shades.

Her skin appeared smooth and soft just by looking, capable of bewitching every person who had the chance to look at her. Instead of the typical color of human beings, the skin had a jade green color. And indeed, had it not been for her small and delicate movements, she would have appeared as a finely crafted jade sculpture. But this perfect skin was scarred by pink veins that resembled the bark of a tree. However, instead of appearing chaotic, they assumed uniform traits, creating floral patterns on the skin.

The woman was almost completely naked; only her intimate parts and her breasts were covered by thin layers of clothing formed by the union of flower petals. But despite the presence of such ‘clothes,’ one could see the fascinating graces of the woman who, more than a human being, she resembled a flower that had taken a human form.

When the flower woman came out of the miniature flower that contained her, she opened her big eyes. Then she looked around until she dwelt on Lian, who was the only living being present in that place with her.

"So you are the one who earned the right to enter. Welcome to my home, can I know your name?” Asked the flower woman. Her voice, although it was the same they heard before the beginning of the battle, it lacked the metal tone used previously. But instead, it had a soft and pleasant feeling that would have fascinated even the most stoic of martial artists.

"Lian." Replied the young blue-haired girl. The grace of her voice was no less than that of the flower woman. Her beautiful blue sapphire-like eyes met the pink-flower eyes of the flower woman. Both had a depth of gaze that seemed that only by looking at them, you would be able to immerse yourself in them and sink to the bottom.

"Lian ... it's a beautiful name. Did your parents give it to you? "

"No, it was Hei who gave it to me."


"Hei? Would he be an acquaintance of yours?"

"Yes, Hei is the one who saved me. Now I am living with his family. "

Listening to the few words of the young martial artist in front of her, the flower woman understood that the young human woman had through many difficulties in her short but intense life. If it had been before, she would have felt compassion and would have listened to her story told more than willingly. However, right now, she had no such luxury. There were things to be first discussed between them.

"Listen to me, young woman, named Lian, I have a proposal for you. I am an extinct organism, lived a long time ago. I don't know precisely how much time has passed and if they changed the name, but at the time, human beings like you called my species divine beasts. As for my name, there is no need for you to know it. But if you want a name to address me to, you can call me the Lotus of Love." The beautiful flower woman introduced herself.

As she said this, she floated in the air and then descended to the ground. Just before her bare and delicate feet touched the ground, the grass trembled at that point. Then, it grew at a crazy pace and went to wrap the feet of the flower woman gently, turning into elegant and light footwear with floral embroidery.

Meanwhile, Lian, hearing the name that this flower woman had uttered, couldn’t help but be amazed. The Lotus of Love. There was no way she didn't know that name. It was the divine beast that Bao Bei had spoken of, as well as the one who had created her Lotus Style.

"Young human Lian, do you know the story of us... something is wrong?" The flower woman was going to start her speech by explaining the story about her species. However, she stopped shortly after because she had noticed the strange way in which Lian was looking at her.

The flower woman had foreseen the possibility the person coming into that place could have received teachings about the past. And therefore, they possessed a conception about the spirit beasts from the humans' point of view. As a result, she was prepared to receive looks of fear and even disgust. So, she created a short but detailed speech ready to illustrate her version of those events; no, to be precise, the version of her entire species.

And from the reaction of the young blue-haired woman, the flower woman understood that the human before her knew what the words divine beasts meant. And yet, instead of the looks of fear, disgust, hatred, or any other negative feeling she was prepared to receive, inside Lian's eyes, she could only read astonishment, curiosity, and even admiration.

The flower woman couldn’t understand at all? Why did a girl she saw for the first time feel admiration toward her?

Unable to appease her curiosity, she asked Lian again.

"Do you know me by chance? Did you hear my name somewhere? "

Lian nodded her head slowly and prepared to answer.

"Yes, my teacher told me about it. She is the mother of the boy I mentioned to you before. Besides him, there are her two daughters. She is called Bao Bei."


As soon as the name of Bao Bei was pronounced, the flower woman instantly froze as her heart started beating wildly. It was as if suddenly, a single drop had fallen inside a completely flat water surface. This drop then generated ripples on the surface of water, creating chaos in the calm that once dwelt in that place.


Right. Her calm and refined demeanor had been destroyed to make room for a feeling of excitement and euphoria.

"Human! Tell me immediately, what does she look like the one you call Bao Bei."

The words of the flower woman no longer counted the same grace as before. They were flickering and agitated, even stumbling upon saying the name of Bao Bei.

Surprised by that reaction, Lian still did her best to respond quickly.

"It's a spider, a divine beast like you. Hei is a human, like me. He was adopted by Bao Bei when he was still a baby. Ye and Xing are the daughters of Bao Bei and her partner Hei An. They are two divine beasts too. Ye is a snake with black scales with golden patterns; Xing instead has a purple color with silver patterns." Lian immediately gave a brief account of the characteristics not only of Bao Bei but also of her children.

Upon hearing the words of Lian, the body of the Lotus of Love began to tremble dramatically as large dew-like tears fell from her eyes, moistening her long, thick, and curved eyelashes.

"So.. she's still alive... she's still alive..."

The Lotus of Love kneeled on the ground and burst into tears that weren’t compatible with the atmosphere of majesty and elegance she had before. But she didn't care about her demeanor or appearance. The only thing she wanted to do was vent the pain and fear she had been carrying for years and the relief of knowing that Bao Bei was still alive.

As she cried and sobbed loudly, she noticed the perfectly embroidered silver-white silk ribbon in Lian's hands, and her eyes widened again.

"This... the silk web of Bao Bei... there is no doubt. There is no way that I don’t recognize her silk. Tell me, human. No, Lian. Tell me. How is she? Is she fine? Is she happy? You said she’s your teacher, what do you mean? Indeed before that, did you say she adopted a human child? And has two daughters divine beasts? "

The Lotus of Love began to formulate one question after another without respite. Whenever something occurred to her mind, she hastened to voice it in a desperate attempt not to forget it later.

Looking at that reaction, Lian smiled to herself. In a way, she reminded her when Hei got excited about a new topic and bombarded Bao Bei with questions.

"Bao Bei is fine, she's happy. She is my teacher because she is teaching me the Lotus Style. That's why I know about you. Yes, she adopted a human child, and after a few years, Ye and Xing, her and Hei An's daughters hatched. She also told us about what happened one hundred thousand years ago."

At Lian's reply, the Flower Lotus slowly regained her calm as she began to be able to formulate rational thoughts. Immediately, memories of the past began to flood her mind as she recalled the tragic history of her species. She also recalled the plan to raise human and demon martial artists who didn’t feel hostility towards them and how she had participated in such a project that was never implemented.

No, it wasn't correct. It was no longer a plan never implemented. Before her, there was the living proof of that plan's success. And if Bao Bei had adopted a human child as her son, then...

"Tell me, Lian. Did this Hei also inherit a style from Bao Bei? "

"Yes. Bao Bei is teaching him the Spider Style and the Snake Style. Hei also carries his mother's bloodline. Initially, we came to this Secret Dimension to find clues about Bao Bei's companion, Hei An, and to find his bloodline if possible. But I never expected to meet you instead, the Lotus of Love."

At Lian's words, the Lotus of Love finally got the confirmation she was looking for. Now she understood more or less what had happened and what her old friend intended to do. If so, then she too should give her contribution.

"I guess Bao Bei is on the other side of the passage you came through, isn't it?"

"Yes, unfortunately, only those below the spirit soldier rank can enter."

"I see. Too bad, but it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that Bao Bei is okay. Before continuing, there is something I would like to ask you, Lian, and it is essential that you answer me sincerely." At that point, the Lotus of Love paused, and after receiving Lian's nod, she continued. "If something were to happen to that boy, Hei, what would you do? What would you do if he was in such a danger to threaten his life?"

Lian closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. Inside her, one could read only determination and sincerity.

"I will protect him at all costs, even at the cost of my life. In the first place, my life belongs to him. And therefore, it will also be for him if I should die one day."

Listening to Lian's words, the Lotus of Love smiled.

"Do you know why they call me the Lotus of Love? It's because I developed the Concept of Love. Everyone believes that it is because of my generosity and benevolence towards plant type divine beasts as if I was the mother of nature. But in reality, it isn’t so. My Love isn’t a maternal love, but rather, it is a passionate love, like that of a lover. I awoke it for the first time when I realized I love a divine beast, a friend of mine - Bao Bei. I never revealed my love to her, just looking at her and supporting her from afar to the end.

Maybe it's early, and you haven't noticed yet. Or yes, you noticed it, but you still don't want to accept it, or you have some other reason in mind. But regardless, remember to support that boy named Hei. At any cost. And to do this, I want to give you the prize that was initially yours - my bloodline. The bloodline of the Lotus of Love. "

With these words, the flowered woman placed her delicate hand on her chest and from there, pulled out a blood-colored sphere that seemed to beat as if it was a heart.

"Initially, I was going to have you sign a blood pact, and if you refused, I would have killed you instantly. But now this is no longer necessary. Don't worry about the rejection reaction. Bao Bei told you about it, right? Since I'm offering it to myself, there will be no rejection, neither now nor ever. While you absorb my bloodline, I will go and get the children of my beloved Bao Bei."

At those words, Lian rejoiced. Hei, Xing, and Ye were fighting hard to buy time for her. But if the Lotus of Love intended to bring them into the flower, they would all be safe. After all, she had seen with her own eyes the hardness of the petals of this gigantic flower. There was no way that the martial artists out there could break through inside. Moreover, even if that happened, there was still the Lotus of Love. An existence comparable to Bao Bei that, according to what they knew, was also the strongest being.

Lian, therefore, shifted her gaze to the sphere of green blood that was floating in front of her. Reaching out, she hugged the sphere until it reached her chest, where it began to blend into her body.

"I will protect you. At any cost."

With those words, the sphere disappeared inside Lian's body while the blood of a divine beast was released inside, flooding every single part of Lian. It was like being on a cold and windy night and suddenly being wrapped in a tender and loving hug. Yes, it was that kind of feeling. And inside her, something else, besides the bloodline, was waking up as the feeling of love became more intense.

"I love you."

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