《Son of the Spirit Beast》The Fight Begins! Flower Sect vs. Big Sects' Alliance


Chapter 85 - The Fight Begins! Flower Sect vs. Big Sects' Alliance

It happened two days after the discovery of the gigantic flower, or an exact week of their stay in the Secret Dimension - the enormous lotus flower finally began to open its petals.

In these two days, the remaining participants, who hadn't died or been severely injured, had all gathered there. The great battle was about to take place.

Suddenly, a cold voice came out of the flower.

"Only one of you can enter and receive what is inside."

Only one of them? At these words, everyone swallowed their saliva. Even though they were ready to fight each other, they still hoped they could form groups with which to share the loot. But if only one of them could enter, there was no room for alliances. On the contrary, even among fellow sect members, there would be disagreement to decide who would get what was inside.

At that point, Zan said to the others.

"Regardless of who enters, we will support that person, all right?"

His face had a twisted expression. You could clearly see that he craved for what was kept inside. But he still said those words. During these months, he had matured a lot, as well as Cao Su. Even though they still had traces of their arrogant behavior, it was still true that they were the sons of two sect elders. Therefore, they would have set aside their pride and their disagreements with others for the common good of their sect.

Hei and the others nodded silently. Each of them felt the same thing. If Zan himself was acting like a mature person, they too would do the same.

Meanwhile, a young blond-haired man with brown shades approached the flower and proclaimed loudly.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? We are martial artists, what are you afraid of? If you want the treasure, then take it by force; if instead, you are afraid of leaving behind your skin, fuck off from my way."

His voice awakened all those present who were afraid about the fact there would be only one winner.

"Who is this fool? Are you looking for trouble?"

"Idiot! That's Chang Huan! "

"Chang Huan? The number one of the younger generation of the whole Rainbow Island?"

"Ahahaha, well said Chang Huan. To start, I would say it’s better to start burning the small fries that are present here." Another voice resounded. It belonged to a young red-haired man dressed in the same garment as Chang Huan.

"It is Wen Guiying, the Pyromaniac." Someone said among those present.

"Sects and families of the Mountain Kingdom. The treasure inside is worthy only of us martial artists belonging to the five big sects. Even if you should incapacitate us, do you think you have a chance of being able to grab the treasure for yourselves? However, if you block the other middle sects and families, the Tremor Sect will adequately reward each of you if Wen Guiying or I was to enter. I swear by the honor of the Tremor Sect.” Chang Huan proclaimed loudly.

At those words, the artists of the Mountain Kingdom began having second thoughts. Had it not been for the condition that only one person could enter, they would have refused. But with such a low percentage of them being the chosen ones, they didn't dare to come forward.


Therefore, Chang Huan's proposal happened to be just in time. The two of the Tremor Sect were among the most favored of them all, and if they had helped them, they could earn something without having to rely on an uncertain probability.

“The same is true for the Frozen Sect and the Bubble Sect. As long as the Lake Kingdom martial artists keep the others at bay, both our sects will guarantee rewards for all of you in case of victory."

It was a woman with long, shiny white hair who spoke. It was Zheng Yawen, the leader of the Frozen Sect. Next to her was Sun Xiulan, the leader of the Bubble Sect. Her light-blue hair sinuously waved while she remained impassive to the statement made by the Tremort Sect.

"We too, Tree Sect, promise the same to all the martial artists of the Forest Kingdom. And I guess the same goes for the Flower Sect, doesn't it?” Ren said as he turned his head where Hei and the others were hidden.

Having been discovered, they couldn’t help but come out into the open, creating a stir on the battlefield.

"It is the Flower Sect! How is it possible?! They are all seven. They haven’t lost any members."

"So, are they the favorites?"

"What are you saying, precisely because they are still all seven they are the least favorites."

It was true. If the middle sects and the other families took off themselves from the contest for the final treasure, the only contenders would be the martial artists of the five big sects. In this moment, the Tremor Sect had two people, the Frozen Sect also two, the Tree Sect had three, and finally the Bubble Sect only one. In total, there were eight martial artists, one more than the Flower Sect group.

It was assumed that the final battle would be a showdown between the Flower Sect against the other big sects.

"Yes, we Flower Sect also promise to offer rewards in case of victory. This battle is a stage that belongs only to us of the five big sects. Today we will finally stop being considered in the last place and take back the top that belonged to us."

Zan's words were like a declaration of war. The middle sects and the other powers divided according to their realm of belonging, leaving the area in front of the gigantic flower free. That would become the battlefield of the five big sects.

"Ehehe, nice words. I have to admit it. But you need strength if you want to say crap like that. The Tremor Sect is and will remain the number one sect. I would normally take out all you trash, but I suppose that first, we have to take care of these stupid people who want to bite off more than you can chew.”

"As usual, you are always full of yourself, Chang Huan. But I agree with you. Even if we are part of the same kingdom, that doesn’t matter now. I guess the same is true for you too? Sun Xiulan, Zheng Yawen." (Ren)

"There are no problems for us of the Frozen Sect." (Zheng Yawen)

"Even if I have unfinished businesses with you from the Tree Sect and the Tremort Sect, I will let it run for now." (Sun Xiulan)


"All right. Then, we will show you the true power of the Flower Sect." Shouted Zan loudly, starting the battle.

At his cry, all seven members of the Flower Sect went to their respective targets.

Sun Xiulan, Bubble Sect vs. Ying Yue, Flower Sect

Zheng Yawen, Frozen Sect vs. Mei, Flower Sect

Wen Guiying, Tremor Sect vs. Li, Flower Sect

Chang Huan, Tremor Sect vs. Cao Su and Zan, Flower Sect

Li Na, Frozen Sect, vs. Ye, snake-type divine beast

Tian Yaling, Tree Sect vs. Xing, spider-type divine beast

Duan Long, Tree Sect vs. Lian, Flower Sect

Ren, Tree Sect vs. Hei, Flower Sect

These were the battle pairings.

The coalition of the other big sects was surprised by this. They expected to have the advantage, but unexpectedly they were outnumbered. Even Ren and Sun Xiulan were surprised. They had seen the ability of the spirit beasts led by Hei, but they believed that they were capable of beating a sixth stage spirit apprentice only if they fought together. They didn't think that spider and snake pair could fight one vs. one and win. Yet, from the look that the Flower Sect members had, it didn’t seem to be the case.

But in any case, it wasn’t a problem, Chan Huan's strength was unmatched. Although it was hard to accept, it wasn’t by chance he was the number one of the younger generation of the entire Rainbow Island. Therefore, they still had the knife on the side of the handle.

"Finally, we can fight. I admit that since the king's celebration, I was curious to see what you can do. Now I can finally see your strength.” Ren proclaimed as he drew his sword.

On his face, he had a beaming smile. Despite his calm and calculating exterior, he liked fighting and exchanging blows with those who intrigued him.

"Okay. I'll show you my strength, but don't blame me if you die.” Hei replied as he grabbed his spear with his hair.

"Ye, Xing, Lian. Do not be scrupulous this time. We must go inside."

Right. They had to get in there at all costs. Hei didn't know what was inside, but he could feel in his heart that he would find something related to the divine beasts and his father.

Meanwhile, the martial artists of the other sects and families were also battling furiously with each other. The treasure inside the flower was impossible for them to grasp, but the rewards promised by the five big sects were within their reach. There was no way they wouldn't try to earn it.

"Bark Shield."

Suddenly on Ren's left arm, which was the free one as he held his sword with his right hand, he came to create a wooden shield with veins that resembled the bark of a tree.

"If you ask yourself why I don't directly use a shield made by a blacksmith, there is a reason, and you will find out soon."

Hei recorded what Ren said but didn't reply. Regardless of whether it was a trick or not to divert his attention, he would fight as usual.

"Spider Run, two-legged mode."

With Spider Run, Hei lashed out forward with a straight lunge that Ren parried using his wooden shield. Not a single notch appeared on the shield.

After that, Ren moved purple lance to the side as he tried a thrust from the top that Hei dodged with a quick backward movement.

Usually, spear users had an advantage over those who used short weapons like a one-handed sword, not to mention that a sword was a weapon more focused on attacking quickly than parrying. So theoretically, Hei should have been ahead in a clash of weapons.

Yet it wasn’t so. The mere presence of such a shield nullified the range advantage of the spear and brought out the qualities of the sword. With the security of the shield to protect him, Ren could freely launch attacks unconcerned of any counterattacks.

But it also had to be said that Hei was attacking just with his spear using his hair. At the moment, he wasn't yet using his arms and legs to fight. It was because he wanted to better understand the attack patterns of the opponent before him.

"Are you trying to stall to understand my attack patterns? Not bad, but if you're going to do that, then you leave me no choice."

After several exchanges of blows, Ren came up with these words. Then, after the umpteenth parade using the shield, he exclaimed loudly.

"Tree Grip."

Suddenly, from the shield similar to the bark of a tree, tree branches came out, binding the tip of Hei's spear and the ends of his hair. With his hair trapped, Hei couldn't dodge unless he cut them.

"Piercing Roots."

Subsequently, four sharp roots appeared on Ren's sword, two on each side, half a meter long. Those together with the sharp point of the sword then directed towards Hei.

"Spider Carapace."

By condensing his spirit power on his left arm, Hei parried the blow with it. However, the penetrating force of Ren's move was too strong and ended up hurting his hand.

"Spider Lance, leg mode."

Hei promptly used Spider Lance with his right foot, and instead of aiming at Ren, he hit the roots that were trapping his spear and his hair. Then he stepped back a few steps and examined his hand.

‘There doesn't seem to be any problems with the bones; it just hit the skin. Those roots… despite not appearing so strong, they managed to make a hole in my defense. It is probably their characteristic. The damage doesn't seem to be that big. But from now on, I have to fight like I'm vulnerable to any attack.’

"What's up? You don’t want to continue fighting? Don't disappoint me. I expect better from the number one of the Flower Sect."

With his fighting spirit so inflamed, there was no way that Ren would let Hei escape. But of course, Hei had no intention of running away.

"Not at all, the real fight is about to start now."

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