《Son of the Spirit Beast》Facing the Tremor Sect


Chapter 83 - Facing the Tremor Sect

As the seventh elder said, the Tremort Sect focused mainly on Earth and Fire Laws, and secondarily on the Metal. Of the four participants, only two had to be treated with extreme caution. Chang Huan the Genius and Wen Guiying the Pyromaniac; the other two, although they were in the sixth stage, had no unique characteristics except that they were users of the Earth Law.

Wen Guiying was called the Pyromaniac because he possessed a fire elemental essence, besides it being his innate element, and he had a mania in burning the corpse of his enemies. But the real trump card of the Tremor Sect was Chang Huan. After all, he had been given the nickname Genius for nothing.

Chang Huan ended up having the Ghost Law as an innate element. That feat had indeed amazed the elders of the Tremor Sect because it was the first time in countless years that one of their disciples had awakened that Law.

The last user of the Ghost Law had been the brother of the Tremor Sect sect leader of hundreds of years ago. He was said to have sown terror with his puppets, derived from his enemies' corpses. And in this aspect, Chang Huan had developed an absolute talent, making him earn the nickname of Genius and the total support of the sect.

It wasn’t a euphemism to say that, of all the participants, Chang Huan was the most dangerous one. He was, in fact, able to fight against several martial artists simultaneously without problems. Furthermore, it wasn’t known how many puppets he had and what their skills were.

After gathering information from the pair of Rock Sect martial artists, Hei performed his part of the deal and let them go. There was no reason to take back the word given to them, not to mention that it was a preventive measure against the other big sects.

Hei was, in fact, sure that the two from the Rock Sect would think over and over again about his words, and they would involve other sects at his proposal. Although it meant having more enemies for the final stages, it was still better than being taken out now at the beginning.

Left alone again, Hei and Lian went back to cultivate while Ye and Xing took turns guarding them. Fortunately, there were no other unexpected encounters like this.

The second day was busier. They met several groups that were fighting with each other to grab a particular object. Only, the fights weren’t very intense and ended up immediately after a few exchanges. None of them wanted to engage in an intense struggle. With the amount of treasure here, it was stupid to peg away at a particular object, always provided that it wasn’t a treasure that was worth fighting seriously.

And that was what happened on the morning of the third day.

In a corner of the forest, a quarry full of spirit stones had been found. However, these spirit stones were much purer than spirit stones on Rainbow Island. They contained a markedly higher amount of spirit power than third-level spirit stones. And there was an entire quarry of these.

It also happened that a single sect hadn't discovered it; multiple sects had ended up finding it at the same time. Consequently, these sects had summoned possible companions and allies to them, increasing the scale of the conflict.

Now, there were about fifty martial artists, half of the participants. They had divided up according to the kingdom to which they belonged. Leading each faction was one of the five big sects.


For the Forest Kingdom was the Tree Sect; for the Lake Kingdom the Bubble Sect; for the Mountain Kingdom the Tremort Sect.

However, both the Genius and the Pyromaniac were missing from the Tremor Sect representatives. As a result, their strength was halved. But even without the two of them, there were still two other participants, and they would fight for the possession of the quarry.

With a tension that could be cut with a knife blade, the various martial artists moved and unsheathed their weapons as they activated their spirit power. This time there was no way that they would spare their energy and got ready to put their lives on the line to take a part of those spirit stones.

And looking at that chaos unfolding, there were Hei, Lian, Xing, and Ye.

‘Big brother, what do we do?’ Xing asked worriedly.

It was the first time they saw such large-scale combat. Both Xing and Ye were nervous and excited to dive into that chaos.

At Xing's question, Hei thought carefully. The situation that was taking place was dangerous, and participating in the fight could be risky. And yet it was a golden opportunity at the same time.

It wasn’t so much for the quarry of spirit stones, but for the possibility of reducing the fighting strength of three of the five big sects. In particular, he wanted to throw the two members of the Tremor Sect out of the games. With the overwhelming presence of Chang Huan, it was better to reduce their battle potential as much as possible.

"Alright. Even if enemies, the Tree Sect can be considered an ally up to a certain point since we belong to the same kingdom. As a result, they can block the Bubble Sect while we get rid of the two from the Tremor Sect.

Lian, Ye, Xing. Maximum concentration. Remember that it isn’t necessary to do everything to kill the opponent, just put him K.O. But if you are forced, then do it without hesitation. We will fight in pairs. Lian and I will take care of one while you two take care of the other, did you understand?"

"Yes!" Lian, Ye, and Xing answered together.

At that point, all of them came out of their hiding place and joined that chaos.

"Ren! Take care of the Bubble Sect.” Shouted Hei loudly.

Ren, the leader of the Tree Sect members, recognized the owner of the voice and was surprised. He didn’t expect to meet members of the Flower Sect here. But they happened to be just in time. With them here, he and his companions could concentrate entirely on the Bubble Sect while leaving the Tremor Sect to Hei and Lian.

The loud voice shook the various martial artists on the battlefield. In particular, those who came from the Forest Kingdom. Upon seeing the Flower Sect joining the fight, they became excited and began to attack more vehemently, confident that with two big sects by their side, they would win.

"Spider Thrust."

Hei immediately approached his opponent and, without hesitation, attacked aiming at his heart. His enemy, a young man of about 19 years old, raised his left arm, and screamed. "Rock Gauntlet!"

Soon the spirit power on his hand condensed, forming a gauntlet of rock that completely parried the tip of Hei's spear.

"You have a lot of guts, you from the Flower Sect, to show yourselves. I thought you were so terrorized that you holed up yourselves in some remote corner of this f*cking forest."

The man named Zi Fu commented boldly, unconcerned by the newcomer. Even if he wasn’t comparable to Chang Huan and Wen Guiying, as a member of the Tremor Sect, how could he not be sure of himself even against a member of another of the five big sects?


But Zi Fu had made a miscalculation. Since the opponents were two, he thought they would split up to face him and his companion. Zi Fu hadn’t imagined that two spirit beasts would deal with his companion. So it was reasonable that he didn't notice it.

"Overwhelming Wave."

Lian threw her ribbon against the man. The ribbon had absorbed Lian’s spirit power, becoming as hard as metal.

In contact with the man's skin, the ribbon produced a roar as Zi Fu was sent flying several meters into the air. It wasn’t only because of the intrinsic force of the blow. Lian had applied the Water Law to her attack, generating a current of water as soon as her weapon hit the enemy to send him into the air.

Theoretically, martial artists were able to fly, but this was a feasible feat only after being advanced to the second rank, meaning, being promoted to spirit soldier rank. Therefore, for a spirit apprentice, whether he was at the first stage or the sixth one, this was a dangerous situation.

Hei didn’t miss it and linked the attack.

"Poison Law, Poisonous Spider Thrust."

Combining the intent of the spear with the Law of Poison, he could generate a more powerful attack. Unfortunately, however, Hei, despite having formed the spirit seeds of the Poison Law and Darkness Law, was still unable to activate his bloodline. Or rather, to enable the active effect of his bloodline on command.

The bloodlines had two effects, one passive and one active.

The passive one consisted of accelerating the time of understanding the Laws, and it was something intrinsic in the martial artist who exploited it unconsciously. The active effect instead served to strengthen the techniques of one's element in battle, thus becoming a fundamental card for a martial artist.

However, consciously activating one's bloodline was difficult and time-consuming. Even after three months, Hei had still failed to activate his.

Meanwhile, Zi Fu, conscious of not being able to dodge, prepared to receive the blow.

"Stupid kids. Don't think you can win just because you are two vs. one. Rock Gauntlet."

Applying his technique on his other hand, he joined his palms, one on top of the other, and received the full impact of Hei's spear. Then he went down to the ground as if nothing had happened.

"You! Tremble with fear because you will understand the true power of the Tremor Sect. Flow of Rocks!"

Folding his arms back and then directing them forward, Zi Fu caused the layer of rocks to come off his hands and hurled them against Hei and Lian at high speed.

"Snake Hair."

"Cascade Wall."

The two activated their defensive techniques. Hei covered himself with his layer of hair infused with spirit power as Lian spun her ribbon while a circular wall of water was created around her.

Seeing his attack fail, Zi Fu clicked his tongue in disappointment. As expected from the Flower Sect, its members shouldn't have to be underestimated. But in any case, he would win.

"Lian, let's accelerate things. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Hei."

At that point, Hei personally lashed out against the Tremor Sect member. He would use Full Combat Mode to attack the enemy while Lian gave him support.

"Snake Fist - Continuous Assault."

With the spear held by his hair attacking from above, Hei began a series of blows using Snake Fist. However, as he had managed to imitate Spider Lance with his legs, he had managed to do the same thing with Snake Fist. So at the time, he was attacking without stopping, alternating between punches and kicks.

Snake Fist, was a technique that didn’t focus on power but speed. So, every Hei attack was being thrown at incredible speeds, completely suppressing his opponent, who was continually adding layers of rock to his hands to block the blows.

"Snotty bastard! Flow of Rocks. "

Zi Fu again used the technique of before, but by now, Hei had memorized the execution times. When Zi Fu folded his arms back, Hei used Spider Run to go forward and used the claws of his hands to grab his opponent's bent elbows. Then he brought his face closer to the other's.

"Chameleon Tongue."

When he opened his mouth, Hei's tongue came out like a dart and began to tap the enemy's face toward his eyes.

Although there was a protective layer of spirit power separating them, Hei's tongue was gradually approaching the prey.

"Fuck! Get out!"

Zi Fu tried to shake off Hei but hadn’t reckoned with Lian. The young girl had always remained close to them, and as soon as he raised his leg, she wrapped it with her ribbon and pulled it towards her, making Zi Fu lose his balance.

"Snake Coiling."

As Zi Fu fell down, Hei took the opportunity to tighten his legs on the hips of the Tremor Sect member. He also softened his muscles and bones to increase the grinding power of his grip.

Zi Fu began to perceive ever higher pressure on the sides, but he was unable to move. His arms were still locked bent backward due to the grip Hei had on his elbows; his legs, on the other hand, had been bound by Lian's ribbon, unable even to make even the slightest movements.

"Lian," Hei called the girl who appeared before him, just above Zi Fu's head.

Then she leaned toward the man on the ground, unable to move and directed her fists at him.

"Vibrant Fist."

Lian began to throw a series of punches on the face of the enemy who had no way to avoid or respond in any way. In a short time, the protection of his spirit power disappeared, and he had to receive Lian's fists directly.

Fortunately, at that point, Lian stopped, surprising Zi Fu.

"Please, have mercy. Do not kill me. I will no longer attack you."

Lian looked at him blankly. Then she turned sideways as if that didn't concern her and concentrated on the confrontation of Ye and Xing. It was Hei instead who responded to Zi Fu.

"Quiet. We won’t kill you, but I do not trust your words. Therefore, we must first make sure that you are effectively unable to fight."

So he called Lian and asked her.

"Lian hold his arms firmly. Don't make him move. "

Then he let go of the enemy's elbows as Lian took his place. Then he closed his palms, leaving his thumb out.

"Spider Lance - Finger Mode."

At that point, his thumbs went into the man's hips, precisely breaking two of his ribs. The pain was so terrible that he began to struggle desperately without success.

Hei didn't feel pity and started attacking again.


Two more ribs had gone. Tears of pain and despair had appeared on Zi Fu's eyes.

"Please! That's enough! Forgive me! I won’t do it again. Whatever you want, but forgive me!"

Hei replied by shattering two more of his ribs and forcing the man to scream his lungs again. But he wasn't the only one who cried.

His companion was experiencing a similar experience. Xing had immobilized him from head to toe with her spiderwebs while Ye had injected the platypus poison without measuring the dosage. As a result, the man was writhing in place as he was loudly screaming.

At the sight of two disciples of the Rainbow Island number one sect reduced in that state, all the martial artists couldn’t help but stop and shudder with terror.

What the hell those two was experiencing to scream so loud in pain?

This bewilderment even surpassed the surprise in discovering that the two youths of the Flower Sect had defeated the disciples of the Tremor Sect.

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