《Son of the Spirit Beast》Getting the First Place


Chapter 56 - Getting the First Place

While Hei was catching his breath from the fight that just ended, another intense battle was in its climax in the 'next' room, going toward a ruthless direction.

The young beautiful and silent girl, who unexpectedly turned out to be even at a slightly higher level of talent than Hei, was mercilessly suffocating her opponent from behind, using her unusual weapon - a ribbon.

Her opponent, also a smoke body with female features, was desperately trying to free itself from the suffocation it was in. However, this was in vain, and in the end, it had to succumb because of the inability to breathe.

Although it wasn't as grotesque as when Hei broke his enemy's head, there was no doubt that the scene was just as brutal. The young girl with blue hair and blue eyes had smothered the enemy all the time with an impassive expression on her face, regardless of the wounds on her body. Even when this smoke body stopped moving, she didn’t let go but tightened even harder until she heard the sharp sound of something breaking.

Both candidates for the continent's trial had not only succeeded in resisting the enemy but had even won by killing them.

In the world of martial artists, defeating the enemy was an undertaking to be praised, but it wasn’t comparable to killing one's opponent. Unless it was a fight to the death in which both challengers wouldn’t surrender to the end, each martial artist had techniques or objects to help them to escape from a too strong enemy or a dangerous situation.

After all, no matter how far they could transcend the limits of an ordinary person, in the end, they remained mortal. Once dead, they would lose everything. So sometimes it happened that they had to swallow their pride and run away using everything they had available, as to hope they could get their revenge in the future.

Of course, it wasn’t a behavior adopted by everyone, but it could be said that the majority of martial artists behaved like this.

However, these two youths had succeeded in killing their enemy, but the most curious thing in the Artifact Spirit’s eyes was that they hadn’t had the slightest hesitation in doing so. It wasn't just because the enemies were terrible human being copies of smoke, and therefore not real living beings. Having lived for tens of thousands of years, despite having spent much of that time sleeping, he could assess the spirit of the participant in front of him.

Hei and Lian would have done the same, regardless of whether they had two human enemies in the flesh before them. It caused the Artifact Spirit to reflect. After all, it was difficult to find such ruthlessness in such young youths.

"Why did you kill your opponent?" The Artifact Spirit asked Hei.

Since he understood from her behavior that Lian wouldn’t utter a word, he decided to ask the boy directly. Since they had come together and had a similar talent and resolution to kill, they had to be related.

"You didn't tell me I had to win without killing him. You just said to fight. From his eyes, I felt an intense pressure, and therefore I only responded accordingly. My mother taught me not to underestimate any enemy, not even the weakest. And the one before me wasn’t weak at all. Because he was my enemy and there was no reason to leave him alive, I killed him. That's all."


Hei's tone was calm and composed. By listening to him, it didn’t seem that it was the same guy who had broken his opponent's brain with his hands. Moreover, despite this was only an illusion, the pain received was still perceived by the mind. It was amazing how he could keep his cool despite his broken left arm.

"Indeed, I didn’t tell you to leave him alive. You mention your mother just now. I assume she also taught your partner how to fight, right?"

"Partner? Do you mean Lian? How did she go?” Hei asked instead of answering.

Hearing the name of Lian, he lost some of his calm. Since he had accepted Lian as his family, Hei's flaw of losing his calm and composed self when it came to his family, was now applied also to Lian. Fortunately, he knew that it wasn’t possible to die in this illusion, so his concern wasn’t as big as it would be in a real-life situation.

"She won. Even her, like you, killed her enemy, it's just that she strangled it instead of blowing its skull."

Even without answering, the Artifact Spirit got his answer from the boy's change of attitude in front of him.

‘The talent and fighting style of these two young people is by no means something that is the product of one of the islands’ big sects. He mentioned a certain mother... could she be a high ranked martial artist? Their potential is even comparable to the geniuses of the eight big families and the imperial family. It is absurd that after thousands of years without producing any youth at all, this Rainbow Island can produce two examples of such talent level. The answer is certainly in that mother.’

The thoughts of the Artifact Spirit stopped there, though. Despite being curious about the background behind the two youths, in the end, it was nothing but an Artifact Spirit within a formation. It wasn’t his responsibility to investigate the participants. His only task was to verify if the person was really up to being able to be educated according to the Continent's requirements.

"Listen well, you two, Hei and Lian. Since you have passed the trial, and I have personally verified your potential, I will give you a token each as a sign of today's events. This token, in addition to letting you enter the continent, will allow you to enroll in any War Academy in the territories of the empire. However, I want to give you a warning."

At that point, the Artifact Spirit paused briefly to emphasize the latter part of his speech.

"The opponents faced today are reproductions of opponents with a talent inferior to yours, but with age similar to yours. Despite this, you have suffered various injuries in combat. For now, you are in the high end, according to the standards of the continent. Even there, you would be considered geniuses. However, the longer you stay on Rainbow Island, or one of the other islands, the more your potential will be lost. Fortunately, you have this mother of yours at your side, so I could say that you can safely stay here for the spirit apprentice stages and the first stages of spirit soldier. But you absolutely have to come to the continent before you move on to the third rank. Otherwise, your potential will really be wasted, and it will be difficult for you to catch up with the genius of the big families or the imperial family."


The words of the Artifact Spirit had a genuine concern for the future of Hei and Lian. After countless years of inactivity, he had finally found two suitable candidates to be taken to the continent. It would have been a terrible shame if the two youths had burned their potential.

Feeling sincerity in his words, Hei bowed his head slightly and received the token that materialized in his hand. Lian also did the same, perceiving sincerity in the Artifact Spirit’s word as well.

"The time has come to go. I bet that the people out there will be as excited by this result. Unfortunately, having to divide my conscience in all the formations on the various islands, when I materialize, I end up always consuming too much energy. We will probably never see each other again, but I hope you don’t forget my words, and that your success is only the beginning of more emerging talents from the islands." That said, the eyes of the Artifact Spirit disappeared, returning to its silent rest in the place from which he had come.

Hei greeted him without saying anything but with a slight smile. Since he was grateful for the sincerity of his words, he didn’t feel like telling him that there would be no surprise at having passed the continent trial. As his mother said that she would take care of the rest, Hei didn't doubt that she had succeeded in deceiving all those present.

Only, if it had gone as planned in the plans, it would have been created a certain clamor anyway, since the first positions would belong to him and Lian.


Outside the five-story pagoda, the atmosphere was hyper. The couple that had succeeded in the incredible feat of beating the dream trial record was now achieving astonishing results even in the combat trial.

In front of everyone's eyes, two of the five floors were changing color at speed comparable to that of the five genes, and this was exciting all those present because the result initially considered unlikely was becoming a reality.

Even the five elders’ personal disciples were looking at the pagoda in amazement. Although their respective masters had already warned them, it was one thing hearing about it, and another seeing it with their own eyes. Moreover, since they had been held in high esteem since they had awakened their spirit power, being called among the greatest geniuses in the history of the Flower Sect, it was difficult for them to accept being inferior as a talent to two newcomers.

Among the five, Zan, the son of the first elder, was the most agitated. It wasn’t only a question of pride as the strongest between the personal disciples, but it was above all for the double reward given to the first place.

As he was grabbing onto the last thread of hope, his fears were confirmed when the light of both floors glowed with gold in succession. With trembling bodies but with a firm step, Hei and Lian walked hand in hand afterward, supporting each other so as not to fall to the ground.

Time used by Lian - 17 minutes and 31 seconds

Time used by Hei - 17 minutes and 30 seconds

When the results came from the person in charge of taking the time inside, a general astonishment was generated among those present.

He really did it!

That sentence was thought by all the younger generation inner members as well as, the older ones. With the time acquired in the dream trial, and with the time of his combat trial, the first place belonged to no one else besides Hei. Furthermore, since she also had the second-best score in both trials, second place went to Lian.

It was amazing. The first place, as well as the title of the most important inner member of the sect, had gone to a boy at the only third stage of spirit apprentice. Furthermore, their results were so incredible that one wondered what positions they would occupy compared to the other big sects of the island.

"Shit, how the f*ck is it possible?" Zan yelled with anger.

Not only had he been deprived of first place, but now he had even dropped to third place, also passed by Lian.

His body trembled with rage, but apart from his scream, he made no other gesture. He simply turned and left quickly the training ground followed immediately by Cao Su, the son of the sixth elder.

Shortly afterward, Mei also stood up elegantly, and with the excuse that there was too much noise, she returned to the residence of the sect leader.

Li, the younger brother of the second elder, seeing her go away like that, laughed.

"Even if she makes an effort to be impassive, she cannot completely hide her true nature."

"Well, that's also why the big sister Mei is so cute, isn't she?" Ying Yue replied with a smile.

Among the elders’ personal disciples, she was the only one who wasn’t much disturbed by this event. Indeed she was even happy about it.

Li didn't answer her question and tried to change the subject,

"What are you going to do, Yue? Now that I've seen the results with my own eyes, I just want to go home and start training. I bet the same is true for the others. "

"I would like to congratulate; however, there are too many people. I would also say that it is better to follow your suggestion. After their results, I ended up in the last place of those awarded by the sect elders. Grandpa could get angry with me."

"That's because you waste too much time having fun. I bet if you wanted to, you could have beaten Zan's time and the other two. It's not true?"

Without answering, Ying Yue stuck her tongue out in Li's direction and left jumping happily. At that, Li laughed again and calmly returned to his home.

A ripple was created today in the Flower Sect. Although they were the elders’ personal disciples, they had lost. There was no other truth in those results. But it wasn’t the end - until they actually clashed, it was still too early to assess whether Hei and Lian were stronger than them.

But from now on, they would be considered just two lucky rookies but treated as rivals by the most talented geniuses of the sect.

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