《Core Chronicles》1.10


George had been experiencing a roller coaster of emotions throughout the day. It had started with excitement when a blue screen popped up in front of his face this morning as he woke up. George had been a nerd since his birth in 1970, starting with fantasy books and D&D, and had kept up with most of the trends in nerd culture continuing to this day. As he remembered some of the apocalyptical stories that followed the introduction of a System to Earth, though, his mood took a pretty big swing into anxiety. After waiting a few minutes after the message welcoming him to the System and not receiving a warning about any grace period or extreme danger coming to his world, George decided to be a bit optimistic and hope this was just some paradigm change. He knew his wife Karen could sense his turmoil, but he chose not to share what he was seeing because she had yet to mention anything about blue screens, and George wasn't entirely sure that what he was seeing wasn't some wishful hallucination. Either way, he still had work that day, so he might as well get started on his morning routine.

As he had breakfast and went for his morning shower, he tried thinking Status and was surprised when one appeared in front of his face.

Name: Georges "George" LaFleur

Race: Human

Level: Total 10, Class 0, Profession 0, Character 10

Title: None

Stats: 10 STR, 10 DEX, 9 CON, 10 INT, 11 WIS, 9 CHR

Health: 100

Mana: 50

Stamina: 45

Classes: ???

Professions: ???

Skills: N/A

Abilities: N/A

Titles: N/A

Achievements: N/A

George was happy to see that his race was defined as human. Both as a bit of confirmation that he wasn't some species of alien and because he didn't want to think what conflicts and beliefs could arrive by some foolish people seeing their "race" more concretely defined than just basic human. By focusing on some of his stat sheet areas, he could bring up tooltips about the different parts.



Total Level is the sum of your Class, Profession, and Character Levels. Class and Profession Level is determined by the sum of all skill levels related to the Class or Profession, divided by 10. Character Level is the average of your three highest stats. An average adult without the System would therefore have a Character Level of 10, as 10 is the Stat value for an average adult without the System. Class and Profession Level give a measure of your general skill and ability, Character Level shows your overall Strength, and Total Level gives your relative skill and Strength.


Relatively straight forward, a measure of Strength. The user's Strength affects physical damage, Total Health, Total Stamina, Total Mana to a lesser extent, and lifting/carrying weight. It is improved by physical exertion, especially those related to using Strength.


Dexterity is a measure of someone's general physical coordination. The user's Dexterity affects accuracy, precision, speed, Total Stamina, and Total Health and Mana to a lesser extent. It is improved by physical exertion and doing dexterous activities.


Constitution is a measure of someone's overall capacity and health. The user's Constitution affects Total Health to a great extent. Total Stamina to a major extent, Total Mana, Health and Stamina Regen Rate to a great extent, and ability to resist physical debuffs and damage. It is improved by physical exertion, especially those related to increasing your Constitution.


Intelligence is a measure of someone's general knowledge and capacity to learn. The user's intelligence affects Total Health and Stamina to a lesser extent, Total Mana to a major extent, Health and Stamina Regen Rate to a lesser extent, Mana Regen Rate, learning speed, and spell Strength. Improved by mental activity (learning, puzzle-solving, etc.)


Wisdom is a measure of someone's abilities to make the right decisions in a given situation. The user's Wisdom affects Total Mana, Mana Regen Rate to a major extent, Magical Debuff Resistance, Mental Debuff Resistance, and skill effectiveness. It is improved by all kinds of experiences, but mostly by seeing the right decisions in action.



Charisma is a more esoteric measure of someone's ability to garner respect. It does not guarantee that people will always do what you want. Or that they will believe you, but makes them more likely to listen to you and your opinions. It helps to decrease any incoming magical damage. It also gives slight improvements to all other areas. It is improved by interacting with others and magic.


Health is a general measure of how healthy someone is. Health appears as a red bar. Better analysis skills make the bar more accurate.


Stamina is a general measure of how much physical exertion someone can do. Stamina appears as a green bar. Better analysis skills make the bar more accurate.


A general measure of how much magical energy someone has to use. Mana appears as a blue bar. Better analysis skills make the bar more accurate.


Classes are unlocked by getting one of the skills related to them. More advanced/rarer Classes may require the user to get a specific Skill or Skills to unlock it, or need to have "base" Class(es) unlocked and levelled first. They give knowledge of other skills in their "tree" (up to one Level above current known skills, and base skills). When a Class is equipped, it increases the speed at which Class Skills are learned. Classes also give access to class abilities. Class Level is determined by the sum of all Skill Levels of class skills, divided by 10. Every class level provides an Ability point, and every 5 Class levels unlock a passive Ability.


Similar to Classes, but for non-martial skills and abilities.


Lets the user know their current Skill Levels and what Skills they have. At certain mastery levels, the skills may gain bonuses for the user. Generally, these are the more passive aspect when compared to abilities.


Abilities are actions that allow the users to perform the stated action in a manner much faster than they usually would be (even to a physically impossible degree). Or Abilities may add an effect that the user usually wouldn't be able to do with their current skills or techniques or improve that effect more than usual. However, Abilities have a cooldown time, and sometimes an activation time attached to them. Any Class Ability can be used with normal activation and cooldowns. Only a certain number of outside class abilities may be slotted at a time (affected by stats, classes known, abilities, skills, etc.). Any non-slotted Ability can still be used, but with a more prolonged activation and cooldown period.

George tried to see his Skills but was told that the System had yet to see any of his Skills in action enough to rate them appropriately. He was also informed that due to this, he also would not be able to select any Classes or Professions yet, but they would be available once his Skills were evaluated. He also learned that one Class and one Profession could be equipped at a time. Classes and Professions can only be switched once per day, but there was no limit to the number of Classes or Professions that could be obtained. However, the Class or Profession level would only be unlocked or updated once it was equipped, so there would have to be some planning involved when switching Classes or Professions, as each Class and Profession gave their unique benefits and abilities. George was pretty excited to see what the rest of the day would bring, as he figured that doing his job as a Bus Driver would allow the System to evaluate some of his Skills and unlock some Classes and Professions for him. George had an inkling that even possessing the System was going to improve his life in a couple of ways.

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