《Tale of the War God》Chapter 24 - Suit Up Soldier


Chapter 24

Callen, Brett and Yumi stepped off the carriage. They were back in Astrid City. The soldier who accompanied them led the way as they headed to the makeshift command post. Upon entering the soldier saluted to General Velcose who was discussing with other officers.

“General, I have brought them.”

Velcose looked over and nodded. “Good work. Put them in the conference room while I finish up here.”

The soldier guided them to the room and had them wait inside. They were the only ones there, so they each took a seat. Moments later Velcose entered.

“I see you have all made yourselves comfortable.”

Callen apologized. “Sorry, we didn’t know how long you would be.”

Velcose waved his hand. “Don’t mind it. So I’ve heard about the ‘mission’ you all have been assigned to. Really, how the hell did you pull that off Delgado?”

“It was nothing special. I just convinced them that it was the best choice out of the limited options.”

Velcose grumbled as he sat down. “Is that so? I also understand you want to take Olivia and her group too, however I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.”

“Why not? They aren’t soldiers.”

“It’s because they aren’t soldiers. They are a huge moral boost to the conscripts and inexperienced students.”

Brett scratched his cheek. “Ah, well that is quite the problem.”

Callen argued. “I know they are important in that regard, but I also need them for this mission. At least give me half of them.”

Velcose shook his head. “At the most I can give you one.”

Brett shrugged. “If we can only have one, then it would have to be Olivia.”

“I’m glad you see it that way. Ever since I was informed, I began the preparations to have her join you.”

“Crafty… I guess you aren’t a General for nothing.”

“You got that right brat. So where will you be looking for this spirit?”

Callen looked at Yumi. “We haven’t had Seren tell us a direction yet. Can you call her out Yumi?”

“Of course. Seren, please manifest.”

In an empty space, the water Spirit Seren was now materialized.

Yumi continued. “Can you tell us the direction Calgar is in?”

Seren nodded. “Of course. However it will be easier for you all to understand with the right tools.”

Velcose asked. “What do you need?”

“A map and a compass will be enough.”

He got up from his seat. “Wait a moment, I’ll grab them. I’ll have someone fetch Olivia while we’re at it.”

A few minutes later and he returned with a map under his arm and a compass in hand. He spread them out over the table.

“Will these do?”

“Yes this is fine. Please arrange the map with the top facing north.”

It was a simple task, since they had the compass.

Seren continued. “Now then, Yumi I need you to place the compass where we are currently located on the map.”

Yumi moved the compass on top of the marker that said ‘Astrid City’.

“Keep your hand on the compass. I will now begin tracking his magic. The needle will turn in the direction he is in.”

A blue aura surrounded Yumi and Seren. The compass needle that was pointing north began to sway back and forth. It settled on pointing south east and stopped moving. Everyone looked at the direction that was indicated.


Brett was the first to break the silence. “Hey, isn’t that saying he’s in Nerim?”

Callen agreed. “…Looks like it.”

Velcose muttered. “This became complicated fast.”

Breaking the tension, the door to the conference room opened and standing there was Olivia Mercer. Her brown hair was tied into a low hanging ponytail. Her sharp blues eyes stared ahead. She was currently wearing a black shirt and blue pants instead of armor.

She saluted to the General. “Sir! I’ve come as requested.”

Velcose looked back. “Come in Mercer. I know it’s sudden, but meet your new teammates. I doubt introductions are necessary.”

Olivia smiled. “Well if it isn’t Callen and his wolf pack. So, what are we hunting?”

Oliva was quickly brought up to speed on the situation.

Callen stated. “That’s how it is, and according to Seren, he seems to be in Nerim.”

Olivia whistled. “Big game huh? And he’s in the territory of another predator. You sure know how to pick missions.”

Brett spoke up. “Look, I’m all for going after Calgar, but isn’t it different when the country he’s in is the one we’re at war with?”

Everyone turned to Velcose for his opinion. “If it was anyone other than you kids, I would say this is nothing but a suicide mission. However that being said, you are the only ones I can think of who could pull this off. So what will you do? Forge ahead or admit defeat?”

Everyone was quiet. Yumi, who hadn’t said much, spoke up.

“I… Choose to forge ahead. I know it’s dangerous, but I won’t be satisfied if we backed out now.”

Callen smiled. “I feel the same. What about you two?”

Brett sighed. “Someone has to keep you guys in line. Guess I have no other choice.”

Olivia smirked. “Sounds like it’s pretty personal to you guys. While I may not be as invested as you all, it sounds fun so I’m in.”

Brett raised his eyes. “What a sloppy reason.”

She shrugged. “I don’t need a better one.”

Velcose coughed to interrupt them. “Since you have all decided to go ahead, I have an additional order for you. I want you to report back anything and everything related to the military movements and supplies. Just scouting would be fine, but if deemed necessary I will have you participate in sabotage operations. Do you all understand?”

Everyone saluted. “Yes General!”

“Good. As for your equipment, I won’t have you use the standard stuff. You’ll be borrowing what we can spare from the Special Forces unit, such as long range communicators, maps, and durable and robust armor that require minimal maintenance.”

“What about the fitting sizes?”

“We’ll do what we can with magic.”

Callen stood up and moved towards the door. “Alright, let’s go everyone.”


The group entered into a warehouse. Tons of equipment was lined up along the walls. There was armor ranging from light to heavy. Weapons were placed upon racks. They included, but were not limited to swords, spears, shields and axes. In another section, was where the bows and arrows archers used, along with rods and staves for magicians.

Velcose led them into a separate room. This room was where the Special Forces kept the equipment and armor they used in the field. While the name ‘Special Forces’ may seem like an elite part of the army, it was nothing more than what soldiers who went on specialized mission were called.


This meant that the gear they used also had to be tailored to specific situations and environments. They also tended to be more durable and robust, as they needed to be able to operate in the field for extended amounts of time.

Velcose addressed everyone there. “In Special Forces mission, the team members each complete a role that differs from the others. I’d like to decide those roles now.”

Callen asked him. “What roles are in a unit?”

“First is the Team Leader. This is your role Delgado, whether you like it or not. You will be giving orders based on the information received from the others. However, since you have your unique armor, there really isn’t anything for you to take other than a short range communicator.”

“I see.”

“Second would be the Scout. They move ahead of the group and are the eyes and ears. They must keep their surroundings in check and relay any information to the team leader.”

Everyone looked to Brett. He gave them a thumbs up. “Leave it to me.”

“The equipment you will use will be a light armor that is able to conform to the color of your surroundings if you put a little bit of magic power in it and a short range communicator.”

Yumi asked him. “What role should I have?”

“Since this team is small, you can do two roles. One is the Relay Specialist and the other is Magical Support. Your gear will be light but sturdy clothing that has been enchanted to allow you to reinforce it with your own magic and a long range communicator. This communicator will be the one you use to report back to me with updates, but since it requires quite a bit of magic to use, you’re the only one who can do it.”

“I understand.”

Olivia said. “Guess that leaves me. What’s my role?”

“I’ll leave you to be the Striker, Mercer. Your role will be to attack targets marked by the Leader and the Scout and to delay enemy retaliation when you retreat.”

“Sweet. So basically, I break stuff.”

“Putting it bluntly, yes. Your gear would normally be a heavier set of armor, but I’ve accounted for your fighting style and will issue you medium weight armor. It’s been enchanted to reduce the weight as much as possible.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Now then, if there aren’t any questions, let’s get you geared up. Delgado, here is your communicator.”

He handed Callen a thick necklace with a purple jewel.

“To activate it, think of the people you want to receive the message and then speak. If it runs out of power, Nishka can recharge it.”

Velcose grabbed another communicator and gave it to Brett. “This is yours Trevino. Your armor is over there.”

He pointed to a set of armor displayed on a rack. Brett went over and looked at it. The armor had two layers to it. The under layer was made up of a sturdy shirt and resilient cargo pants that had many pockets around the thighs. The second layer was a cured hardened leather jacket with an attachable breast plate to cover the chest and thick metal boots that wrapped around the shin. The entire outfit was a neutral grey color.

Velcose pointed at another set of armor. “That one is yours, Nishka. The Long range communicator is next to it and will go over your back like a backpack.”

Yumi approached the armor. From the neck to the thighs was one piece of clothing. It was black in color, with brown belts around the waist and near the chest. The front and back of the lower area reached the thighs, but Yumi could see two slits on both sides that went up to about the waist.

She pointed at them and asked. “Um… Isn’t this part too…revealing?”

She checked to make sure, but she couldn’t find any other garment to wear on her lower body besides a pair of sturdy brown boots that reached up to her knees and had the heels reinforced with steel. This meant the outfit was worn similar to a one-piece dress.

Velcose answered. “It was made with ease of movement in mind. If you have a problem with how it looks, bring it up with the designer.”

Yumi couldn’t do anything about it and resolved herself to wear it.

Velcose gestured to another set of armor while handing Olivia her communicator. “You’re last, Mercer.”

“So this one’s mine?”

It was a tight form fitting armor that tried to be sleek as possible. The base was leather, and on the chest, upper arms, forearms, thighs and shins was a light weight, but sturdy metal. It offered the maximum protection, while still retaining high mobility. The joints were made from a tightly woven fiber that emphasized flexibility; however this was also its weakest point.

The three of them looked over their respective armor. Satisfied, they returned back to Velcose and Callen.

“I’ll bring in some magical technicians to fit the armor to your size, tomorrow. Until then, rest well. You are dismissed.”

The kids saluted and left the warehouse. Velcose watched them leave. Reaching into his pocket, he brought out a cigar and lit it. Taking a few puffs, he wondered if they would be alright heading straight into enemy territory.

Should I tell the King? I don’t think he knew they would be going into Nerim… But at the same time, it provides a huge boon if they relay intel on enemy movements…

He held a hand to his forehead. To protect the young, or gain the advantage? His General mind wanted to send them in. His human mind wanted to keep the young out of danger.

But Velcose made his decision. These kids weren’t so fragile, that they’d break on first contact with the enemy. They also decided themselves that this is what they wanted to do. So he would send them in.

He would never admit it, but the truth was he expected great things from this group. That was the kind of feeling he got when watching them.

He blew out a long cloud of smoke. “Now then, let’s make sure they’re fully prepared before we let them loose.”

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