《Tale of the War God》Chapter 18 - A Bond That Must Be Broken


Authors Note: Hey all. Just letting you know that I've gone back and fixed some minor errors in the earlier chapters. Spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and confusing sentences, that sort of stuff.

Also I decided to get rid of the side story thread, as I have added it to the end of Chapter 8. I think it fits better there.

Alright, here is the new chapter. Enjoy!


Chapter 18

“Silk shirt… check. Dress pants… check. Stylish shoes… check. Sports jacket… check, and for the finishing touch…”

Spinning the hat’s rim on the tip of his finger, Laanex casually put it on his head in one smooth motion.

“…My favorite fedora.”

“Please get rid of that thing my Lord.”

Standing in front of a large mirror, Laanex adjusted his jacket. “Why? It looks good. Don’t I give off a classy sort of feeling?”

The female servant wearing clothing reminiscent of a Victorian maid uniform shook her head. “I can’t help but see you as nothing but scum.”

He turned around and buttoned up the sports jacket halfway. “How is that any different from usual?”

She put a hand to her chin and tilted her head. “It’s reached a new magnitude. It’s as if you’ve become… what is the word…”

Laanex raised an eyebrow waiting for her to finish. As if struck by a sudden thought, the servant clapped her hands together.

“I’ve got it! My lord you’ve become scummier.”

“Is that even a word?”

She nodded. “It is.”


After finishing with changing clothes, Laanex exited the room and stepped into a luxurious hallway. It was decorated with the most lavish furnishings and adorned on the walls were exquisite paintings. The smell of wealth made Laanex smile as he walked toward the buildings entrance.

The servant who was following respectfully behind him asked. “My Lord, do you have any plans today?”

Laanex answered without turning back. “I do. It’s been almost half a year, and yet no progress to finding Luna or Sol has been made. We are convening once more to see if there is a more effective way to find them.”

“I see. Shall I prepare for lunch or dinner?”


“As you command, I’ll eagerly await your return… Oh, wait! There is something on your shoulder, let me get it for you.”

As she brushed his shoulder he thanked her. The servant smiled and waved as he walked down the marble steps of his temple. To pass the time as he walked, he began to hum a random tune, however the sight of Measha walking ahead of him made him stop and sprint to catch up to her.

Positioning himself on her left side, he causally gave her a greeting. “Hello Measha, how have you been?”

Measha brushed her blonde hair to the side and looked at him. “Good morning Laanex. The stress of searching for those two has left me quite tired.”

“Is that so? You still look quite beautiful to me.”

Measha smirked. “Hard to tell if that’s a genuine compliment or just the normal smooth talking.”

He smiled. “It’s genuine.”


“Right. Well you don’t look bad as usual either.”

“Why thank you. It’s the hat isn’t it? I knew I looked classy in it.”

“What hat?”

“What do you mean what hat? The one I’m wearing of course.”

Measha reached up and patted his brown hair. “See? No hat.”

Laanex reached up and did the same. It was true, the hat was gone. He swore he had it when he left. Where could it have gone?

“My Lord, you’ve become scummier.”

Measha watched as Laanex’s mouth twisted into a wicked and malicious smile. “Is something wrong?”

His smile turned back into a normal one. “Nope, just making a mental note of something I need to do when I get back.”

Before she could ask what he was talking about, a new face appeared.

“Measha. Laanex. Morning…”

On the side of the path was Raylen lying in the grass. She blended in so well that the two Gods would have missed her if she didn’t call out to them.

Measha asked her. “Raylen, what are you doing down there?”


“That’s something you should do in your temple.”

“…Then napping.”

“What is the difference?”

Raylen ignored her and closed her eyes. While Measha frowned at her response, Laanex couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Hey, what are you guys doing over here?”

Nighorum approached and looked at them, and then he noticed Raylen on the ground.

Laanex shrugged. “It’s as you can see.”

Nighorum sighed. “Come on Raylen, quit screwing around and let’s get to the Sky Dome.”


“I don’t care. Hurry it up.”

“Don’t wanna.”

Nighorum went to her and grabbed her arm. “Then I’ll just drag you. Now come… ON!”

He pulled but Raylen didn’t even budge an inch. Nighorum grunted and groaned but no matter how much power he seemed to put in, Raylen didn’t move. The secret was that she had rooted herself into the ground. Seeing this, Nighorum let go.

“You little brat… so that’s how you’re going to play this?”

Raylen held up her hand and gave a thumbs up. “Victory.”

Nighorum leaned over her face. “You think you’ve won? We’ll see about that…”

Raylen stared at him wondering what he was about to do. To her horror she saw him reach for the bone shaped mask that covered his face, and using a flat tone said. “Oops my hand slipped.”

Screaming in agony, Raylen shot up and dashed away to the Sky Dome. Nighorum fixed the mask back in place and turned to the two spectators.

“Now then, shall we go?”

The two nodded and followed behind him.

Measha leaned over to Laanex and whispered. “Have you ever seen what’s behind that mask?”

Laanex nodded. “I had asked to see it during the war. Worst mistake of my life.”


All the Gods sat around the table. Two of the six chairs were empty. Nighorum looked at the seat Auromi was supposed to be in.

His annoyance could be heard through his voice. “What the heck is taking her so long?”

Laanex tried to sooth him. “Now, now. Perhaps she overslept or something?”


“There is only one person who would do that, and she’s already here!”

Nighorum pointed to Raylen, who was fast asleep in her chair. Her snoring was adding on to his anger.

Measha agreed. “He’s right. It’s not like her to be late.”

“Then shall we go to her temple instead of waiting-.”

Bursting through the doors, three servants entered the room. “You’re Eminences! There is urgent news!”

Nighorum yelled across the room. “WHAT IS IT NOW?!”

The servants quickly kneeled. “On the continent of Servas, a war has begun between the countries of Ganar and Nerim.”

The three Gods asked at the same time. “A war?” The commotion woke Raylen up.

“Yes, it seems to be a large scale invasion from Nerim’s side. We had kept an eye on them ever since they began to build up their military a few years ago.”

The Gods looked to each other.

Laanex folded his arms and wondered aloud. “Could it be that Calgar truly is alive?”

Measha offered a different conclusion. “Perhaps it was Luna and Sol instigating the fight?”

Raylen rubbed her eyes while shaking her head. “Not possible.”

“Why not?”


Laanex agreed. “Raylen’s right. They had begun preparing this for years in advance. I doubt it was only started from the twins interfering.”

Nighorum interjected. “Does this mean Calgar and the twins are in that area? If he has returned and is emitting his influence, then those closer to him should be affected first. Come to think of it, wasn’t Auromi responsible for that continent? Dammit where is she?!”

Nighorum shot a glare at the servants who were still present. They stood up straight and stuttered as they answered.

“As far as anyone knows, she should be inside her temple.”

Nighorum clenched his fist and stood up. “Come on, I need answers and I feel Auromi has them. You three return and monitor the war as it develops. Notify us if anything changes drastically.”

The three answered together. “Understood!”

The Gods left the Sky Dome and headed to Auromi’s Temple.


At the entrance to the Temple, Auromi’s servant Helen was sweating bullets. Standing in front of her were the other four Gods and they were demanding to know what Auromi was doing.

Nighorum didn’t even try hiding his anger. “Where is Auromi?”

“She’s… uh… sleeping right now.”

The Gods looked at her as if she was stupid. She tried to correct herself.

“I mean… She’s in the middle of… communicating with her Champion! Yeah that’s what she’s doing.”

Nighorum raised his voice. “DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE ABOUT THAT?!”

Helen’s hair and clothing was ruffled as if a strong wind was blowing. She wanted to cry, but she swore to Auromi to delay them as long as possible if they wondered what she was doing. But she now realized how impossible a task it was.

Measha stepped forward and warned her. “Tell us now. It is your last chance girl.”

Helen knew the jig was up. She reluctantly opened the doors and told them. “She’s in the innermost room.”

Nighorum stormed in, dragging Raylen behind him. As Measha and Laanex entered they cringed at the interior design which featured nothing but Calgar.

Measha shivered as she entered. “I forgot how much this place creeped me out.”

Laanex sighed. “One might mistake this for Calgar’s Temple rather than Auromi’s.”

As the two drew closer to the inner chamber, they saw Nighorum looking in from the doorway.

Laanex called to him. “Is she in there?”

He didn’t answer. Instead he ran past them going back to the entrance.

Measha wondered. “What was that about?”

Raylen, who was left behind pointed at a bed in the room. “Auromi’s gone.”

“Huh? What do you mean by gone?”

She took a closer look and froze. It was Auromi’s body, but her soul was missing. Measha was dumbfounded.

“You're right she is gone…”

Nighorum returned, dragging Helen with him. He threw her into the room and pointed at Auromi’s body.

“I’m going to ask you this only once. Where the hell is Auromi?”

Knowing her life was on the line, Helen spilled everything. “She’s on the planet.”

The Gods were speechless. They wondered if they heard her correctly.

“She’s on the planet?”


“How can she have gone to the planet?!”

“She transferred her soul into a mortal body, thus getting around the pact.”

Laanex wore a serious expression. “Hey, this isn’t funny. You’re telling me not only are the twins and Calgar on the planet, but Auromi as well?”

Measha added. “The longer they are down there, the more the balance will be upset. We can’t stay passive about this! We need to act.”

Nighorum nodded. “I agree, but how should we do it?”

Raylen raised her hand. “No more pact?”

“Well… that is one way. No, these events have shown that the pact has too many flaws. I agree with Raylen. What about you two?”

Measha and Laanex agreed as well.

“Then it is settled. We will work to abolish the pact. It will be tough to undo without Auromi, but we have to find a way. Get yourselves in order and meet up in the Sky Dome.”

Nighorum turned and walked out of the room. Measha followed suit. Raylen had lied down in the bed Auromi’s body was in.

Laanex asked. “Really Raylen?”

“Just a little bit.”

“Fine.” He then turned to Helen. “Make sure she doesn’t sleep too long.”

“Y-yes sir.”

Laanex left and headed back to his own temple, and upon arriving, the female servant from earlier was waiting for him at the entrance.

“Welcome back, my Lord.”

Laanex entered as she held open the doors for him. “I won’t be back for long. We have decided to abolish the pact, and will meet in the Sky Dome to do it. I don’t know how long it will take, so keep the place clean while I’m gone.”

“Yes my Lord.”

He turned his head and smiled sweetly at her. “Also, I seemed to have misplaced my fedora. Do you know anything about that?”

She shook her head. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about? Be honest with me, and I won’t be that harsh in your punishment.”

The servant hesitated and then came clean. “I was only thinking of your image.”

Laanex came over and patted her. “I appreciate you looking out for me.”

A bright smile appeared on her face. “My Lord…”

“However I’m still upset, so prepare yourself.”

She fell to her knees in despair as Laanex’s laughter echoed throughout the halls.

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