《Tale of the War God》Chapter 13 - Team Invictus


Authors Note: Not much from me this time. So just get right into it.

Here is the Chapter. Enjoy!


Chapter 13

Heavy footsteps resounded through the jungle.

“Dammit is this all we can do?!”

A young boy was breathing heavily. He looked around erratically, searching for the ones chasing him.

“Over here!”


The boy dashed to the right and zig-zagged through the trees and pushed through the foliage. What was waiting for him in a small clearing was a girl in armor, wielding a sword.

The girl said with a smile. “Welcome to the trap.”

Two more people came out and flanked him.

“Shit!” The young boy tried to ready a spell.

One person noticed the attribute. “Hey, he’s trying to set the whole place on fire!”

But the girl knight charged ahead. “Not on my watch, this is ends here!”

Before the spell could activate, her sword swung in an arc and cut at the young boy’s neck. The sword didn’t actually cut him; a small barrier had appeared and stopped the blade. Judging the blow to be fatal, the field immobilized the boy’s movements.

A loud bell sounded out and the jungle plants slowly sank into the earth, making the field smooth again.

“What an amazing first match! Team Breakbeat showed us the potential of fantastic teamwork. They only lost one member to the enemies five! Simply amazing, but don’t be mistaken that this was the only match that was going to be exciting! After all, we have a whole tournament to watch!”

Below in the arena waiting rooms were Yumi, Brett, Callen, and Calgar. They had watched the match from a crystal projection. The image showed the winning team waving to the crowd.

Brett turned to Callen. “Any thoughts on the first match?”

Callen answered while still watching the projection. “Their teamwork isn’t bad, but it’s nothing we can’t handle.”

“So confident.”

Callen looked at Brett and said defensively. “You asked me what I thought and those are my true feelings.”

Brett held his hands up. “Bro, it was a compliment. Don’t get so worked up before we even have a match.”

Yumi agreed. “Yes, let’s just wait our turn and note any teams that are strong.”

Callen apologized. “Sorry, it’s just I might be expecting more from the teams than I should. Our training has really pushed me to my limits and I really want a challenge.”

Calgar said to Callen. “It’s better to expect more and be disappointed, than underestimate and lose.”

“But it’s a matter of feelings Calgar. I want that feeling of overcoming an obstacle.”

“Life is full of challenges, be patient and they will naturally come to you.”

The voice from the projection interrupted the conversation.

“Here is the next match! Team Firestorm versus Team Geshalt! The terrain is Seaside! Let’s get this thing started!”

“Looks like the next match has started.”

Yumi offered to make some drinks. “I’ll make something that will give us some energy.”

The two boys thanked her and intently watched the match.


Callen moved his arm in a circle, testing his movements. Right now he was wearing his armor Kallipolis. He lifted his leg to his chest and then repeated the action with the other. Satisfied with everything he turned to his two teammates.

“How are the preparations coming?”

Yumi was wearing a white robe with detached sleeves held together by thick black string. Around her waist was a brown belt with small bags attached to it. Complimenting her slightly baggy gray pants, were reinforced black leather boots that came up to her knees.


Her long black hair was in a single braid that ran down her back. She tugged at the black fingerless gloves before answering Callen.

“I’m ready.”

Brett pulled up his black boots and dusted off his green hide jacket. He was wearing a brown undershirt and pants. Around his thighs were compartments to hold items. Adorned on his back was a quiver full of blunt arrows.

He grabbed a black polished bow and gave the string a pluck. It made a soft humming sound. Nodding that he was satisfied, he turned to them.

“I’m all set.”

They all gathered around.

Callen started off the talk. “Alright, it’s our turn to go out there and show them what we got. Everyone remembers the formations right?”

Brett reassured him. “If we didn’t, I’d want to know why I went through that training.”

Yumi added. “You can count on us Callen. We’ll have your back.”

Callen nodded. “I trust you guys. Yumi, since I tend to lose sight of the bigger picture in battle I’ll leave when we need to change tactics to you. Brett, support us and harass the enemy whenever you get the chance.”

Brett thumped his chest. “Harassing people is my one true talent. Leave it to me.”

The two couldn’t see it because of the helmet, but Callen rolled his eyes at Brett’s comment.

They walked out of the waiting room and headed to the arena’s field. As they exited, the crowd erupted into cheers.

“There they are! Team Invictus! On this team are three of the reigning Lords children! We have the calm and cool Brett Trevino, the wonderful beauty Yumi Nishka, and the one and only genius prodigy Callen Delgado!”

Callen looked at Brett. “Calm and cool?”

“I know. I wanted handsome and dashing instead.”

The announcer continued. “Their opponents are Team Hellmouth! It will be five against four with Invictus being down by one, but something tells me that won’t be a disadvantage! Let’s see want the terrain will be…”

The field shook and suddenly huge rocks emerged. Some were tall others short. It was a rocky terrain with bad sight lines.

“It’s the Mountain terrain! This could be a big advantage to melee fighters with lots of cover, but also for mages if they can utilize the height advantages! Teams please proceed to your respective sides. Once you hear the bell you may begin!”

Both teams passed each other while heading to their respective sides.

A boy called out as they passed. “Looks like we get a tough one right off the bat, but I don’t think you two can win so easily.”

Callen corrected him. “We are a team of four.”

The other team laughed. “Yeah, right. A team of four. Look Delgado, that girl and her puppet are beyond useless. Why you took her into your team, I have no idea.”

“Maybe she blackmailed him?”

“Probably got her family to pull strings or something.”

Callen just waved his hand. “Think what you want, just don’t shit yourselves when the fighting starts.”

The other team grew hostile. “You little… Just because you’re a little better, don’t think you can look down on us.”

“Then prove it in the match. Your starting point is over there.”

Team Hellmouth stormed off. Both sides had reached their starting points.

Yumi meekly apologized. “Sorry about that…”

Callen asked. “What for? Those guys are pretty stupid to think you’re weak. We know firsthand how strong and capable you are, so don’t let what anyone else tell you otherwise.”


Calgar nodded. “Remember what you’ve been training for Yumi.”

“You’re right I’m no longer a useless girl. I have the strength to stand with you all.”

Callen agreed. “You wouldn’t be a teammate if I had thought otherwise.”

A loud bell rang through the air. “Begin!”

A clear translucent dome covered the field. The deafening cheers from the crowd and the announcer’s voice disappeared. An almost eerie silence hung in the air.

Callen started moving forward. “All right team let’s go. Brett, take the high ground and set up. Yumi, cover me as I try to lure them out.”

“Got it.” “Roger.”

Callen climbed up a smaller rock that was about 10 meters high. He looked around the area. Not too far off was a flat area with not a lot of cover.

“That should work.”

He looked behind him and saw Yumi had been carried by Calgar up to a tall overlook. As she settled in position he pointed to the clearing and saw her nod. Callen approached the open area. As he went closer to the center he slowed down.

Callen purposefully yelled out. “Brett I’m in position!”

Not long after he could hear the enemy team’s voices. “Hey he’s over there!”

Two boys in a light armor came over a ridge and slid down to where he was. The other three team members looked like mages and stayed on the high ground.

“Looks like we’ll be taking you out first prodigy. Hit him with magic!”

“[Fireball]!” “[Lightning]!” “[Ice spear]!”

Callen jumped to the side, dodging the spells. They left a smoking crater where he stood moments before. Not a moment after they attacked Callen, a whistling noise could be heard followed by one of the mages tumbling down the slope. The two melee fighters were shocked at their companion’s body lying by their feet.

One of them shouted. “Hey, what happened?!”

Before they could get their bearings the mages on the ridge were struck again, this time with magic.


Yumi invoked a mid-tier wind magic with the time brought about by their confusion. The two remaining mages were blown high into the air, screaming as they plummeted to the ground. Before they actually hit it, the barrier kicked in and slowed their descent, immobilizing them in the process.

All that was left was the two boys. Their brains could barely keep up with what was happening. Callen walked up to them while cracking his knuckles. With each pop, lightning jumped and coursed down his arms.

“Now that it’s just us, I want to pay you back for your comments about my teammate.”

The boys tried to run. Two more whistling noises and something struck the ground between their feet. The ground grew soft and they sunk into the mud.

“Help me! Someone help!”

“It was a joke man, we didn’t mean it, I swear!”

“It’s a little late for that. Clench your teeth if you still want to smile after this.”

Callen reared his fist back and knocked both of them out, one punch apiece.


The bell sounded and the clear dome was removed however it was still quiet. Finally the announcer pulled himself together.

“I-I don’t believe what I just saw! That match ended so quick I couldn’t even commentate! Ladies and Gentlemen we just saw an epic display of teamwork! Are these even academy students?! The level of coordination with minimum talking and purposefully baiting in the enemy to a trap… It’s like I was watching a military practice drill!”

The crowd who was silent went ballistic at the performance of Team Invictus. Cheers, whoops, whistling, the air exploded in noise.

At a certain stand in the VIP section, two families were in a heated discussion.

John boasted proudly. “Damn Fredrick! Did you see that?! That’s my boy!”

Mariana scolded John again. “Watch your language!”

Fredrick was surprised. “To think my daughter was on your son’s team. Honey, when did our little girl get so good with magic?”

Minna answered. “It was probably during her training.”

“What the hell kind of training produces results like that…”

John interrupted. “So your girl’s been working on bettering herself huh? I admit that was some impressive stuff she pulled off with such little time.”

Mariana sighed. “She seems capable. I wish Callen would hurry up and pick a girl like Yumi to marry.”

John said without thinking. “Then why not just have him marry her?”

Mariana had a gleam in her eye. “Now that you mention it, she would be suitable. Daughter of a Lord, and a capable magician…”

Fredrick stopped her. “Hey what about consulting said daughter’s father?”

Mariana countered. “It’s not as if she’s promised to someone else right? Besides you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

He winced. “Well, that is…” He looked to his wife for help.

Unfortunately it didn’t come. “As long as Yumi is happy, that’s all I want.”

He tried again. “What about Callen? Surely you have to get his opinion.”

Mariana thought. “True… but I think it will be more favorable than not. The fact they are on the same team speaks volumes.”

A sudden voice intruded into the conversation. “Your children are quite a cut above the rest aren’t they?”

The four people turned to see that King Michael had come over and addressed them.

All of them bowed. “”””Your Majesty!””””

“Raise your heads. It fills me with joy to see such talented youths.”

The two fathers thanked him. “”You’re words are too kind.””

“It pains me as well to think that we might have to send such youths to war…”

Fredrick asked. “Is it truly that bad?”

The King nodded. “I’m afraid so. Nerim refuses to parley and has increased its mobilization of the army to our borders. If it continues then it’s only a matter of time.”

John had a grim look. “Then we should gather our troops for when your Majesty calls.”

“Please do. Well, my guards are giving me that look that says I’ve been away for too long, so I’ll leave you to watch the tournament. Until next time.”

“”””Farewell your Majesty.””””

When the king left they finally sat back down.

Minna put a hand to her cheek. “To think it was that dire… Dear I’m worried about Yumi…”

Fredrick shook his head. “I can’t do anything about it. If the students are forced to join the army prematurely I can’t stop it.”

John pulled out some drinks and offered one to everyone. “Relax. That’s the future. Right now let’s just watch over them and be happy that they won their first match.”

Fredrick took a cup and raised it. “You’re right, to our children taking first place!”



“What the hell was that…?”

“Like, I expected Delgado to be good, but…”

“Complete overkill. Plus we saw practically none of their skills or magic.”

“I thought Nishka was supposed to be garbage at magic? That looked pretty high-spec to me.”

“Hey Olivia, you’ve been quiet so far. What are your thoughts?”

She was leaning against the wall and was staring at the projection. Lowering her head and closing her eyes, a small smile appeared on her face. She had only one thing to say.

“I can’t wait to face them.”

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