《Tale of the War God》Chapter 11 - From Me to You


Authors Note: I want to thank everyone who was kind enough to give me feedback about the last chapter. Seriously, I appreciate it. I already changed a few things and will leave it as is for now.

Now about this chapter... I'll be the first to admit, I'm inexperienced when it comes to writing romance or romantic situations, but I really want to get better at it. When I wrote this chapter I went with my gut feeling on how the emotions should play out, and I felt pretty good after writing it.

But alas that's my opinion, you readers might hate it and want to burn me at the stake, but I humbly request that you... LOOKOUT BEHIND YOU!

*Runs away*

*You then find a note that says "Please enjoy the chapter!"*


Chapter 11

Calgar had many question running through his head at the moment. The biggest one he had was why the Goddess of Life and Love, Auromi was standing in front of him. He was still just standing there when Auromi came to hug him. He didn’t know what to do or what to say in this situation.

Finally he forced his brain to start working again. He said the first thing that came to his mind.

“Auromi, you look different than what I remember.”

Auromi looked up to him. “I could say the same to you. This is just a mortal body I used to be able to come and find you. My real body is still in the Celestial Realm.” She then realized. “Oh I guess you wouldn’t know about the Celestial Realm, would you?”

“I’ve heard bits and pieces from the mortals about it. Anyway, how long do you plan on holding me?”

Auromi looked sad. “Do you not like it?”

“Rather than that, it makes it difficult to properly speak to you.” He then glanced at Logan on the couch. “I’d also like to talk in private.”

Auromi reassured him. “That man is fine. He won’t wake up until I let him. As for no interruptions to our reunion, I wholeheartedly agree.”

She let go of Calgar and walked back to the door. Closing it, she also cast a spell.


A soft blue hue covered the entire room. The view of the school grounds that could be seen out the window had turned pitch black.

“There, now it is just the two of us.”

Calgar examined the blue wall. He went over and lightly touched it.

I can’t break this spell…

He realized that whether she knew it or not, Auromi had full control over who entered and exited this room. It made him very uneasy. Calgar’s original plan was to regain most of his strength before meeting the other Gods. Perhaps because he learned they weren’t here, he had gotten careless and took his time.

That attitude backfired now. Here was one of those Gods and he was as weak as ever. Sure he had gotten some strength back during these past three months, but that was a miniscule amount when looking at his end goal.

While he was feeling conflicted, the other party wasn’t fairing any better. Auromi was just watching him from across the room, battling her own thoughts.

Half of her wanted to release all her emotions at once, and flood Calgar with love and affection. The other half was holding her back, afraid that Calgar might reject her.

During the millions of years where he was gone, she had practiced what she would say if she could ever meet with him again. Back then, she never would have imagined a scene like this, and now that he was in front of her she couldn’t seem to remember any of the lines she practiced.


It didn’t help matters that this was her first love. Her only experience was secondhand, from watching how the mortals interacted. She saw all sides of love, the happy ones, sad ones, and bittersweet ones.

If her love succeeded, it would be utter bliss. An indescribable emotion would fill her chest and she would feel whole. If it failed, the pain would be immense. She didn’t even want to imagine the gut wrenching feeling of having a broken heart.

The air was thick with tension and an awkward atmosphere settled between the two Gods.

It was Auromi who finally broke the ice. “It really is good to see you again, Calgar.”

He nodded. “You too Auromi… How are the others?”

“They are the same as always.”

“The same huh… I don’t know if your ‘same’ is my ‘same’.”

“That’s true… your death affected all of us. I guess you could say we all changed a bit. Nighorum tries to keep his anger in check. Measha more actively stops arguments. Laanex has become a very good mediator for us. Raylen didn’t change though.”

The two chuckled at the last bit.

“She’s still like that? No, it’d be weirder if she did change.” He then noticed she didn’t mention herself. “What about you Auromi? Have you changed?”

She paused before answering. “Yes, I have probably changed the most.”

“Really? In what way?”

“… I have fallen in love.”

Calgar took a moment to process the words she just said. “By love, you mean… That love, right?”

She nodded.

“Is that so? I never gave much thought about things like love.”

Auromi touched her fingers together. She somewhat expected that answer. But did that mean he doesn’t want to experience love? Or that he just never had time to consider it? She wants to tell him. She wants him to know that she loves him. But when should she say it? How should she say it?

While she was thinking, Calgar changed the topic. “So is everyone looking for me? I think I could guess at the reason, but I’d like to hear it from you.”

“As we didn’t know if you were alive, our efforts have been spent more on finding Luna and Sol. We want you all to come back to the Celestial Realm. We agreed that us Gods should not interfere with mortals or the planet and just let it naturally run its course. everyone being here endangers that.”

“I understand, however it’s plain to see I can’t do that. I’m sure you’ve noticed it already.”

“Yes, you have lost a lot of power… Normally I would say it wouldn’t be a problem and we can just transport you back, but… our hands are tied in that area.”

Calgar was puzzled by her remark so she told him about the pact the Gods created and that the reason she was here now was because she found a loophole.

“So the rest are still in the Celestial Realm?”

“Yes, they are using Champions as a proxy in order to locate the twins. As of right now, only I know you are alive.”

“Then recovering my power is the right choice.”

Auromi agreed. “Then you can come to the Celestial Realm on your own.”

Calgar looked away from her. “Auromi, about going to the Celestial Realm… maybe that isn’t a good idea.”

“What do you mean?”

He turned to face her. “I should have died that day Auromi. We both know it. The God Calgar should have ceased to exist, yet by some twist of fate I was able to come back. I’ve been wondering what it means. Was it luck? Or do I need to be here to restore the balance? Is the world even out of balance? So many questions kept piling up and yet I couldn’t see any answers.”



“Getting my power back is just a distraction from the real issues. I’m lost. I don’t know what path to take. Should I return to the Gods sides? Or disappear into the void, finding my own place?”

Auromi panicked. “No! Don’t disappear!”

Calgar was surprised at her outburst. “But Auromi, if it’s the best thing then…”

She cut him off. “I won’t let you.”

“Haven’t you all moved past my death? If I just come back…”

Auromi came closer. “You can’t leave.”

“Why not? If they don’t know I’m alive, then it would be easy to…”

Auromi grabbed his head, tears streaming down her face. Calgar didn’t know why she was crying. Before he could ask, she spoke to him.

“My heart can’t take it if you vanished again. Calgar, I…”

She looked into his eyes. Her heart had never beaten faster than it did right now. A tight squeezing sensation filled her chest. Her gut felt like it was churning over and over.

Calgar asked her without moving. “Auromi, what is wrong? Why are you so determined for me to stay?”

Summoning her courage, the words left her mouth. “…I can’t let you go because I love you Calgar.”

He was stunned. “You… love me?”

Auromi kept staring into his eyes. “Ever since you saved my life that day, my heart began to ache. At first I didn’t know what this feeling was, but eventually I understood clearly. This is love. This whole time for a million years, this feeling didn’t change nor disappear. I love you Calgar.”

Calgar wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t form in his mouth. Auromi understood his confusion.

“Right now, you don’t have to say anything. I know it’s selfish of me to push my feelings onto you, but the last thing I want is for the man I love to disappear from me again. So I won’t let you run away.”

She leaned forward and kissed his helmet. After releasing him, she undid her spell and left the room.

Calgar could only watch her leave without uttering a single word. Next to him, Logan began to stir and sat up while rubbing his eyes.

“Was I asleep? I must have stayed up too late reading again.”

He then saw Calgar staring at the door. “You’re still here? I thought you wanted to avoid the students?”

Calgar turned his gaze from the door to Logan. “…Sorry, I’ll be leaving now.”

Logan yawned. “Until next time then.”

Calgar left the room and returned to Yumi’s dorm. She had returned for lunch and greeted him as he walked in.

“Afternoon Calgar. Did you go somewhere?”

He sat on the couch and looked out the window. “Yeah…”

Sensing something about him was different, Yumi asked. “Is something wrong? You seem to be troubled by something.”

Calgar lightly touched his helmet where Auromi kissed him and looked at his finger.

He shook his head and answered Yumi. “No, don’t mind me. It’s nothing.”


Auromi walked across the school grounds and found a tree in a somewhat secluded spot. She sat down and leaned against the tree’s trunk and buried her face in her hands.

“I said it…”

In the heat of the moment she had confessed her feelings to Calgar. It was questionable if they were properly conveyed. Doubts swirled in her mind, making her wonder if it was too soon.

“Did it creep him out? We only reunited and I had to go and say that! I bet he’s so confused.”

Auromi groaned in frustration. She was regretting being so rash. But on the other hand, she couldn’t stand to hear Calgar talk like that.

“He’s really worried about how he fits in the world… looks like he hasn’t changed a bit.”

Calming down, Auromi thought back to the distant past, to her memories of before the war. Back then the Gods were not nearly as close as they are now.

She remembered Calgar was the closest to her in showing love for mortals. He would train them, teach them, and discipline them, but it was like a father watching over his children instead of a Lord and his servants.

Even though she didn’t like war, she appreciated that he took good care of his race. But every once in a while she caught a glimpse of it, his expression that showed his uncertainty. She always wondered why he, one of the most confident Gods among them would show that expression.

It was because outside of battle, Calgar wasn’t sure how he fit in. It could be said that all the Gods felt similar outside their expertise, but Calgar took it seriously. How would he see this world that had gotten on fine without major wars? He would feel unneeded.

When he said he was concerned about how the other Gods would feel if he just suddenly returned, Auromi knew it was just an excuse. They would be overjoyed. A brother they thought lost had returned to them. What could be happier?

But that feeling of being unneeded made him push them away.

Auromi took a deep breath. “Okay, I may have been a little hasty, but I can do this. I didn’t hold onto this love just to watch it not bear fruit. First I have to fix that attitude he has and show him that the world needs him. Once I have him safely in the Celestial Realm…”

Auromi’s mind began to fantasize. She pictured a lovely scene of living together happily in a temple built just for them. As the fantasy progressed her mind began to picture more newly-wed scenarios.

If someone were to see her face now, she would want to die from embarrassment.

Snapping her back to reality was another chime of the clock tower at the school, signaling the end of lunch. She then realized a fatal mistake she made earlier.

“Oh no, I got too caught up in the reunion and embarrassment from confessing, that I didn’t actually ask him about what he is doing or why he is here!”

She got up and looked toward the school, searching for his magic. “It seems he’s still here. There must be a reason for him to stay. I’m slightly concerned I don’t sense Luna or Sol, but I can just ask him.”

As she began to walk to where Calgar was she stopped. “Now that I think about it, I don’t know if facing him again so soon would be good, for both of us.”

While Auromi was calmer now, she still hadn’t worked through her embarrassment. She gave one last look at the school before walking away.

“I’ll have to ask him later, perhaps in a day or two. By then we should both have settled down.”

Auromi left the academy in search for a nice hotel to stay at.

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