《Tale of the War God》Chapter 4 - An Important Talk and Reunion


Chapter 4

Calgar followed Seren, Fredrick and Reinhardt into a big and luxurious office. In front of a large desk, was two leather couches separated by a glass coffee table.

Fredrick and Reinhardt sat on the left side and motioned Calgar to sit opposite them. Seren floated behind her Master.

Fredrick was the first to speak. “I’m sure you’re wondering why we brought you here, but it is quite simple. Calgar, who, or exactly what are you?” He narrowed his eyes at the last part.

“What exactly do you mean by that?”

Reinhardt closed his eyes. “You’re powerful Calgar. Too powerful. Seren is considered the most powerful spirit in the country. It is why our noble house has so much influence. However she calls herself an infant compared to you and those spells you used earlier… God magic is supposed to be a legend of the ancient past.”

Fredrick added a little angrily. “There are more problems as well. I’m specifically worried for my daughter. First of all, is the fact that you are easily materializing in a physical form, and the second is that magic of that scale can’t be good for her! What if she dies from it?!”

Calgar held up his hand to stop him. “Your daughter is in no danger whatsoever. I am using my own magic pool to fuel my spells.”

Fredrick was dumbfounded. “How is that possible? The whole point of the spirit contract is for both parties to share magic!”

“Master, please wait.” Seren interrupted, and then spoke to Calgar. “Calgar, they won’t understand the situation if you don’t properly explain things.”

Calgar folded his arms. “You’re right. Forgive me; I will try to explain what I can.”

“Please do.” The two men listened earnestly.

“Due to a certain event in the past, I have lost most of my power. I was scattered about in the ether, in a state similar to hibernation. Your daughter then called me forth and solidified my scattered essence. Right now, even as we speak I am regaining my lost power from her, but you are making a mistake in understanding how I’m accomplishing that.”

Fredrick and Reinhardt gave him confused looks.

Calgar put a hand to his chin. “How to put it… My soul power has grown weak and Yumi is replenishing it. However I’m not taking her soul energy faster than she can generate it. Magic is different than soul energy. It’s like a byproduct of your soul. So while I’m taking the energy from the soul, I’m leaving the magic. Make sense?”

The two men still didn’t understand very well.

Seren supplemented his explanation. “In other words Master, he is taking the energy that can’t be harnessed by today’s modern magic.”

Fredrick pinched his brow. “I felt like I just heard a bunch of world bending truths in there, but the bottom line is that you’re saying Yumi will be safe?”

“I guarantee it. At the very least, I decided to protect her when I accepted the contract.”

Fredrick sighed in relief. “That’s one huge burden off my shoulders.”

Reinhardt turned to Calgar. “Then there is only one more thing. It’s only a guess, but I’m assuming you know nothing of this country Calgar?”

Calgar shook his head. “Let alone this country, I’m lacking information on most of the world.”

“I see… then let me give you the simple version. This is the country of Ganar. It is ruled under a monarch, the King. There are seven Lords who serve under him and govern their own territory. These Lords are the highest ranking of the noble families; naturally we are included in them. There is a tentative balance between the Lords and the others don’t take kindly to those who try to get ahead.”


Calgar nodded in understanding. “Then what you’re saying is I will threaten that balance.”

Reinhardt nodded. “Yes but that isn’t all. You are aware of being able to break off the contract correct? In actuality it almost never happens. This has led to people incorrectly thinking that if you get a powerful summoner the spirit will always come with them.”

“Then if others find out my power they could aim for Yumi.”

“Exactly. I asked Seren before, but she says it will be impossible for you to use modern magic. So I can’t help but think you will stand out no matter what…”

Seren cut in. “Well, there shouldn’t be others who know what God magic is. So if you bluff that it is an ancient language for spirits shouldn’t it be fine?”

Fredrick thought for a bit. “I suppose that could work… Then Calgar, can I ask you to keep your magic to a minimum unless it’s absolutely necessary?”

Calgar readily agreed. “Of course, that much shouldn’t pose a problem.”

Fredrick and Reinhardt stood up. “Then that was all we wanted to talk about for now. It’s late so we are going to turn in. Calgar, I’ve informed the mansion guards of your presence so you shouldn’t have any trouble wandering around the house if you like.”

Calgar stood up as well. “Thank you I greatly appreciate it.”

“Nonsense, as long as you are with Yumi, you are just as much a part of the family as anyone else. Well, then if you’ll excuse us. Seren please dematerialize as well.”

“Yes Master, thank you for today.” She said and then to Calgar playfully. “Until next time Big Brother.”

Seren disappeared into thin air and Fredrick and Reinhardt had left the room.

Calgar sighed. “She really needs to stop calling me that.”

Calgar looked around the room and his eyes settled on the clock hanging from the wall. It read midnight.

“Well, now… What to do until morning…”

Calgar had time to kill, since after all he didn't need to sleep.

He walked over to a window and opened it. Using the window sill as a foothold he jumped up and climbed over the eaves. From the top of the roof he surveyed the surroundings.

Even though it was pitch black, with only some moonlight, Calgar could see as if it was day. It wasn’t night vision exactly but he could see clearly in the dark.

“Alright, I’ve memorized the landscape. I should be able to find my way back here. Hmmm. I know, let’s explore the area to kill time.”

It was then he felt two distinct presences in a certain direction.

Calgar let out a chuckle. “Well now, to think we would meet again so soon.”

With that Calgar jumped off the roof and landed on the ground, heading off in the direction of the presences.


“Oh it’s getting stronger! He must be really close!” exclaimed Luna.

The two had ran through Torben and Yvelt and arrived at the outskirts of Nishka in only an hour. They could feel Calgar’s presence stronger than before through the link.

Luna grabbed Sol’s hand and pulled her along. “Hurry, hurry!”

“Wait, not so fast!”

They ran forward on the road. Suddenly Luna stopped and turned to look at a small hill not too far off. Alone on that hill was a single figure looking in their direction.

The twins walked up the hill and stopped a few feet away from the figure.

“Well, if it isn’t my most trusted and loyal servants. I should have expected you to find me so soon.”


Luna smiled and in Sol’s eyes tears began to well up. This was their Master, Calgar, God of War and Valor. Even though his appearance was slightly different, there was no mistaking this magnificent presence.

There were many thoughts and emotions swirling around inside both Luna and Sol. Happiness, relief, joy at seeing he was very much alive and well, yet also sadness, regret and grief at the fact that they could do nothing but watch when he had died.

All these emotions exploded and the two ran and embraced him.


Calgar held the two in his arms. He then released them and softly stroked their heads.

“Luna, Sol it is good to see you well.”

Sol still clung to him while sobbing and calling out “Master”.

Luna had closed her eyes and was enjoying the sensation of his fingers through her hair.

Finally they separated.

Sol wiped away her tears. “Master… It was so lonely without you… All those years thinking that we would never see you again…”

Luna looked at him and said with resolve. “Not too long ago, we thought about ending it.”

This surprised Calgar. “By ending it, you mean…?”

“Yes.” Luna replied.

Calgar realized the pain these two must have gone through after his death. He was the only one they had to rely on besides each other. He was sure they had been lost in what to do, and this is what had led to them having such dangerous thoughts.

“I seem to have done something unforgivable.”

Luna and Sol shook their heads and bowed deeply to Calgar.

“It is not Master’s fault, which is why we have come to once again offer ourselves to you. We ask that you use us as you see fit.”

“Yes, once again let us serve you faithfully. It is our only wish.”

Calgar lightly touched their heads. “Then become my swords again. This time, I’ll never let you go.”

He reconnected the link between his servants and himself. In the past, Calgar had linked his soul with Luna and Sol. This allowed him to know where they were and vice versa. It also allowed him to absorb and use their power as his own.

He was restoring and strengthening that link right now. However this time he had made a slight change. Instead of just connecting their souls, he pulled them into his own. After all they had been made using a fragment of his soul as the base.

A shockwave erupted from Calgar, whipping up the wind around them. The amber glow from the joints in the armor intensified, illuminating the surroundings.

He released the heads of the twins and took a step back. “I changed it a little this time. How do you two feel?”

Luna looked at her hands, and then touched her body. “Everything looks the same, but I feel different… I can’t quite explain it.”

Sol agreed with her sister. “I feel it as well. Master what have you done?”

“Essentially, nothing has changed. The only difference is now your fates are linked with mine.”

Calgar pointed at their chests. “I have recalled the piece of my soul used to make you. You still receive its strength and power through the link, but now if I were to truly die, you two will follow as well.”

Using his hands, he lifted their chins to meet his gaze. “Luna, Sol, I now realize it was selfish of me to die without thinking about what would happen to the two of you. However I will be selfish once again in binding your fates to mine. You two are like precious daughters to me so I will feel no remorse in being the overbearing father.”

Sol lightly touched his hand. “We will follow you forever.”

Calgar took a step back and crossed his arms. “With this I feel a little more complete as a whole.”

Luna and Sol looked confused. Then Luna asked. “By the way Master… what exactly happened to you?”

Specifically, they were looking at the strange state of his body.

Calgar explained to them what had happened up to this point. He told them about Yumi and his weakened powers, and his current goals.

“Master has to be a spirit to a lowly mortal?!” Luna covered her face in humiliation. “Oh Master, I can’t even comprehend the shame that you must be feeling at this moment.”

Calgar muttered. “Luna…”

Sol patted her sister on the back. “Luna, even if it’s shameful, Master will still do it to regain his former prowess. His vast amount of dignity allows him to perform even the most humiliating acts with pride.”

Calgar was shocked. “Luna I expected somewhat, but for even Sol to agree…”

Sol turned to Calgar. “Master it’s simple why we feel this way. Without the influence of the wise and mighty Gods, mortals to their cores are useless trash. As soon as we left to the Celestial Realm their true, trash-like natures, gushed forth like a geyser, to what is now the current state.”

“I see… However, even if you feel this way, do not treat them harshly understood?” Calgar warned them.

“Of course Master, they will never see through our façade.” Both of them replied.

“Also stop calling me Master as well. In fact I’m not sure how to explain the two of you to the Nishka’s…”

Calgar thought for a while then decided. “I remember Seren said that all spirits are considered family. I think we can go with that somehow. If worst comes to worst I’ll have to wing it I suppose.”

Luna’s eyes sparkled in joy. “Then if we are family and you think of us as daughters, does that mean we can call you ‘Father’?”

Sol disagreed. “What about ‘Papa’ or ‘Dad’?”

“Oh not bad my sister! Truly something we will have to think over huh?”

Calgar had started to walk back to the mansion without caring about the conversation going on behind him.

He sighed. “I wonder if it’s a female thing… ‘Father’… ‘Papa’… Nope, I don't get it.”


Calgar stated. “And so, these two are Luna and Sol. Please think of them as a part of me.”

It was early morning. Inside Yumi’s room were her, Calgar, Luna and Sol. Luna and Sol were staring hard at Yumi and she herself didn’t know what to make of the situation. To her, Calgar suddenly walked in and started talking about these two mysterious girls in front of her.

Yumi asked in a confused voice. “I’m sorry could you explain this to me again?”

Luna clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Tsk, this girl… was once not enough?”

Calgar lightly hit her head with his fist. “Be silent for now.”

Luna folded her arms and glared at Yumi, but kept quiet like instructed.

Sol lightly bowed to Yumi, but it was more of an act than her true feelings. “I am Sol, my sister here is Luna. To make things as easy as possible, we were created by Calgar, who we consider to be like our Father. Since you have… contracted him as a familiar… we have also come.”

Yumi scratched her head. “So you two have come to also be my familiar? I’m sorry but…”

Sol cut her off with a slightly stern voice. “You misunderstand. We serve not you, but Calgar. This introduction is a courtesy that Father insisted we give you.”

Yumi pulled back a bit. “…Then that is what you meant by considering you as a part of Calgar?”

Sol smiled as if her attitude before was a lie. “Yes, that would be the easiest and most appropriate way to consider us.”

Calgar added. “In the past, they were my blades on the battlefield. Anywhere I go, they will follow me. Well, I hope for us all to get along. Isn’t that right girls?”

The two smiled at Calgar. “”Yes let’s get along.””

He narrowed his eyes. “That also means showing Yumi respect as my contractor. Am I clear?”

“”Y-yes we understand.””

Calgar gave them a pat on the head. “Good girls.”

He then turned to Yumi. “I will have them turn to swords in the presence of others, but in private, or when it’s just the two of us they will take these forms. I am aware that I am considered abnormal, so I think this will help making things less complicated.”

Yumi nodded in understanding. “I see. I hope to get along with the two of you as well. Also I’m getting the feeling like you don’t think I am worthy of someone like Calgar. At the moment I agree with you, but I will work hard to become worthy of being his partner.”

She stared back at Luna and Sol with a look that conveyed that she was resolved to accomplish that goal.

Luna snorted. “I doubt you will even reach the bottom of his feet, but feel free to struggle and squirm up as high as you can go.”

Sol added. “I wish you luck in your futile endeavor.”

Yumi smiled at the two. “I’ll be sure to prove you wrong!”

Calgar said. “All right let’s leave it at that for now. Go into sword form you two.”

Luna protested. “But I want to be with you longer! We only just reunited!”

Sol internally agreed, but scolded Luna. “Don’t be such a child Luna. We have all the time in the world to be together like this.”

Luna relented. “Fine.”

Both the sisters started glowing. Luna was glowing in a menacing black light and Sol glowed with a soft golden color.

Then in a flash the two girls were replaced by beautiful swords.

Where Luna had been, there was a floating long sword of about one and a half meter in length. The hilt was shiny silver and a red gem was embedded in the pommel. The blade itself was a gateway into the night sky. In it, one could see the stars and galaxies swirling about.

In place of Sol, was an almost identical sword. The only differences were the hilt, which was a radiant gold with a blue gem in the pommel, and the blade itself, which was a mix of gold, blue and amber. Looking at it would remind one of the moment the sun would rise over the horizon.

Calgar grabbed the two swords and sheathed them, one on each side of his waist.

“They are beautiful.” Yumi said. She had been staring at the two swords in a daze.

Calgar gave a small chuckle. “I’m sure they appreciate the compliment. However I recalled that yesterday, we would go over the mock battle and what you could have done better, am I right?”

Yumi replied. “That’s right! I can’t believe I almost forgot. Let me eat breakfast, and then I’ll listen to everything you have to say.”

“Fair enough. Once you finish, meet me in the training room. Then we’ll get started.” Calgar replied and left the room.

Yumi hurriedly left and went to the dining room on the first floor. Her mother and brother Ivan were at the table. Food had been laid out, ranging from pancakes to bacon to toast.

Her mother greeted her. “Good morning Yumi, did you sleep well?”

“Yes I slept fine last night.”

She sat down and quickly grabbed a few pieces of food from different plates and began eating.

Ivan looked over to her. “Whoa, what’s the big rush?”

Yumi swallowed her food and responded. “Sorry, today Calgar is going to go over our battle from yesterday with me. I guess I got a little excited.”

Ivan laughed. “No don’t worry I totally get how you’re feeling right now. If I wasn’t helping out father today I’d want to tag along. Yumi, he’s seriously amazing.”

She nodded in agreement. “I know, right?”

Yumi finished her food and said farewell to her brother and mother. While moving as fast as she could without actually running, she entered the training hall where Calgar was standing in the center waiting.

As she entered he turned her way. “You’ve arrived. I’d like to get started immediately.”

“Yes I look forward to learning from you.”

“Then here is my first question to you Yumi. What was the biggest mistake you made yesterday?”

Yumi thought for a moment before answering. “Was it when I couldn’t give you an order during my brother’s last attack?”

She clearly remembered how useless she had been during that time. Her thoughts were in chaos and she couldn’t do a single thing.

Calgar crossed his arms. “While it is true that was a major mistake, it wasn’t the most important one.”

Yumi gave him a confused look. “That wasn’t the biggest mistake?”

Calgar shook his head. “You made the biggest mistake in the very beginning.”

She thought as hard as she could but couldn’t come up with what she did wrong.

“I’m sorry Calgar, I don’t know what it is I did wrong.”

He pointed at her. “It was your very first order you gave me. Do you remember how you gave it?”

“I believe I wasn’t very sure what to do in the beginning…”

“Exactly. Yumi, you hesitated in giving me an order. That was you’re biggest mistake. In battle, the choices you make are secondary to how you make them. Ideally you want to be able to think, then predict, then act. However, hesitating, even if only for a single second can be the most fatal.”

Yumi was quietly listening to Calgar’s words.

“You are attending a military school correct?”

“Yes. Once my break is over I will be starting my second year there.”

“I see. Do first years not undergo actual combat training?”

“No, it is mostly the study of tactics and strategy. During the second year is when we learn actual combat techniques and then third year is combining all that we learn into practical use.”

Calgar closed his eyes. “Hmm. Then I will not be too harsh on you since you only learned theory. But it is still the fact that you made a mistake.”

Yumi nodded. “Yes, I want you to tell me of all my shortcomings. It is the only way someone like me can improve.”

Calgar inwardly smiled at her words. “Then I will be strict in your teaching. Yumi, how long until your break is over and we must return?”

“We have roughly three months until the second year starts.”

“Then prepare yourself and clear all plans you may have had. In these three months I will whip you into shape and make you the best student at the academy.”

Yumi gave a determined expression. “I’ll do my best to meet your expectations!”

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