《Unexpected Consequences》Prologue (v2.1)



The large airy hall was filled with a great throng of beings. This, the throne room of the Emperor of the Gods of Light was filled the buzz of conversation as the greater and lesser gods sought to discover why they had been summoned. And naturally, they were as always greatly outnumbered by their scurrying slaves and servants.

Baradolph Stormlord, Emperor of the gods, lounged on his throne as he emptied goblet after goblet of Ambrosia. He smiled lazily, and gestured for yet another refill. Taking a gulp from his refilled goblet, he studied the crowded hall complacently. Lecherously, he snuck a look at Garatina, who, as usual was almost naked, as befitted the goddess of lust.

Baradolph was painfully returned to the present by his wife’s elbow. The longsuffering Mirexia, Mother of the Gods, shot a look of vitriol at Garatina who gave an extra wriggle in answer to the goddess of Hearth and Home’s blatant dislike.

Feroxibus strutted up to the Emperor’s throne, and nodded his respect to Baradolph. Baradolph waved a languid hand while rubbing his sore ribs with the other.

The God of War turned to face the throne room and snapped to near attention. As usual his elaborate clanked in response to the abrupt motion and the gilded visor of his helmet dropped. Feroxibus shoved his visor open again in a well practiced motion.

“Fellow gods. A great opportunity lies before us. A new world has come to our attention, one that currently lacks connections to any of the cluster of worlds that we have knowledge of. As incredible as it seems they appear to be unaware of Magic and the System.

“This world came to our attention almost a century ago when the bastard child of one of its empires fled murderous revolutionaries through a temporary gate.

“Hmtaxer, our very own god of scoundrels and thieves was – vacationing,” Feroxibus paused with a grin as the assembled gods broke into laughter. He waited for the laughter to die down before continuing with his speech. “– Was vacationing on Polovsti,” he sniggered. “Not one of our worlds unfortunately, when a temporary world gate opened and the young woman stumbled out. Over to you Hmtaxer.”

Hmtaxer slunk onto the dais and bowed low to Mirexia and Baradolph before facing the rest of the assembled gods.

“I hurried to the gate when it opened. It had opened in the middle of a rather dreary wood. I found the young woman being integrated into the System. She was frightened of me and tried to hide behind a tree. She ended up a Dryad. Only reason she’s still alive.


“It turns out she was the illegitimate daughter of a ballet dancer, whatever that is, and is probably the sole surviving member of the ruling family of her father’s empire thanks to the revolution.

“It was difficult but we have finally managed to find the world she fled from. The rest of the story belongs to Sisanna who did most, if not all the work.”

The tall willowy blue skinned goddess of magic sashayed onto the dais ignoring the Emperor and started talking.

“Incredibly this world has its mana bound. It is a desert, an artificial desert. Once we remove the bindings on the mana sources it will flourish, and it will be a worthy conquest. Its gods must be moribund without mana so it should be an easy conquest. Its gods must be weak, and there is no one who can use magic.

“I am ready to open an invasion gate. Currently I am targeting the Empire that killed its rulers. If we need her I can restore the woman. She won’t last long but we should be able to get a child or two out of her. Minor heirs will be more useful to us in any case, so she will be no loss.”

The God of War took one stamping step forward; his visor closed itself with a muted clang. Feroxibus shoved his helm’s visor up once again. “We have two great armies ready, and our generals have been given their orders. What say you my fellow gods?”

“GO! GO! GO!” screamed the gathered multitude of gods.

Baradolph Stormlord sat back in his comfortable throne and raised his right hand, made a fist and raised his divine thumb while goosing the pretty serving girl who was filling his hovering goblet with his left.

Feroxibus nodded once decisively with another clang. Once again he raised his helmet’s visor. “Sister we are all agreed. Open the invasion gate.”

* * *

The day of the invasion had come, and Feroxibus looked down from the heavens as his sister opened the massive invasion gate in front of the great parade ground that lay at the foot of their holy mountain.

The great crusading host stirred and started to leave its encampments. The first through the gates were the scruffy looking horse archers of the scout legions, next came the light lancers that supported them.

Next to cross into the new world were the serried ranks of the heavy cavalry who were, as ever, accompanied by Feroxibus’ Pegasus mounted champions and paladins. Then came the massed knights with their heavy lances and colorful banners.


After a gap, three elite legions marched with impeccable precision through the gate. A disorderly gaggle comprising of wagons and civilians of the army’s supply train followed. Mixed in amongst the camp followers were the army’s mages, priests, adventurers and healers. All told, they almost outnumbered the fighters of the host.

After another gap, marched another three legions of the Empire of Light. And finally, bringing up the rear rode a mixed bag of irregular light cavalry.

Feroxibus watched the host move into the new world, frustrated that as yet it didn’t have enough free mana to maintain his existence. So, for many hours he just watched. And then, he watched as the men and women of the second crusading host started trickling into the now empty encampments that awaited them.


A sorrowing old man drove his ancient VW Brasilia slowly along the sandy track leading to his favourite beach, whilst listening to the news on the radio.

“According to the spokesman for the Russian Federation the large rift that recently opened approximately two hundred kilometres to the North of Tomsk has started to disgorge a second army of extremely hostile primitives.

“The first army of the invaders annihilated several villages without any provocation or mercy. They have displayed a total lack of humanity, and have consistently refused to surrender.

“The Russian armed forces have rolled back the invaders and are attempting to blockade the rift whilst scientists from around the world study the phenomenon.”

Antonio shrugged, ‘as you sow...’ he mused. He parked in his usual spot behind one of grass covered dunes and got out of his car. He picked up the large shopping bag that had been lying on the front passenger seat. Locking the car, Antonio slowly followed the path that led through the dunes until he was able to see the waves breaking on the beach.

Then, removing a small spade from the bag he carefully dug a deep hole at the foot of the dune nearest the sea. Next he removed the wooden box from his bag, he opened it and took a last look at the small calico body of his faithful and loving companion of eighteen years before closing it again.

Once Felicia had been laid to rest and a few tears had been shed he gazed at the Ocean. “Bastet please look after Felicia, please provide her with her favourite cat toys and feline snacks, mice and birds.”

Then, Antonio just sat looking at the waves as they broke on the beach. After a while, he stirred.

“Oh well now I’m here I’m going for a swim...” he muttered to himself.


Count Hirrak of Farrock, paladin of Feroxibus, war god of the Pantheon of the Gods of Light, cursed his scouts as he sat on his warhorse amidst the pitiful remnants of his knights. The useless idiots had been telling the truth after all. How could this Light forsaken world whose heretical gods had bound its Mana possibly have self propelled war machines like those flying golems that had sown death and destruction amongst the Light’s crusading host.

“Great Feroxibus, hear my prayers, please aid me to do your will, grant me power to destroy these metal golems.”

« Open to me – grant me a path, and come reside in my paradise. » The voice of his God echoed in Count Hirrak’s head.

Hirrak gulped in apprehension, but resigning himself to ending his life in service of his god, he took a final look around the bloody battlefield that surrounded him and said, “Oh great Feroxibus, God of War, you honour me.”

Count Hirrak’s body expanded and shredded as a massive figure in full plate armour took his place on the battlefield. The great War God Feroxibus, a towering six-meter tall giant, raised his hand in memory of his faithful follower, then looking round he drew his sword, the great crimson blade, Blood Drinker.

Feroxibus pointed Blood Drinker at the jets that were slaughtering the Empire’s second crusading host, and swatted them aside with a beam blood red of light.

Feroxibus drew in more of the mana flowing into the world through the World Gate before he proceeded to deal with the annoying metal fortresses, which were spitting death and destruction, mowing down the remnants of the new host that was still surging through the World Gate.

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