

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

Hamlet Act 1, Scene 5


I am so gods be damned bored.

A fist lashed out at the tree the lone man was leaning his head against. While the strike seemed to just be an absent-minded action, a hole perfectly shaped like a fist appeared where he'd hit it. A crack louder than any thunderclap snapped through the air. Behind the tree, in a straight line for hundreds of meters, a trail of broken trees and a large trench appeared in the ground. Dirt and dust rose into the air falling in a hail over the landscape.

The man tilted his head to look through the hole he had just created, and the carnage he had done to his peaceful surroundings and sighed.

Well, at least I can spend some time fixing this now.

Behind him, if anyone else had been around, they'd see a multitude of craters, trenches, and shattered trees. Most noticeable however, was the lone mountain that rose in the distance. Leafy green trees and bushes coated the mountain, slowly giving way to a band of rock capped by a soft blanket of snow. The serene mountain was covered in a myriad of scars and patches of destroyed forest that would be seen despite it being nearly a hundred kilometers away. Yet all of these marks paled in comparison to the side of the mountain, from which it appeared a monster of obscene proportions had taken a bite from it.

The man waved a hand and the trench in the distance filled in until it was nothing more than a slight depression in the ground. He turned around, seeing what his most recent training session had done. A small twitch crossed his face as he caught sight of the mountain.


I might have gone a bit far this time. This could take a while, even for me to fix.

While pondering where to start, the man heard a small chime go off. Suddenly, a rectangular blue box popped into existence in front of him.

“A suitable world has been unlocked for you. Would you like to transport to this new location? Y/N?”

The man froze in place, his jaw falling open. He stood that way for only a moment before a shout leapt from his throat. The noise rattled the entire forest around him. Arms shot into the air and the most awkward of victory dances began.


With a trembling hand he slowly extended a single finger to the “Y”, and a doorway appeared before him, already open. With a shuddering breath the man stepped through.

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