《Ruins of Majesta - Blood and Cupcakes》12.5 An Imperfect Storm
Mo, Mephi, and Ziggs sat down with Bonkers and the leaders of the knockers around a table. Riller, and Davemarth stared at Mo as he explained what type of organization they should be looking at based off of what the other knockers had told him.
“I think a social organization might be a nice fit. One of the concerns that I’ve heard from the boys is that they want to follow their dreams while remaining a part of the knockers. If we make the organization too tight-knit some of their dreams are going to fall through the cracks. If we make it a group where we can support each other in their endeavors and give everyone their freedom that might be best.
“Maybe we set it up so dues have to be paid and we use that to make sure the boys get everything they need. At least until we can afford to hire everyone. We’ll operate as an umbrella organization until we get on our feet.
“You six I’m going to ask to stay on as the leaders to start since you know how to best handle the issues that may arise. At least at first.
“Bonkers I know you want a bakery and I think that’s a great way to start out for the organization. It has enough positions that we can employ a fair amount of people. We’ll need bakers, counter/salespeople and delivery services are always a plus. It’ll be our front while we solidify the organization.
He looked at all of the other members judging their faces. “You don’t have to work at the bakery. Grimsaw you may feel more comfortable working security at a tavern, Chonchaise you would be great for the stocking of the bakery and handling the money. Riller, you’re definitely gonna be one of our men in the streets. We’re going to need information so we should outfit you with the clothes you need for any situation because we need to get info on the big money over in the Goudenhugel section.
Riller’s eyes twinkled at the prospect of infiltrating Goudenhugel and getting the lowdown on the nobles and one-upping them.
“Not all of the knockers need to work for us at first, but they should contribute some work hours to help out. That said, here’s what I think is a perfect fit for you.
“My suggestion is that you set up a bakery with an office in it, so everyone knows where to find Bonkers. Davemarth you are the second in command and I would have you here with a direct line to Bonkers with a messaging stone or something so you could easily communicate.
"Chonchaise you deal with supplies for both places and the treasury. You’ll also run the delivery section. Portquise you can float between the two since you can make everyone happy and spot any internal strife or discord and bring it to our attention. Also, you can make sure that everyone is getting what they need and be the person they can come to with their problems. That frees Bonkers and Davemarth from micromanaging everything.
"Grimsaw you set up security details for both places and watch everyone’s backs. Riller, you are going to start out as our salesperson and find us people to sell our goods to. We may rent a stall soon after and you should be the face on that. It will give you a good backstory as to how you climbed the ranks so quickly and give you a legitimate standing when you move up to Goudenhugel."
“Does anyone disagree? Or see any problems with how I’ve laid this out?”
Bonkers studied the faces of his team as they all looked around the table. No one said anything, they just shared glances. Finally, Bonkers sat up straight.
“O I think the boys are all in agreement with your prospectus, but let’s take a vote and make it official shall we boys? All in favor?”
All of them raised their hands.
Skinflint level 2
Surfing into the boardroom. Good job!!! The only thing better than having a discount is using your discount. Seriously, use the discount.
When activated, you receive a 7% discount from any vendor
+7% to presence
Awesome! A semi-distracted Mo turned his attention back to the conversation.
“Well that settles that table scrum, it does. It just leaves us with one question in particular. How do we afford this proposed bakery?”
“Well… give me a second.” Mo motioned for Ziggs and Mephi to lean in. He whispered to them, “So how much help are we going to give them?”
“Is this going to be a loan or an investment?” Mephi asked.
“What’s the difference?” Ziggs shrugged. “A loan is money they pay us back with plus a percentage. If we invest, we hold a portion of the business. Either way could be good for our long-term financials.” Ziggs whispered.
Mo scratched his chin. “If that’s the case I say we invest. Maybe we can count the money for setting up the organization as well?”
“That’s not a bad idea at all,” Mephi huffed.
“But how much will we have after setting them up? We need them to bring something to the table as well,” Ziggs reminded them.
“Well let’s figure out what kind of work we should get them.” Mo put a hand on each of his teammates.
“Okay,” Ziggs agreed.
Mo turned back to the table.“So it seems like we’d like to invest in your futures and buy a portion of your organization. But we need you all to bring something to the table.”
“That we can do, but we don’t have any general coffers as of yet.” Bonkers informed them.
Chonchaise cleared his throat. “I mayhaps be able to help with that. We can always set up in the Piecework Market. That way each man can find his own way. We can track all the contributions and they’ll own that percentage of the enterprise. That’ll give everyone something to strive for.”
“How does this piecework market work?”
“Basically, there’s a section of assemblage square where a man can stand and hawk his skills. Sometimes the Peers from the assemblage come out and use the men and sometimes people come up and hire someone.”
“So you’re telling me that there is a labor pool where anyone can get work?”
“That I am.”
“How much does it cost?”
“Cost? It’s free. Every man for himself.”
“I think it’s time to take the piecework market by storm, and here’s how. Riller this one is gonna be all you. Beyond specialized fields, most of the work will be manual labor. That’s what it always comes down to. So we all stand together and Riller you hawk their services.
“You get a sheet with everyone's trade levels and abilities so when someone needs a person they come to you and you send a knocker. You get paid a 5% brokerage fee and we all make money.
“Now to make it special, so we’re top of the pile. Remember that trick we did with Driskell when we made the oaths? Same thing. We have anyone who gets hired make an oath to finish the work in a professional and timely manner. We’ll need a few caveats that will keep us from being used for criminal and unsafe activities, though.” Mo drifted off into his own thoughts.
“You're forgetting something very important with your marketing pitch,” Ziggs said as she landed on the table.
“And what’s that, Brick?” Mephi ribbed.
Ziggs gave Mephi some side-eye stank and said, “The most important thing for any organization.” She paused and waited for them to get it and received nothing but blank stares. With a hand on her hip, she facepalmed and shook her head. “It’s so obvious.” still nothing but blank stares. “A name, you numbskulls! You were even talking about it earlier.”
A collective “ooooooh” of epiphany came from those around the table.
“She’s right we need to pick a name to get the ball rolling.”
“Oy! What’s wrong with knockers?” Bonkers asked.
“Sorry Bonkers but knockers doesn’t exactly instill a sense of confidence. We want something dramatic that catches the ear. Something that instills a sense of pride and distinction that people can see.”
“Golden Lads?” Portquise offered.
“No, sounds poncy,” Davemarth growled.
“The knocker’s fist,” Grimsaw said while he quickly pounded the table.
“No, no… that sounds like we’d be as likely to smash them as help them,” Riller said. “Since we are creating an umbrella organization with units of men in a semi-military setup, why not Umbrella Corp?”
“NO!!!” all three paladins said at once.
“Sorry, that has negative connotations in our world.” Mo said calmly.
Treegan placed a tray of drinks on the table and said, “What about the Oathsmen?”
Everyone froze looking at the gentle giant of a man. Bonkers broke the silence with a loud snort of laughter.
“That makes perfect sense,” Chonchaise agreed. “Short concise and to the point. People will know what they’re getting into.”
“I like it.” Davemarth added on.”
“Sounds honorable, a true warrior’s name.” Grimsaw took a quaff from his mug. “I still like the fist though.”
“Well, you can run the Oathsmen’s fist and use it for security services and the like.”
“Ha! Now I love it! I vote for Oathsmen.”
“OI’ll be the one’ta start the votes round here Grimmy me boy. All in favor?”
Everyone’s hands went up.
“It’s unanimous, it is. Looks loike we’re about’ta get a whole makeover. So, what’s the next step, Mo?”
“Well, Riller and Chonchaise should figure out what men can do what and get them outfitted so they can do their jobs. We should probably rotate the oathsmen between the piecework market and Driskell’s so everyone has a chance to raise their trades. Grimsaw, organize two fingers of the fist to be with Riller at all times for safety reasons.
“Fist and fingers, I like that a lot.” Grimsaw growled happily.
“We want two who won’t start fights but can definitely end them—but only when Riller tells them too. Davemarth I’m handing the rest of the prep off to you. You make sure everyone’s falling in line.”
Davemarth nodded Grumpily.
“Bonkers and Portquise, grab crassel and find a map of the city. We need to scout out a bakery. Chonchaise we’ll double check any findings with you so we can make sure we have a good location for supplies to be delivered.”
“Sound like a plan.”
“Aye, that it does.” Bonkers stood up pushing his chair back from the table. “You heard the man. Get to work.” he punctuated his words with a loud clap that made heads turn all through knocker’s hall. “Also No one goes out alone for the time being. We’re not done looking for Nessler. So, if you go out, you and your partner come right back! Understood?”
Mephi leaned in and whispered, “Do you think this is gonna work?”
“I sure hope so,” Mo whispered back
“Ziggs flew up and landed on Mo's shoulder. “Of course, it’ll work. It’s a great plan.” and she patted him on the cheek with her tiny hand.
Mayah dove to the side. Her feet barely got any traction on the muddy ground, so it seemed more like she fell to the side. Either way the p’bullfrog missed her. She wiped the muddy splash of water out of her eyes and was still half-blinded by the rain. She looked for the beast and threw a frozetto at it. It glanced off of its slick skin, but the freeze effect started taking hold.
“Thank god.”
She took a second to check her six and crawled to her feet and hurriedly bashed at the thing with Happiness before it could turn to her or jump away. It perished in two hits and Mayah stored it in a crystal. Grax finished up with his p’bullfrog and Mayah went to scoop it up.
You Party has defeated
Level: 17
XP: 57
8562XP till next level
“That was seven of them that time.” he groaned.
Vergie came over with another p’bullfrog and dropped it at her feet. Mayah scratched behind her frill as she said, “Yeah, they're starting to swarm and hide in these deep puddles.”
“They’ve got better traction too.”
Each member of the team had been reduced to a flopping muddy shell of their former glory. They were fighting the rain and mud as much as their enemies while traversing this level.
“Well, at least there are no more snapflies and the fog is gone,” Mayah offered hopefully with a shrugged
Grax huffed angrily and looked away. “Where’s Mags?”
“Shaz! what has she gotten into now?”
They followed her marker and stopped at the edge of a puddle quickly filling with rainwater runoff and becoming more of a pond. Her marker was in the middle.
“See, this why we need rope.”
“What are we going to do?”
Checking out the logs right now. Says she got paralyzed by a scumbroid. She’s down a couple dozen points and her health is still in the green, for now. Let’s wade out and go get her. Grab a grenade so you can activate it if we get stuck.
“Yeah, boss!” Grax saluted
“Let’s go.” She play-cuffed the cat.
They waded out into the now large pond where the water was reaching Mayah’s chest and still rising. Grax was starting to swim as his head would have gone under. Vergie growled a warning from shore. Mayah spotted what looked like a giant membranous skin creep across the water. The only reason she noticed it in the cold dark rain was that the raindrops didn’t splash on top of it normally and she took a closer look.
“Look!” she yelled at Grax pointing towards the membrane and tossed her Over (F) grenade. it struck the membrane and exploded. The surface of the water was instantly vaporized and what was left of the membrane, A web of veins and organic tubules flapped about splashing water. Something made a noise like an eagle and a pig screeching underwater and an algae-covered hill rose up from the middle of the puddle. It rose up on five starfish-like legs that were on tippy toes. More membranes hung from a fleshy ring that grew around the central point of its radial body. With a splash, it spread its membranes like fleshy wings and screamed again.
You Party has attacked
Level: 20
-270HP Over (F) grenade
Mayah counted the membranes hanging around its radial body. There were five, including the one that was burned to tatters. Sloshing around in one of the membranes along with some water and air was an unconscious Margaret. The creature stood twenty feet taller than them and there were three more functional membranes on the creature's body. They seemed to reach out and cup the air around them as if trying to catch something.
“What is that? A venus flytrap starfish?” Grax paddled to stay afloat.
Mayah picked him up and put him on her shoulder. He stood up resting a hand on her head to steady himself. The scumbroid took a step towards them like some homicidal aquatic toadstool. It made the waters splash violently and they quickly muddied. There was a squelching sound like it was uprooting itself from the bottom of the pond.
“Whatever it is it doesn’t like fire.”
“Good to know.”
The scumbroid lurched forward, the sucking noise was punctuated by a steady slurp and the scumbroid broke free of whatever mooring it had. A single, whipping flagella began to stir up the waters. The two grenades that were flying towards it were deflected by the flagella and Mayah turned to run.
Her feet had been pulled down into the sediment and she slipped on the muddy bottom. Luckily the waters kept her in a mostly upright position and she hopped and freestyle doggy paddled back to shore. Grax was riding her like a slippery log and began tossing grenades which made it screech again and again.
The scumbroid was taking slow ponderous steps as if learning how to walk but it was getting closer. Its legs were at least fifteen feet long and covered in tiny tubes that wove about independently of the arm. As it got closer Mayah noticed three eyes on its main body that were focused on her. Because of their position and the radial nature of the creature, she assumed that there were five eyes, but she couldn’t see the others on its rear facing side.
That moment of observation cost her dearly as something pulled on her leg with enough force to pull her underwater without pause. She struggled to hold her breath and find a way to get the burning pain of inhaling water out of her nose. She was pulled out of the water and as she tried to take a breath she was whipped about and slammed frontside first back into the ice cold water.
You have been attacked
Level 20
-127 Water Slam
The force of her body slapping against the water forced most of her air out of her body. She reached for her bag trying to get something to help her out in this situation. Being dragged through the water at high speed and being slammed into the bottom of the pond wasn’t helping.
She finally reached into the bag and pulled out the first thing she could think of. And a frozetto came out into her hand. She pulled her leg towards her chest which is extremely hard when you are being swirled back in forth in muddy water and struggling to get some air. She finally found the flagella attached to her leg and stabbed the frozetto into it. The finger thick jelly strand was extremely durable. Even after she shredded it still managed to hold on to her when all of a sudden the flagella went slack. She instantly popped up, gasping for air, sputtering, and coughing in the muddy water.
Your party has defeated
Level 20
XP: 73
8,489XP till next level
Mayah looked around her and gained enough breath to call out for Grax. She spun and noticed the scumbroid laying on its side. Three of its legs were frozen and the other two were missing.
“Grax!!! Where are you?”
“She heard his voice from the other side of the scumbroid.
“I’m getting Mags free. You okay?”
“Yeah. Be right there.” Mayah gurgled and struggled to swim over to the cat. She took her time allowing her stamina to recharge while catching her breath. She groaned as she had to push a few Vergie sized chunks of ice out of the way.
Where did this ice come from?
“I could use a hand here.” Grax urged her to speed up.
Mayah swam around the scumbroid to where Grax was trying to pull Margaret free of the membrane while also swimming. Mayah dove into the work of pulling Margaret free. And she was quickly released. They swam to the far side of the pond where Vergie and the rötten were waiting for them. A pile of P’bullfrogs were piled there.
“You were watching our back? Good girl.”
They dragged Margaret onto dry land and slapped her to rouse her and she woke with a start and her hand went to her chest and she yelled, “Watch out!”
Mayah and Grax looked around with a start and finding nothing forced her to lay back down where she looked around disoriented and rubbed her chest.
“Do you remember what happened, Mags?”
“Was fighting one of the frog things and wound up wading through a puddle when something grabbed my leg. It yanked me off my feet and I hit my head. It pulled me under.” She took a deep breath and tried to remember. “Something stabbed my chest and I got all woozy and couldn’t wake up.” she looked like she was trying to remember something.
“It's okay Mags we killed it.”
“We?” Grax questioned. “Last I checked you were getting played with like an action figure in a toddler’s bathtub.”
“I got a few hits in on the flagella.” Grax stared at her with an eyebrow raised. “Okay fine. Thanks by the way.”
“You’re so welcome. I don’t think I can finish this dungeon alone and both of you were about to go bye-bye. I got a little scared there. Good thing I’m so awesome.”
“How did you awesome yourself a win, Cat?”
“Well I needed to stand closer to it, so I tossed some Spike grenades around the pond and made tiny icebergs. From there I got up close and personal. Shadow step, teleport a few times, ice katanas and slash a lot. Since it was using that whip thing to drag you around, I just had to duck the big legs and membranes. Pretty easy for me.
“I iced up its legs with my katanas and then climbed up top, carved a hole and jammed five grenades into it and voila! Starfish stew.”
“You could tell the story in a bit of a less self-aggrandizing style.”
“And ruin the fun? Nah!”
Vergie ran off to deal with another p’bullfrog and Grax stood up to keep watch.
Mayah turned back to check on Mags. “You okay there, Mags?”
Margaret rose up to an elbow although a bit shakily.
“Getting there. That was some weird knockout poison.”
Mayah quickly scrolled through the logs and found the attack.
Scumbroid toxin? Need some of that!!!
“Hey Grax, watch the elder for me?”
“Hey,” Margaret snapped.
Mayah just winked at her and Grax gave her a nod. She laid a hand on the scumbroid and the loot menu popped up.
Level: 20
Scumbroid Meat
Scumbroid Leg x3
Scumbroid Leg Damaged x2
Scumbroid Nerve Ring
Scumbroid Membrane x3
Scumbroid Membrane Damaged x2
Scumbroid Flagella
Scumbroid Poison Vesicle
21 silver
Take all?
Since the Scumbroid was destroyed already, she took all of the loot and then secured the body with her wand. The body disappeared leaving a vacuum in the water that the water rushed in to fill. It also dragged a certain cupcake off of her feet.
She spluttered to the surface to the sound of Grax and Margaret laughing.
“Two-nil, scumbroid,” Grax laughed as Mayah wiped the muddy water from her face. Mayah just glared at him. “And thanks for the silver.”
Mayah walked out of the pond and shivered in the rain. “This weather sucks. Let’s find the boss and get out of here. I want to start a fire.” Mayah said her mood souring further.
“No arguments from me.” Margaret said as she stood up.
“But at least we’re not stinky anymore.” Grax
“But now I’ve got mud in places where mud shouldn’t be.”
“Then stop playing pond dredge,” Grax chided.
Mayah was about to say something when Vergie trotted up with two more P’bullfrogs in her mouth.
“And why didn’t you help us fight the scumbroid?” Mayah asked Vergie.
Vergie mrowled and walked into the water. In three steps the rötten were in threat of being submerged. Vergie mrowled again and tried looking at the pouch on her chest where the rötten squealed and chittered.
“Okay, I get it. You didn’t want to leave the family alone with the p’bullfrogs. Good call.” Mayah leaned against Vergie and gave her wet scritches. Mayah missed her warmth and the rain was stealing that pleasure from her. She dropped down to check on the rötten and pulled out a stiletto for Deanna to snack on and then she pulled out the poison vesicle for Riker.
“What do you think boy? Look tasty?”
Riker practically lunged out of the harness and onto her arms he squirmed around trying to bite the vesicle.
“Hold on. aargh!” She dropped the vesicle in the wet grass where Riker dove upon it with abandon. Deanna struggled to get out of the harness and began chewing on her stiletto.
Mayah was a little disgusted as she watched Riker’s chelicera extend. The fangs swung open and embedded in the vesicle. Riker chewed the vesicles as it hung in front of his face like a strange feed bag. Vergie sniffed at the vesicle and pulled back quickly her nose rankling. Then she nudged Mayah expectantly.
“Okay girl.” Mayah got the hint. “I have Vuurm meat, P’bullfrog, some snapfly larvae, and snapflies.”
Vergie snorted and shook her head.
“Look girl I know I spoil you but gimme a break here. I’m getting low on food and I’m saving it for proper meal times. I haven’t been rationing my rations because I’ve been sharing them all with you three.”
Vergie Mrowled sadly.
“Look, I ate all of the things I offered you. If you’re really hungry then it’ll have to do until we’re finished here. I could get you some imp meat or iron weevil too. But we’re roughing it for now.”
Vergie mrowled again and her head drooped.
“Okay, hang in there with me and when we’re out of the dungeon I’ll get you a full live animal of your choice. You’ll be able to eat it as much as you want. And I’ll get a couple of them to carry along with us, so we always have them. Sound like a plan?”
Vergie’s head cocked as she thought about it. She let out a satisfactory chuff.
Now what would you like Vuurm or P’bullfrog?” She offered a vuurm meat in one hand and p’bullfrog meat in the other. “I do not recommend the snapflies. They are horrible.”
Vergie took the vuurm meat. And Mayah pulled out ten more pieces.
Skinflint level 6
How do you keep talking that gluttonous cat out of food? That should be nearly impossible. I’m going to double check my subroutines.
When activated you receive a 15% discount from any vendor
+15% to presence
Mayah chuckled at Prime’s message and took a look around.
Now where is the boss? It’s mucky, muddy, and rain is still falling so probably wherever the water is deepest. I’m thinking we should just follow the water downstream. Now to get a peer review.
“Hey, Grax any idea where the boss might be?”
“Since this is turning into an aquatic level I would say wherever the water is deepest.”
“Thank you for verifying my thoughts.”
“No problem.”
“Let’s move quick. I want to get out of the rain.”
“Amen sister.”
“I need new boots,” Margaret complained.
“We all picked up the cobbler skill. Maybe we can all work on something later. Now move out!”
Margaret groaned and complained but marched onward. It was only two minutes before they were beset upon by seven p’bullfrogs and they decimated them in less than two minutes. Margaret tagged each one with a Spike (W) Grenade and once they slowed down they weren’t that problematic and were easy pickings. There were multiple waves of this as they went further and further downstream following the water's path.
They only slowed down when they reached a deep ponduddle as Mayah had taken to calling them.
“What? It’s a puddle big enough to be a small pond,” She explained to Grax and Margaret after Grax complained about her naming sense. “Besides it’s either that or puddle-ond and I don’t like that one,”
When they reached a ponduddle they studied the surface looking for scumbroids. Sometimes one of them would need to wade into the ponduddle before the scumbroid made itself known. Once it showed itself they showered it Spike (W) and Over (F) grenades before collecting the corpse.
Margaret now had seven p’bullfrog dolls and three vuurm dolls patrolling around them. They also made good scumbroid bait. They found out that the scumbroid would rather grab its prey, paralyze it, and slowly ingest it alive than to struggle with it. But it could struggle. Once Margaret threw five dolls at one just to see what it could do.
The flagella put Mayah’s whip to shame with the damage it could inflict and upon closer inspection it had narrow bands of muscle running down the length of it which made sense after they saw how prehensile it was.
And those big legs weren’t just for show either. The tube feet that lined the legs caught one of the p’bullfrogs and it struggled to free itself. Another leg closed into the p’bullfrog and smashed it in between them. That didn’t do much damage but when they pulled apart it did. There were bits of p’bullfrog floating in the pond.
Margaret heaved. Seeing more than Mayah and Grax, because of the parental filters, she quickly tossed a ton of grenades at the scumbroid after that scene ending the monster.
“Geez Mags was it bad?” Grax asked sarcastically.
“You have no idea.”
“You can always turn on the parental or gore filters. We’ve been telling you this for days,” Grax chided her.
“Just… Shut up.” Margaret stuttered from frustration. “Let’s go. I want out of this dungeon.”
“There we go. Now we’re on the same page,” Mayah agreed.
They continued onward and downwards following the flow of the water. Battling through pondudle after pondudle and struggling through wave after wave of P’bullfrogs which Mayah began calling Progs. Grax got swallowed by a prog and his katanas froze it solid from the inside. Mayah had to bash him free before he suffocated. Margaret got waterboarded by a scumbroid before getting flung twenty feet through the air after Grax cut the flagella. Mayah got her face and half of her body stuck to a scumbroid leg after she failed to duck its arm swinging at her. After they cut the tube feet from the scumbroid they manage to cling to her face for another fifteen minutes and left small red circles that had just started fading.
And that’s how they found themselves at the edge of a lake two hours and forty-five minutes later. They were tired, miserable and soaked to the core. None of them had smiled or made jokes in a while as the increasing rain dripped off of their brows in steady rivulets.
All three of them had leveled up. Grax and Margaret were both level 21 while Mayah was level 22. The rötten had each gained 2 levels because Vergie was power leveling them by letting them get the killing blows. There would normally be a sense of joy accompanying these feats but the adventurers wanted more than anything a place to shower, a hot meal, and a soft, warm bed.
“So, where’s the boss?” Grax asked angrily.
“Where everything has been, probably,” Mayah responded crabbily
“In the water,” Margaret said impatiently.
Lightning flashed and they could see the shadow of an island in the distance.
“Don’t tell me we have to get out there.”
“Well, either we find the boss from shore or we keep going. You know how this works.”
“When they said realistic they didn’t say water in every orifice realistic. My leathers are starting to chafe.
“At least you don’t have soggy feet,” Margaret griped.
“Excuse me Mags? I don’t even have BOOTS!”
“Oh... yeah...”
“How are you guys doing?” Mayah asked Vergie and the rötten.
Vergie was sitting there looking exhausted as water dripped off of her. Her eyes were downcast and her ears drooped. The rötten were shivering. The only thing keeping them warm was Vergie but she wasn’t as warm with all of the water.
“I’ll make it up to you I promise.”
“What?” Mayah practically yelled as she turned around. But the word caught in her throat when she saw what was going on.
Three scumbroids were just offshore approaching in their stilted walk. Right behind them glowing in the darkness offshore, an eye as big as a basketball on stalk was staring at them. The pupil was a black rectangle surrounded by an iridescent green iris. It kept pivoting between the scumbroids and the adventurers.
Something about that eye gave Mayah chills and her lizard brain began telling her it was time to fight or run. Mayah, of course, chose to fight. She furrowed her brow and made a plan.
“Mags! Get these dolls up and moving.” she tossed the nec nine crystals. “Grax throw everything we’ve got at these big lumbering starfish. You take right, Mags you got center and I’ll take left.”
Grax began pelting the scombroid with stilettos.
“Vergie you watch our back. Roar if there are any adds—monsters. You know what I mean.”
She turned and began throwing grenades at her scumbroidal target. Until a scumbroid walked into her line of fire from the shore and walked out towards the enemy scumbroid. She looked and saw Margaret only had three scumbroids working.
She looked at her necromancer who was doubled over and trying to catch her breath. Mayah ran to her.
“Mags you okay?”
“Mana backlash. These guys take up three slots and I tried to raise all nine at once. Gimme a minute and I’ll be okay.”
“As soon as one goes down call another. And get a vuurm out to spit fire when you can.”
Margaret gave her a thumbs up and Mayah turned to look at the scene again. The scumbroid were fighting a strange starfish-kaiju three-on-three battle.
“Where’s the eye?”
Three more scumbroids began to rise from the water. And Mayah found the eye was now on the far right staring at them. Mayah lobbed a grenade at the eye and it fell short before going off. The eye ducked at the flash of light and disappeared into the water.
The second set of scumbroids were getting close when the one in the center took a blast of fire to the ring that grew the membranes. It squealed as the oily fire burned it.
Seeing how successful the attack was, Mayah dumped out a crystal that had twelve vuurm in it and took all of their oil sacs and left the bodies there. Using her wand she dropped three oil sacs into the runiverse with 4 sheets of over grenades. She repeated the process three more times and ran to Margaret.
As she ran, she heard the whistle of a flagella right behind her and then a wet slap as the flagella hit the ground. She continued to pump her legs and yelled for Margaret.
She tossed the four crystals just as the scumbroid slapped her across the back like a parade of fire ants being stepped on by a moose.
You have been attacked
Level 20
-213 Whipped
The force lifted her off her feet and she didn’t feel the flagella wrap around her waist. But she realized what was happening as she was slammed into the ground and dragged towards the water.
She heard Margaret scream, “Fluff!!!” and then there was the cold depths of the water. She heard another scream, this one from a scombroid and the flagella let her go. She swam to the surface the scumbroid was squealing and burning with black oily smoke burning it’s skin. It fell over into the water and flames were left floating on the water.
Mayah swam for shore. Two more scumbroids igniting in rapid succession as she climbed out of the water and she saw a horde of roughly twenty-five progs hopping towards them.
Grax isn’t a good matchup for the progs because of his size. Margaret has to keep fighting the scumbroids because she can reach them without going into the water. I got about sixty second before we go down.
She ran to Margaret and as she dumped all of the vuurm she could into a pile and took all of the oil sacs and lined them up in groups of five.
“Mags keep hitting them with fire.”
She added multiple sheets of Over (F), acid (D), and Water (D) runes to each pile as she made crystals.
“Grax watch out for Margaret," She yelled. "Me and Vergie got the progs.”
Vergie ran forth and roared. The progs hesitated, seeming listless and disoriented from the roar’s debuff, giving Mayah just a few more seconds to complete her work.
“Vergie, get out of range.”
Vergie ran towards her. Margaret hit another scumbroid with the oily fire and raised another scumbroid. Grax kept punishing a singular target from shore with a steady stream of grenade stilettos. He kept dodging and teleporting to escape from the flagella strikes.
Mayah took a deep breath. And here we go!
She stood up and threw three of her new grenades into the crowd of progs. Green flames exploded everywhere. Burning melting progs began screaming from the acid. She watched the ticks from the Water (D) burn holes in them and their HP and gave Margaret three of the new water (D), Acid (D), and Over (F) grenades.
Without even looking she heard the squealing of the scombroids and knew Margaret was handling business. She tossed two more grenades at the surviving progs who were already looking like Margaret’s broken dolls. Quite a few were dragging limp back legs or had missing eyes. She armed happiness and ran to finish them off.
“Fluff Watch out!!!”
Mayah turned to check her six and saw a scumbroid wheeling through the air like a monstrous badminton birdie. Her mind wondered how it got up there then she realized it was aimed directly for her. She dove to the side and got mostly clear but the scumbroid rolled and landed on her shin. She felt a crack and a searing jolt of pain ran up her leg making her scream.
You have been attacked
Level 20
-379HP Thrown Scumbroid
Crushed tibia and fibula
Left Leg -79% mobility
You have received a Debuff
Shock - Stamina regeneration reduced to 25% until medical treatment is given. Maximum Stamina drain is doubled. Intelligence and focus reduced to 25% until medical treatment is given. Intelligence and focus checks will be performed against pain and damage. An unsuccessful check will result in unconsciousness.
All that existed was pain she held her leg and rolled on the ground. Grax sped across the ground, sliding to a stop next to her, and grabbed onto her.
“C’mon we gotta move!” He dragged her across the muddy ground towards the progs and then dropped her.
He yelled, “Vergie get them!” and pointed to the progs and then looked down at her. “It’s gonna be okay, it’s just a game remember?”
Mayah did remember but she never remembered a pain like this in her life. She panted against the pain and saw Vergie finishing up the progs and then running back to her.
She grabbed his collar. “Go help Mags,” she growled and panted through gritted teeth. “It’s just a game.”
Grax nodded solemnly and ran back to Margaret. Mayah watched the fight through the tears and rain running down her face. She was dizzy and sweating even though she was chilled from the rain. She faded to black for a second and came to as Margaret was shooting Shadow Lightning at one of the two remaining scumbroids. The lighting hit one and then jumped to the other through the water. As they fell she saw tentacles rolling out of the water.
The slimy limbs slapped against the shore and writhed over each other as they reached forward and pulled. She sat up wincing in pain as a giant shell twenty feet high was pulled up onto shore and the tentacles danced about searching blindly for Margaret and Grax. They had wisely pulled back and were pelting it with grenades and arrows. From a distance
You party has attacked
Greater Caprapolypus
Name: Shelly Bob Gruff
Level 23
-2 Delivery parcel
-6 Silver imps
The tentacles landed on one of the dead scumbroid and it used it as a club raking it back and forth around itself to clear the area and that eye popped out from under the shell. Then another eye popped out and they studied the area around them.
The attacks against Shelly Bob’s arms were somewhat effective as they were stuck with arrows and covered with ice and scorch marks. Any attack against the shell just bounced off and fell to the ground so stilettoes that would normally stick in a target and explode were useless.
“Vergie!!!” Mayah called and the Vergax ran up to her. “Help me get on.”
Vergie helped Mayah stand upright by grabbing her by the scruff and lifting slowly. Then lay down flat on her belly so Mayah could climb atop her.
This is gonna hurt
Mayah threw her leg over Vergie making her leg feel like it snapped again. She moaned in pain. She had to hold onto Vergie's frill and grit her teeth so she didn’t pass out. She continued holding onto Vergie’s fur chanting, “Don’t pass out. Don’t pass out…”
She kept herself focused on what needed to be done and came back to her senses. She finally pat Vergie on the side and sat up.
“Thanks, girl. just keep me out of harm's way for a minute while I figure something out.” She looked up at the rain and grimaced.
No way I can write in this downpour and I don’t have enough time to engrave anything.
She looked back at her teammates trying to mount a delaying action.
Gotta stop those arms
She took out all of the twenty or so Water (D) runes she had left. And dropped two apiece into crystals.
Margaret screamed as she was knocked from her feet by the wildly flapping membrane on the scumbroid club and the four vuurm she had out began to spit a barrage of fire making Shelly Bob pull back into its shell for a bit of protection. Until it swatted at the vuurm with the scumbroid killing two of them with the first blow.
Gotta get rid of those arms
Mayah pointed Vergie towards Margaret. “Grab her.” then she yelled, “Grax Jump on!!!”
Vergie wove in between the coiling arms and leapt over the scumbroid club. Landing, Mayah almost falling off because of the pain. Sh e just continued holding on for dear life and fighting against the blackness. Everything was going quiet until Grax grabbed her and sat her up keeping her stable. They were twenty yards away from Shelly Bob, but it was moving towards then relentlessly.
“Hey Fluff, got a plan?”
“Let me go Vergie!” Margaret said from under Vergie.
”These are Water (D) crystals. Try and get them in the base of the arms. And as close to the eyes as possible.”
“How are you holding up dear?”
“I’ll be fine once we kill this slimy shaz sucking cephalopod”
“Got any delivery stilettoes left?” Grax asked.
“No, but here are parcels. Don’t use them around the Over (F) or the Acid (D) or the parcel will get damaged. And try to get the parcel under the skin. If you can.”
“Got it.”
“Once we take the legs down, we’ll have some options. I’ll start working on a plan B.”
Shelly Bob roared and the shell rolled back and from underneath came the giant albeit malleable and fleshy head of a goat. Imagine someone took a goat’s head and attached octopus tentacles at the bottom of the neck, and a nautilus shell at the nape and you’d have a pretty good idea of what the royal death claws were looking at.
From the nose to the fleshy horns was at least ten feet long and it had a beak underneath the goat lips. Its eyestalks retracted into its head and focused on the trio.
“Yeah, now I really want to kill this thing.”
“Who comes up with this stuff? They have serious problems and need help.”
Grax couldn’t help but snigger, “C’mon Mags, let’s bring the pain.”
“Fluff’em up!” Margaret said and looked to Mayah.
“Cut’em up!” Mayah said and looked to Grax.
“Raise’em up” Grax said.
Then in unison, they said, “giiiiiiiiiiiiiit GUD!!!!!”
Grax ran for Shelly Bob and disappeared into the darkness. Margaret launched a Shadow Lightning arrow at its face. Shelly bob blocked the shot but wound up with a sizzling hole in its tentacle and lightning sizzled up and down the appendage.
Shelly bob roared in anger and reared back flinging the tentacle and the spray of blue ichor around. Grax took the opportunity to teleport up close and stab a stiletto into the base of an arm and then leaned into it making it sink in up the ring on the end. He teleported out as the skin on the arm began to darken and spread out in a band around the arm. The tentacle fell limp and Shelly Bob roared again.
“Margaret, how many Lightning arrows can you shoot now?”
“I should have three or four left.”
“Give them to me?”
Keep shooting the Water (D) arrows and give me all of your lightning arrows.”
Mayah pulled out her Storage Wand. “Shoot it here!”
“Oh! got it!”
She turned and aimed at a tentacle that was chasing Grax and tagged the underside. When the tentacle came down it pushed all the way into the arm and went off. The tentacle soon fell limp and was tangled into the other ones forcing Shelly bob to extract itself.
Margaret charged up a Shadow Lightning arrow and Mayah held open the runiverse and accepted it. It made her arm recoil and buzz a little bit. She caught the crystal and almost fell over. Margaret caught her and Mayah turned to see Shelly bob trying to move back into the lake.
“Mags get the scumbroids to climb up on it and slow it down.”
“The scumbroid club came to life and the tube feet on its arms began to pull their way up the tentacle that was wrapped around it. When another scumbroid that was laying on its side whipped at the goats head with it’s flagella tearing open a blue line down its cheek.
Shelly bob reeled and then bit into the scumboid on its arm, tearing huge chunks out of it while Margaret gave Mayah another lightning arrow. Shelly bob only took three bites before the scumbroid was in pieces. Grax stabbed another stiletto into the newly liberated arm and got smacked flying for his trouble.
You party has attacked
Greater Caprapolypus
Name: Shelly Bob Gruff
Level 23
-758 Water (D)
Margaret shot another Water (D) arrow into the base of an arm as another scumbroid fell onto Shelly Bob and began to climb its shell. It reached around with its tentacle trying to free itself. The scumbroid wasn’t doing any damage but everyone knows that starfish love shellfish. Margaret aimed a regular arrow at one of the eyes and let loose. Without even checking to see if it hit, she turned to give Mayah another lightning arrow and heard Shelly bob scream.
“That’s all I got Fluff.”
“That’s fine. I think we have enough power. Good job taking out that eye, Mags.”
Grax limped over. “Man, that hurt!”
“You good?”
“Do I really have a choice not to be?”
“You’re right about that.” Mayah stared at nothing and her vision began to swim. Until Grax snapped his fingers in front of her face.
“I make a motion that if anyone stays behind to save the dungeon it’s Fluff.”
“Seconded” Margaret said leaving Mayah with her mouth hanging open.
“This vote will determine whether Pretty Princess Cuddle Fluff will remain behind as steward of the dungeon until her teammates return if we go down. All in favor?”
“Aye.” Grax and Margaret said.
“Now just keep the goodies coming so we can finish this thing off.”
“Yes dear. Keep the dungeon safe for us.”
“As long as you know I owe you one.”
“You already owe me one. So, this makes two.”
“Just had to ruin the moment.” Mayah teased listlessly.
Mayah checked on the battle and found two scumbroids attached to shelly bob. It was using three tentacles to drag itself back towards the water and two to fight off the scumbroids.
“Okay, Grax. Two more arms to go and we’ll be in the clear. Mags keep up the pressure with the scumbroids. Add some vuurm fire to up the ranged damage.”
“Aim for the face so you don’t hit me.”
“Got it.”
Margaret dumped out four vuurm and they crawled off and started spitting fire.
Mayah said, “Mags gimme an arrow.” She tied the three shadow lightning crystals to the delivery arrow. Then she took a utility knife and began whittling down the shaft in a ring.
“Do you have any skills for extra penetration?”
“Have you been using them?”
Margaret made a guilty face.
“We are so going to have a talk after this.” Mayah shook her head and regretted it as she became extra woozy. “Anyway put this right between its eyes and set the timer for ten seconds. We want this to be in its face when it goes off.
Grax sent a message through the party chat and Mayah looked around for him while reading it.
Grax: Look for the flower petals
Margaret took the arrow and got ready. She drew back her arm and waited for the signal. Shelly Bob was struggling with a newer scumbroid doll and Grax appeared in the shadow of a tentacle and slammed his stiletto home.
As the tentacle fell still Grax jumped up into shelly bobs face and cast petal storm around shelly bob’s head. White and pink petals made a cloud blocking its vision. Shelly bob roared and Margaret waited. As the petals faded she sighted the ridge between the eyebrows and let loose.
Without much fanfare, the arrow struck home and Shelly bob squealed again. One tentacle brushed the arrow away and it fell to the ground absent its payload. And then a dark flash struck through the night emanating from shelly’s forehead. Shadow lightning coursed through its body and as quick as it started it disappeared.
Your party has attacked
Greater Caprapolypus
Name: Shelly Bob Gruff
Level 23
-1533 (Shadow lightning arrow critical hit x3)
Shelly Bob Gruff (Stunned)
Shelly bob listed to the side its tentacles going limp. Its eyes were just burnt out sockets and there was a giant black hole with crispy edges about the size of a fist on its forehead. Mayah quickly urged Vergie forward.
“Get over there, hurry,” she said through gritted teeth. She yelled to Grax, “Don’t kill it!!!”
Grax looked at her like Whut?
“Gimme one second.” She guided Vergie up unto the caprapolypus and said, “ Riker Deanna, give it a good attack! Hurry up!”
The rötten jumped out of the harness and Deanna took a savage bite. Riker sunk his chelicera into shelly Bob and pumped his jaw. Dribbles of venom ran down the boss’ skin.
“Okay guys now go!!!” Mayah cast acid into the hole in its forehead quickly followed by a Water (D)
You have defeated the Lürkinmürk
41XP till next level
You have received:
Greater Caprapolypus Shell
Greater Caprapolypus beak
Greater Caprapolypus tentacle x8
Vial of Greater Caprapolypus ink x14
Poleyn-Cuisse of Pitch Midnight
4 Gold
Your Beast Companion Riker has leveled up.
Companion 1 Name: Riker
Venom Rötten - Male
Poison Bite, Poison Claw. Teeth and Claws have been magically infused with Venom. This gives this subspecies of rötten a higher attack rating. +1 to Base for Attack and Affinity
Riker has 70 points available to spend.
Your Beast Companion Deanna has leveled up.
Companion 2 Name: Deanna
Iron Rötten - Female
Bite and Claw. Bones, hair and teeth have been magically infused with iron. This gives this subspecies of rötten a higher attack and defense rating. +1 to Base for Attack, Defense and Affinity
Deanna has 71 points available to spend.
A portal stone rose up from the mud and mire that that shelly bob had churned up and the rain tapered off. Mayah looked up and saw the clouds and fog retreating in time a time lapsed video of a storm ending.
They made for the portal stone in a joyous but dripping fashion.
“Thank god for that,” Grax hollered.
Mayah finished her notifications and asked, “Hey did you guys level up?”
“I leveled up when I was fighting that first scumbroid.” Grax pat himself on the back and Mayah chuckled.
“I leveled up right after your leg got hurt dear.”
“Oh, I guess I missed it. So, you guys are level 22?”
“Feels so good. But with your grenades, I feel like we are cheating. I only took a little damage except for that tentacle slap.”
“Yeah, I saw you fly off through the air.”
They all put their hands on the portal stone and nothing happened.
“How come we didn’t get another key?”
“Because we probably already got it Mags,” Grax said before Mayah could answer.
“Clacker’s alley is the obvious choice.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“You just wanted another bracelet didn’t you?”
“Hush, cat!”
“Okay let’s pack up and get out of here. Grax, draw a circle around shelly bob in the mud. Make sure it doesn’t have any breaks."
“On it boss.”
Mayah took her wand and rode over to collect all of the progs, even as damaged as they were. As she rode back Grax was finishing the circle. Margaret had walked along behind him double checking his work for imperfections.
“Thanks guys, I really need to lay down after this.” She cast the open rune on the circle from atop Vergie with one hand and then she cast hold with the other. Shelly Bob slid into the runiverse. And she let the runes go.
“Yeah, I really need to lay down.” Darkness rapidly closed in dimming her vison and Mayah felt the world close down to a pinprick. She felt herself fall off Vergie and hit the ground. Then all she heard was her name being called over and over through a long dark tunnel.
- In Serial24 Chapters
Soul of a Hunter
Nineteen-year-old Rex works with his childhood friend Cam to fight the monsters in the area around his town as the only Hunters protecting it. It's a quiet, peaceful life without much difficulty. Their work is worthwhile, the money is decent, and the locals treat them well. They are content. However, after they receive an ominous warning, the pair of Hunters must push themselves harder as they search for a potential issue in an attempt to put it down before it becomes a threat. When they track this new danger to its roots, however, they find themselves fighting tooth and nail just to protect their town. When that comes to pass, they can only hope to hold out long enough for reinforcements to arrive. No matter the risk, they will fight to protect their home, proving they possess the souls of true Hunters. [participant in the March-April 2020 Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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The Forgotten Man -- Platinum Online
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Schneiders Guide, or How To Kill Your Princess
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The Sacred Beast Sect
A world of Xianxia is a place in which only the strong may survive. It is a world were powerful gods and goddesses as well as demons and fiends roam the land fighting in constent battles. this mighy strong people can only ever be united under powerful leaders forming organisations known as a sect. Millions of years ago, a time displaced soul was reincarnated into one such world and grew up leading a sect. A sect is a organisation that trains nd recruits cultivators. A sect a faction that can have great influence over a great number of areas. A sect is an organisation that gathers many powerful worriers to fight under a leader. This tale is about one of these powerful sects. Millions of years ago, a time displaced soul was reincarnated into one such world and grew up leading such a sect.
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Cultivator in a Zombie Apocalypse
Ren Zexian had lived 10,000 years, had experienced many things, had lived through many things. That included the death of his own realm. But what he never expected to experience was a zombie apocalypse.BL (mxm)I have no fixed schedule for this book as it was released on another site for a competition and on a whim. In the future, this will change.
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