《A World of Monsters》1. I call BULLSHIT!
A peacefully slumbering creature was shocked awake. For peace was now denied to it.
Its body twitched beyond its control and it let out a groan, blinking. However, only smothering darkness greeted its bleary eyes and it shook its head, 'uh, what?'
The familiar darkness refused to fade and the creature felt its skin tingle. Memories of dark, cramped places resurfaced. It contained sneers, contempt and hate
It recognised the darkness. Quite like the one that had haunted it in its childhood, the old darkness was cold, cramped, and lifeless. It threatened to swallow the creature whole.
'Where am I?' It questioned itself. Unfortunately for the creature, it didn’t know the answer. In fact, the newly awakened creature didn’t even remember anything.
'…just what is happening?’
The lack of knowledge chilled its core, before various thoughts races across its mind in overdrive. None of the good, none of the consoling.
‘Where am I?!' No sooner had the thought formed than the creature began trembling in disbelief.
The previous chill rapidly dissipated as its body grew hot from its rising anger.
'Who is doing this to me!? WHY?!' It mentally screeched at the unknown.
However, no answers were to be had as the endless darkness continued to suffocate it while the lack of space choked it.
Fight or flight, the only two options to ever exist, bored down on its panicking psyche and its temper flared in sheer terror. The creature utilised the energy from its panicked response, moving its body.
However, its body failed the simple task, merely squirming instead.
The creature's botched attempt to move sent its panicked mind racing and the stifled creature drew parallels where there were none.
It saw the confining darkness rush in as if preparing to crush it with but a thought.
And the frightened creature pushed back against the deep darkness. It failed.
Instead, the creature found its body to be rolled in a fleshy meatball.
Meanwhile, the suffocating darkness continued to rush in.
The spooked creature tried to resist but it couldn’t move its limbs. It couldn’t even stretch its body.
All it could do was make its body uselessly squirm.
The creature quivered like a dead leaf in the rainstorm as a thought took root, replacing its flames of anger with a chill that seeped through the eyes, to the flesh and the bones. ‘I couldn’t have been buried alive! No!’
The creature tried to push with its body and even tried to shove. It threw its weight against the walls of its bizarre coffin.
And the creature felt it move.
The restricting darkness moved, not unlike the movement of slime, and its coffin pushed back to retain its shape. The creature’s body throbbed with anxious energy and its horror-struck quivering stopped.
'This isn't a coffin! I can break through it!' It couldn't help but latch onto the thought. With its newfound courage, it punched the walls with its fists.
'...what?' However, the action came to a sudden halt as its mind blanked at the ridiculous feedback it had received from its body.
For instead of the familiar four limbs, multiple unknown limbs had moved.
The baffled creature's beady eyes gazed into the darkness in confusion as the strange sensation tickled its memories.
It tried to remember its last memory. It was …it was …hazy. And confusing.
'Ugh...' It winced, as the mere act of remembering gave it a splitting headache which intensified with each attempt.
Instead of the headache, however, the creature focused on the lack of response from its arms and legs.
Its confused eyes gazed around as it processed the conflicting sensations. It felt not its limbs, yet it sensed multiple limbs protruding from its body.
Limbs that it should not have.
The anxious energy coursed once again through its veins, leaving its trembling as the creature tried hard to remember.
However, all its efforts amounted to searing pain and unfathomable agony.
'Has someone tampered with my memory?!' Its thoughts roared within its head. 'Where am I?! What is going on?!'
At that moment, through the pain and the agony, its memory finally cleared.
'I died.'
The reason for its demise did not concern it as its mind reeled from the shock.
'I died.'
A hollowness, unlike nothing it had felt before seeped within it-
'I died'
-and gradually the nervous energy in its veins-
'I died'
-became so incredibly heavy that it seemed to stop breathing.
'I died.'
It had lost its family.
'I died.'
Its life.
'I died.'
Its friends.
'I di-'
Nothing at all.
The exhausted creature endlessly tried, refusing to give up, until it finally remembered.
Power. Of the very Laws.
Monstrous existences. Beyond the Gods.
And obliteration.
Nature itself had turned against them, ripping the civilization asunder.
The Five Great Ghosts had abandoned their people, leaving them to suffer and rot.
Punished were the men, the women, the old and the children alike. The fate of one and all had been nothing but one.
Even their prayers had gone unheard.
For the Gods had refused the summons. The death and the devastation had not moved their undying hearts.
The omniscient Divine Grace of Gods had abandoned the people in their moment of greatest need.
Perhaps, even the Gods had died alongside their worshippers.
Unseen calamities, unimaginable catastrophes, and unthinkable cataclysms had descended upon them. Not only had they descended from the heavens, but also ascended from deep within the womb of the very earth.
They had destroyed everything that had existed. Not a single being had been left alive. Not a single creature had been allowed to exist. It had been a complete and utter annihilation.
It had been… a punishment from the Heavens and the Earth.
‘...but ...why?!’ The creature screamed in anguish. Its disbelieving mind comprehended the revelation and its body squirmed within the dark coffin.
Everything that it had known, no longer existed. The people that it had known, the country that it had called its own, the research it had slaved all its life for ... all of it, sundered. Annihilated.
'...Could it be?' Its research surfaced in its mind. They had been warned against it.
The Merchant of Malice had arrived. He had spoken to the entire world. It remembered.
The callus Merchant had threatened violence if the research ever succeeded.
'...but the research never completed. Far from it even.'
The creature was sure of it. Its position may have been middling, but it knew this much.
'No, their research could not be the reason. It could not be the reason.' The very thought was preposterous.
It had been a Heavenly punishment for a crime unknown.
But the dead were still dead. Its research, erased.
The wrathful creature struggled against its prison. Everyone was '...dead.'
It squirmed, thrashed, and struggled with all its might. Its life's work '...erased!'
It channelled its rage into achieving freedom. The proof of its existence '...Nothing remained!!'
It had to. ‘Dead!'
It just had to. ‘Erased!!'
It shivered as the rush of cold air hit its flesh.
The sudden temperature change shocked the enraged creature out of its thoughts, and it struggled anew. It thrashed, hammered and pushed at the opening and broke through.
It was free, finally free.
Yet, this freedom did not bring any joy to the lonely pair of hollowed eyes.
For the grotesque sight which greeted its emergence, rendered its raging emotions impotent.
In front of the dumbstruck creature lay huge spheres, milky green and gelatinous, they were almost the same size as the creature itself.
And out of many of them, things crawled out. Green and black and elongated things.
'Insects,' the dumbfounded creature thought before it corrected its line of thought in horror. ‘Maggots!'
Its beady eyes widened and its body trembled as a new thought took root. 'Those spheres are eggs! They aren't coffins! They are eggs!'
And more eggs.
The creature was surrounded by them. Wherever it looked, the sea of eggs stretched, out of which maggots crawled out.
'It can't be...' An impossible thought manifested within the creature’s shocked mind, egging it to look down at itself.
But it didn't dare to, afraid of what it'd find.
However, before the horror-struck creature could act, a primal force hit it, consuming its horrified mind.
Hunger was here. And it made its presence known.
The primal urge unnaturally overwhelmed the creature's fragile mind, forcing it to eat whatever existed beneath its body.
However, as the creature's head was lowered its head to eat, it was confronted by what it had dreaded.
It finally faced what it had become. What its body had become.
The creature's flesh was green and black and elongated like all the other things crawling around it.
'Maggot!' The creature’s mind supplied as it began to shut down, 'I... I became a maggot...' The creature couldn't believe it. Its fragile mind couldn't comprehend. Its frail sense of self couldn't process what had become of it. ‘Filth! Vermin!’
The rage, the desolation, the shock, the disgust, and the plethora of emotions overwhelmed the poor creature’s taxed mind. It could do nothing as its fraying mind went into shock.
As the hunger abated a smidgen, the stupefied maggot’s fragile mind broke free of its mindless devouring to realise that it had practically inhaled its broken egg, leaving only a few gelatinous morsels behind.
However, the baser instincts were not done with it yet.
Much like a simmering pot, the unnatural hunger began to bubble once again.
It rendered the creature so utterly famished that its hunger consumed the creature’s fraying mind.
The nervous creature, however, had learnt its lesson and didn’t resist the corroding acid within its flesh. With an uncontrolled twitch of its body, the creature bent down to finish the sparse morsels.
[You have consumed The Gift.]
[You have levelled up! Level up bonus of +1 HP granted.]
‘The Five Great Ghosts! What is this?’ The stupefied creature stopped eating and cursed, trying to process the illusion before its eyes.
In answer to its unspoken thoughts, however, another blue screen materialised within its vision.
Status [Unnamed] [Skills] [Spells] [Dharma]
Its confused eyes narrowed as a thought sneaked in its weak mind. And to test its hypothesis, the creature moved its head from side to side.
Contrary to its expectations, its hypothesis was proved wrong when the screen moved along with its vision.
‘This is no ordinary illusion then.' The creature concluded. 'Just…what is this? The Five Ghosts help me.'
However, its new body soon drew the creature's attention to the hunger corroding its belly. And dutifully, the meek little slave complied with the implicit order, devouring the tasteless leaf beneath its tiny body.
Meanwhile, it returned its ditzy attention to the screen to focus on the option that disturbed it the most: the option [Unnamed].
No sooner had it focused on the option than the floating blue list changed.
Name: Unnamed
Race: Immortal
Species: Insect
Vessel: Caterpillar
Level: 2
HP: 7/7 MP: -
HPR: 1/Day MPR: -
Lifespan: 90 days
[Hungry], [Reincarnated]
Its toothy mouth twisted downwards as the creature stopped eating to consider. 'That makes no sense.'
Despite not understanding the significance of the information displayed within its vision, one thing caught its eye: the title [Reincarnated]. The creature focused on it and another blue screen popped up.
[Title [Reincarnated] allows memories and experiences of a single previous birth to be transferred to the new body.]
'Is this about me?' The numerous stubs emerging from its body squirmed. Surprised, the creature looked down at its new limbs. 'Right, a caterpillar. Not a maggot. Thank the Ghosts.'
Shaking itself, the caterpillar's eyes found the blue box once again. ‘Is this about my reincarnation?’
Peculiarly, despite the blatant reminder of its death, neither grief nor sorrow rose within its fragile mind. Instead, all it felt was an odd resignation.
If the reincarnated caterpillar had been of sound mind, it would have not only found it odd but also unnatural.
Indeed, this bizarre reaction was the outcome of the war going on within the ignorant creature. A war that the caterpillar would remain unaware of for its entire life, and perhaps even in its death.
Ignorance was bliss. But more often, it was death.
Unaware of the danger looming over its renewed life, the green caterpillar wished to return to the previous screen and the blue screen responded to its thought, dematerialising to reveal its Status.
Within the mass of blue glow, the creature focused next on its [Race], [Immortal].
[[Immortals] are lifeforms that are born with lengthy lifespans and the ability to increase it further. They are Creatures that are not bound by their Vessels and the concept of civilization. It denies access to Attributes and Spells.]
The bewildered creature stared at the screen with confused eyes. ‘I am now… an immortal?’ It tried to comprehend the meaning of the words but there was just too much for its overworked mind to understand at once. '...what?'
The green creature tried to recall if immortals existed in the previous life. However, a ringing headache was the only answer.
It winced and shivered in pain before it decided to abandon the line of thought to read the description once again.
'...why are these words emphasised?' Its beady eyes paused on the capitalised letters and its stubs squirmed in curiosity. Surprised once again, it glanced down at the new limbs before focusing on the task at hand.
The moment the caterpillar focused on the word, the creature became familiar with the concept of instant regret as a red screen screamed into existence with a blaring loud alarm.
‘The Great Ghosts help me!!' The shocked creature cursed as it closed its eyes. Its body, meanwhile, followed the set instincts and tucked its head beneath the rest of its flesh.
[Attributes are blocked for Immortals. Access Denied.]
It took the caterpillar a few moments to recover while its body shivered in fright before it dared to poke its insectoid head out.
The [Reincarnated] shook its head and straightened itself. ‘I do not want to experience something like that again.’ It had been an experience most unpleasant.
The [Immortal] called upon the previous screen and eyed the capital ‘S’ of Spells warily before moving on. It was not going through something like that again willingly.
Though now wary, it cautiously decided to explore the rest of the Status and noticed its [Lifespan: 90 days].
Its black and green body trembled as its calm shattered like glass. ‘What the fuck!’ It would have shrieked in anger if it had been able to. ‘What the actual fuck! What fresh shit is this!? Aren't I an Immortal?! Didn’t I have a lengthy lifespan?! What the fuck is this! Is 90 days a lengthy lifespan!?’
With its body burning with fury, the tiny caterpillar read the description of the Race [Immortal] once again. Its body trembled with impotent rage and yet, it had nowhere to unleash it.
Meanwhile, the irony of the situation was lost on the creature. It would have tickled its dark humour in its past life. However, now that it was the one experiencing it, the caterpillar didn't see any humour in the situation.
Most didn't realize, but the tragedy of one was the comedy for the other.
The [Reincarnated] breathed deeply. 'Focus. Focus. Focus.' It reminded itself before squinting on [Name: Unnamed] and just like before, another box popped up.
[Names can be bestowed either by the sire or the master. You are an unnamed creature.]
Its green insectoid face twisted in fury.
'Why can I not even name myself? What sort of absurd rule is that!?' It made no sense to the little creature. But after the irony of being an [Immortal] caterpillar with a lifespan of 90 days, this ridiculous rule did not surprise it.
'Just because my name had long lost all relevance, doesn't mean I had as well,' it harumphed. 'I am a Sorceress; a researcher of magic unknown. And nothing will ever change that.'
Thus, with its overwhelming emotions suffocating it, the caterpillar began going through the rest of the words, one after another. However, its simmering emotions erupted when it focused on [MP: -].
[Mana Points is the maximum mana available to cast magic spells. Your species doesn't allow usage of Mana.]
‘BULL. SHIT! I call bullshit!' It screamed within its mind as its breathing escalated in frustration. 'I am a sorceress! How can I not have magic?! Magic has nothing to do with anybody's body! It has everything to do with one's soul! I was reincarnated, wasn’t I?! It means I have my soul! Give me my magic, you little shit!'
It frantically ranted. It hysterically raved.
It couldn't believe the contradiction before its beady eyes. As it had reincarnated, then it had to have its magic. For magic came from the soul. It knew so because of its research.
The crime that the Merchant of Malice had warned the world about.
The caterpillar desperately raged within the confines of its delicate mind. Meanwhile, its body continued to eat the leaf below. The dissonance of its thoughts, from its reality, was lost on the [Reincarnated] Sorceress.
'Right, maybe it's because I am just a larva at the moment; a newborn essentially.' It tried to reason instead. 'The larval phase is the development stage, isn't it? That has to be the cause. It has to. When I fully evolve, I should get my magic back. I would be an adult then, yes. This makes sense.'
'Does that mean that I would have to wait till then?' It thought, its numerous stubs squirming in displeasure. 'Nevermind that. One way or another, I'll have my magic back. No matter the cost.' Shaking its head at the thought, the [Reincarnated] Sorceress continued to go through the rest of its Status.
[Title is a label awarded by the Laws to the living beings, for performing specific tasks or for meeting certain specifications.]
Laws of the Creation? The caterpillar gaped. ‘…The Ghosts helps me!! To think that the Laws of the Creation could be uncovered in such a simple way! Simply magnificent!’
It was a testament to the [Immortal] caterpillar's unstable mind that it went through overwhelming emotions, one after another, yet seemed to forget the previous ones when the next one assaulted it.
In the short while since its birth, it had experienced grief, panic, joy and now bubbly giddiness.
Yet, it didn't find the progression strange. Instead, [Reincarnated] Sorceress remained ignorant and merely explored its Status to arrive at the most ominous option, [Dharma].
A golden screen materialised in response to its thoughts.
[Since there is life, death exists now. Since there is now death, life exists. Within the singularity of this infinity, lies the endless chaos of half-truths. Truth and Untruth, both extend through this singularity. In the moment between singularity to infinity and infinity to singularity, hides the meaning of Dharma.] [Dharma: Thrive.]
Its mouth fell open while its beady eyes gawked.
‘What…utter nonsense is this?’ It tried to grasp the meaning that seemed to be hidden within the golden manifestation. Yet, all it saw was a bunch of spiritual nonsense that was worth less than the time spent on reading it.
The [Reincarnated] Sorceress ground its teeth and its body trembled.
It was all too much.
The roller coaster of emotions left its fragile mind exhausted. All it wanted to do was stop thinking. It wanted to sleep. It wanted peace.
However, peace was now denied to it.
Within a desolate desert, inside a dilapidated shop, on a simple chair, a youth seemingly slept.
The bleak desert, the dilapidated shop and the seemingly sleeping youth, none of them could be described as simple, however.
For this scorching desert existed in a distant place so far that there existed transcendental barriers to separate it from the others. Sweltering heat called the desert home and parched, dry winds ran amok.
Massive dunes marred the land like numerous scars; these were the scars that moved. The scorching winds bent the dunes to their will, making them crawl while drowning the world in the sea of sand.
Venomous insects and poisonous plants littered the landscape like stars on a new moon night. They hunted and killed. In turn, they got hunted and killed. They fought for food. They fought for water. They fought for territory.
It was a place where life ruled but death never lagged far behind.
Nevertheless, none of the warring creatures dared to venture to the epicentre of the desert.
For the dilapidated shop existed there.
However, even calling the shop dilapidated was a mercy that was needless. The thing was a decrepit assembly of time-ravaged walls, decayed wooden frames and a collapsed roof. A corroded door hung onto its frame, waiting for a gust of wind to turn it to dust.
But the gusts dared not touch this place. Even the most ferocious of winds tamed themselves in the presence of this shop
Within this shop, what was sold and what was bought was unknown, for there existed no merchandise within.
Rows upon rows of empty shelves exuded a silent hollowness that threatened to draw the onlookers into the depths of the unknown. While the manifold layers of dust shrouded the shelves, proclaiming their death.
Beneath those bare shelves, the floor was littered with stains, like mushrooms in a rain forest. With a colour of dark brown and a crusty texture, they radiated suffocation and hopelessness. Their silent screams spoke of haunted stories and bone-chilling terror.
The youth sat there, on a simple chair and behind a simple desk, on a floor that exuded unspeakable horror.
The youth, barely 17 to 18 years of mortal age, had a figure that was slim but tall while his skin was the colour of aged wood. Yet, his face was plain and forgettable, his features ordinary. A veil of black hair, dark as the heart of the cruellest mortal, hid a pair of simple brown eyes that were closed as if the youth were sleeping.
In contrast to his features, his clothes were something else entirely; for he was dressed in 2 pieces of unstitched fabrics.
Despite his ordinary features and unordinary clothes, the sleeping youth oozed out an unnatural sensation. He was still, way too still. Not a single strand of his hair moved with the wind. Not a single corner of his clothes rustled to make any movement. Not even the youth’s chest moved to signal his breathing.
Yet, not even a speck of single dust was found on his person.
Name: Unnamed
Race: Immortal
Species: Insect
Vessel: Caterpillar
Level: 2
HP: 7/7 MP: -
HPR: 1 HP/Day MPR: -
Lifespan: 90 days
[Hungry] [Reincarnated]
[Crawl Lv.2] [Moulting Lv.1] [Poison Resistance Lv.5] [Venom Creation Lv.1]
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