《Universal Strength: Power is Everything **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.19 - Bad Girl, Good Girl
*Caelum’s POV*
We walked down the road towards the address that Saren gave us. Thoughts about how the meeting could go this time and what her sister actually looked like. Sarah and Flarea were walking behind me and talking to each other about clothes and other girl stuff. I sighed and when I did I felt an arm wrap around my right arm followed by some fluffy goodness that surrounded it. I looked to my right and saw that Sarah was holding my arm and smiling at me, “Everything okay?” I smiled and nodded, “Yeah, everything’s fine. I’m just thinking about how this next meeting could go.”
Sarah smiled some more, “If it goes well then maybe we will have another sister join us on our adventures.” I laughed, “I can understand you being okay with sharing me and everything after our talk, but I didn’t think you would be excited about the possibility of adding someone new.” She grinned, “The more sisters you have gives me access to more sisters as well.” I grinned, “Oh yeah. You literally just told me you were bisexual, and it slipped my mind.” She pouted, “So now your forgetting things I say? Next thing you know you’ll be forgetting about me completely.”
I frowned, “I could never forget about you or any of my girls.” She smirked, “Is that what we are? Your “girls”?” I grinned, “Okay, my women.” She laughed and snuggled up to my arm some more. We arrived at the address given to us and saw Saren sitting at a table outside right next to a beautiful ebony skinned fairy with violet colored hair. I couldn’t really get a good look at her figure though.
Saren noticed us coming over and she waved at us. She quickly turned red-faced though and put her hand down. The woman sitting next to her looked our way and when she saw me she furrowed her brows. She looked over at Sarah and Flarea next. Her gaze didn’t change much when she glanced at Sarah, but when she saw Flarea her eyes widened a bit. It was only for a split second, but I noticed it.
We walked over to the table that they were sitting at and I saw that there was only one chair. I was confused as to why there was only one and I was going to motion for Sarah to sit down since she was the only normal one here, but that idea was quickly shot down. Flarea grabbed the chair and scooted it out and motioned for me to sit down. I furrowed my brows because that was something I was supposed to do for her. I didn't say anything, but I smiled at her and took my seat. I saw that the look the ebony skinned fairy was giving us was one of shock and confusion. I really wanted to know what she was thinking right now.
*Evony POV*
I was talking to my sister when she looked over and waved. She blushed and put her arm down right as I turned to see who she was waving at. I saw a trio walking over towards our table. The guy in the lead must be the one she was talking about. He looked pretty average, but his body, from what I could tell, looked amazing. If I could see him naked then I would be able to really tell. I couldn't feel all that much power coming from him, so he honestly didn't impress me. His power level was honestly a little bit above Sam's.
I looked at the girl to his right and saw that she literally had no power level to her at all so I just checked her body out. When I looked to his left at that woman my eyes widened. She was radiating power from her body. I am at the System General in power level and hers was easily dwarfing mine. They walked over and I expected the man to pull the chair out for the powerful woman, or even the weaker woman, but he didn’t. The powerful woman quickly moved in front of him and pulled the chair out for him. I saw his brows furrow quickly before he smiled at her and took the seat offered to him.
There was a little bit of shock was running through my mind along with confusion. Why was someone as powerful as her being so servile towards someone of his power level? My mind hurt thinking about it so I just decided to see where things led to from this meeting. So far, his power isn't anything as special as Saren was telling me about. The man smiled at us and then looked at Saren, "Hello again." She smiled a little, "Hey." The man grinned, "At least this meeting is with better company altogether." He smiled directly at me this time and I just realized how fucking great his smile looks.
I squirmed a bit in my seat at the smile and I just smiled back at him. He looked over to Saren, "So is this the older sister you were telling me about?" She nodded, "Yes. This is my older sister, Evony. Evony this is the man I was telling you about, Caelum." He nodded towards me, "Hello." I smiled back politely, "Hello." I was still trying to see what Saren saw in this man.
*Caelum POV*
I greeted the beautiful fairy called Evony with a smile and a normal hello. We all talked about a few things for a little while after I introduced the girls to them. Saren said that her marriage with the scumbag had been annulled like it had never happened. I was happy for her, but I was also sad for her. A marriage of many years gone; just like that. Evony spoke up after a little bit of random chatter, "So Flarea, what are you doing hanging around with people of far weaker power than you?"
I raised an eyebrow at the blunt as hell question, but I didn't say anything. Flarea snorted at her, "For one he is my boyfriend and two he isn't all that weak." Evony raised an eyebrow at the boyfriend comment and then nearly laughed when she said I wasn't that weak. Sarah spoke up this time, "He isn't weak at all!" She was gritting her teeth when she spoke that sentence. Evony looked at her and I felt a surge of power, "Don't speak unless spoken to slave." I know that she is supposed to be posing as my slave, so I let the comment slide a little, but it still pissed me off.
Sarah spoke again, "Unless my master says to not speak I can speak to whoever I want. Isn't that right master?" She looked at me when she asked that. I wasn't used to being called master and I know it was just an act, but it still made me uncomfortable. I rubbed the back of my neck, "Uh, yeah." Sarah looked back at her smugly, "See." Evony released some more power and pushed it down on Sarah, "You should learn to control your slave more." I heard Sarah scream in pain from the pressure, so I immediately got pissed and released mine.
*Evony POV*
The slave girl screamed from the pain from my pressure and before I could do anything else my face was slammed into the table by another pressure. My face went through the table and I ended up face down on the ground. It felt like I was being crushed by a planet. I looked over and saw that Flarea's power was a little agitated, but it wasn't the source of what was crushing me. I checked out Caelum and I saw a literal wave of power radiating from his body. I nearly had to close my eyes because it was so bright.
I could see anger radiating through his power. Not everyone can see power levels like I can, but when you train enough to see them it really helps. Almost no one can hide their power levels from me or anyone else that can see them. A thought crossed through my head and then I started to sweat from fear. There is one type of being in the universes that can hide their power levels, Universal Powers." I looked up towards him from the ground. I could see his face over the broken table and he had a look of anger on it. I looked him in the eyes, "I'm sorry." It was all I could manage to speak at the time.
*Caelum's POV*
I looked down at the woman that hurt Sarah and I could feel the anger flowing through me. She looked up at me with fear evident on her face, "I'm sorry." I was a little shocked at the words, not because of her saying them, but because she meant them. I could tell that she literally was sorry for what she had done. It really did surprise me, she seemed so prideful, but she actually gave a sincere apology. I sighed and released my pressure on her before limiting my power to the Galactic King rank which is one above Flarea's.
I say I limited my power, but it was the items given to me by void. I was happy that no one could see them unless I wanted them to. Evony slowly stood up and I was finally able to see her body. It honestly almost made my jaw drop. She had the body of a freaking cartoon character! Her breasts were massive, her waist was skinny, and her hips were wide and looked like good things to hold onto. I couldn't really see her ass, but from what I saw while she was lying on the ground it was bountiful as well.
She brushed her skirt off and it gave me time to appreciate her legs as well. They were long and beautiful as well. She looked to be a little over six-foot-tall and it was mostly legs. I was honestly trying not to drool. Flarea actually reached over and closed my mouth for me, which I didn't know was even hanging open. She giggled at me and then we both made sure that Sarah was okay. She was fine now that the pressure was off of her. She said that it felt like a car was sitting on her before, but once it disappeared she couldn't feel anything.
I sighed in relief and then smiled at her. Both girls leaned on my shoulders and we all stared at the beautiful fairy that was standing before our eyes. She looked directly at me and then looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to your slave even if she was rude. It isn't my place to punish someone that isn't mine." I looked her up and down and thought of something that sounded like absolute fun to me.
I hooked a finger at her in a 'come hither' fashion. She stiffened up and then walked over towards me. I patted my lap, "Lie across my lap." She looked torn between keeping her pride or doing what someone stronger than her was telling her to do. After a minute or two she finally took a deep breath before she laid herself across my legs.
Her round and pert butt was sticking up in the air and I could tell that it was very bountiful now. I put my hand on her left cheek and she stiffened up. She hid her face in her hands while her face turned red. I rubbed her ass cheek a little bit and I heard her grit her teeth. I let go of her cheek and she sighed in relief, but then I brought my hand down with a smack. All that was between my hands and her skin was a pair of violet colored panties. She released a moan when I smacked her.
She quickly covered her mouth and I grinned like the devil, oh this is going to be fun. I gave her another quick smack which caused her to moan again. She looked back at me and I could see some arousal in her eyes. I smiled and then brought my hand back again. This time my hand landed on her right cheek. I smiled at the moan she released, "Someone has been a very bad girl. Do you know who that is?" She nodded but didn't say anything else.
I smacked her on the right cheek again bringing another moan, "I asked you a question and I expect an answer." She quickly spoke in a quiet voice, "Me." I could barely hear her even with my enhanced hearing. I smacked her left cheek this time, "I couldn’t hear you!" She moaned out in a normal voice, "Me." I smacked her ass again, "Still can't hear you!" She moaned loudly and raised her voice, "Me."
I smacked her right cheek, "I still barely heard you." She moaned and then basically screamed, "Me! I'm the bad girl!" There was a giggle from the girls next to me, but they didn't say anything. I grinned, "Yes you are a bad girl and bad girls get punishments, don’t they?" She looked back at me and bit her bottom lip while nodding her head. I smiled and then unleashed a torrent of slaps on her bottom. After like the tenth slap she screamed and arched her back. I felt a warm liquid on my leg that quickly made a stain on my pants.
She had her back arched for a good minute or two before she collapsed on my lap gasping for breath. I didn't think I would ever run across someone who would get off on spankings, but oh my god was it fun. I rubbed her red cheeks with my hand and she shivered releasing more of the warm liquid from between her legs. She had an amazing orgasm from what I could tell, and my rubbing of her red rump just made her have another small one.
I leaned forward towards her ear, "How would you like to be one of my slaves too? There would be more of this if you ever step out of line. If you’re a good girl I may do it some more as well." I felt more liquid run down my leg as she nodded her head. I pinched her butt hard, "That's a good girl." She gasped again, and my leg got another gush of liquid on it. I grabbed her chin and guided her up towards my face.
She complied willingly and gasped a little when my lips met hers. She returned my kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck. We kissed for a few minutes before I separated from her and kissed her nose, "That's a good girl." She moaned a little before I had her stand up and stand to the left of Sarah. She adjusted her skirt and closed her legs tightly so the shiny liquid on her thighs wouldn't be visible.
I smiled and then looked over at Saren. She had a red face and a look of shock as well. I smiled, "Uh sorry about that." She was staring at us for a minute before she shook her head, "No its fine." I looked over at Evony and saw that she was staring at me with a look of adoration and fervor. She looked like she wanted to pounce on me at a moment's notice. I was honestly shocked at her change in personality, but it felt great to have someone look at me like that.
There was a guy that walked by and not reading the moment right played ass grab with her. The look of adoration and fervor were completely gone. She had a pissed off look on her face as she whirled on the guy. She threw a punch at his face sending him flying and into a pond about three hundred feet away. She hmphed, "No one is to ever touch me like that." She stiffened up and quickly turned around, "Except for you master." The look of adoration was back in her eyes when she looked at me. I was surprised at the quick changing of personalities, but I didn't dwell on it any longer. I have a hot ebony fairy that wants to jump my bones at any moment and it was awesome.
I looked back at Saren and smiled, “Well your sister is obviously coming with us now but since you seem to be free as well would you like to come?” She blushed a little and then spoke, “Would you make me do stuff like that as well?” I smiled, “I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. I can get you a separate room or whatever you want. I won’t make you or anyone else do anything they don’t want to do.” She frowned, “You just made Evony bend over your legs when she looked like she didn’t want to.” I laughed, “If she really didn’t want to do it and stood her ground I wouldn’t have made her do it. I just wanted to try something like that for once.”
She was thinking about something for a while before she spoke again, “Okay, I’ll go with you.” I nodded, “Good. Let’s get going.” I turned to leave and the three girls standing beside me fell in behind me. I saw Evony look back at her sister and wave for her to come on. Saren stood over beside Flarea. I smiled and continued to walk down the road. After a little bit, Flarea spoke up, “Where are we going dear?” I stopped looked around and shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know. I was just walking in this direction.” She facepalmed and groaned. I grinned and shook my head. Evony spoke up at this time, “May I recommend a few things master?”
I looked over at her, “Yes, but you don’t have to call me master.” She smiled, “Of course, master.” I grinned and shook my head. She smiled and continued to speak, “There are a couple of things to do in this city that may interest you. There is the mercenary guild branch, the council of guilds branch, slave market, starship dry dock, auction house, and even an arena.” I had limited my power to around the System Soldier rank to blend into the crowd more. Flarea was already drawing glances and looks due to her looks and Galactic Fighter power rank. I thought that it might be fun to fight in the arena using my System Soldier strength.
Even though I have all the power imaginable in the universes I only really know martial techniques. I trained a bit in marksmanship and swordsmanship back on earth, but I haven’t really mastered them. I don’t think I have mastered my martial techniques either, but Violetta swears otherwise. I smiled, “Let's go check out the Mercenary Guild first. I want to see if there are any missions available.”
She smiled and nodded, “Follow me then.” I smiled at her and then she led the way down the street. We walked into the Mercenary Guild a few minutes later. I walked into the building first and saw that it honestly looked like a tavern. There was a bar that had a multitude of liqueur bottles on a shelf behind it. There was a notice board next to the liqueur shelf with an electronic display showing multiple missions scrolling across the screen. There was even an option to watch the people on the mission.
I raised an eyebrow at that and figured I would ask the bartender when we got up to the bar. The rest of the bar was honestly nothing to write home about. It looked like a fantasy type tavern, but more futuristic. There were holograms showing different things at every table and there were even little computers built into the bar at every bar stool. We walked up to the bar and sat down at some of the stools. We took up about a quarter of the bar and we were drawing a lot of glances.
I noticed that most of them were directed at the girls and were perverted as hell. I didn’t say anything because they can look, but they can’t touch. Having girls that everyone looks at is an ego boost to a man, but if you touch then you risk death. The only ones I need really worry about protecting are Sarah and Saren. Sarah isn’t even a Planetary Soldier and Saren is a Planetary Fighter at most. I really need to see if I can figure out how to make them stronger. A guy was walking over to us and he looked really ripped. He was shirtless and was showing off his abs. I widened my eyes and nearly got up to walk away when I saw him walking this way.
He was swaying his hips like a woman and I knew exactly what was happening. I sighed and then smiled at him when he walked up. He slipped up while he was sauntering over here, and I thought I saw him adjust his groin, but I wasn’t really looking so I don’t know. He cleared his throat and then stopped in front of us. He leaned forward on the bar and said in a feminine voice, “What can I get you sugar?” I felt my skin crawl, but I just grinned at him, “Well do you have any whiskey?” He smiled, “Sure do hun.” He looked over at the girls, “What will you girls be having?”
They all told him their orders and he smiled before sauntering away again. There was an exaggerated sway to his hips and I couldn’t help but facepalm. Flarea giggled, “Looks like we may have another “sister” join the group pretty soon.” I groaned, “Hell to the no. I ain’t gay for one thing and I don’t want to even risk having a male join the group. You all could turn gay men straight.” They all smiled at that and then each kissed me on the cheek. I felt a few glares boring into my back, but I really didn’t care.
The bartender walked back over towards us with our drinks and sat them in front of us. He then proceeded to lean on the bar again, “I haven’t seen you around these parts sugar.” I downed the two shots of whiskey in the glass and put it down on the table. He effortlessly refilled it for me while I spoke, “We just arrived on this planet yesterday. Well, me and these two. The other two have been here a while and I just picked them up while I was here.”
He rested his head on his hands as he talked with me, “So what are your plans while you are here?” I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t really know. Probably see what missions are available and maybe fight in the arena some.” He nodded, “Would you like me to help you look up some missions doll?” I shrugged my shoulders, “Sure.” He winked at me, sending chills across my skin again, and grabbed a small tablet. He asked for my id card and I gave it to him. He inserted it into the tablet and a list popped up in a hologram in front of him. He frowned a little, “It seems you are only a Rank 9 mercenary so there won’t be too much available for you right now.”
I heard some snickers and even some open laughter from people around the bar, but I ignored them. I smiled at the bartender causing him to drop half of the tablet, “Just tell me what you think would be good for me to rank up with then.” I keep forgetting that Violetta said I had a killer smile. I laughed in my head and shook it. The bartender scrolled through the list and finally stopped at one, “Here is a good one for you sugar. It actually has to do with the arena.”
He slid the tablet over towards me and I read the hologram, I don’t know why he handed me the tablet because I could read the hologram while he had it but oh well. I looked at the mission details. It was someone that was looking for fighters of any and all strengths to represent their company in the arena. You got ten percent of the company’s winnings from gambling and if you could win the tournament being held tomorrow you would receive a hundred rank coins. Flarea told me earlier that rank coins are what mercenaries use to rank up and if I remember right a hundred of them would get me to Rank 5 easily.
For them to be giving out so many rank coins there must be quite a few strong fighters in the tournament. I was getting excited and I quickly hit the accept button on the tablet. I pulled my card out and gave the tablet back to the bartender, “Thanks for the help. We will be back when we complete the mission.” I downed my drink again while he spoke, “Aw leaving so soon?” I smiled at him, “Yeah, but we will be back after the tournament.” He winked at me, “I’ll hold you to that cupcake.” I felt shivers go down my spine and I probably couldn’t have walked out of the guild any faster without running. Once we were outside I smiled at Evony, “Lead the way dear.” She smiled back and quickly took off down the road with the rest of us in tow.
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Candii's Quest
Candii, a rocking gal in the world's greatest band, The Non-Traditional Key Gullz, has to jam her way through the magical Land of Rock and defeat evil wizard Morgana Malevolent in order to recover her pet unicorns' magic and restore her ranch. It won't be easy especially when the Band finds out that in the Land of Rock evil isn't so easily understood! Candii's Quest is a musical novel that instructs you to play music during certain parts of each chapter. Rock out to 24 famous songs spanning from the 70's until today that set the tone and excitement for each action sequence. Candii will be rolling in the deep as she travels the boulevard of broken dreams. It'll be a bittersweet symphony as she holds out for a hero only to learn that it is her all along. "Don't stop me now", she'll cry! Convenient playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnz2KoZ3Ix7Fo7_H_HozwABqk7u2EXhr_ CreditsPublished by: CHOU! BooksAuthor: Daniel ChouEditor: Marci ChouCover artist: Tina Frost Hello, everyone!This is the author, DrDan. I'm excited to bring you the first complete literary work I ever created, Candii's Quest. It's more than a novel, it's a rock ballad! I've written a lot since this book, which I completed in 2017, and I thought it was time to release it into the wild for free! If my adventure and style (which has changed A LOT) interest you, then visit my Ko-fi page (click the TIP button) to find out what else I'm working on and when it'll be shared here.Also, please rate, favorite, and comment! I'll be forever grateful, you wonderful person!Thanks!
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