《L.I.F.E. Begins (Book 1 - Complete)》L.I.F.E. Begins 054: Assault On Display


After my call to Cali, I finalized the details of the presentation skirmish I planned for Alyssa and her squad. Once that was done, I went back out to the lab and helped the technicians finish up adding all the confirmed IDs into the new AI.

“I don't want to fully activate the AI until right before the test.” I said. “Once everyone sees the true capabilities of this thing, we're pretty much going to be out of a job.”

Several of the technicians laughed.

“Yes, I'm joking.” I said. “No matter what happens, they will always need tech people.”

“Damn right.” One of them said.

“All right, let's get this thing loaded up into the transport.”

“Transport?” One of the tech people from a combat squad asked.

“You don't think this thing can transmit through miles of solid rock, do you?” I asked and laughed. “It has to be taken up to the same level as the battle.”

The lab workers exchanged looks.

“Um, sir?” One of them said, and I turned and looked at the woman. “We don't have a designated transport for it.”

“You're kidding... no, you're not.” I said and sighed, then called the colonel directly.

“I'm a little busy at the moment.” The colonel's voice said in my ear.

“I need a dedicated tech transport for the network AI.” I said. “Radioscopic and microwave dishes, radio transmitters, the full kit.”

“You don't want much, do you?” The colonel said, and I laughed.

“You're lucky we've got our own people here to run the equipment.” I said. “When can I expect delivery?”

“I've got someone parking it next to the loading dock right now.” The colonel said.

“Thank you.”

“If this works like I think it will, it's me who is going to thank you.”

“See you at the demonstration.” I said and ended the call. “Okay, people. Pack it up and let's go.”

“Sir.” One of the combat techs said. “How exactly are we going to...”

I walked over to the side of the lab and hit the partially concealed button. Half of the wall folded out of the way to reveal a large hallway. “We're taking it to the loading dock, of course.”

Two of the lab workers walked over to the large structure that housed the new AI and hit the release clamps. There were two quick bursts of air as the compressors kicked in, and the center of the base lifted up almost a foot from the floor. Two other lab workers slid the trolley underneath and activated the winches, which picked the structure up another 6 inches, which made the whole thing just over 8 feet tall and 6 feet wide.

“There's not going to be a lot of clearance.” One of them said and started to push it, and the trolley rolled along easily, despite the heavy weight that was on it. They pushed it towards the large bay door and into the hallway, and they just missed the top edge of the door. Once out into the hallway, there was nothing to impede them and the AI structure was brought to the loading dock fairly quickly.

“Oh, man. It's not going to fit inside that.” One of the lab workers said when they saw the tech transport.

I smiled and pointed to the 6 techs from the combat squads. “Make me a hole.”

“Sir, yes sir!” They said and swarmed over to the transport, then one of them hit the release for the rear hatch on the vehicle.


“Jensen! Reroute the mains!” A woman said. “Carson, you've got the secondaries.” She climbed up on top of the vehicle and pulled out a heavy laser cutter. “Ames! Patch the leads into the front dish.”

“You got it!” Ames said and jumped inside the vehicle with Jensen and Carson.

“Wilms and Stegson, get up here and help!”

“Yes, ma'am!” The last two combat techs said and climbed up onto the vehicle beside her. Both I and the lab workers watched as a very expensive electronics transport had a large part of the roof cut out and removed. Sparks flew for almost a full minute, and then there was a loud thunk as the armor plate fell to the floor of the vehicle.

“What are you waiting for?” The woman asked the lab workers. “Get that monstrosity in here now!”

“Yes, ma'am!” The lab workers said and two of them picked up the armor plate and pulled it out of the way, and two more eased the AI structure up the ramp the door had made and slid it into the back. It fit perfectly into the spot she had cut open for it, and she nodded at the snug fit.

“Get that plate up here now.” She said. “Wilms, grab the braces and the brackets. Stegson, you get the spare armor plates.”

I stood there and watched them work as they put the heavy armor plate on top of brackets and braces they installed and then filled in around the open space with angled plates to deflect direct shots. Everything was done ten minutes later, and they all gathered in front of the vehicle.

“Nice work.” I said to the woman. “Name?”

“McGraff, sir.”

“I'm putting you in for a commendation.” I said.

“For this?” McGraff asked and motioned to the vehicle. “I should have called in a design team; but, I knew you wanted it quick and it didn't matter to you if it looked pretty.” She said. “Given enough time, I probably could have done it all by myself.”

“I know, and that's why.” I said and smiled as my AI Amanda filled in the form with the proper information. I reached up and touched the document on my HUD with my thumb, and Amanda crumpled it up and threw it out of my field of view.

McGraff looked at my thumb and raised her eyebrows at me. “Sir?”

“I just authorized the paperwork.” I said and put my hands behind my back. “You're released from temporary duty to the lab and can head back to your squads.”

“Sir.” The 6 combat techs said and walked away. I watched them go, and just before they walked around the edge of the building and out of sight, McGraff turned and looked back at me. Her eyes were wide as she saw that I was looking right back at her.

“Anything else, lieutenant?” I asked. She shook her head and disappeared from sight.

“What was that about, I wonder?” My AI Amanda asked as she leaned against the vehicle.

I smiled and waved to the lab workers. “You know your stations. Climb aboard. We're heading to the test site.”

I walked around the vehicle to the passenger seat and climbed in, and greeted the driver. I gave him the coordinates and he drove us there. It didn't take long, since it was a spot on the military base, and we arrived to see several hundred higher level officers and commanders in attendance. There were wrecked buildings, craters, and various other things in the testing area, which was going to be perfect for this scenario.


I hopped out of the vehicle and smiled. “You didn't have to show up in person.” I said to the gathered brass. “We are transmitting this as well.”

“Just get on with it.” Someone in the crowd said.

I walked over to the other transport that was already there and banged on the side of it. The rear opened up and Alyssa and her squad came out in full tactical gear. They looked like they could take on the world, and if I had to take a guess, they probably felt like they could. They walked over to me and formed a line.

“Here's the deal.” I said and turned on the display. “An unknown number of hostiles have captured a prominent political figure.”

Crush groaned. “I hate rescue missions.”

There was a quick bang of metal on metal and he grunted.

“Quiet.” Evilin whispered.

“We don't know where they are, what kind of firepower they have, or if the hostage is even alive.” I continued. “Get in there and neutralize the enemy and ensure the safety of the hostage.”

“What if they're dead?” Crush asked.

“Save them anyway.” I said sternly. “We leave no one behind. Do you understand?”

“Sir! Yes, sir.” All five members of Alyssa's squad said as one.

“All offensive weaponry has been set to five percent.” I said and smiled as Crush groaned again. “Move out!”

Alyssa and her squad started to run towards the designated encounter, and I walked back over to the tech transport and banged on the side.

“Start it up.” I said, and the lab workers inside initiated the AI protocol. “Everyone, I would like you to meet Hermes.”

Only a few moments passed after startup, and then I and everyone in the vicinity had their internal communications pinged. I accepted right away and a new display appeared on my HUD. It was like an old fashioned chat room with all the participants listed on the side, and the main window was for viewing.

I had Hermes split the view into five sections so that we could see what each member of the squad was doing, then I focused on the one I wanted.

“Alyssa, can you hear me?” I asked.

“Like you are right behind me.” Alyssa said. “What about you, Crush?”

“Do I have to listen to him while I'm working?”

I laughed. “No, I'm just making sure we are all linked in.” I said. “Okay, are you ready?”

“For what?” Crush asked.

“Hermes, initiate the Network.” I said, and then every single camera, communication pad, microphone, and piece of technology with any kind of communication protocol, activated all at once and dropped all that information into a shared data stream. That included the ear and eye modifications of any friendly cyborg that was on or near the Network.

“Good lord.” Alyssa said as her entire view changed from being just reality to being covered in all the virtual things the information was giving her. She turned her head and looked behind her, and saw her squad. Their names and call signs appeared next to them, and everything they had past or had previously seen in the same area... buildings, interiors, vehicles, debris, all of it... appeared on her HUD as a three dimensional wireframe if it wasn't in direct view.

“This is so freaky.” Evilin said.

“We're just getting started.” I said. “Ranger! Go for deployment!”

“You got it, Handy.” Cali said and opened her eyes to add her information to the flow. She was so far out ahead of Alyssa's squad that all of the things she had seen appeared on their HUD as well. “Get ready to have your minds blown.” She said and opened her micro-drone compartment. “Go, my pretties! Light up the darkness for us!”

Alyssa and her squad stood there in shock as the information from hundreds of micro-drones was added to the data stream. The whole point of having a scout with the drones was so they could quickly map out an area, find potential hazards, and inform other members of their squad of the danger and relay that to other squads. With the Network in place, they all received the information immediately instead.

“Well, don't just stand there.” I teased. “Get to work, Sergeant!”

“Sir!” Alyssa said and used hand signals to command her squad. With all the information they were getting, it took them no time at all to find the hostiles, confirm that the hostage was still alive, and take up positions to storm the area.

“Is this part really necessary?” The same voice said that had spoken before. “We know it works. We need to train our people with this before deployment tomorrow morning.”

I switched to a channel for local only, so Alyssa and her squad wouldn't hear me talking. “Just watch.” I said, without answering his question, then switched back to the full channel.

Alyssa gave the command and the 5 of them jumped out of hiding and started shooting. Because of the micro-drones, they knew exactly where all of the hostiles were and lit up their combat harnesses with the five percent laser blasts. All the hostiles dropped to the ground in defeat, and Alyssa walked over to the hostage.

“It's all right, now.” Alyssa said. “We-” She instantly raised her weapon and shot the hostage, who fell to the ground in defeat.

“She killed the hostage!” That same voice said. “This exercise is a travesty!”

“Shut up you fool.” Someone else said.

“Do you know who I am?” The voice said. “I'll have you know that...urk!”

I turned to see one man with his hand on another man's throat.

“Now I'm wondering what else you think is a travesty.” The other man said and nodded to two of the military police at the edge of the group. “Have the new circuit board removed from him and take him to the HQ for questioning.”

No one said anything as the man was dragged away, spitting and shouting.

I turned my head back to face forward, even though I didn't have to, and watched Alyssa's squad as it cleared up the hostiles.

“Why did she shoot the hostage?” Someone asked.

“You needed to watch all of the screens to see it.” I said. “Hermes, local playback in a separate window, please.”

Hermes complied and a window opened to show Evilin's viewpoint. The hostage looked like it was tied up, but when Alyssa approached, the hands pulled out of the ropes easily and Evilin saw the man had a laser pistol. Alyssa had reacted immediately and shot him.

“Ranger? Can you do another sweep?” I asked.

“Anything for you, Handy.” Cali said, and then more information flooded into the feed as she scouted and released more micro-drones. The real hostage and a lone guard were discovered not far away, hidden inside a small shack. Alyssa and her squad quickly swarmed and overwhelmed the lone guard, which ended the scenario.

“Excellent work, all of you.” I said. “Come on home.”

It took longer for them to come back while Cali recalled and retrieved as many micro-drones as she could. There were always some losses during mass deployments like that; but, most of them were recovered and would be recharged and repaired if needed. Alyssa and her squad made it back to the start with Cali close behind.

“Hermes, thank you.” I said.

“You're welcome, Handy.” Hermes said over the open channel, and Cali snorted a laugh and covered her mouth.

“Thanks a lot, Cali.” I said.

“S-sorry, I didn't mean...” Cali started to apologize, then she started laughing.

“I never thought you would take a call sign, Jack.” The colonel said as he appeared by my side.

“Not voluntarily.” I said and glared at Cali, who wouldn't look at me as she laughed.

“Why Handy, though?” The colonel asked. “I suppose you are good with your hands...”

Alyssa burst out laughing, too.

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